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RPG Unknown/Hiatus [SeldomPie] The Lusty Lands - Open Beta


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2012
Reputation score
Hi! I'm the author of Mutant Minx Meltdown, which got some good response form people here, and I'm working on another game I thought some of you might be interested in.

It's called The Lusty Lands, and is a sandboxy, explorationy rpg with erotic elements and old school pixel art. It's still under heavy development, and in open beta so it can get shaped into a better game by player feedback. Basically, you're transported to a kind of seedy and cynical fantasy land, and are free to explore.

Check out the devblog here - - to download the latest version. If any of you are interested in giving it a look, I'd appreciate the crit.

Bear in mind that it is still in development, so the actual game quest can't be completed yet, and the WILL be bugs.

New to latest build - TF Potion Mixing!
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Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Is it just me or are none of the downloads working?

*including mutant*
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Hey dude, I'm a fan of MMM and frankly, I think The Lusty Lands is the better one of the two in terms of potential. I love the graphic retro feel of the pixel art, with more erotic content and a conclusion to the main storyline, I think it'd easily find more popularity personally. Looking forward to more anyhow.
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

erotically I prefer MMM because it constantly put you in interesting positions.

Experience-wise, LL seems to be more fun and fantastical. Still, haven't gotten a boner yet, guess there's a lot of buildup
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

New build up at the dev blog!

Jak - they seem to be working for me! What errors are you getting?

cappy & roadkill - Thanks! Glad you like it. :D
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Seems pretty interesting, although one nitpick I have with the combat is... how in the world does your character know that's how fighting works in this world? :p
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Seems pretty interesting, although one nitpick I have with the combat is... how in the world does your character know that's how fighting works in this world? :p

What are you talking about? That's how I always fight.
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

New build up at the dev blog!

Jak - they seem to be working for me! What errors are you getting?

cappy & roadkill - Thanks! Glad you like it. :D

sorry should of replayed sooner its working for me now probably something with my computer, thank you for responding
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

New Build! This one has potion making! :D Might be buggy, let me know if anything goes wrong.

Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

I downloaded the last build, and I kept getting things where I would fight people - usually the three bandito chicks, IIRC - and then one of them would get stuck in "_ moans contentedly" or something like that loops and do it forever, forcing me to go back to where I'd last save. Which usually was way the hell back. That was kind of annoying, was that fixed yet.

It's p. neat, though, outside of that. Just need to figure out what makes you a futa. There's something that makes you a futa, right? <_>
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Start as a girl, then wander round the heathlands near Cordania, the starting town, until you find a bush with an orange fruit. Eat it, and you'll grow a little cock!

WARNING - the magic cock will slowly keep growing and growing, and there's currently no way to stop it.

Alternately, starts as a man, and find and eat a purple berry. Your gender descriptiors will stay as "man" and "he"/"him" if you go that route though.

Combat might still be a little bugg, but the lock ups should happen less often. I'm going to totally rip out and replace the combat system very soon, so I'm not going to fix up the current one any, it'd just be a waste of time.

Glad you like the game!
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

I enjoyed what I played so far, even though I got literally nothing accomplished. There were three things I would like to see done with it:

1: Map. I could draw one for you if you would like, and even something that got revealed as you found more areas, just to make it a bit easier to remember.

2: A place to hide your money, I was travelling back and forth between two towns and selling commodities to try and raise some cash, and I'd always end up getting attacked and robbed. It would be nice if you had a way to hide up to like 50 gold so you didn't always have to start from square one.

3: Something on the blog to tell us how far we can get with the current build? With beta games, I'm never sure if I've accomplished everything I can, or if I'm just stuck somewhere.
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Glad you enjoyed it! There currently *isn't* anything much to accomplish, at least in regards to the main quest, you can just explore.

1. You can get a look at a map of the main area with all the town in the library in Branston, you could take a screen cap of that. I dunno if I'll have a "reactive map" in game, I kind of like having the players draw their own, old school style.

