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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Likely it was some poor creature driven to madness it was probably best to leave it be for now. Brushing herself off Jenny left the room quietly checking for any of the puppets that left. If the hall was was clear Jenny would try to block the door to prevent any more of the creatures from easily slipping out. She headed for the tear in the room after all a nice rest in relative safety would be welcome after her long night awake shivering in fear. Not letting her guard down Jenny entered the tear rifle ready checking the room out before pulling off all her cloths and slipping under the silken sheets to get some actual rest.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Blocking a door was never as simple as the heroine could wish. Checking the area outside first, Jenny glanced both ways. She saw one 2 of the puppets near the stairs, one just looking at them while the other was making its way up ever so slowly. The other two were unfortunately a mystery.

Guess she'll just have to work more carefully. Using some of the tables, Jenny did her best to block the door and left the necromancy class. Perhaps the sheer incompetence of these creatures won't give them the idea to just smash their way through.

With Servo hot on her heels, the duo quickly made their way to the tear. Jenny having her rifle ready just incase. Noone would interupt their dash to their safe spot and soon the heroine was greeted by the calming classical music, this room was so unique for... among other things.

Jenny quickly scanned the area, thankfully there was noone here. The sighed with relief and placed the rifle away. This damned area completely knocked the girl out of her usual routine times, but one thing was certain - it was a damn long day. Jenny stripped from her leathers and got into bed, it was time to rest up and relax.

As if birds chirping their morning songs, Jenny would awake to the sounds of the peaceful and soothing piece the magical instruments played. The warm and comfy sheets almost demanding she'd rest a little longer in them... quite simply she did just that. A bed of this comfort could only be compared to Nicos. Jenny paused briefly on that though... how were the girls back in the city doing.

Either way the room for the time was safe. With Servo seemingly sleeping near the tear aswell.
Jenny gains 4xp. Can spend them now
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny awoke unharmed and unmolested could it be that she was completely safe here? She had half expected Riley to show up and wisk her away to someplace completely naked and alone surrounded by drooling monsters. Thankfully that wasn't the case. Getting up Jenny stretched before dressing once more and getting her kit together. She was out of places to explore at lest safe places. The library and steel door in the necro room where hardly safe. She had vague memories of one of the girls but it was hard to tell where they had happened. She had one sinking feeling that the dead end she had seen was in the necro class but she was still unwilling to venture that way alone. There was of course the two other buildings to check out but she was loath to leave this potential sanctuary. Still she had a sister to find best get to it. Heading out after waking Sir Jenny tried to sneak by any puppets she encountered making her way to the exits in the cafeteria. Any of the creatures she couldn't avoid she would try to deal with silently and quickly.. at lest that was the plan.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth checks:
51 vs 29
40 vs 31
48 vs 37
44 vs 36

No problems there.
With all sexual deviants around it was a refreshing surprise to actually be able to strip and rest helplessly without someone trying to abuse her. Be it with slight disappointment or relief, Jenny was soon ready to go, Sir right behind her. Taking a few deep breahs and double checking her kit, Jenny stepped through the tear and ducked behind a collumn looking around. There were around 3 puppets around, but none anywhere near the stairs, allowing the girl to slip by undetected.

Choosing to go out through the backdoor, Jenny had to pass by the mess hall. Peeking inside, there were STILL the 4 puppets here. Were they stuck here or something, either way it was better to just go around them.

Jennys plan was about to go through without a hitch, when passing small theare room she heard clear music... and a clear voice.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thought about just walking by but the voice she couldn't resist. Maybe this time she would be the one to surprise Riley. Being quiet as she could Jenny slipped into the room and took a seat waiting for the practice to be over.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Atleast that was the plan... Jenny approached the door quietly wanting to just peak inside. Maybe even enter if she managed to sneak inside. Though the moment she opened the door, was the moment things got weird...

