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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

I was thinking to myself that the main rivalry would've been the Saxons and Normans at that time... but that's not to say that the Scots didn't have their differences with any of the southern ethnic tribes.
Re: OOC thread

Well the Scots also weren't friendly with each other seeing as there was a bunch of different cultures up there too. Whole Island was a mess.
Re: OOC thread

Pretty much and the continents not much better either.
Re: OOC thread

Nope. Pretty miserable lot all around really.
Re: OOC thread

Oh yeah, don't forget Anabelle has wolf eyes. They aren't obvious enough to be a break with the sixth tradition, though observant kine might notice them and find them strange. I'm pretty sure most Cainite's would notice them, though they might not realize what it means.
Re: OOC thread

Ah yes. Well thankfully she currently has her hood up. Helps a bit in male dominated society.
Re: OOC thread

That it does, at least in the normal society. Cainite society with the exception of a few clans is rather egalitarian, they tend to be a little ageist though.
Re: OOC thread

that I guessed, but she's in a tavern. With a sword.
Re: OOC thread

True, but I doubt if anyone would mess with you, and if they do and there's too many you have back up.
Re: OOC thread

She does? *looks around* Oh, you meant me, didn't you?
Actually you all have back-up beyond your eventual coterie mates. Though they wouldn't come to the rescue unless you picked a fight with something you really couldn't handle. Even then they might let you stew in your own stupidity before saving your torpid corpse and reviving you. It's one of the many advantages to having a mentor, you didn't really think they just gave advice did you?

EDIT: My internet is being really flaky, so I might be slow posting till it clears up. Just as a head's up.

EDIT2: Never mind it seems to have fixed itself while I was at work. Maybe just the stormy weather I've been having.

EDIT3: When it comes to hunting, all you have to do is provide me with a plan. I'll let you know if anything interesting happens and how much blood you get in spoilers and then you can describe the scene. Unless I take the time to describe someone nearby they're potential food. Meaning you get to describe them as well.
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Re: OOC thread

Sweet. Good hunting partners
A little side note, if you choose to you can take more BP in a hunt than I give you, which automatically kills the person. Of course cold-blooded murder can cause other problems, especially if you do it too much. So it's an at your own risk sort of proposition.

EDIT: Sorry Sin, I probably subtracted the blood point for waking twice in my tired state last night. Don't forget you also have 3 XP to spend yet unless you're saving them which is perfectly fine.
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Re: OOC thread

Do we each have 3XP or is this just Annabelle that has it? (Because she's a super sexy Gangrel with the eyes of a hawk and teeth of a wolf?)
Re: OOC thread

She still has 3 she hasn't spent yet, the same 3 you spent to get auspex 2.
Re: OOC thread

I'm a super sexy Gangrel with the eyes of a wolf :p

And for now I'm saving. I'll spend when I decide what to spend it on.
Re: OOC thread

Roger, Roger.

You could always end up being a super sexy Gangrel with one wolf eye and one hawk eye. It might look weird but it would sure be intimidating.
Re: OOC thread

Think outside the box. Try the eye of a turtle. No one does that.
Re: OOC thread

I don't think a turtle would make a very good fight or flight form. Well maybe a snapping turtle would work actually.
Re: OOC thread

Have you seen Kung Fu Panda? Master Ugwei for the win.