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Sexy Magical Space Mamono


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Edit-> I accidentally posted this here instead of the campaign notes area. So sorry. This isn't a complete thread, just my random idle thoughts set loose on the forum.

An idea that I just can't seem to get rid of is the thought of Monster Girls in space. They fly around in space ships and do the Star Trek kinda stuff of exploring other planets. Of course, most every civilization they meet is a lost colony of either Mamono or Humans, and there are other space ships out there from those colonies. Borrowing from Raptor Jesus's interpretation of Monster Girl Island, there would be an all human faction that actively hates Mamono, likely led by a governing body called Magi (derp!)

I was thinking of running a CYOA and came up with a number ideas for choices to be made. Unfortunately, some of them are incompatible with each other.

I'd start off with having the voters pick the main character's faction, then pick the main character and their ship. These three factors would determine what kind of missions and adventures the captain and her crew would be sent on.

Choose Faction: Each faction is defined by it's relationship between humans and monster, who is in charge, it's relationship with other factions, and the races that show up in it.
A Confederation of United Mamono Empires
This faction is ruled entirely by Mamono kind, though humans are treated as an essential component to this society. Still, life is hard for human men, who are treated as combination of breeder, prostitute and entertainer at best. Human women have a better time, but often get harassed by those in power to either dedicate themselves to breeding, or get sponsored to transform into a Mamono. All ship captains are Mamono.

Confederation captains are tasked with defending the border worlds and trade routes from the Republic, Dark Covenant and Pirates; raiding human colonies for slaves; or negotiating with independent colonies of Mamono.

Choose a captain:
A Captain Nazarene Oigme Amethyst - Captain Zarene
Race: Amazon
Personality: Domineering, Arrogant, Strong Willed, Sadistic, Lustful
Captain Zarene is a proud demonstration of what every Amazon girl aspires to be. She is a very experienced fighter, pilot, leader, tactician. She is a strong brawler and a quick draw with a pistol, capable of filling any roll in case her crew members are incapacitated, and isn't afraid to enter a battle to defend her own ship. Her weakness is her aggression, as she is quick to anger and quicker to attack.

Her crew will be primarily composed of the hard disciplined Amazons, who are versatile warriors and competent technicians.
B Captain-Queen Buzzula Belladona the Twenty-Ninth - Queen Zu
Race: Queen Honey Bee
Personality: Regal, Strong-willed
Queen Zu is a typical Queen Honey Bee. Slightly spoiled by having unearned leadership, her mother has trained her well be a competent leader and strategist. Queen Zu is polite and elegant, making her a choice diplomat and negotiator.

Queen Zu isn't a warrior at all, but her hive's warriors and drones are unerringly loyal and her family's wealth has allows her to hire talented technicians and scientists to make up whatever skills her hive lacks.
C Captain Lola Blackwells of House Talacharn - Captain Talacharn
Race: Dragon
Personality: Proud, Militant, Strong Willed, Intimidating
Lola was born a human girl to a slave woman of the Blackwells Breeding and Human Integration Facility. Raised in part by the state and her mother, Lola vowed to make something of herself and spent all her childhood and adolescence studying and training to become someone of value. She was repeatedly bared from entering the military for being human, until she was adopted by the Talacharn family of dragons and transformed into a Dragon herself. The Talacharns refuse to explain what she did to join the family, but often praise Lola for bringing honour, prestige, glory and quite a bit of wealth to the house with her military career.

Captain Talacharn has earned a reputation for being an ever calm tactician, strategist and diplomat. She is also renown for her battle skills, know for using her draconic heritage to outmaneuver enemies and use brutally efficient close-combat skills to end fights quickly.

Ship Type: Raider Class, Guardian Class, Escort Class and Ambassador Class.

All factions have choose-able captains in a similar format. The rest of the crew would be generated via expositions of the captain's various officers. A captain would initiate a conversation with, say, the security officer, and then forum members would vote on who the captain hired based on profiles I provide. The different choices in officers will affect the final crew composition and the effectiveness of the ship's actions.