Jenny looked around to find herself in a plain landscape, she was wearing a pure white silken dress, a kin to that she found in the martial arts and... she had pure white angels wings? In her hands rested a beautiful silver and gold blade. Looking around the ground infront her opened up as 2 demons clawed their way out of the abyss!

These though were nowhere near the level of demons Jenny has seen... or fucked. The two creatures sneered and let out some battlecries looking at the angel girl.
2 demon grunts appear!
Jenny is battlemages robes, equiped with a 1-h sword.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully Jenny was fully rested and by now battle hardened. Acting quickly she impaled one of the grunts before it finished it clime turning to face the other one blade ready and adopting a defensive stance.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attacks one of the demons!
54 vs 45 HIT!
22 damage [after armor]

Demons attack!
RP GRACE! One demon is stunned, from the preemptive attack.
49 vs 40 Hit
18 damage post armor!
18 tear points!
52/70 HP left!
7/25 Tear points left!

With a flap of her wings the heroine lunged forward, using the momentum to chrage down and impale one of the demons. Sending her and the demon slidding across the ground with her blade nudged deeply into the creature and leaving a deep trail in the ground behind them. Rigth before stopping the heroine jumped off the enemy and with a graceful flip landed to face her opponents once more. The blade gleaming beautifully in the sun.

The demon, grasped at the dirt and raged at the angelic girl, unable to get up instantly from the intense blow. His comrade on the other hand cried out loudly and chraged forward swinging his blade down upon Jenny! Jenny parried the attack only to find it soon followed by another and another! Sparks flew out, but soon enough unable to outmatch the girl in swordplay the demon kicked Jenny harshyl forcing her to drop her guard and swung down leaving, tearing the girls top piece completely away, but not doing any significant damage.

Even without her top, her marvelous breasts exposed Jenny quickly found her footing and stood proudly against the demons. Her blade already slick with demon gore. The second demon approached his comrade aswell, blood seeping from it's wound, it's was fairly badly hurt.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny backup slightly eyeing the two demons before discarding the rest of her now torn top. She didn't want the cloth to hinder her strikes by suddenly catching at the wrong time. These things where sturdy she would have to take care in fighting them. Focusing on defending herself Jenny waited to see the creatures next move.

Jenny is defending herself +30 dodge +15 perception can take no other actions
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys dodge at 70!

Demons attack.
Possible max hit <70. Not a chance.

Jenny quickly switched up her position into a more defensive stance and awaited her opponents next move.

The demons roared at the angelic figure and lunged forward, kicking up a hefty amount of dust along the way. Jennys eyes sharp, her stance pefect she could already see the intended blows before they started.

The first demon swung at the girl only to suddenly be deflected mid-swing, leaving the demon open and fumbling clumsily to the right of the heroine. The other demon attempted to cease the chance and disarm the girl with a sideswing at her unarmored hand, unfortunately for him. Jenny suddenly leaned back the blade only barely clipping the very edges of the girls long hair. Giving herself a quick boost in mobility with her wings, Jenny spun around and delivered a kick to the demons face sending him tumbling to his friend aswell. All too easy, but only defense won't win this fight.

The girl smirked proudly and looked to her two opponents slowly getting up, her pure skin and angelic wings a complete contrast to the dirty and dark demons.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny Shifted her position slightly before making a lunge at the wounded creature. Striking quickly Jenny was soon back into her a defensive stance awaiting the next blow.

Jenny shifts to fighting defensively striking out at the wounded opposition. -20 attack +20 Dodge.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses defensive fighting!
Jenny attacks!
46 vs 45 HIT! barely...
Jennys slains the first demon!

Demons attack!
46 vs 60 -
40 vs 60 -
Fighting defensively saved you ;D

The girl got into position and before the creatures counterattacked lunged forward! Her target - the injured demon.

Jenny dashed forward, but first she'd need to get past the first demon! The creature raised it's blade mighty and slashed downwards towards the heroine! The girl quickly dashed aside and right past the demon, leaving it dumbfounded. Her blade shinning brightly.

