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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Picking up the breastplate, Holi's eyes gleam with uncharacteristic greed. "By Abbathor's black heart it's mithral."

(Mithral, the surest way to a shield dwarf's heart)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

((Identify all 5 magic items.))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod identifies the items, the weapons and armor being standard fair while the cloak and ring prove a bit more interesting.

+3 Mithral Breastplate
+4 Light Mace
+4 Heavy Mace

Cloak of Frigid Shadows (+3 deflection AC, +8 to Hide and Move Silently, Darkness 3/day, Ray of Frost 1/day, Resist Cold 5)

The ring doesn't seem to have any beneficial enchantments, it does however allow the wearer to pass through a specific set of wards.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod examines the items and smiles. "I'd like either one of the maces or the cloak, if no one minds. The cloak preferably."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet nods, looking over the stash herself. "I could probably make best use of the cloak as well, though the lughter mace would be my second choice." She says, letting the others decide while she scans the room quickly to make sure it was indeed a dead end.

((Search for hidden door and stuff, to keep busy :) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I'll take the breastplate if no one minds. It's not quite pointy enough fer my taste but it's mithral, and I could always get spikes added on to it." Holi drools out.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks at the cache, then at others, "Take... what you want... none of this... interests me." With that, she decides to keep an eye on the vampire's remains...
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(As per usual, how you divide up the loot is up to you. Also, I updated the Money and Exp Thread, you gained 200 gold and 2000 xp each.)

Trex and Bolm carefully walk around the room once the vampire is dead, looking for secret doors, and Malacet joins them after she finishes speaking. None of them find anything, however. Aramil sheaths his weapons and sits on the stairs to dress his wounds taken from fighting the chain devils. The samrai stands over the ashes of the vampire, expressionless.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet returns and picks up the smaller of the two maces, hefting it for a second to get the feel before setting it on her belt beside her morningstar. "Go ahead and have the cloak Tod, you could probably use it better than I." She says simply, before moving to stand beside the samurai. "Heavy thoughts weighing you down?" She asks solemnly.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks at the samurai and at the warlock joining the vampire watching, "Hey... c'mon, lighten up... you don't need to always be so serious..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi takes the mithral breastplate and moves out of sight to change, though you could probably smell him from wherever he goes. "Ah fit fer a king," he says returning to the others now changed into his new armor. He looks around the room for a while before asking. "I wonder what that ring works on?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod nods, taking the cloak and wearing it, feeling an odd mixture of cold and warmth. He lets the girls comfort the samurai, examining the ring more closely as Holi asks about it. "I know as much as you do... But I am curious. You guys got any ideas?" he asks Trex, Bolm, and Aramil, and the samurai afterward if they knew nothing.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Shaking himself, still dazed by the insanity of the comment said by the vampire, Granth speaks. You could always try walking about the room looking for passages while holding that thing. It might not be for wards in this room, but still, you never know. Besides, even if you only find a door that we don't have a key to, there's always the universal door opener. He finishes, letting lightning crackle across his right arm.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

In reply to Tods question, Bolm says; "He didn't seem bright enough to be his own boss, I'm guessing he was working for someone with a bit more brains than himself;" and he glances meaningfully at Trex.

The samurai doesn't react for a moment to either Carella or Malacet, then; "Tomorrow morning, I'll be free of this cursed armor, and perhaps I'll be able to return home. I will be free again, to return to my home and my wife, and perhaps to regain my honor and standing, if I may." He says, not taking his eyes off the pile of ashes as he speaks.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

'Ya mean he may be linked to who we were after ta begin with. In that case the ring may be pretty important to our ultimate goal," Holi says surprising the others with his insight.

Scratching his beard, before looking toward the samurai. "Twas a great honor on my part to have fought beside a warrior such as yourself. If ye ever make it ta Citadel Adbar, just tell them 'Bloodystumps' sent ya. This here's a simple bauble, but it is considered a great honor to wear one to any who have aided the Morndinsamman. May your travels be good from now on." Holi says taking a simple necklace from his neck and offering it to the samurai.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

As Holi spoke, the samurai turned to him, and as he offered him the necklace, he actually smiled a little, and took it. "Thank you, and I too am honored to have fought beside you. If ever I do go to Citadel Adbar, I'll be sure to ask after you, good dwarf." He says, and bows to Holi.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet chuckled a little, and when she spoke, there was amusement in her voice. "Indeed, it has been an honour. But come to think of it, hasn't it been a little rude to have gone so long without introducing yourself? You do know all of our names after all." She jibes, shifting sideways to examine the ring as well. "As for the ring and it's apparent wards, did gershalt here have a room upstairs, perchance?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Making up names is difficult, makes me miss my campaign where I had Bob the Wizard and George the Balor.)

The samurai responds; "Taekeda Poronomi. And as far as I know, Gershalt never left this basement except to give orders. You say you are after others? Perhaps it unlocks their lair."
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Pleasure to meet you." Malacet says graciously, her smile unseen, but evident in her voice. "Now, should we all retire? I for one, would like to get some sleep before the morrow..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella, seeing that there wasn't much left to do, returns to her room for some more rest.