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RPG [RPG Maker] [はなたか] NTRPG2 従順なフィリア 男達の性欲処理に逆らうことは許されない (RJ136304)

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i don't understand what is peeping tom??

American (and British?) slang for a voyeur. A man who sneaks around at night peeping in windows, hoping to watch someone having sex.

Does this game have the equivalent of the basement gallery from the first game, where you could go to get hints?

American (and British?) slang for a voyeur. A man who sneaks around at night peeping in windows, hoping to watch someone having sex.

Does this game have the equivalent of the basement gallery from the first game, where you could go to get hints?

lol ok i get it

ps. what are people talking about? is this talking about a girlfriend in NTRPG1?

i see someone talking about "why want her back?" or someting

lol ok i get it

ps. what are people talking about? is this talking about a girlfriend in NTRPG1?

i see someone talking about "why want her back?" or someting

They're talking about the NTR genre in general.

You are still missing the point. It is not about winning her back. It is about having options and things to do.
Like the Ntr Survive series you had lots of gameplay and things to do.
Same goes for that Solid Stone Ntr game or whatever it was called. That game had lots of options and paths.
Ntrpg does not have any paths. All you do is moving from place to place to further the story like a visual novel with only one option.

Thank you, you get it Pimpim! The point isn't really getting her back but if that's at least an option you feel more like you screwed up in the end when she screws the town. If there are no options then you sort of get a why am I playing this feeling.

Oh, new game! First game even without CG was very good.:)

You are still missing the point. It is not about winning her back. It is about having options and things to do.
Like the Ntr Survive series you had lots of gameplay and things to do.
Same goes for that Solid Stone Ntr game or whatever it was called. That game had lots of options and paths.
Ntrpg does not have any paths. All you do is moving from place to place to further the story like a visual novel with only one option.

My point was that "getting her back" is NOT a common theme in NTR, which, unless I misunderstood, you seem to claim that it is. I thought that uglymonkey11 wanted the option to get her back for a "happy ending," which is not common in NTR at all. However, it seems that he wants that option so she can screw you over, which is much more common, but not a given. I understand if that's what he wants but just don't expect to find it in every NTR, cuz like I said, most NTR don't have it.

I referring mostly to visual novels and hentai doujins, which constitutes for 99% of NTR stories. Also, visual novels does have multiple options, most actually have more paths than RPG makers due to their simplicity.

Chop down the trees in the woods.

One thing I miss is the 3rd star from the girl. You get first star when visiting her in the town elders house in the morning. You get second star when you visit her in the pub in the evening. But how to get 3rd and event?

Thnx for the help. To get the last star for that event, talk to her at night at the graveyard to the Northwest, behind the shop. I'm not talking about the grave with the pedestals, there's another one to the Northwest.

Damn, I was hoping she would NTR you with one of the old guys in town but she does it with the super special awesome knight in shinning armor. Maybe its just me but the effect is just not as strong if you lose to someone who is obviously better than you.If you weren't forced to play the MC, some guys may even choose to identify with this new guy instead, making it Netori instead of Netorare, which is what happens in some NTR doujins. O well, I hope the full game gives more NTR prospects.

Also, what is the point of the stats, HP, and skills of the characters?

Damn, I was hoping she would NTR you with one of the old guys in town but she does it with the super special awesome knight in shinning armor. Maybe its just me but the effect is just not as strong if you lose to someone who is obviously better than you.If you weren't forced to play the MC, some guys may even choose to identify with this new guy instead, making it Netori instead of Netorare, which is what happens in some NTR doujins. O well, I hope the full game gives more NTR prospects.

Also, what is the point of the stats, HP, and skills of the characters?

If its like the first game, then the stats mean nothing, and I think there will be scenes with the other old guys from the village since most of them seem to lust after both girls, and even the little sprite image of the game has 2 different male silhouettes, at least I hope because having more variety and gangbangs would be great.

er, just to make sure, but this haven't got released yet, right?

Damn, I was hoping she would NTR you with one of the old guys in town but she does it with the super special awesome knight in shinning armor. Maybe its just me but the effect is just not as strong if you lose to someone who is obviously better than you.If you weren't forced to play the MC, some guys may even choose to identify with this new guy instead, making it Netori instead of Netorare, which is what happens in some NTR doujins. O well, I hope the full game gives more NTR prospects.

Also, what is the point of the stats, HP, and skills of the characters?

Well, it's obviously going to involve the pervert friend as well. They did the same in the first game. Dead beat, asshole childhood friend and the handsome, even more of an asshole rich boy.

My question is, will he actually take the chance to at least get laid like the first MC did? He was pathetic (which is why I didn't feel bad for him) but at least he was smart enough to not turn down a BJ and free sex. And now we actually have two girls instead of just one. Sister most likely gonna get action too.

I feel like an asshole for asking, but what does NTR mean?

I feel like an asshole for asking, but what does NTR mean?

Short for Ne-Tora-Re. 寝取られ

The phrase means to have your lover stolen but in the genre NTR you don't actually have to be in a relationship for it to count. It can be debated whether the girl even needs to have any feelings for the MC or if it's enough that he has a one-sided crush.

Its like you do this just to piss off people.

At least I hope that's the case. If you were to stupid to read the thread, well...I'm not sure, really.

what do you meant i piss off people

Asking questions that either:
A. Already been answered
B. Can be easily found if you actually took the time to read.
C. Can be easily deduced if you had a working brain.
D. All of the above.

this game out yet?

i need to play this game really bad :v
Been out for 54 minutes now.
You can find it on some torrentsites but I uploaded it on mega.


Been out for 54 minutes now.
You can find it on some torrentsites but I uploaded it on mega.

you know what? I ain't even mad at you. Even more, rep+ for giving me a good laugh :D
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