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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

"Yeah, you're right. Someone should interfere, not going to be me though," Maria replies as she takes another drag of her cigarette and continues to watch the fight.

"Oh, its you," Maria says as she turns around to see the new arrival, indifference still in her voice. She then rests her back against the wall and closed her eyes for a moment, looking as if she just wanted to enjoy the cigarette.
Re: School Courtyard

A small grin from Siphon this time revealed nothing.

"Good to meet you, names Siphon. You may want to stay here, this is about to turn very very ugly."

As two of the Casters sent a blast of divine lightning into Michelle, the warriors drew their swords, preparing to clash with her. Suddenly, a voice rang out.

"You have two choices assholes. Leave, or be killed here tonight. I will not stand for this behavior."

The first of the sword bearers spoke back.

"This fight does not concern you, whoever you are. Stay out of it and you shall be unharmed. We only come for the demon."

Now, Siphon stood from his position near Johnathan and walked into the open.

"Yes, those who attack the changed. You slaughter and kill those who did not ask for what happened to them, those who have done nothing wrong, those who prefer to remain in the shadows and live peacefully and in seclusion. No, your wrong human, this battle concerns me FAR greater than it does you. Now I offer you one last chance. LEAVE, or you will die. Be it by her hand, or mine, it matters not."

Two of the swordsmen moved quickly into position, placing themselves between their leader and the approaching Siphon, who by now was probably drawing even more curiosity from Johnathan with his bold statements.

"You know nothing of what we must do. If you refuse to stand aside, and protect this creature then that is your choice. You will die along with her. Kill him, then let us move."

The two swordsmen slashed forward, blades slashing down at the man who stood in their way, the man who ... suddenly wasn't there.

It took them a moment, as well as the others to locate Siphon, who had somehow moved so fast as to be next to imperceptible.

"You know ... a part of me was REALLY hoping you self-righteous pricks would try that. Now, you discover that it is YOU who have fucked with something you know nothing about."

At first Johnathan could only see the two strikers back up in terror, not why. Then, the light caught on Siphon, revealing why.

Claws that were at least seven inches long extended from his fingers, and his muscles had become more evident. But the real kicker was the extremely sharp pointy teeth lining his mouth, and the demonic blackness his eyes had become. It now dawned on Johnathan why he'd been unconcerned with involving himself. The man simply put, was some kind of vampire, and from the looks of it, a very angry one. When he spoke, his voice was demonic in tone, significantly deeper.

"Care to reconsider mortals?"

After a stunned moment of silence, the swordsmen launched attacks on both vampire, and demon, their blades meeting claw, and whatever Michelle chose to throw at them.

((For an idea of his features, here:))

Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia watched, from a tree, with half interest as she casually brought up her scope again, zooming in and out idly as she watched Siphon fight. So holy weapons didn't work, at least in the human terms of holy weapons. She wasn't really sure what the Gods of this place would treat as holy weapons, or would they simply be weapons with the blessing of the divine?

As the thoughts passed, she realized she didn't care at all, the divine was for the weak, true soldiers fought with technology and technology alone. That was all she needed to do, believe in her weapons. She raised the scope again, the high powered railgun, a model she had taken from a museum and modified before her arrival here, began to crackle as the magnets that propelled the ammunition began to power up.

The targeting scope centered on Siphon, then the hunter that was just slightly in front of him, then back to Siphon, finally she positioned the gun so that she was aiming at Siphon's arm as well as the hunter's arm. A clean shot, perfectly capable from her gun, would rip both of the appendages to shreds. Of course, this was provided that Siphon didn't dodge, "And of course... he always dodges..."

There was a soft crackle as she pressed the release, the ferrous chunk of metal flying forward suddenly without a sound except for the passing of the wind and of course the slight electrical discharge. She watched with feigned interest, having a pretty good guess of what was going to happen.
Re: School Courtyard

Mîrchell was knocked off of her meal, snarling ferally as the lightning struck her, smoke beginning to rise off of her as her shirt tore at the back, two huge black wings billowing out, as the demoness straightened up, horns appearing above her pure red eyes, and her legs changing, boots disappearing as hooves began to form. From another tear, her tail emerged, long, whiplash, and ending in the black heart-shape.

