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Sarah (Caulder)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Sarah's Character sheet.

Settings and whatnot:
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...):
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.):
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen):
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE):
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like):
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things):
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's:
Non-Consensual Sex:
Fey like Beings:


If there's anything else you want that I didn't add, put it here:

Sarah had been traveling for some weeks to the outer systems of Citadel Space. She was exploring an previously unknown sector of the galaxy where a mass effect relay had just been discovered leading to elsewhere. Her small shuttle was the first to explore and within this star system she saw on the scans had not one, or two, but three habitable planets within it. Two were just within the habitable zone of the star itself, and the third was a very large moon orbiting the largest gas giant, that was nearly as large as the Kitsune homeworld, which was similar to the Human homeworld Earth.

"Sarah, scans show three possibilities for habitable worlds. Which would you like to check first?" Sarah's AI said once her scans were complete, the readings popping up on the main view screen.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Humans: 3
Male/Female: 4
Female/Female: 4
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...): 5
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.): 5
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen): 5
Anthros: 5
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE): 4
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like): 4
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things): 4
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's: 4 to all applicable, character starting out as futanari.
Non-Consensual Sex: 3
Slavery: 4
Fey like Beings: 4
Corruption: 6
Pregnancy: 6
Birthing: 6
Oviposition/Seedbearing: 6
Lactation/milking: 6

Roughness: Honestly so long as there's no permanent disfigurement from the enemies beating her, I have no preference for roughness.

Other notes: 6 denotes MAJOR fetish.

Also I'm not averse to piercings or artificial body augmentation.

Sarah hums as she sits in her seat, going over the information on the three planets, as she runs a brush through her single fluffy tail, her fox ears twitching with curiosity. "Mmmm...Which of the three planets has the most habitable solid ground, Vicky? We'll need plenty of stable earth for a colony if the homeworld wants to get their hands on one in this system first." she asks, and if the computer provides her with one of the three planets, she'll order it to take the shuttle there.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Examining data... processing.... From the data I have, it appears that the second of the two actual planets is the more habitable. The inner planet is tide locked, and you know what that means Sarah. It is a slightly larger planet though, but the light side would be hotter than usual. However Kitsune with their biotics are good at resisting the heat, as well as the cold. The second planet is deeper into the habitable zone, so obviously better," Vicky replied after contemplating the data. "Or would you like to check out the moon first? It is the first we'll be passing by after all. And it looks to have a good tropical beach like area, which I know Kitsune enjoy a lot," she then asked, tilting her head to one side slightly.

"Which do you prefer Sarah? I'll set a course for any of the three. But if you want my opinion, I say the moon first, as it is a little rare to see habitable moons of a gas giant. I think it's interesting," Vicky asked again after a few moments if Sarah hadn't decided.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Vicky, when was the last time I told you I love you? Take us to the moon." Sarah says with a smile, as she continues brushing her tail, before moving the brush up and beginning to brush her hair in practiced strokes. "And make sure to scan on the way down for life signs, please. I want to know how inhabited this moon is."
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"I believe... two days ago was the last time Sarah. I love you too by the way. And of course I shall scan for lifeforms on the way down. Once we're within one hundred thousand kilometers, I'll be able to begin those scans. The closer we get, the more conclusive they'll be. If you'd like, I can take control for now and pilot us in if you'd like to eat something first," Vicky said, her small holographic image on the holoprojector looking up at Sarah and smiling as she gave her a wink before going into autopilot and taking the shuttle in towards the moon. "It will take us about an hour to make it to the moon. Three more hours after that for the second planet, and an extra hour beyond that for the inner planet. In case you change your mind about landing on the moon," Vicky added while Sarah went and got herself some food if she wished.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah smiles and gets up out of her seat, stretching after finishing brushing her hair. "Mmmm...You're so wonderful, Vicky. I think I'll get some miso soup while I'm waiting for you to set us down. Once we get a good look at the planet, and I do a little legwork, we can get to searching the second planet." she says, moving back to the food replicator and getting some miso soup for herself, an Earth delicacy she's fallen in love with over the years.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Very well Sarah. I shall take us in," Vicky said, piloting the shuttle whilst Sarah did all she wished.

While Sarah ate, they came within good visual range of the moon, which orbited a large blue gas giant, which was very beautiful to look at in the background. They passed by the first few moons the gas giant had, of which there were many, and this particular moon was the second closest one to the gas giant. "Beginning scans for lifeforms...." Vicky said, pausing for a minute before completing her first scans. "I am finding that there are some larger lifeforms, some similar in size to Earth's medium sized dinosaurs like the Raptor. A few larger ones as well, but nothing larger than the Triceratops it looks like. Anything smaller than those sizes are inconclusive at this range. Give me another five minutes and I'll do another scan when we're closer. But from the looks of it, it's similar to Earth and your homeworld in many ways from millennia ago," Vicky told her.

