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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The translation will take a while, probably. A couple month after the release at least. But who knows! Enough time that you'll probably want to finish the game in japanese, anyway.

The translation will definitely be a while, although how long depends on just how big the game is, and exactly what my schedule is later this year. Also of note is that in this games case, applying the demo translation to the full game will cause a lot of bugs.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I am in no hurry because Monster Girl Quest delays sucked the life out of me. :(
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The translation will definitely be a while, although how long depends on just how big the game is, and exactly what my schedule is later this year. Also of note is that in this games case, applying the demo translation to the full game will cause a lot of bugs.

Not too big in a hurry, so far the game has been simple to figure out without translations (only that jump part was a bit confusing).

I do look forward to the english translations though, as playing the game fullscreen is a lot more enjoyable then a window with a translator running on the side. (Thank you for the resolution choices!)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The translation will definitely be a while, although how long depends on just how big the game is, and exactly what my schedule is later this year. Also of note is that in this games case, applying the demo translation to the full game will cause a lot of bugs.

Yeah, I figured it was going to take a while, and so translating the demo just isn't worth the time since it's enough to get even me (who loves reading things and the dialogue in a lot of cases can actually be a bigger turn-on than the rest of the stuff) interested.

As for anyone complaining about the halberd being shit at close range, you should feel lucky you're able to attack adjacent enemies at all with it. In D&D (which this game is supposedly influenced by?) you can't attack anyone right next to you with a halberd. I was pleasantly surprised that you could.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Yeah, I figured it was going to take a while, and so translating the demo just isn't worth the time since it's enough to get even me (who loves reading things and the dialogue in a lot of cases can actually be a bigger turn-on than the rest of the stuff) interested.

Translating the demo is worthwhile. I only said that applying the demo patch to the full game will cause bugs, but that's only because some things won't be translated. A demo patch is still a good starting point for the full translation.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Are you planning on releasing an English patch for the demo, then?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Yes, I am working on a demo patch. I already said that I am working on a translation, and given that the full game hasn't been made yet, what do you think I'm translating?

(I also remember specifically saying I was working on the demo somewhere else as well... probably in the RPGMaker thread...)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Yes, I am working on a demo patch. I already said that I am working on a translation, and given that the full game hasn't been made yet, what do you think I'm translating?

(I also remember specifically saying I was working on the demo somewhere else as well... probably in the RPGMaker thread...)

You know.... that makes a whole lot of sense. :eek:

In response: :D:D:D
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Awesome! Looking foward to see it!

On a completely different note, I have two gameplay points that I'm wondering about:

1) Bows. I know that Miene is not designed to be a great archer (although the bow feat partially fix the accuracy problem), but I feel that there's two major problems with the weapon itself, especially since both problems are combined together.

- Range. The bow doesn't actually have any range advantage over the spear unless the enemy is coming direct line toward you. At any other angle, you have the exact same reach. This means that you can shoot an enemy twice at best (usually only once) before it is in melee range, where you have to either switch weapon or use the bow weak melee attack for the rest of the fight. It's not terribly useful to take out mages from a distance either: During the bridge fight for example, the mage at the bottom of the screen massively outrange your bow.

- 1 turn delay before shooting. Since it takes 1 turn for the arrow to shoot, you have to actually aim at the square the enemy will be in next turn, rather than where it is now. Since enemies don't necessarily move in a straight line, picking the right square is sometime a bit of a gamble. If you combine this with the poor range, it means that you'll very rarely be able to hit something more than once. If you do hit the right square, there's a good chance you'll miss. If you didn't miss, the damage isn't terribly impressive. Even in large-scale battles (like the boat fight) since enemies move everywhere, it's easy to miss. And if you want to use the "stand in a doorway and shoot distant enemies back" strategy, the spear does the job much better since you can actually aim at people's back instead of aiming at a square and hope someone will end up in that square with his back turned (plus the spear hits harder).

If the bow had an actual long range but still had the delay, I feel it'd be a fine tradeoff and the weapon would have a use occasionally. If the bow keeps the current range, then I feel the 1-turn delay should go away so that it's not as heavily crippled.

2) Starting Dex. Miene's more of a mage/spellcasting cleric than a warrior and that's fine. The problem is, mages have very limited spell pools early on (and your one damage spell miss often) so you have to rely on your weapon quite a bit early on.

Generally-speaking, it can be frustrating for a player to have long string of misses. Players don't have access to nifty spells at the start, so all you can do is keep attacking and hope that next time doesn't miss.

The problem is, Miene has only 8 Dex. Her armor has -2, so it brings her to down 6 Dex. Common low level enemies are things like thieves who normally have good Dex stats, which make Miene miss even more.