The transforming demon stood up, smoking from the lightning strike, and picked up her stolen, 'cleansed' sword, and yelled "Siphon! Stealing my fun!? I'll show you!", before sweeping the sword to the side, and charging forwards, not up to Siphons speed, but when she came to the line of swordsmen, she kicked the ground, and her wings gave a few powerful beats, buffeting the swordsmen, and sending the albino demoness flying over their heads, cackling maniacally as she dropped into the spell casters, sweeping her sword around in a huge arc.
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon started to answer Mirchelle when the shot rang out, far too late for him to even consider moving. The blast struck both him and the hunter, the hunter dropping to the floor in ravaged pain as his hand was literally blown clean off.

Siphon on the other hand remained standing, the shot tearing through flesh of his hand and damaging it in what would have been a permanent disabling for a human. Not for him though. Hissing in angered agony, he growled as after a moment the bone and skin knit itself with his vampiric healing, which until now he hadn't known he had.

Shooting an angered look to the trees, he growled in the direction the shot had come in, waving a finger in annoyance, even as several of the mage hunters fired magics back in the area the shot had come from.

A sudden wave of red passed through Siphon's vision, and he growled again.

"Where's the fun without a meal eh Mirchelle?"

With that, he descended upon the injured hunter, drinking his blood quickly, then popped up looking for more.

"All of you shall die, pathetic scum of human race. Any who stand in my way, shall perish."

The mages scattered even as several warriors sliced at Mirchelle, though right now that would be the least of her concern, for her demonic instincts would be screaming that her ally Siphon was completely uncontrolled in his blood rage.
Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia looked with surprise as the shot actually managed to work, as well as turning her portable shield generator on to repel any "spell" that would reach her, none of which should anyway, the magics of this dimension felt far to slow to her, nothing like what she had encountered back home.

Regardless though, it didn't worry her, she caught a glimpse of Siphon drinking someone dry of their blood, causing her to grit her teeth, "So you're finally revealing yourself for the monster you are... for the world to see." She dismissed her rifle which disappeared in a crackle of energy as she turned to her wrist and started to play around with the small computer on there.

She had taken the precaution, and of course, the work earlier to start setting up remote firing locations. After all, what good was it to give her location away if she were to encounter another beastie like the one that had shown up earlier? Accessing another railgun she had positioned in a bush on the other side of the courtyard, a cheap, one shot only weapon, she began to power it up as she searched for a new target. Finally setting on one of the casters, the camera allowing her to see the butts of them as she zoomed in between the legs of one of them and grinned, letting fly another chunk of metal.
Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia comes hurriedly out of G-Building, with Grace only moments behind, both stopping to witness the brutal scene. Ellisia frowned. Obviously the warning was no longer needed. Though she hadn't expected the hunters to wage their war so openly. This was a strange situation.

"The hell is going on? Are these those hunters? Fuck, is that Michelle? Oh jeez, if my parent's find out about this they might un-enroll me! Despite this shit, I like it here!" Grace exclaims and then protests. Ellisia had no comment, instead putting all her attention on the combat and the people in the local area. She didn't like the look of Siphon right now either. Just a moment ago he seemed perfectly himself, but right now, she couldn't be certain.
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Re: School Courtyard

Maria opened one eye to see who had arrived and then closed as quickly as it had opened.

Following just a short way behind Grace and Ellisia was Isabella, who after waiting for Grace to come out of the cafeteria had followed them when she saw them rushing after the man who had addressed them earlier. She hung back, hiding behind a wall so that she could just about see the battle, a look of curiousness and shock on her face.
Re: School Courtyard

The Caster in question was hit below the belt, blood flying everywhere, yet somehow he remained standing.

