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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Well yes, of course you have sex with the people you love, but there's a place for more casual encounters too. Prostitutes provide a valuable service to the community you know" Elina replied as she got up. She listened to Sakura and replied "hm? What is it you need?" before being hugged tightly to the rich girl, returning her kiss with passion. "I'll be here waiting for you, so be sure to come back. Thank you for staying with me" she said, smiling warmly.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Thanks for all, im sure that we meet again, soon

Sakura´s eyes take a time to look to other side, it was really hard to leave this cave and the little help who had helped her a lot, but she know that she must move now that she can, this game should have more to offer and she easily could return if she dont find a better place.

Filling the leather backpack that Elina give her with her swimwear and towel, as she dress her clothes, the blue haired girl take her battle axe and leave the cave, she wave to the little elf but stop as she forget to ask something

So, where is the town? Said the timid girl a little ashamed to have forgotten to ask this earlier
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Elina giggled as she waved, saying "Just go into the forest and keep going deeper, in the direction of the back of my cave. You'll find it if you do!"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

ok, the forest behind the cave said to herself as she wave a last time to Elina. She then go toward the direction that the elf said and look aroud for a forest that should be behind the cave, it should be easy to find in the morning.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura walked for a short while through the forest, which was surprisingly free of underbrush and small trees in this area. The sunlight barely filtered through the canopy of the huge, tall trees all around her, and the sounds of birds chirping filled the air. After a while she noticed something odd, though; there seemed to be a number of low hanging vines swaying around in front of her. As they started to move her way, she would realize that they weren't vines at all.

6/6 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Even when at the start Sakura was slightly scared to find wild beast in this place, the walk through the forest was very calmed and the peaceful sounds soon make her forget any fear, as she now enjoy the moment as if she was walking on her garden. But this can last to much and soon she noted some strange vines moving alone. Oh no, these must be... snakes!!! GO AWAY, LET ME ALONE!! say as she noted that they were moving toward her, her feets were stunned with her fear and in a last moment she start to swing her big axe against them in a desperate way to scared or kill them.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 5 vs. 14 T, Miss!
T 2 vs. 5 S, Miss!
S 19 vs. 11 T, Hit!
T 19 vs. 8 S, Hit and Grappled! 1, Aroused!
S 17 vs. 9 T, Hit!
T 14 vs. 4 S, Hit and Grappled! 3, Resist Arousal!

Sakura's wild swing missed badly, but it managed to deter the tentacles from attacking her briefly. The rich girl's next strike cleaved one of the tentacles in two, though the rest hit her and grabbed her, trying to knock her off her feet. She felt a strange sort of liquid begin to seep through her clothing and onto her skin, and began to feel a bit aroused... Frantically she lashed out with her axe, cutting a few more tentacles and forcing them to drop her, but the rest of them quickly attacked again, grabbing her and trying to pull her off the ground.

4/6 HP

Sakura (Grappled, -1 to Attack)
3/5 FP
1/10 AP
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Kyaaaa, it dont bite me? The girl still was clueless about the real identity of her foes, but she know that they cant want something good. She soon feel the slime getting inside her clothes and some teardrops starl to fall from her cheeks This is soo disgusting. Let me go you thing she swing again and for an instant she was free, not before get wraped once again.

Let me free NOW!!! said as she swing her battleaxe once again to the creature, if only she could have some help from someone, she throught as she wonder why this was happening to her in her calmed game.

[attack ]
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 14 vs. 3 T, Hit!
T 7 vs. 13 S, Miss!
S 8 vs. 18 T, Miss!
T 6 vs. 14 S, Miss!
S 8 vs. 19 T, Miss!

Sakura's managed to get the tentacles off her with a strong swing of her axe, and then managed to get them to keep their distance, though she couldn't get in another hit herself either; the tentacles seemed to be cautious as they tried to subdue her.

3/6 HP

3/5 FP
1/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura made a quick relief sigh when she get free of the creatures, but now she was very close of them to try to run and her weapon was not made to fight defensively, her muscles get tensed before decide to focus for her next attack.

With her memories of her trining with the elf, she decide to send a lateral swing ready to make her axe fall or get up by how the tentacles move to then return her weapon in order to catch his foes off guar in their counter attack.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 17 vs. 12 T, Hit!
T 7 vs. 17 S, Miss!
S 14 vs. 14 T, Hit!
T 18 vs. 19 S, Miss! (Dat natural 20)
S 10 vs. 14 T, Miss!
T 7 vs. 8 S, Miss!

Sakura's swing connected, chopping off the tentacles that were attack her, and then dealt another swift blow to the ever shrinking number of tentacles. Her enemy just couldn't keep up, being deflected by her blade at every turn, and they seemed to be looking rather ragged.