But the most unique option is the Slime Girl ship of the Coalition, which I'll get to in a moment.

B Coalition of Independent Matriachies
A collection of colonies that remain mostly independent from each other, the Coalition is a power body created for mutual protection and the facilitation of commerce. Joining the coalition requires being pro-human enough that men can hold significant government positions, up to and including the primary leader.

Coalition ships often have very varied crews, and usually tasked with protecting border worlds and trade routes from the Confederation, the Republic, the Dark Convanent and Pirates. They also are often sent to convince other indendent colonies to join the Coalition.

Example Captain: Meliseme, the Slime Queen
Race: Slime
Personality: Laid-back, Intelligent, Friendly, Lustful
An ancient Slime Queen, Meliseme has begone a career as a unique star ship captain for the coalition. Unlike other captains, Meliseme's space ship is a Space Slime, a type of true monster created by advanced nano-technology and powerful magics. It is unique in that unlike other ship types, the Space Slime can change its facilities and equipment, transforming into all sorts of different configurations with enough down time. It is overall weaker and frailer than other battle ships of the same mass, but can adapt to a specific foe to compensate.

The crew is mostly composed of slimes, but of many different kinds. Combined with their ability to connect with the Space Slime that is their ship, and the Space Slime's own security systems, Meliseme and her crew are constantly aware of what goes on throughout her vessel, making an infiltrator's jobs so very hard.

Slimes form a more cohesive crew than other Mamonos, being able to merge and share information at an astounding rate. Instead of Officers, forum members will vote on what the population of the Slime Ship will be. The more voters, the bigger the ship's crew count, and the bigger and more powerful the ship. The different crew populations are:
  • 41 Blue Slimes: Not particularly skilled or intelligent, Blue Slimes are the most numerous and have infectious happy moods that permeate the Space Slime and the rest of crew.
  • 37 Red Slimes: More intelligent than Blue Slimes, Reds make better technicians than Blues while coming in similar numbers, as well as decent fighter pilots and warriors.
  • 23 Green Slimes: More commonly known as Bubble Slimes, Greens are as intelligent as Blues, but are plagued by the constant distraction of their bubbles and their voracious appetite. That said, they are a nightmare to fight, easily incapacitating enemies with their lust inducing bubbles and stickier bodies, making them a prime choice for boarding parties. Darks also like to have Greens help them with alchemy.
  • 17 Sea Slimes: Inteligent and playful, Sea Slimes crew mates have a nurtured curiosity that makes them excellent technicians and scientists, but their love of games and their natural environment has also made them skilled pilots and navigators.
  • 13 Dark Slimes: Filled with demonic energy, Darks are the most intelligent of the slime breeds and the most violent. They are talented mages, excellent scientists and technicians, and make dangerous warriors in a pinch. They also heavily influence the rest of the slimes on the ship to be more aggressive, which may not exactly be a bad thing, but can give Meliseme more viscous ideas than she would normally have on her own.
  • 7 White Slimes: Also known as Angel Slimes, Whites have gone out of their way to purify themselves with celestial energy and have become a type of Angel themselves, though still Slimes. They seek to bring peace to the universe, and are entirely passive. They are talented mages, and excellent technicians and scientists, but refuse to bring harm to anyone, making them a poor choice for any combat. They also have a soothing aura that permeates the ship, which can negate the villainous nature of Dark Slimes.
  • 5 Silver Slimes: Also known as Metal Slimes, Silvers were created by magic and nano-technology. They are intelligent and versatile, able to fill any role, but their greatest asset is their ability to disguise themselves as other people; they are generally the best infiltrators in the known universe. While they can emulate the full range of emotions as part of infiltration, they are inherently emotional sink holes, and too many of them can make the ship and slime crew mates melancholic.
  • 34 Humans: Not slimes, but over all better than Red Slimes at every thing but close-combat. 17 Human men and 17 Human women have joined the crew, working as technicians, scientists, entertainers and source of sexy fun tiems.

Ship Type: Guardian Class, Escort Class, Ambassador Class and Intrepid Class.