Several of the warriors had in fact moved towards Siphon even as he finished off the other man. As they attacked, he deftly dodged with a normal use of body movement an incoming attack, slashing the man through the neck with his claws before grabbing his body and physically throwing it out of the fray.

Said body landed less than a foot away from Grace And Elissia, the full bloody carnage of what was going on now revealed as the hunter ranks split open. The two women would now see the fully transformed Siphon as well, blood all over him, and a murderous look in his eyes as he engaged five other hunters at once, taking minor cuts without even trying, or unable to dodge them.
Re: School Courtyard

Mîrchell cackled happily at the sight of the carnage, and joined in without question, hacking apart all the hunters around her, greedily drinking the blood that splashed across her face, taking a large sword blow to the shoulder, but ignoring it in favour of exploding the man who had done such, guts and bone shards flying around everywhere as arcane fire sprouted 10 feet into the air, as the demoness swiftly moved on, her next victim barely parrying her sword blow only to have her fangs sink into his neck, sending the pair crashing to the ground, and Mîrchell's wings protecting her from one attack as they billowed out into an attackers face, clotheslining him, before another blow was landed on her back. This man was grabbed around the throat as Mîrchell whipped up and around, before being thrown a good 30 feet, before slamming face first into the ground, an unpleasant snapping indicating something had broken, probably his neck. She couldn't care less for having a blood-frenzied vampire fighting her opponents, it was actually more fun with all the blood flying around.
Re: School Courtyard

((So who's keeping score?))

Grace lets out a shriek as the body comes flying over, followed by a deep cringe at the sight when it lands. "Oh come on! What the fuck!?" She growls and shouts out. "This is insane!"

"A foolish battle gone too far is what it is." Ellisia says, seemingly undisturbed by the gore, but evident anger all over her. "This needs to be ended before a bystander gets hurt." She continues, suddenly striding forward without warning.

"What? Hey! You don't even have your sword!" Grace calls after her, but certainly not getting any closer.

Ellisia continues forwards at a determined pace, until she reaches the main vicinity of the combat. Unarmed, and wearing the white school uniform dress. Likely a difficult figure for the hunters to define as friend or foe. Proceeding to the closest hunter, she ignores whatever warning or challenge he issues and instead herself powerfully declares, "I am commandeering your weapon." Suddenly closing the last few metres between them, and allowing the retaliatory strike to come inches from her shoulder before swatting and guiding it aside with the palm of her hand, the other grabbing at his wrist whilst she brings a brutally strong knee strike up to his stomach. The blow lifting him off the ground some, before a precisely aimed elbow to the back of his skull sends him back down to earth, very effectively stunned. Ellisia steps forward, now sword in hand, and takes stance, first against the other hunters. "This reckless fight is futile and of benefit to no one! You are unwelcome here huntsmen. You wage your war within a school! Are you so blind!? Retreat now, or be ready to pay for your foolishness."

Ellisia's goal here was to force the hunters into abandoning the fight. She would fight to stun and disarm, using the flat of the sword and other blunt and bludgeoning attacks. Having watched them, whilst they were skilled she was fully confident that she could best all of them in swordsmanship regardless of imposing the slight handicap on herself. She wanted to incapacitate as many as possible before the slaughter got any worse. She knew that Michelle would not appreciate or think any higher of her for this interventions, but that wasn't Ellisia's concern. She was however concerned about how Siphon in his current state would react to her entrance, during or after combat. She would be certain to be ready for possible attacks coming from him as much as any other.
Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia continued to watch the scene, watching the girl who walked onto the scene to try to stop the fight, being familiar with the girl, after all, she thinks that was one of the girls that was in the fight against... what was his name... Charles? Charlie? She had forgotten already.

She had a distinct feeling that Siphon was not taking her serious, and she knew she had to become stronger in order to take the monster out. She reached into her school uniform and pulled out a small vial and a syringe, briefly contemplating doing it, then she paused and smiled, if the monster wasn't going to take her seriously, then she would have to resort to slightly more extreme measures...

