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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi skips along behind the others as well, with his axe drawn.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet stays with the other casters, near the back of the group. "They'll need you in the front." She tells the Samurai. "I'm fine, thank you." Mentally, she is preparing herself for the battle ahead, trying to come up with a strategy using her new options...
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod stays in the back with Malacet and Granth, pondering a bit. "Glad to see it takes more than a piece of junk to get the better of ya!" Tod chuckles as he waits for their front line to get ready.

(Do I still have false life HP on me?)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Well, then, I guess it's time to play. Granth says with traces of lightning flickering in his eyes.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks at the others, then heads down into the cellar, "Alright... let's have... some fun~"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The group proceeds down the stirs into a bare stone chamber, unlit and apparently covered in magical darkness a few feat in. The group hears a scuffling of feet on the other side and a few grunts from the other side of the wall of darkness.

(BS post because its 4 in the morning, will give a real one if no one replies.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Well, here goes nothing..." Tod sighs, chanting, longer than usual, thinking to either provoke whatever is there into attacking, or if not, help his comrades.

(Cast extended haste on Trex, Bolm, Samurai, Aramil, Carella and Malacet)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet simply conjures one of her globes of energy, and stands ready to fire it at the first thing that exits the darkness coming towards them. "Are we going through, or letting them come to us?" She asks calmly.

((Brimstone blast the first mutha trucka to appear, unless we decide to move first, of course ;) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The samurai says; "Let us go through it and finish this business. Gershalt cannot beat all of us, regardless of what foul beast he's summoned." Bolm replies; "Hold on now, we should think about this. We've got no idea what's on the other side of that darkness. We could be walking into a trap."
Trex begins chanting a spell, one to bring light that should dispell the darkness, but it has no effect. "Hmmmmm.... This could be dangerous, this Gershalt must be a powerful magician."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Hmm... I have an idea, give me twenty seconds." Malacet says, peering into the darkness intently, the orb of energy still in her hand as she activates her magical sight with a quick gesture with the other.

The wall of darkness still provides a screen in her search, but a peircable one at least. If she manages to spot Gershalt, his most probably being surrounded by the strongest auras, she'd send her orb at him through the darkness, calling out the direction to everyone else with a quick "He's there!"

((Roll me that spot check, pretty please :) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Also, Ryu, your spell succeeded.)

1d20+1 = 17+1 = 18 vs DC16 = success
1d20+8+1 = 11+8+1 = 20 vs DC18 = success.
Percentile: 54 = success.
4d6 = 3+5+6+4 = 18 damage
1d20+14 = 11+14 = 25 vs DC18 - success.

Malacet looks through the darkness and sees several outlines, two of them big and bulky with odd protrusions, the third being a slender man-shaped thing. She chose that, since it had the strongest aura and was the odd-one out. Her blast goes through the darkness and strikes him, lighting him on fire and causing him to shriek. He rolls across the ground, putting out the fire; "Clever! But you'll need to do better than that!"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"He's got two bodyguards." Malacet says with a smile before her comrades pile into the darkness, preparing a darkness spell herself, to give her an extra moment if something comes to engage her in melee.

((Cast darkness on herself, once her turn rolls around again. Not sure if her attack was a surprise round, or if I hafta wait :) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Initiative: NPCs = 20, Malacet = 21, Holi = 8, Tod = 17, Carella = 15, Granth = 14, Enemy = 9.

Order is Malacet, NPCs, Tod, Carella, Granth, The enemies, and Holi.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

With a cry Holi raises his axe and charges for where Malacet points hoping to score a hit on one of the guards despite the darkness.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

((Already have my action layed out ;) In other words, bump for attention, let's keep this moving!))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

*Mumble Grumble* Stupid warriors getting in the way of my spells. I have a hard enough time targeting the enemy in this darkness. Do they have to get in the way of me using spells that won't miss, too? Granth mutters to himself as he chucks an orb of lightning into the mix.

(Orb of Electricity, Lesser)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

((Nothing I wanna do against stuff I can't see. Tod ain't the type to possibly waste a spell like that))

Staying in the back, Tod waits, crossbow ready, for something, anything to come through the darkness, not wanting to fire his energies off aimlessly.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks around at the darkness, slightly disappointed as she prepared to secrete the caustic acid on her hands, "...I can't see anything..."

(Prepare Corrosive Touch)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Order is Malacet, NPCs, Tod, Carella, Granth, The enemies, and Holi.

Malacet covers herself in darkness, through which none may see.

The samurai, Bolm, Trex, and Aramil all draw weapons and move through the darkness, advancing slowly. They come through the other side to find a slender, pale, smiling man in dark gleaming chainmail, with two swords drawn, as well as a pair of devils covered in thick metal chains. They stop advancing, not wanting to get within attack range of the smiling mans chain devils. "So good of you to join us!" the man, Gershalt, says, before he prepares to cast a spell.

Tod finds no targets forthcoming through the wall of darkness. He does begin to hear chains rattling on the other side, and more chanting. Carella begins to secrete acid from her skin, calling on the dark power granted by her master.

1d20+4 = 1+4 = automatic failure

Granth throws a ball of lightning into the darkness at where he thinks one of the chain sounds are coming from. His energy ball sails through the air, hitting nothing.

1d20+10 = 1+10 = automatic failure
1d20+10 = 4+10 = 14 vs DC29 = miss
1d20+10 = 9+10 = 19 vs DC29 = miss
1d20+10 = 14+10 = 24 vs DC29 = miss
10d6+4 = 4+4+3+6+4+1+1+3+5+1+4 = 36 damage. Carella takes none, Tod and Granth take 18, and Malacet takes the full 36, minus her fire resist brings it down to 26.

The two chain devils swing at Trex, and he brings his shield up, blocking all four of the chains flying at him. The thin man completes his spell, and a fireball sails through the wall of darkness, past the warriors, going for the vulnerable casters. Carella, Granth, and Tod dodge aside, avoiding most of the blast, Carella getting all the way out of its area of effect, but Malacet is unaware of the incoming blast and takes the full force of the fireball.

1d20+13+1 = 2+13+1 = 16 vs DC20 = miss

Holi charges through the darkness and, upon seeing the chain devils, goes right for one of them. His swing gets his axe tangled in the creatures chains, however, and he doesn't do any damage.

(And Ryu, you've still got your false life hit points.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Seeing the man throwing fireballs Holi figures him for a better target and goes for him instead of the chain devils.

"Nobody throws fireballs at me friends and gets away with it laughing boy."