1/6 HP

3/5 FP
1/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

That -1 is making all harder [/color]

Even when the creatures were nearly defeated, Sakura was still scared of receive a bite from them, so she continued attacking without stop, chomping and slashing the remaining creatures, trying to dont be soo close.

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 6 vs. 19 T, Miss!
T 4 vs. 10 S, Miss!
S 3 vs. 10 T, Miss!
T 12 vs. 1 S, Hit and Grappled! 1, Aroused!
S 4 vs. 21 T, Counter!
T 20 vs. 8 S, Hit! Well that turned fast...

Sakura and the tentacles exchanged misses, unable to connect with their overcautious blows, before finally the tentacles grabbed Sakura and seeped more of its aphrodisiac slime onto her body; she began to feel herself heat up with arousal, though she quickly tried to escape and paid for it with a relatively gentle slap to the cheek that tired her out. The tentacles then squeezed her harder, causing her to drop her axe, exhausted. They held her in their grip for a short while before setting her down again, and then poked her a few times in the stomach before slowly retreating up into the trees, leaving her alone again. She quickly recovered her strength, likely a game feature, though she still felt slightly aroused.

5/5 FP
2/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The inexperience in battle soon show and Sakura was grappked once again after fail twice in her attempt to kill the creature. Nooo, get away! she struggle as she fell the strange slime drenched her body even more filling her body with more arousament, the blue haired girl was completely clueless, as she feel her body get weaker very quickly and a last touch in her cheek take the rest of her energy.

Her weak grip on her battle axe dissapear and she was now completely on mercy of the strange creature, who grapple her more and press her weak body until Sakura was only abble to weak weakly, could this thing be a Boa Constriptor? she was ready to cry, but then she was left on the floor by the creature who poke her belly sometimes before let her alone.

The blue haired girl was completely confused That was all?! Her face show a brief smile as she remember her options choiced and take her weapon, slighty worried by how even with her full strenght she still could feel the arousament inside her, maybe some kind of poison, it was needed to reach the town to get an antidote, but first she take the rest of the dead snakes, maybe she could sold them or eat them, as she had heard that their meat is edible. She moved, as her face was slighty blushed and little sweatdrops are created over her skin.

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura would find that the tentacles were more like vines than actual flesh, probably not useful for eating. With that established, she continued on into the forest, walking for a while through the nearly identical trees, her arousal slowly fading away, before coming across another enemy, this one a rather large slime.

6/6 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Asking herself why some living plants had attack her to only poke her, the rich girl sigh as she understand that road to the town could be infested with more strange creatures.

Just then a strange liquid creature appear in front of her. Well they cant hurt me, maybe i could win this one the girl think before run making a lateral swing with her big battleaxe, this could be as the fight with the water elemental elf, so at least maybe it would be more easy.

The key was attack with all her strenght from the start and cause a big wound that couldnot be easily restored.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 17 vs. 11 SL, Hit!
SL 13 vs. 10 S, Hit and Grappled! 4, Resist Arousal!
S 0 vs. 6 SL, Miss!
SL 7 vs. 19 S, Miss!
S 6 vs. 5 SL, Hit!
SL 8 vs. 4 S, Hit and Grappled! 2, Resist Arousal!

Sakura's blow split the slime almost all the way in two, but it rebounded quickly, grabbing her arms in its goop. She struggled to get out of its grasp, but didn't do much more than keep it from expanding its goopy body over her for a while, until she finally managed to cut it off her with her axe. Unfortunately it rebounded quickly again, this time covering her feet.

4/6 HP

Sakura (Grappled, -1 to Attack)
3/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The slimy creature was even more stronght that she expected, could all the monsters be like this of fast? Soon Sakura struggle and swing to get free of the monster who nearly instantly catch her again when she escaped. Noo, Sakura shout as she was starting to get tired of be grappled by this thing, she swing her axe against the monster and then she expect to roll away before once again attack the center of the monster.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 7 vs. 13 SL, Miss!
SL 18 vs. 7 S, Hit and Further Grappled! 4, Resist Arousal!
S 8 vs. 12 SL, Miss!
SL 3 vs. 6 S, Miss!
S 15 vs. 20 SL, Miss!
SL 1 vs. 1 S, Miss!

Sakura's attempts to escape proved futile, and in fact helped the slime secure a more firm grip up her legs, coming to rest just above the knee. The rest of her attempts to dislodge it amounted to little better than flailing, and it was fast becoming clear that she was tiring herself out. She had managed to keep the slime at bay, though, and it hadn't gotten much farther up her body than her knees.

4/6 HP

Sakura (Grappled, -2 to Attack)
2/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Really? 0 AP?

This cant be, why the monsters are so tough. With her legs trapped, Sakura tried her best to get away, but her attempts were futile.

Without nothing to loss, Sakura continued her attempts to escape, this time just using her axe to help herself to escape