While the game difficulty might be balanced with that in mind, I wonder if it might not discourage people that just try the demo and rage-quit early on over the large amount of misses. It's not a huge problem for very long (You receive gear and stat points to customize things, more spells, ect), but it might not make for the best of first impressions for those who try the demo.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Awesome! Looking foward to see it!

On a completely different note, I have two gameplay points that I'm wondering about:

1) Bows. I know that Miene is not designed to be a great archer (although the bow feat partially fix the accuracy problem), but I feel that there's two major problems with the weapon itself, especially since both problems are combined together.

- Range. The bow doesn't actually have any range advantage over the spear unless the enemy is coming direct line toward you. At any other angle, you have the exact same reach. This means that you can shoot an enemy twice at best (usually only once) before it is in melee range, where you have to either switch weapon or use the bow weak melee attack for the rest of the fight. It's not terribly useful to take out mages from a distance either: During the bridge fight for example, the mage at the bottom of the screen massively outrange your bow.

- 1 turn delay before shooting. Since it takes 1 turn for the arrow to shoot, you have to actually aim at the square the enemy will be in next turn, rather than where it is now. Since enemies don't necessarily move in a straight line, picking the right square is sometime a bit of a gamble. If you combine this with the poor range, it means that you'll very rarely be able to hit something more than once. If you do hit the right square, there's a good chance you'll miss. If you didn't miss, the damage isn't terribly impressive. Even in large-scale battles (like the boat fight) since enemies move everywhere, it's easy to miss. And if you want to use the "stand in a doorway and shoot distant enemies back" strategy, the spear does the job much better since you can actually aim at people's back instead of aiming at a square and hope someone will end up in that square with his back turned (plus the spear hits harder).

If the bow had an actual long range but still had the delay, I feel it'd be a fine tradeoff and the weapon would have a use occasionally. If the bow keeps the current range, then I feel the 1-turn delay should go away so that it's not as heavily crippled.

2) Starting Dex. Miene's more of a mage/spellcasting cleric than a warrior and that's fine. The problem is, mages have very limited spell pools early on (and your one damage spell miss often) so you have to rely on your weapon quite a bit early on.

Generally-speaking, it can be frustrating for a player to have long string of misses. Players don't have access to nifty spells at the start, so all you can do is keep attacking and hope that next time doesn't miss.

The problem is, Miene has only 8 Dex. Her armor has -2, so it brings her to down 6 Dex. Common low level enemies are things like thieves who normally have good Dex stats, which make Miene miss even more.

While the game difficulty might be balanced with that in mind, I wonder if it might not discourage people that just try the demo and rage-quit early on over the large amount of misses. It's not a huge problem for very long (You receive gear and stat points to customize things, more spells, ect), but it might not make for the best of first impressions for those who try the demo.
Thank you for your honest opinion.
1.Bow) Shortbow is only you can use range weapon in demo.
I'll add Longbow at next demo. it's have 5 range.
Delay for shoot can decrease RapidShot Feat. it'll be add next demo too.
And, if range weapon haven't delay. You may be riddled by enemy archer.
However, I may change the range of some range weapon.

2.Miene's Dex & LV1 Spells) In starting game, Miene is too weak. yes i recognize it.
In this game, Dex is more important than DnD.
Because unit wait time until the next turn is affected by DEX.
but, if Miene have good Dex, her stats will be good as cheat.
I think her finghting style is may be Tank Mage.
However, you can change her style any styles you like.
stats bornus is get by every 2 levels.

And spells, I can add certain hit direct damage spell but her spell charge is only 3 at LV1.
I thought 1d4 to single target spell is not necessary.
I can add it, but...you use it?
She get useful spell at LV3 and her level reach 3 at end of demo.
I think it is enough to start game.

I add a free battle by the next demo and testing about the game balance.
oh, and some skill, item name and config scene will be able to display English.
It can set by config menu.

P.S. cannot load current save data in the next demo. sorry.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I think Miene's low DEX is a good reason why she left on this trip with Lynn at her side - she's not a very good adventurer, when she can't hit things after all!

Now, how well Miene will fare after the boat with... the girl I don't know the name of yet, is another story. The other girl looks like a thief, so I imagine she probably has no problems hitting people still.

Also you can just unequip Miene's heavy armor and get her up to 8DEX, which helps a bit.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

i feel good because at last i donated for this good game. Nice work!
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm reasonably happy with Miene's stat in the game.

The difficulty in the demo is fine.

Also keep in mind the Miene isn't expected to solo or do well in any of the beginning parts which is mostly about setting the story and a bit of a tutorial, with lynn carrying her through. Against monsters in her level range she hits consistently enough (draconians), where thief is slightly higher tier monster then when miene starts and with great dodge being one of their traits.

