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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet lets out a curse as the second fireball in as many days catches her full force, though this one didn't seem to hurt as much as it should have. She had a moment of indecision before once again summoning her own brand of fireball and launches it at Gershalt, hoping to repay him in kind as she stepped sideways, moving to the extreme right edge of her ball of darkness to change her position.

((Brimstone blast and a 25 foot sidestep to the right, if there's that far to move.))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(I've still got false life HP after taking 18 damage? Odd. Then again, I've got fire resistance 10 thanks to the robe I'm wearing, so i only took 8. And I think most of us are still hasted. I doubt 12 rounds has expired since I cast it.)

Hissing a bit from the pain of the fireball, Tod sighs, going forward and wading through the darkness. Obviously if he stayed back there they'd just keep casting spells to get rid of the more fragile members of the group.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Being home now, I once again have the character sheets for Gershalt and the NPCs.)

Order is Malacet, NPCs, Tod, Carella, Granth, The enemies, and Holi.

1d20+8+1 = 12+8+1 = 21 vs DC19 = hit.
Percentile: 43 = success.
4d6 = 4+1+1+1 = 7 damage.
1d20+15 = 12+15 = 27 vs DC21 = success.

Malacet rushes to the side, coming out of her darkness spell and ends up standing against the far wall, the wall of darkness only a few feat in front of her. She sends another eldritch blast at Gershalt, this time only grazing him. He recoils away from the attack, avoiding being set on fire.

1d20+16+1 = 12+16+1 = 29 vs DC20 = hit. 13 damage.
1d20+16+1 = 2+16+1 = critical hit = 20 damage.
1d20+11+1 = 3+11+1 = 15 vs DC20 = miss.
1d20+15+1 = 8+15+1 = 24 vs DC20 = hit. 8 damage.
1d20+15+1 = 14+15+1 = 30 vs DC20 = hit. 11 damage.
1d20+10+1 = 7+10+1 = 18 vs DC20 = miss.
1d20+8+1 = 2+8+1 = 11 vs DC19 = miss.
1d20+14+1 = 5+14+1 = 20 vs DC32 = miss.

Trex shouts; "Go for Gershalt, Aramil and I will deal with the devils!" and attacks the closer of the two chain devils. His sword blazes with white light as it cuts into the creature, the good aligned blade cutting into the creature twice, causing it to scream in fury. It blocks his third attack with one of the chains enshrouding its body, not wanting to take another hit from the paladin. Aramil sheaths his shortsword and takes his scimitar in both hands, its silvered edge able to do just as much damage as Trex blessed one, and scores two hits on the other creature, the shrieking devil likewise blocking his third attack. Bolm chants a spell, firing a lance of white light at Gershalt, who dodges out of the way as quickly as possible, dreading the searing light. The samurai rushes to attack Gershalt, but the man moves with supernatural grace, and his sword is deflected off of the mans armor.

Carella proceeds through the wall of darkness after recovering from dodging the fireball, spots the melee, and prepares to join in at the right opportunity. Granth and Tod glace at each other, and then move away from each other, not wanting to risk getting both of them hit by another fireball, Granth going to the wall opposite Malacet and Tod going through the darkness to view the melee on the other side.

1d20+10 = 17+10 = 27 vs DC23 = hit. 9 damage on Aramil.
1d20+10 = 4+10 = 14 vs DC23 = miss.
1d20+10 = 10+10 = 20 vs DC28 = miss.
1d20+10 = 9+10 = 19 vs DC28 = miss.
1d20+19 = 13+19 = 32 vs DC28 = hit. 16 damage on the samurai.
1d20+14 = 8+14 = 22 vs DC28 = miss.
1d20+19 = 12+19 = 31 vs DC28 = hit. 16 damage on the samurai.
1d20+14 = 13+14 = 27 vs DC28 = miss.

The chain devils lash at Aramil and Trex, Trex turning aside the creatures weapons easily while Aramil gets a cut on his shoulder from one of the creatures bladed chains. Gershalt draws a pair of maces from his belt, grinning, and attacks the samurai, hitting him once with each mace, the blows apparently causing the man a great deal of pain even through his powerful armor.

1d20+13+3 = 17+13+3 = 33 vs DC32 = hit.
1d10+8+1d6 = 5+8+5 = 18 damage on Gershalt.

Holi charges to attack Gershalt, taking the man by surprise. He turns to try and block the attack, but Holis momentum is enough to ensure that he is unable to stop the powerful dwarfs swinging axe, and the flaming blade cuts a long gash down the mans leg. He growls, barring long fangs at the dwarf.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

((I meant 5 feet inside the darkness spell, but I guess it doesn't really matter either way))

Malacet silently cursed the man as she drew up another orb of energy and sent it at Gershalt, stepping a ways off afterwards to confuse her location afterwards.