C Blessed Republic of Humanity
This faction is completely anti-mamono. The political leaders are all human men, and the military leaders are mostly human men, rarely women, and very rarely a non-mamono angel. They are aggressively at war with the Dark Covanent, merely officially at war with the Confederation, and merely content to drive off Coalition ships. You can't be at war with Pirates as they are essentially not a faction, so the Republic is at war with the concept of Piracy itself.

There would be three male captains: one zealous patriot, one righteous hero, one jaded champion;
Two angel-girl captains: one incompetent bimbo sent on a fool's errand, and one actual celestial champion;
Three human female captains: one melancholic genius milf, one militant tomboy lieutenant, and a talented leader that milks the dangerous dominatrix image but is actually a deep cover operative from the Dark Covenant.

Ship Type: Raider Class, Guardian Class, Escort Class and Intrepid Class.
D Infernal Starsystems of the Dark Covenant
The sexy evil faction, the Starsystems ruled by the Dark Covenant are each a depressing distopia for men, and false utopias for the more aggressive and dominant types of Mamono. The Dark Covenant promises to conquer all worlds and bring them into the sinful joy that is the enslavement of humanity. In reality, it is a militant pyramid scheme where the rulers have harems of men at their disposal, while most citizens are granted the left overs that are broken men and aged incubus. Ship captains do all right as far as being sexually satisfied, but are driven to acquire the decadence that their superiors enjoy.

Ship captains are tasked with raiding human colonies, including republic worlds and occasionally Coalition worlds, as well as acting as ambassadors with the Confederation to try and get a world to join them. Traders and Merchants are left to their own devices, and the occasional merchant uprising may have to be put down.

I was gonna write out two different succubus captains, a witch captain, a fallen angel captain, a minotauress captain, a team of Konoichi infiltrators, and an Imp infiltrator looking to cause mischief.

Ship Type: Raider Class, Guardian Class, Ambassador Class and Intrepid Class.

E Rogue Pirate
Pirates are a constant issue across the stars. A pirate ship can show up anywhere without warning, and are a constant hazard to space travel everywhere. While taking a ship and running off into the dark reaches of space to prey off unsuspecting merchants or colonists may seem like a bad idea considering how powerful the major factions are, there's a lot of yet unexplored places to hide in among the stars. The biggest draw is the freedom. A Pirate Captain has a loyal crew to keep happy, but they answer to no one. They do what they want, go where they what, take what they want, and none tells them to do it!

The Pirate Captains:
  • A red dragon lady that doesn't like having a lover more than once, and has a love for red gems.
  • A ship of Goblins led by an unusually tall and intelligent Hobgoblin.
  • A Dark Slime Queen that seeks to transform human women into more of her.
  • A smooth talking incubus married to a Bicorn.
  • A Fallen Angel seeking redemption.
  • A Yuki-ona on the run from a Konoichi Captain of the Dark Convenant for kidnapping her assassination target.
  • A team of scientists led by a Blue-oni seeking forbidden knowledge in The Forbidden Zone!
  • An Ushi-oni that has taken to the stars to find her next mate.
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Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

Also, B

Edits: Green slimies sound good, C
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Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono


And since the more voters we have for it, the more slimes we can add?

I want teh 7 Angel Slimes added then. :3 or F
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Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

B-D.Sea slimes cuz dat playfulness~ :3 or

E. The run away Yuki-Ohna
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Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

E. The Dragon Captain.
Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

B, H
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Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

A team of ninjas? In space?
Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

A, B (Honey Bee Queen)

Or B (Slime Queen)
Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

Stupid suggestion if this gets started and the votes still stay with the Slime Ship. Have the Blue Slimes constantly mess up Meliseme's name. Wrong pronunciation, odd pet names, maybe even frustrated stuttering from those that try to get it right.
Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

Well looks like the Slime Ship is pretty popular. All right, I'll run the CYOA. Still, I want to expand on the other factions and potential Captains, so I'm gonna ask Nunu to move this thread into the campaign notes where I intended this to go, and start a new thread with the Slime Ship getting ready to leave port.