She waited until the girl had managed some semblance of control and distraction for the hunters before hurrying towards Siphon, a small smile on her face as she called out to Siphon in her native tongue, <Hey Monster! Over here!>, she hoped to get his attention away from the poor hunters, and perhaps away from the others, where she could make sure the bastard would stop treating her like she was not a threat...
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Re: School Courtyard

"Well, looks like this has gone a bit far," Maria comments as she glances over at the bloodied corpse. Taking a step back then hopping up onto the wall she lets the butt of her cigarette fall from her mouth and just as it is about to hit the floor it hangs in place, time now frozen to stop anymore non-powered students from running into this fight and causing her to unneccesarily have to erase their memories.

Isabella however screams as the body is flung into view, she ducks behind the wall, crouches down and covers her ears with her hands as she closes her eyes for a moment. Though despite her terror she glances over to see if Grace is alright.
Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan was clearly terrified. This was pure insanity, a battle of monsters and demons. He didn't wish to participate, but he couldn't move away. He simply watched, mouth wide open, as the combatants shredded each other to pieces. He finally started to contemplate retreat when a new figure entered the battlefield. A girl in a white dress. Altough she seemed to be more than a match for the hunters, fighting alone to stop this battle was foolish. Yet even knowing that, Bird couldn't bring himself to abandoning his post.

'God damn it, this IS going too far! Why am I even hesitating? Night is coming! And I can't be cut anyway! As long as I keep away from the casters, I'll be fine! This madness has to stop!'

Jonathan began to walk forward. He regretted the fact that he wasn't wearing his normal clothes - he couldn't transform his uniform, and he borrowed it anyway. He'd have to simply be careful about it. He approached Ellisia, deciding to side with her. "Hey, uh... You don't mind if I help you calm them down a little, right?" Bird seemed a bit uncertain, but he really didn't feel like he had a choice.
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon growled in audible anger as first Elissia, then Anthanasia got in the way. However, seeing Elissia, a face he knew and respected, snapped him out of his frenzied blood rage.

"Back off Alveran, and you too Elissia. They won't stop."

To accentuate his point, Anthanasia and Elissia both saw a caster working the magic to attack them as well, even as the leader spoke.

"Do not bother with your lies or trickery, if you support the demons you shall die with them. Kill them ...."

About then they got cut off as Siphon growled something, then shouted to the women.

"I'd suggest moving ladies, I've about had enough of this. If you won't leave hunters and break your honor codex, then I shall grant exceptions to the rule of allowing retreats."

That said, he grabbed one of the light fixtures from the walk way. At first they might think he intended to use it as a club, but then he tore out the wiring with it and began to channel the electricity into his body. The air around him sizzled with energy, and archs of electrical energy raced around his body, threatening to lash out at anyone near. Despite this though, he seemed to have all that power under control.

"I am harnessing the power of the electricity running to a portion of the school. If you doubt my word, why don't you step forward and feel the bite of it? You are fools to challenge us here, on ground considered off limits to your kind. You disgrace your people, your codex and have no honor. I care not what you think of me, or my friends, but you will NOT come here and endanger the lives of humans with your petty war. Leave now, take your fallen and return to face us in a secluded location, you've scouted enough to know where they are. Go now, return to your people and tell them what you have seen today, I shall ... no, WE shall let you live if you go now. Refuse, and I will fry every last one of your divine asses back to whatever god made you."

For a moment, it seemed they were going to fight on, but finally they grabbed the bodies. The leader spoke once more, before the band of them mysteriously just vanished.

[color]"This is not over. We will be back. And we will destroy you."[/color]

After they were gone, Siphon gently put down the wiring, being sure to kill it's electrical flow.

"I'd expect nothing less scum. I look forward to it."

He then turned to Athanasia and spoke.

"No, I don't, and if you EVER put yourself in that kind of position again, I'll kill you myself and be done with it. You've been nothing but a problem since you got here, and my patience is running thin, understood?"