By the time they'd come into orbit, Vicky had determined that there were other creatures of smaller sizes than those she'd mentioned first, though what shapes they were she couldn't tell without a visual of one obviously, though the smallest she had managed to pick up with the state of the art sensor array on the shuttle was something the size of a golden retriever from earth. "It looks like a relative paradise in my opinion, for humans and kitsune. And I also detect... what I believe to be structures of a sort, though it's hard to tell if that's what they are exactly. I can land us nearby to them if you like," Vicky said once they were in low orbit, preparing for decent.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah eats her soup and simply listens to Vicky tell her all about the lifeforms. "Mmmm...I know plenty of my friends would want to visit this planet and...'experience' the wildlife. Take us in, close to one of those structures. You've got me curious, Vicky." she says as she finishes her bowl, putting it back in the replicator to break down, and moving to the pilot seat of the one-woman shuttle.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Very well. I'll land us a couple of miles away, but I'll come in as low as possible to keep them from seeing us come in. There looks like a decent clearing in the forest near those structures," Vicky said, piloting the shuttle down towards the planet and taking them in.

As the shuttle went down towards the surface and entered the atmosphere, one of the warning lights immediately flipped on and began blaring the alarms. "Warning... main engine is overheating. It must be from lack of maintenance. I told you to check it before we left the last port Sarah. But you didn't listen. No, it'll be just fine you said. Looks like we'll be stuck here for a couple of days at least while I cool it off and make sure everything's working alright. I've got enough power to land us, but it might be a little rough," Vicky said, chastising Sarah for the lack of maintenance on their craft.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Oh, we'll be fine, Vicky! We've gotten into worse scrapes and survived." Sarah says as she buckles in and prepares for their landing, a bit fearful of what might happen if Vicky can't fix the ship. "So. Any idea if those structures are inhabited or not? Might be we've found an alien civilization." she says jokingly, before shutting up before the landing, keeping her teeth pressed together to keep from biting her tongue.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Perhaps Sarah, but maybe it's best from now on to listen when I say to check the engine," Vicky said, crossing her arms before sighing. "Oh I can't stay mad at you Sarah. And it's hard to tell if there are lifeforms in the structures, but there's definitely some around them. I'm also detecting some nearby the landing sight as well, different from the ones around the structures," Vicky added as the shuttle began shaking softly.

It took two full minutes, with the shuttle rocking harder and harder with each passing second. Sarah saw a large tree coming into view through the main window, and Vicky tilted the shuttle up just before a head on collision thankfully, but a hard smash on the shuttle rocked them hard and threw them off course. "Dammit... the engine's dying out on me. It keeps cutting out and firing back up. Hard to maintain altitude without burning it out completely. I've already flushed the backup water into it to cool the thing off, but it only helps so much," Vicky said, but amazingly she managed to pilot the thing down to the clearing in question, with a thump that nearly threw Sarah out of her seat.

"We're down. I'd advise evacuating for now, the engine is red hot Sarah, and it may meltdown if we don't flush the remaining water into it. Scans detected a river nearby, so you can get more drinking water there I'd wager. Also... scanning outside air... looks clean, you shouldn't need a suit," Vicky said in a bit of a panic, sounding like she was multitasking at least four different things at once.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah breathes deeply as they're coming in, remaining silent and focusing, gripping her chair tightly before they slam down. "Alright, Vicky. You handle the engines and the ship. Now that we're down, I suppose I can take the time to explore the planet while you fix the engine. Keep connected to my omnitool and give me a call when the situation changes." she says, standing from her chair and heading to the door, reaching a gloved hand out to press the button and open it, her eyes on alert as the door opens in case something was waiting for her.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Whew... alright Sarah. Just be careful out there. There's no telling what this place is like, or what the locals are like. But... hmhm, let's hope that they're like the locals on that one planet a couple of weeks ago. The ones that treated you like a goddess and gave you the harem of all those green skinned human looking women," Vicky said, linking with the Sarah's omnitool and making sure the connection was good. "Alright, you're linked up. I can stay in contact with you so long as you remain within one hundred miles of the shuttle. Anything further than that and I'll probably have to launch a probe into orbit," she added just before Sarah opened the shuttle doors.

Once Sarah opened the door, she could smell the crisp clean air outside. It was cool, but not cold. Vicky had determined that it was late autumn here, according to the data on Sarah's omnitool. It didn't seem like there were any poisons or anything in the air, though it smelled like it had a slightly higher oxygen concentration than her homeworld and Earth. The forest outside was pretty much the same kind of temperate forest she'd grown up in back home, though there were a few other kinds and colors of trees, one with blue leaves and a green trunk, while another that bore fruit it looked like was a red trunk with orange leaves.