2. That's a really good idea! I'll definetly get that in. I guess I could even add some banks and have you generate interest.

3. hm, not sure how I'd organise that, but I'll have a go at running up a list of what there is to do so far.

Thanks for the feedback!
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Even if it's not a big expansive list of everything there is to do. Just something on the blog about "Don't try to finish the game, so far you can only get to _____ spot."

So that I'm not pulling my hair out trying to progress while I actually can't!
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

good game so far, some of what i have in mind have been shared by the others.
what i have in minds right now is the effect after u lose to a certain monsters. I know that u'll get green skin if u lose to the goblins too much but i hoped that will somehow change the progress of the story like some of the townspeople will refuse to talk to u and u'll need to do a certain quest or make a potion to heal it.

while talking about the potion, i found 3 so far, mushroom soup, slime-skin potion, and humongous tits potion. and like i said before, all this didn't effect the progress of the game at all, so its like there's no story change. Maybe if u add a certain extra abilities after using the potion like able to produce breast milk and thus sell it or breastfeed prostitution i think that would be superb.

on a side note, this game is a good stuff. If u could hire an illustrator to draw the monster girls and the sex scene plus some of the improvements i mentioned above, i think this game could even be sold pretty well. Well, i know its easier said than done, but i hope u do the best for this game
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

You don't like the pixel monster girls? :(

Good point on no-one commenting on the changes, that really should be worked in, certainly some of the more insular towns should not like you if you're all mutanty.

Thanks for the feedback, and glad you like the game!
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

well, if pixel is the theme, i cant say much about it, but it would have been great if u could make the monster bigger, since i can barely see the shape of some of the monsters(and the pixel definitely contribute to that)

speaking of monsters, from my suggestion earlier, maybe if those random mutation will also effect your encounter with monster girls, like a certain rare monster girl that loves to eat goblin, thus appearing in front of u as u turn into one, or monster that u mutates to see u as a comrade thus providing some rare information or maybe invite u into their secret village

btw, have u thought of including pregnancy? since i basically thought of some system for that(seriously, chocolate milk at midnight do weird things to your brain)
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

I like the pixel feel of the artwork. Maybe a bit bigger would be cool, but with pixel art that may mean remaking the whole thing.

Seldompie have you ever played peasant's quest? This reminds me a lot of that game, with H content.
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Hm, hadn't thought about the sprites being too small for some people to make out, though I had noticed they get a bit messy against "busy" backgrounds like the forest. Have you tried playing the game full screen? That might help.

Another option I have is resizing the sprites - everything so far is drawn and saved "true size" - one pixel is one pixel. I rescale them on the fly in renpy, so it'd be pretty easy to make the sprites bigger just by changing a few numbers int he script. Now, I dunno how good that'd look, but I could try.

I've just been fooling with a screen for the shops - this one is a cheat, and not "true scale", because I couldn't get the writing on the board in full pixels, but that's not important here. I'm mentioning it because I could maybe do close ups of defeats/victories in this sort of scale. This is just a maybe for now, though, as it'd be a whole lot of work.


Some mutations/potions/etc will change stats and effect enemies for sure! Pregnancy.. I dunno. I'm fine with pregnancy itself, but I'd rather keep children out of the game entirely.

I'm sure I played peasant quest when it first came out, but it was a long time ago! I'm more familiar with the games it was parodying.. ^_^

Thanks for the feedback!
Re: The Lusty Lands - Open Beta

Pixel close-ups would be great, especially if they accompany expanded defeat text or something. I very much enjoy the retro feel it all has, so keeping it 100% pixel seems appropriate. Possibly something to worry about when the majority of the actual game is done though? A project to worry about when you have the full roster of enemies and locations sorted.

It'd be nice to see what the main character looks like too, but I'm guessing with the sheer flexibility of the whole setup between character generation choices and mutations that would probably be a lot of work and very prone to bugs.