((Brimstone Blast, then a 10 foot move perpendicular to Gershalt's position, in whichever direction is viable))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella grins and moves forward, trying to slam her fists into Gershalt, laughing, "...die!"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi rages and full attacks Gershalt, "Eat this ya pointy fanged weirdo."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Hoping that Aramil and Trex could indeed handle the chain devils, Tod starts chanting again, pointing his finger at Gershalt, sending a jet of acid out at him.

(Extended Acid Arrow at Gershalt)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Fuck it, let's see If I hit something with these. Granth mutters before flinging several bolts of arcane energy from his hand in the direction the fireball came from.

(Magic Missile)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(From here, you can go back the way you came, OR in Gershalts general direction, OR move along the wall toward the entrance.)
9+8+1 = 18 vs DC19 = miss.

Malacet lets off another energy blast, but this time her aim is off and she just misses. She winces, but moves to the back wall, into the corner and away from Gershalt.

1d20+18+1 = 1+18+1 = critical failure
1d20+16+1 = 5+16+1 = 22 vs DC20 = hit.
1d20+16+1 = 3+16+1 = 20 vs DC20 = hit.
1d20+11+1 = 18+11+1 = 30 vs DC20 = hit.
1d20+16+1 = 2+16+1 = 19 vs DC20 = miss.
1d20+16+1 = 7+16+1 = 24 vs DC20 = hit.
1d20+11+1 = 4+11+1 = 16 vs DC20 = miss.
1d20+8+1 = 19+8+1 = 28 vs DC19 = hit.
1d8+6 = 6+6 = 12 damage.
1d8+6 = 6+6 = 12 damage.
1d8+6 = 7+6 = 13 damage.
1d6+4 = 1+4 = 5 damage.
1d20+15 = 17+15 = 32 vs DC18 = success.
10d8 = 7+1+4+1+6+5+3+8+2+8 = 45/2 = 23 damage

Trex has the chain devil on the ropes as he slashes once, twice, three times, the third blow cutting the beast head off. It falls to the ground and disintegrates, going back to the Nine Hells. Aramil does not fair so well, only managing to score a minor hit on his opponent. The samurai fairs even worse, as he raises his sword for a two handed strike above his head, thinking to catch Gershalt by surprise, and then hesitates, as such an attack would be against his code of honor. He pays for his mistake, however, as Gershalt kicks him in the stomach, stunning him momentarily. Bolm takes the opportunity to fire another ray of light at the besieged vampire, and this time the monster is unable to avoid the attack entirely. The beam of light leaves his skin charred and burned where it touches one side of his face. He immediately rushes out of the beam, hissing, but he is still badly injured by the attack.

1d20+7+1 = 20+7+1 = automatic hit.
2d4 = 4+1 = 5 damage. Lasts for 3 rounds.

Tod fires an acid arrow at Gershalt as he rushes out of the way of the light beam, and hits him right in the chest, the acid getting under his armor to corrode his undead flesh.

1d20+10+1 = 10+10+1 = 21 vs DC32 = miss.
1d20+10+1 = 10+10+1 = 21 vs DC32 = miss.
1d20+5+1 = 7+5+1 = 13 vs DC32 = miss.

Carella, laughing, rushes at Gershalt as he snarls from the multiple attacks being launched his way, dripping acid, and he catches sight of the monk just in time to avoid her jumping kick. She lands and launches a pair of punches at him, which he likewise avoids, not wanting to get any more acid on him.

4d4+4 = 4+3+2+4+4 = 17 damage.
(Phoenix, I've got to say, I love your characters dialogue.)
Granth launches a bunch of magic missiles at Gershalt, the bolts homing in on the vampire and hammering into him.

1d20+10 = 15+10 = 25 vs DC23 = hit.
1d20+10 = 12+10 = 22 vs DC23 = miss.
2d4+2 = 4+3+2 = 9 damage.

The remaining chain devil swipes at Aramil once again, scoring another hit, but the cunning creature knows that it cannot hope to win. Gershalt, meanwhile, shouts; "You have won this time, mortals, but you've not seen the last of me!" and his form dissolves into smoke. He swiftly escapes into the wall of darkness, and goes past Malacet as he starts floating up the stairs.

Holi shouts, and chases after the escaping vampire, but cannot track him into the darkness. The raging dwarf quickly gets lost in the wall of magical darkness.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Edit: Nvm, didn't see vampy ran away >_>

Carella shrugs and turns towards one of the chain demons, trying to move so that she was flanking them but still able to hit them with a full attack...
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Raging at the escaping vampire Holi tries to chase him down despite being completely lost in the darkness.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Granth merely stands there stunned. Eventually finding his voice he speaks, What the bloody hell? Who actually says stuff like that? I mean "You may have one this time, but you haven't seen the last of me, mwahahaha"? That's something you hear in a bloody bard's tale. I mean, really though... It's just... I mean damn: he sounded like a village idiot... Or a bard. Hard to tell the difference some times. Granth says, trailing off at the end.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet simply chases off after him, hoping to put the amulet to use after all the trouble it's caused. Gripping it tightly, she wills it to rebuke the fleeing vampire, hoping to cease it's flight.