Those of you who have voted for something other than a Slime Ship, please make a choice for slime ship crew composition.
Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

I vote for red slimes. Strength in numbers.
Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

I'll be using this thread to keep track of the Slime Ship's status from now on:

What Colour is Meliseme?
8 Silver, the colour of industry.

What type of Slime is Meliseme based on?
Bubble Slime - Bonus to Green Slime reproduction, Tech and Fight.

Silversheen: Space Slime Starship

Total Mass Level: 186
Current Starship Mass: 118
Current Carried Mass: 68

Special abilities:
Morph - May remove any number of systems or facilities and to create an equal number of any other kind of system or facility. A facilty can be removed to repair hull integrity, and likewise hull integrity can be purposely damaged to provide extra mass for other facilities. It takes time to pull this off, and can't be done during the course of most battles. 1 system/facility = 1 mass. (Yes, this means that damage to the hull, systems and facilities reduces the ship's mass.)
Spare Mass: 10
Current Configuration: Hybrid Stealth-Carrier/Blockade-Runner

Hybrid Perpetual-Ressonance-Fussion / Zero-Point-Energy Power Generator
- Rated for Mass Level 200 Starship, provides adequate power for all system without need to prioritise.
- ZPE power generation requires no fuel and produces no emmissions, as the energy is leaked from an artificial pocket universe. ZPE is virtually undetectable from the normal universe.
- Perpetual-Ressonance-Fussion requires only an initial source of energy, but a constant supply of Hydrogen to be atomically transformed into other types of matter, producing both power and mass for the ship. However, it produces a lot of heat and energy, require the Silversheen to reconfigure some mass for heat dissapation to be used.
Typically, cities use PRF to tranform Hydrogen into Iron, as this produces the most energy for the amount of energy spent on the fusion. The Silversheen has another use for the technology. It can trasform the hydrogen into any form of matter, allowing it to use the atmosphere of gas giants as a source of useable mass. The only cost is that very few isotopes produce a net gain of energy when created by nuclear fusion, iron being the best, so producing large amounts of usable mass can require large reserves of hydrogen and diverting power from the rest of the ship.

Dark Matter Treads (Unexposed Zero-emission Sub-light Drive)
Somehow a Space Slime can move through space without detectable thrust or emission, only using energy to produce a telekenetic effect on the dark matter cloud of the local galaxy to generate velocity. The power of a Space Slime's thrust is a function of it's mass, where smaller space slimes are slower than larger space slimes, though individual difference vary. Silversheen's speed is rated as being equal to a Class 3 Thrust for Mass Level 200, its typical total mass from it's training time. If Silversheen were to dump most of it's cargo and drop below Mass Level 134 it could travel at trust 4. On the other hand, while every mass cargo increase of 75 over 200 would decrease its effective thrust by 1 Class; Thrust 2 at Mass Level 275, then Thrust 1 at Mass level 350. At Mass Level 425 or greater, Silversheen would only be able to have enough sub-light thrust for small course corrections, and would have to be towed. Note that Silversheen's FTL-Drive is only rate for a Mass Level of 200, and runs the risk of mishaps if it attemps FTL travel at higher mass levels.

Shield Integrity:
[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]

Armour Integrity:

Hull Integrity:
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - Exposed Systems (Weapons)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - Exposed Systems (Shields and Sensors)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - Exposed Systems (Ship Bays)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - Internal Systems (Cargo Bays)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - Internal Systems (Power and Engines)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - Internal Systems (Support Facilities)

Exposed Systems:
Advanced Sensors(2)
[A :: A]
Advanced Area ECM(12):
[A :: A :: A :: A :: A :: A]
[A :: A :: A :: A :: A :: A]

Repulsion Shield Generators:
[A :: A :: A]
[A :: A :: A]
[A :: A :: A]

Fighter Bay(4x4)
Hanger Bay(x4)

Needle Beam(2)
[A :: A]
Laser Battery I(6)
[A :: A :: A :: A :: A :: A]

