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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

Alazais laughs, and the sound is not a happy one. The girl had a way of sending chills down the spine of everyone in a ten meter radius.

"Why... Mr Goldman.. that sounds almost like a -threat-.."
Re: School Courtyard

"Oh dont mind him, he's not too dangerous. Though he did set my pillow alight before...." Art trails off from the memory of that time.
Re: School Courtyard

"See that? A model student right here! In fact, you're officially on my good side, Siphon!... Then again you were always on my good side... It doesn't matter. But I will not allow anyone to clean anything in this school. That's my job,"

The whispering voice that said his name had Matt's face a little confused before he noticed who it was, "Mr. Goldman...? Mr. Goldman's my father. Of course my father was also my brother... Adopted of course, but my mom loved him just the same. Then again, mom was my sister. Come to think of it, I think Sis died while I was in South Korea..."

Matt snapped back to reality when he realizes his blood got cold for some reason. "I don't threaten people though. Threatening is for people who can't think of a good comeback. What I do is I do things I say before I even say it. And then I tell people I'm going to do something to them in the form of a threat. It's like being a psychic! Um... Not that I did anything yet..."
Re: School Courtyard

"Riiiiight. Anyway, if you'll excuse us we have a tour to be getting on with." Art signals the new students to follow him and Corax.
Re: School Courtyard

The dark figure closes in on Matt, and a strangely cool white-gloved hand is laid on his shoulder in what is probably supposed to be a reassuring fashion.

"No.. you didn't do anything. And you're not going to, are you.... would you prefer I called you Matt?"

Red eyes smile from within the hood.

"I don't think we've ever been properly introduced, have we..?"
Re: School Courtyard

"Hold that thought," he asked to his eerie new friend.

He signaled for Burt to come back to him, which he did, and grabbed him. He proceeded to slap Burt on the head then laid him on the ground, where he follows Art.

"THAT'S stalking," he explained to his hooded friend. "And uh... This shoulder's my favorite shoulder... Don't touch," he said nervously. He was getting a little colder again.

"I'd prefer students to not creepily stare at me though... If you can do that, I guess calling me Matt isn't out of the question,"

Matt attempted to focus his eyes into the hood, but saw nothing. "Do I want to be properly introduced...?"
Re: School Courtyard

Eerie red orbs glance at the sky, then there is a moment for consideration. Then, without much fuss, the white-gloved hands rise to the hood, and drop it back without so much as a whisper of moving cloth.

The face revealed.. is human. A fine-featured girl with snow-white hair, and red eyes, and incredibly pale skin - neatly explaining the odd eye colour, and the garb.

"Alazais. Al-a-zay-is. Pleased to make your acquaintance.. Please, don't set fire to my pillow.."

Another awkward pause, before she turns to watch the tour pass, and a moment, before it clicks.

"A-Ah. Well. I'd best be tagging along with these guys.. you... are you coming, or do you have work to do?"
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon raised an amused eyebrow at Matt an Alazais, but said nothing about it. However, he did do them the courtesy of letting them know he was leaving.

"Enjoy the tour folks, and Matt ... never mind. I'll catch you all later. Alazais? I'll remember that in case I need to talk to you about anything at a later date, good to finally place a name to the face, or the garbs as the case may be."

He then bowed slightly, something slightly new for him, then, unless one of them stopped him would take his leave, vanishing quickly into the day.
Re: School Courtyard

Well there was that spill in the cafeteria... And a fight broke out in the A Building... And plus I to mow the fields today...

"Nah, I don't think I have any other work today. Besides, I gotta watch the punk and make sure something happens to him."

Matt begins walking to the group before saying, "Oh, and don't worry. It's only the Boy's Dorms getting a surprise today."
Re: School Courtyard

Alazais watches the curious janitor for a long moment, before smiling, and quickly pulling her hood back over head. Wouldn't do to expose her sensitive skin to sunlight for too long, after all. Thus attired, the girl glides along at the back of the group, keeping the stragglers moving faster simply by her proximity..
Re: School Courtyard

Leo falls in behind the group, carrying both his suitcases and trying to stay ahead of Alazais "So. Where can I put my stuff, Art?" Leo asks, motioning his suitcases
Re: School Courtyard

"Well everyone else's stuff should've been taken to their rooms, but I'd imagine your's weren't because your butler had been lugging it around for you. You'll have to wait until you get your room key now I'm afraid."
Re: School Courtyard

"Or you could let me hold them," Matt says with an innocent smile.
Re: School Courtyard

"You must be joking." Leo says, a disdainful look on his face "There's no way I can carry this all the way." he says, looking at the suitcase on his right and sighing "You can hold them." he says to Matt, setting them down and adjusting his tie "Be careful with them, though. They're quite heavy."
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Re: School Courtyard

"Right right," He says, taking a suitcase. Immediately he sets it down and begins rummaging through his things. "Ooh. Nice stuff,"
Re: School Courtyard

"You want me to carry your bags?" Art looked surprised at Leo. "Heh, I like you kid. You've got balls." Art grabs the handles of Leo's bags and lifts them up with relative ease. "And I bet you didnt think I'd be able to lift them easily, right?"
Re: School Courtyard

"Thanks. I think." Leo says, his right hand reaching into his right pants pocket and pulling out a brown bean-like object, which he promptly tosses up into the air and catches in his mouth, chewing it "You know. Coffee is better in it's natural state than as a drink." he says, smiling as he looks over at Matt "I wouldn't mess with that. It's full of Soil and Botany materials. Very messy if spilled."
Re: School Courtyard

"Coffee? Ergh, no thanks. I'll take good 'ol tea anyday. That or a nice cold glass of cider."
Re: School Courtyard

"Oh lovely. Gardening. I'm just gonna put this back now. I got plenty to garden, thank you,"
Re: School Courtyard

Another student, one that no one has really noticed much before emerges from behind a building, her movements a little stiff as she makes her way across the courtyard. A large and soft looking raincoat with a pair of gloves on her hands and a pair of sunglasses covers her eyes as she turns her head, peering at the group as she tries to join in. Surrounding her was a strong smell of perfume in the air that greets the nose's of those who are near her,

"A gathering? What is this for...?" She looks around and suddenly freezes as she sees the janitor, "On second thought, I think I have something to attend to." She quickly turns and lets out a cry as she faceplants hard onto the ground.
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