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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"It doesn't take much for a necromancer to create as much as they need." Malacet says calmly, firing another blast at an approaching ghoul. "It will be a blessing if we are only outnumbered by this much inside as well."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella continues to stand there, struggling to fight the control of the amulet, "This wasn't... one of my smarter moves..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

This is rather annoying. Ganth mutter before blasting out another set of magic missiles.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Sorry about the last post, it wouldn't let me post anything long, so there was no fluff. All I could do was give you the numbers.)

1d20+16 = 13+16 = 29 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+13 = 20+13 = automatic hit
1d20+16 = 10+16 = 26 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+16 = 4+16 = 20 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+13 = 3+13 = 16 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+13 = 13+13 = 26 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+18 = 13+18 = 31 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+18 = 18+18 = 36 vs DC14 = hit.

More of the foul undead fall as the warriors continue to block the stairs, all of their crumpled forms buried under a tide of their reaching companions. To Malacets remark, Trex grimly replies; "Only corpses."
Bolm shouts; "Hold the line! They're thinning out!" as he smashes another of the creatures down.

1d20+2 = 18+2 = 20 vs DC18 = hit.
1d20+2 = 19+2 = 21 vs DC26 = miss.
1d20+2 = 14+2 = 16 vs DC22 = miss.
1d20+2 = 9+2 = 11 vs DC28 = miss.
1d6+1 = 4+1 = 5 damage.
Fort Save: 1d20+14 = 20+14= automatic success.
Fort Save 2: 1d20+14 = 13+14= 27 vs DC15 = success.

The ghouls continue to reach and claw at the warriors, one of them managing to bite Holi as he yanks his axe out of a dying creatures head. He roars and shakes it off before it can take a chunk of him with it, but it has still drawn blood, and the scent sends all of the ghouls into a frenzy. Luckily, he shakes off the poison and holds the creatures off.

1d20+11 = 1+11 = automatic failure.

Carella is no longer able to hold off the amulets control, and collapses to the ground. The evil artifact slowly begins to take over her mind, unraveling her very identity and twisting it to suit its needs.
(Carella is now unconscious.)

Granth fires another volley of magical bolts, bringing down some of the ghouls at the back, and now they are not being replaced anymore.

1d20+8 = 15+8 = 23 vs DC14 = hit.

Tod fires another bolt from his crossbow, killing a ghoul.

1d20+8 = 14+8 = 22 vs DC12 = hit.

Malacets blast lights up another ghoul like a torch.

(Bad luck on that roll Loli. Most of the ghouls are dead now, you'll probably finish them off by next round.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Seeing the ghouls start to thin out, and realizing her current help is superficial at best, Malacet decides to provide aid in a different way, kneeling down in front of Carella and taking the amulet off, or at least attempting to. With luck, it hasn't had the time it needed to put up any sort of resistance.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I'm not yer next meal ya nasty beasty," Holi says as he works to finsh off the last of the ghouls.

(I knew my high CON would eventually come in handy)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Noticing the dwindling number of the ghouls, Tod decides to continue saving his magic, simply continuing to fire his crossbow at any remaining ghouls. "Is she alright?" he asks Malacet, noticing her go to Carella's aid.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Deciding to conserve his magic, Granth decides to just play around with cantrips. Namely, by firing off a disrupt undead spell and the closest living dead.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

1d20+16 = 8+16 = 24 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+13 = 15+13 = 28 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+16 = 18+16 = 34 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+16 = 13+16 = 29 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+13 = 9+13 = 22 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+13 = 17+13 = 30 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+18 = 13+18 = 31 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+18 = 2+18 = 20 vs DC14 = hit.

After the party members cut down more of the ghouls, only three remain. The stairs are clogged with their dessicated remains.

1d20+2 = 5+2 = 7 vs DC18 = miss.
1d20+2 = 18+2 = 20 vs DC18 = hit.
1d20+2 = 3+2 = 5 vs DC22 = miss.
1d6+1 = 1+1 = 2 damage.
Fort Save: 1d20+14 = 20+14= automatic success.
Fort Save 2: 1d20+14 = 15+14= 29 vs DC15 = success.

The ghouls, unaware or uncaring to the fact that most of them have been destroyed, continue to attack the party, two of them going for Holi, and one manages to get another bite on him. He once again resists its poison and disease.

Carella remains unmoving on the ground. It's anyones guess as to what the amulet is doing to her.

Granths spell would have done little to the creature had he not injured it earlier with his lightning ball, but even a minor disruption of the negative energy animating it is enough to destroy one of the remaining undead.

1d20+8 = 2+8 = 10 vs DC14 = miss.

Tod fires his crossbow once more, but this time misses the creature he intended to hit.

1d20+1 = 16+1 = 17 vs DC22 = failure.
2d6 = 3+3 = 6 damage.

Malacet attempts to remove the amulet from around Carellas neck, but she finds that it's much more difficult to do than she thought, as it stays seemingly glued to Carella. It seems to take offense at the intrusion, and Malacet loses feeling in her hands as it zaps her with negative energy.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet's Hand jumps back, and she shakes it in the air for a moment, trying to return the feeling. "I'm going to need Some help getting this off her!" She calls, before attempting to take it off again.

((Is this a strength check? ech, she's really going to need help then. Either try again herself, or aid another on someone more capable, if someone helps.))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod abandons firing anymore, hearing that Malacet needed help. He kneels on Carella's other side, attempting to remove the offending necklace as well, hoping their combined efforts would do the trick.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi swings for the closest of the last remaining ghouls. "I thought I told ya, I'm not for dinner."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Granth stands back as everyone either worries over the last two ghouls or Carella's limp form. In the mean time, he starts looking about the room.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(There isn't a chance of either of the remaining ghouls surviving besides mass fail on the part of the party members, and I'm lazy, so I'm going to skip the combat rolls and go right to the fluff and Carellas predicament.)

The last of the ghouls are easily cut down before they can do any more harm by Aramil and Holi. The last of them falls down the stairs and starts a landslide of bodies down into the room. As Granth looks around, there doesn't seem to be anything interesting in the upper room which the party is in, but he can only see the floor of the lower room that the ghouls came from.

1d20+1+2 = 19+1+2 = 22 vs DC22 = success.
Malacet: 2d6 = 1+2 = 3 damage
Tod: 2d6 = 4+2 = 6 damage

Malacet and Tod heave at the amulet, despite the fact that it continues to send negative energy up their arms, and with one final pull, manage to pull it off of Carella and remove it completely. Afterwards, it stops emitting negative energy and seems to become dormant again, except for the slight whispering that seems to emanate from it. As it comes off of her, Carella starts awake and sits up.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod drops the amulet as soon as he can, skin still tingling from the negative energy. "Whew! Who'd have thought an amulet could be so much trouble... You ok, Carella?" he asks, offering to help her to her feet.

((Who took 3, who took 6?))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Well that weren't too bad. Is the wee lass alright." Holi says as he keeps an eye out for anything else coming from below.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I'm not sure." Malacet says quickly, stuffing the amulet into a fold in he robes for the moment while she checks on her companion.

((Not sure what exactly to use, so I'll let you decide on the most intelligent thing to do, 'kay? :) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella shakes her head as she looks at the amulet, "Stupid... necromancy artifact..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"What did it say?" Malacet asks, as if the question held great importance. "What did it want?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella shakes her head and looks around, "Uh... I think... something about taking over the world... obediance for power... undead.. and it's mother..?"