((Turning check, let's see how lucky I am ;) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Growling at the vampire fleeing, Tod decides to take out his anger on the remaining chain devil, aiming and firing his crossbow into the fray, hoping to at least do a bit of damage to it.

(crossbow vs chain devil)
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

((Psst... I'm turning the Vampire, not the devil, and I don't think what anybody does except me affects it anyways, since it's either commanded outright or allies get +2 to hit it. ;) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Meh. I'm too used to the earlier gaseous form spell that was actually a useful escaping spell. I had no idea they nerfed it in 3.5. He's in the wall right now anyway, the 10 movement speed means you've got plenty of chances.)

1d20+5 = 12+5 = 17. Highest HD that can be turned = Cleric Level+2 = 11
Malacet is unable to turn Gershalt (18 HD)

Malacet reaches out with the amulet, trying to stop him from escaping, but even with its power she is unable to halt the vampires escape.

1d20+3 = 10+3 = 13 = Highest HD that can be turned = Cleric Level+1 = 11
Bolm is unable to turn Gershalt (18 HD)

(Not even going to roll, with Trex and Aramil the devils got no chance of surviving, given how much damage he's already taken.)
Trex and Aramil finish off the chain devil, the outflanked devil screeching as it is sent back to the Hell from which it came. The samurai follows after Gershalt, but is unable to see the mans gaseous form in the wall of darkness, and doesn't want to risk hitting his new allies trying to swing blindly. Bolm tries to turn Gershalt, hoping to force him into a corner and prevent him from escaping, but is also unable to halt the vampires progress.

(That turn resistance is a bitch, he only actually has 14 HD.)

(The chain devils are dead.)
Tod turns to the screaming chain devil as it dies, his frustration increasing, and turns back to the wall of darkness, unable to do much about the vampires escape.

1d20+14+1 = 18+14+1 = 33 vs DC19 = success.
Percentile: 64 = success.

Carella rushes after the vampire into the wall of darkness, grabbing at him. She gets her arms around his gaseous form, apparently holding him in place.

Granth is too stunned at Gershalts generic villain speech to do anything besides talk to himself.

1d20+17 = 1+17 = automatic failure
2d4 = 1+3 = 4 damage

Gershalt reforms as Carella grabs him, and tries to turn around, intent on draining the monks blood, but she holds him in place behind him. The acid continues to eat away at him.

1d20+15+1 = 9+15 = 24 vs DC27 = miss.
1d20+15+1 = 12+15 = 27 vs DC27= hit. Percentile: 94 = hit Gershalt.
1d20+10+1 = 6+10+1 = 17 vs DC27 = miss.
1d10+10+1d6 = 6+10+5 = 21 damage

Holi rushes to where he hears Gershalt and Carella struggling, and slashes madly at them, completely unable to tell which is which, and luckily the only blow that actually lands hits Gershalt, slashing into the vampires stomach. He screams in pain as the flaming weapon digs into his chest through his armor, and crumbles to the ground, a pile of ashes. His equipment remains in a pile where he once stood.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

((Ah well, I put the durned thing on, I might as well try using it once, at least ;) ))

Malacet watches the vampire crumble to the floor, and looks around the room. Seeing everything vanquished, she immediately reaches for the amulet around her neck, not wanting it on a moment longer than necessary.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

After cooling down from his rage, Holi checks the vampires loot.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Seeing the vampire fall, Tod walks over to Malacet, to make sure she was ok after using such an item. Then afterward, he would ask her to use her ability to detect magic, to see if/what the vampire had was magical, so he could properly examine them to see what was to the party's benefit.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches


After a minute the wall of darkness dissipates, revealing the ashes of Gershalt and a pile of stuff on the floor, covered in a cloak that seems to change colors to blend in with the ground. After calming down, Holi pulls the cloak off, and sifts through the stuff. Their are two maces, one of them light, a breastplate that he can tell just from holding it is made of mithral, a signet ring of some sort, his black clothes, and a bunch of pouches on his belt, one of which seems to be a bag of holding!

Malacet has no trouble removing the amulet, it seems to stick to her skin for a second but it provides little resistance. Once she pulls it over her head she can no longer hear the whispers in its ear. She Detects magic, at Tods this time more eloquent request, and finds that the armor cloak and weapons are all quite powerfully enchanted, the ring bares a minor enchantment, and his clothes and other items on his belt besides the bag are just plain.