"Sarah, the river is to the north of here, not too far though. About a quarter mile or so. You should have enough water to sustain yourself for a day or two though at least. The structures were about two to three miles west of here," Vicky informed Sarah as she shut the shuttle doors.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah hums as she steps out of the shuttle, a happy wave going to Vicky, before she decides to start heading for the river, stopping at one of the lower-hanging fruit trees to examine it with her omnitool. "Vicky, is this fruit poisonous, or dangerous to my physiology?" she asks, plucking one off the tree and investigating it with her own eyes while scanning it. If vicky determined it was safe to eat, she'd reach it up and take a bite to taste it.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Um... get a sample of it and scan it with the omnitool," Vicky replied, seeming to have other things she was taking care of.

When Sarah scanned the fruit, she would see that her omnitool gave her a green light on the thing. "It is good for you to eat according to the omnitool's scan. I think it's similar to a lemon... but I'm not sure," Vicky said, with another alarm sounding in the background. "Oh shut up, the engine is too cooling down. I'm gonna have to take it completely offline though for now Sarah. Best not push our luck," her AI told her.

With that, Vicky cut off the transmission unless Sarah had anything more to say. When Sarah took a bite out of the fruit, she would find it was indeed similar to a lemon, but a little less sour and more tasty. The juice was delicious as well and according to the scans of the fruit it seemed like the juice was quite nutritious as well.

While she ate the fruit, Sarah noticed just on the edge of her vision a silhouette near the treeline. "Lifeform detected Sarah, twenty meters," Vicky's voice came over Sarah's omnitool.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah munches on the fruit upon tasting how delicious it is, before she's alerted to the presence of someone else, looking at the silhouette and dropping the fruit from her hands, raising her arms into a guarded stance. "Show yourself..." she says, gulping as she prays it's not a violent lifeform.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Lifeform is closing through the trees. Difficult to determine exact size and shape. It's moving fast too, be careful Sarah," Vicky warned her, with the shuttle's gun turret spinning around towards the treeline, though it looked like it couldn't track whatever it was very well. "Foliage too thick, can't target lock. Sorry Sarah, you're on your own until it shows itself," Vicky then told her.

Whatever it was, Sarah only ever caught the barest of glimpses of what appeared to be the tail end of it. Whatever it was, it had a long and rather thick green scaly tail. Sarah suddenly heard it from her left rustling the leaves, and then only two seconds later from her right on the other side of the shuttle. "Warning... proximity alert, something else on the opposite side of the shuttle. There's two of them now I think Sarah. Be careful," Vicky said, calling a warning to Sarah.

Before Sarah could react, the one nearer to her dove out of the trees and tackled her to the ground. It looked like a large snake... with a human from the lower torso and up on top of the snake tail instead of a regular snake. She looked at least ten feet long from head to tail, had flaming red hair, and her ears were different from a human's as well, being pointed like an elf from Earth mythology.

"GOTCHA SEXY!" the snake woman cried out as Sarah felt the thing's tail coiling around her body as their breasts pressed against each other. While she was tackled down by the first one, the second one, very similar in build and having raven black hair and just as large of breasts slithered out towards Sarah from behind her shuttle.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah screams in fear as she's grabbed by the red-haired snake-woman, holding a hand out towards the ship. "Don't shoot, vicky! they're sentient!" she says, feeling her breasts being squashed against the strange creature's and smirking. "Mmmm...You're one to talk about sexy!" she says teasingly as her fluffy tail swishes under her.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Oooh, such beauty, kssss... and you even compliment me," the snake woman said, hissing softly in Sarah's ear with her forked tongue, which flicked out and tickled Sarah's furry ear.

"Very well Sarah. I will keep target lock though for now unless you wish for me not to," Vicky said over the omnitool.

"Eek! Who said that? Where is she?" the raven haired snake woman said as she began to lean down towards Sarah, jumping back up and looking frightened, and quite a bit more timid than the redhead.

The redhead coiled her tail tightly around Sarah, not so much that she smothered or hurt her, but enough to keep her firmly in place while she examined Sarah to her hearts content. A hand roamed up to Sarah's breasts and groped them through her latex outfit before slipping inside. "Oooh, such soft breasts, like ours. I wonder what you're like down here, hmhm," the redhead snake woman said as her other hand slid down between Sarah's legs and rubbed against her crotch through her latex bottoms.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"That was my guardian angel you heard...Don't worry about her..." Sarah says, mewling as her breasts are groped and fondled. "Mmmm...There's more down there than meets the eye..." Sarah says as she disables her biotic amp, causing her foot and a half of cock, and swollen, virile balls to reveal themselves. "The real question is if you can handle what I can dish out you sexy beast."