((Decided to end this mostly due to bad location. That and I've suddenly run dry on how to proceed.))
Re: School Courtyard


Corax steps off the roof of a nearby building.

"In the HELL..."

Landing, he glares at those present with a look that screams "I am NOT amused" even more than his normal one does.

"Has been going on here?"
Re: School Courtyard

"Ah, Corax. Polite as always I see," Maria says with the usual level of indifference in her voice. "They'll fill you in I'm sure, I only hung around to make sure no lasting damage was done to any of the students. Now that those men are gone I'm not needed here." Time then suddenly reverts back to normal and as Maria hops off the wall she disappears just before she touches the floor.

Isabella, still cowering on the floor gets up at the sound of Corax's shouting and notices the fight has drawn to a close. She tentatively makes her way over to Grace, the sudden violent image of the bloodied man still fresh in her mind, though after last nights events she wants to know what this was about even if it was against her best interests. Without realising it she had rest her hands on Grace's shoulders and peeked around them, much the same way as a frightened child would do.
Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan blinked. Everything happened so suddenly for him that it was almost jarring. Of course, Bird wasn't used to extreme violence, which explained his shock. When Corax showed up, dropping his question, the young man replied almost instantly. "Hey, that's what I would like to know. I mean, I can cope with the fact that there are some unusual people in this school, but I sure as Hell hope that parties like this one aren't a recurring kind of event." Jonathan raised his arm, pointing towards Siphon and Mirchell. "And anyway, what's with you two? I'm not exactly the right person to call you out on being non-human, but what's with all that bloodlust? You're a pair of freaking psychos!"
Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia is in the process of removing another hunter from the fight when Bird enters the scene. Her head looks to the newcomer very briefly, then flicking back to her current primary opponent as she drops him with a high kick sweeping over her sword lock followed by a second kick as he falls, before looking back to bird again. Her mouth hangs just a little as her expression shows she's not sure what to make of him. If he could handle it then she had no objections. She was just hoping he wasn't merely an overly brave or cocky average student trying to help where they couldn't. "Just be careful." She barks back, neither shunning nor welcoming the offer of assistance, leaving it at that whilst she maintains focus on the combat.

Though with the fight coming to a resolution of sorts, it seemed her goal had been reached, having simply wanted to put the fight to a cleaner end as soon as possible. She looks around the remnants of the battle and shakes her head. A shameful organisation, to enter combat so lightly yet so single mindedly in purpose. Ellisia could actually identify in some ways with what these men stood for, herself having served in such a team before, but she was abhorred by the way they conducted their duty.

Grace had remained where she was the whole time, only moving back slightly as the body crashed near her. She blinks and turns her head as a hand rests on her shoulder, "Oh, Isabella. I think it's stopped now, but it's safe here." She says, keeping a fairly strong face on, though Isabella would be able to tell that underneath that she was still very much shaken herself. She looks forwards again, her left hand moving to rest over her right shoulder on top of Isabella's. From this close Isabella would suddenly notice the very subtle highly translucent barrier floating just a few feet ahead of them both. Much like the one from the night before. This one glowed an ever so faint orange, as nearly imperceptible arcane symbols and strange patterns floated and pulsed gently in the air.

Ellisia sighs and stands quietly, now at the centre of where the fighting had taken place, standing somewhere between Mirchell and Siphon. She holds her borrowed sword low, but does not relinquish her grip on it quite yet, simply looking between the various people involved.
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon's gaze whipped around to Johnathan, and for a moment the demonic black in his eyes resurfaced. Then, slowly, it faded away.

"If you must know, I recently became this ... horror. I'm a vampire, and no I would prefer not to be one, but since when has that stopped the wheels of time from doing whatever it damn well pleases? You think I ASKED to be like this?"

Slowly, his gaze turned more towards Corax.

"Good, your here. You and I need to have a talk. Now. Also, when we're done, I'm leaving this place for good."