Fighter Squadrons:
Superiority: Red Alpha: AAAA
Thrust 5, Agility 5, Power 1, Armor 1
Mass: 4x4

Superiority: Red Beta: AAAA
Thrust 5, Agility 5, Power 1, Armor 1
Mass: 4x4

Interceptor: Gold Alpha: AAAA
Thurst 7, Agility 4, Power 1, Armor 0
Mass: 4x4

Bomber: Blue Alpha: AAAA
Thrust 3, Agility 1, Power 7, Armor 1
Mass: 4x5

Total Mass: 68

Internal Systems:
Dark Matter Treads rated SLD Thrust 3 for up to Mass Level 200 vessel (cannot morph)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Standard FTL Drive for mass level 200 Starship (cannot morph)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Hybrid PRF/ZPE Power Generator for mass level 200 Starship (cannot morph)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
3 Medical Bays
[ ][ ][ ]
4 Cargo Holds
[ ][ ][ ][ ]
2 Laboratories
[ ][ ]
45 Crew Team Spaces (5 unused)
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Crew Condition
Measured in teams, not actual body count.
Blue Slimes: 10 (Tech D, Magic E, Fight C, Pilot C)(Cheer +10) All healthy
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Red Slimes: 16 (Tech C, Magic D, Fight C, Pilot C)(No Special) All healthy
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Green Slimes: 0 (Tech D, Magic F, Fight S, Pilot E)(No Special) N/A

Sea Slimes: 8 (Tech C, Magic E, Fight C, Pilot A)(No Special) All healthy
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Dark Slimes: 0 (Tech B, Magic S, Fight A, Pilot B)(Rage +0) N/A

White Slimes: 1 (Tech A, Magic A, Fight F, Pilot B)(Mercy +1, attraction bonus) All healthy
[ ]
Silver Slimes: 1 (Tech S, Magic C, Fight S, Pilot A)(Calm +1) All healthy
[ ]

Humans: 4 (Tech C, Magic D, Fight D, Pilot C)(Love +4) All healthy
[ ][ ][ ][ ]
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Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

So let's talk some Latin!

Homo Sapiens - Essentially combining the words for Wise (Sapiens) and Man (Homo) to signify that this species of men have wisdom. Humans, or more specifically, early humans. Modern Humans are considered Homo Sapiens Sapiens for some reason.

Now let's have some fun. Limo means 'Slime', so a Slime that has Wisdom would be called Lime Sapiens. And since there's a bunch of subtypes, we can name them all something...

Blue Slimes - Limosa Sapiens Inepta
Being the most simple minded, they get called silly.

Green Slimes - Limosa Sapiens Foetida
They get called stinky so often that the binomial naming conventions picked it up.

Red Slimes - Limo Sapiens Loquentes
Since they're better at holding a conversation, they are the first type of slime referred to as talkers.

Sea Slimes - Limosa Sapiens Natantibus
Despite having a more solid shape, Sea Slimes are still slimes. Since swimming is their defining attribute, their subspecies is referred to as Swimmers.

Dark Slimes - Limosa Sapiens Veneficus
They get the word for wizard as their subspecies descriptor because they're the first set of slime described as being innately capable of doing more magic than needed to be a slime girl.

Angel Slimes - Angelus Limosa Modestos
You can argue with Angel Slimes how they are more slime girl than anything celestial, and they will agree with you. But they won't change their mind on that they're part of the angel species, with Slime Girl being their subspecies.

Metal Slimes - Limo Sapiens Machina
Being a sort of slime gynoid, a puddle of nanites that form together to create a slime girl instead of the difficult to classify cellular composition that other slime girls are composed of. When the first generation of metal slimes was created they were called Limo Homonculus Machina, since they were artificial life forms. However, upon gaining legal status as person, they petitioned legal action on the various science communities to be referred to as 'Sapiens' instead of 'Homonculi'.
Re: Sexy Magical Space Mamono

Strange the comparison to a StarTrek.H, as it read a bit more Dune.H with space versions of standard fantasy hentai creatures.