The demon swung forth only to have met Jennys attack head first! The blades clashed violently, though sensing the creatures moment of weakness Jenny quickly shifted her blade making the demons blade slip to the side and with a spinning slash the girl sent the demons head flying. One down, one to go. Honestly it was rather surprising, when did the girl get this good, not to mention all of these flashy techniques she was using.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

These foe's where no match for her as long as she kept her defense up. Looking at the creature Jenny went in for another quick strike using her wings to give her a surprising boost of speed hopefully catching it off guard.

Jenny is fighting defensively. -20 attack +20 Dodge.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attacks!
32 vs 45 FAIL

Demon has no chance to hit her.
Demon changes his stance!

The girl was still wary of going on full offense, using her mobility and speed for defense first and foremost. Perhaps the chance to attack would come on it's own.

Jenny slowly circled her target awaiting for an attack, as the demons did very much the same. Getting impatient Jenny lunged forward her blade piercing the air and crashing down onto the ground, looks like the demon wasn't a complete pushover afterall.

The creature fairly easily backstepped the heroines assault and switched it's stance, eyeing her with his cruel eyes.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sensed the change of position and suspecting a sinister outcome she adjusted her stance as well.

Jenny defends her self +30 dodge +15 perception can take no other actions
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny on full defense
Demon in Defensive stance
....nothing happens...

With Jenny on her defence and the demon on his defense, they circled each other. Awaiting any mistake or wrong move the other would do, though patience seemed to be the name of the game.

Jenny was certainly not going to risk her life on a foolish attack, the same seemed to be certain of the demon aswell. Both intently eyed each other, for quite some time when suddenly---

"STOP! Stop, stop, stop..." Riley sighed deeply, holding some kind of paper. Jenny blinked noting the opponent infront of her was... a pillow with piece paper reading 'Demon A'? Some battered remains of a pillow and it's broken wooden stand nearby. Not to mention Jenny was on the minor scene in the room she wanted to peak inside! A wooden sword and the fake angel wings props on her. In the audience sat the woman in the fancy purple suit and Servo nearby waving to Jenny. Looking over the top hatted woman didn't look to pleased with Jenny "You were supposed to attack him, silly." she crossed her legs and looked to the heroine for an explanation for such a dreadful mistake.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What?" Jenny looked around as the epic scene seemed to no longer be playing out. How in the world did she end up on stage? Looking down at her cloths Jenny checked to make sure she was still fully clothed and covering herself if not. "I I was trying to to make the scene more dramatic. Yeah the two opponents staring off a moment before the final strikes." Jenny felt her face burn with embarrassment trying to play along with the turn of events.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley snickered lightly "Oh~ Improv... there's a time and place for it, but this scene was clear." the girl looked to her paper "After finishing off the first demon, the heroine moved forward to the end her second opponent, dodging his attack and weakening him at first. Before in a display of sparks and superior agility ending the second demon." she'd flip the page over "Then we'd go to the grand fight, versus the greater demons, before moving on to the audience favorite, rape scenes." Riley pointed to the script, while looking at Jenny.

"The big nights coming up soon, we have some much still to do. Check what kind of demon puts on the best show, how many grunts we can take out, how big of a cock are we looking for. And that's just for this short play."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's heart sank a little at that statement she was no toy nor some actress in play. "Well then Ms. Riley Im afraid you'll have to find someone else for the part. I have things to do." Jenny didn't like the idea of being rapped and as of late it had been happening far to often. "Good day. Come on Sir we have things to do." What little hope that this Riley woman could be directly helpful for Jenny's quest quickly evaporated. She had clearly lost touch with reality some time ago.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Mhm~ That's nice." obviously whatever Jenny said went in one ear and left through the other, she was far too busy with making adjustments to the script "...but before you go" Jenny was about to leave not bothering another thought for the woman, when suddenly the door way slid across the wall and beyond leaving just a blank wall infront of Jenny. Turning around Jenny would be face to face with the woman "You know my name, but I do not know yours."