By the time Miene's adventure really starts she's already at L3 where she gets a lot stronger with 2nd tier abilities unlocked, and also a couple stat point to spend.

I see that knock down resistance (would be CRITICAL I'd say) and some other important looking resistance has some dex requirement, so you'd probably want to pump stat into dex throughout the "tutorial" anyway.

I presume Miene will have party members to balance things out also.

Oh, you can also buy black leotards in the first town which gives you +2 dex.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

A 5 range bow is definitively an improvement! I could see it being useful in some circumstances, especially with that delay-reducing feat. With longer range, the bow actually has a reason to exist, so that sound good to me!

Regarding adding a new 1d4 damage level 1 spell, nah, it's not necessary at all. It probably wouldn't see much use, like you mentionned.

What I meant was due to having low capacity (3 spell usage at the start, and your damage spell can miss on top of that), you are forced to attack with your weapon the majority of the time and constant misses could make players trying a demo of the game just say "Screw this, I'm not buying this game"

Personally, I'm fine with the current difficulty in v1.11 and everything: I did beat the optional thieves den (not the boss in the NE room though), and I did manage to escape once after being captured (which was great fun). Lyn is certainly able to clean up the actual prologue by herself easily (so it's not difficult at all), but I was only worried about future demo players quitting in frustration of chain misses before getting options to change that.

However, based on the comments here, it's pretty possible that I am worried for nothing. Let's hope that's the case! :)

No problems from me about not being able to carry save data: I've already cleared the prologue 3 times in version 1.11 (testing weapons and strategies) so I don't mind doing that again next demo.

You can be sure I'll be playing with the Free Battle a whole lot so you can expect some feedback from me at least. I'm looking foward to it very much! Thanks for the skill and item name translations too, by the way!

Krisslanza: I'll admit that Miene doesn't exactly feel like an expert adventurer right now :) Unequipping her armor reduce her AC by a whole lot though, so I'm not sure it's a good idea overall.

Hentie: Yeah, it's true that thieves probably aren't the best thing to compare hitting ratios with. And it is true that we don't know what the game past the prologue will be like... But yes, putting a few points of Dex increase at level ups does sound like a good idea even if you aim for a "mage" Miene.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

the bow actually has a reason to exist
Some kind of nasty enemy cant move. but they used tentacles to drag the female into close range and...
If I'll improve a Bow to useful. Player can equip a main weapon with a bow and able to change it with one button, but it is bit difficult.

What I meant was due to having low capacity (3 spell usage at the start, and your damage spell can miss on top of that), you are forced to attack with your weapon the majority of the time and constant misses could make players trying a demo of the game just say "Screw this, I'm not buying this game"

Yeah, I got such a comment from a Japanese.
then I say "Use Auto battle and Press A. good luck!".
This game is based by TRPG like 1d20 System.many time call miss attack might be inevitable.
If there are many Booing people, I should decrease the evasion of the enemy of the tutorial.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This game is based by TRPG like 1d20 System.many time call miss attack might be inevitable.
If there are many Booing people, I should decrease the evasion of the enemy of the tutorial.

As someone that plays DnD quite a bit, lowering the evasion and hit rate of enemies at the very beginning is probably a good idea. Most DMs have to alter rolls in favor of low level players so they don't kill them at level one because characters start out so weak.

One crit by a rat or a commoner can do more than half a players health in some cases.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

As someone that plays DnD quite a bit, lowering the evasion and hit rate of enemies at the very beginning is probably a good idea. Most DMs have to alter rolls in favor of low level players so they don't kill them at level one because characters start out so weak.

One crit by a rat or a commoner can do more than half a players health in some cases.

I'm now remembering Baldur's Gate, when everything kicks your butt... a level 1 adventurer is suffering! Level 3... well, still can be pretty rough.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Baldur's Gate


Then a kobold oneshot me with a fire arrow.

In Baldur's Gate, even kobolds don't fuck around.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I add a free battle by the next demo and testing about the game balance.
oh, and some skill, item name and config scene will be able to display English.
It can set by config menu.

P.S. cannot load current save data in the next demo. sorry.

Free battle, will this include... sex scene if losing!? :p

Randomly, are spells supposed to be able to miss, I recall my spell missing before... :eek:
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Randomly, are spells supposed to be able to miss, I recall my spell missing before... :eek:

As per D&D, some spells do involve to-hit checks, and hence some spells will miss - although mostly those which involve a physical component.

So for example, Thunder Punch (Lv1 damage dealing spell), because it's... well, a thunder-charged punch, requires a successful melee attack (possibly with a bonus?). On the other hand, Discharge (Lv2 damage to area surrounding you) spell will never miss. I think it's the same with Wind Cutter (Lv2 damage to target area spell) - but not sure.