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Someone brought the vore action rpg up before.

Also, isn't there that plant with the consume animation?

From the first ROA, ROA1...but that was at least 3 years ago if not a bit more...

...That link was the newest one to date, but that was a few months ago...there hasn't been an update in awhile to it...Then again ROA builds usually have about a good 6~10 months apart from each other...

Gah, anyone have a suggestion on how to beat the new version's Riesz 1st stage? fighting 3 Ridia is a pain D: hit one and the other 2 hit you, if you hit 2 the last one's out of reach, and it's really hard to keep all 3 down

Hey guys, found a little thing that's like WinRar. I downloaded it and then downloaded ROA and extracted it with the program, and it works like a charm. I didn't have to change my settings or anything.

Go look up Lhasa, if you dislike changing your settings.


I tried to download the game and play it, but got this.


What am I doing wrong?

I've gotten that too, sometimes a day or two after I had it working perfectly. I just delete and redownload, but there must be a better solution.

So I just keep downloading and deleting till it works? Uhh... Well ok.

It means you need to install japanese fonts so that the exe can find the player data...

Oh I see what's going on with my computer. My language settings keep flipping back and forth by themselves when I'm not touching them so I can't access japanese games.

And you need to go to the regional language settings in your control panel

Oh I see what's going on with my computer. My language settings keep flipping back and forth by themselves when I'm not touching them so I can't access japanese games.

And you need to go to the regional language settings in your control panel

Hm. I had the same Player Open error. May have to check this as well.

Hello ^^
I like this game but I think that there not many "rape scene": (. I hope that a No. 2 is planned or is already published or ^ ^ thank you again

Sorry for my english,i'm french and i use a translator sometime ^^

this is from 6/21 on the RSaga developer's warehouse, but i noticed it wasn't mentioned here so i thought i'd link to it.

it's a modified version with the red boss manta as the very first monster you encounter, and it's much more aggressive at raping you than the old versions. like, once it actually goes between your legs and starts raping you, you can't escape and it'll just keep cumming and cumming inside you until the game over screen. so basically, escape quick and don't let it pounce on you too many times or it's game over.

the game options menu is improved and expanded too. now you can adjust game speed without editing the config file. i'm not sure what the other options do yet - i've been having too much fun watching rydia get raped to care yet.

sorry to double post, but i want to address problems people have had running this game.


I tried to download the game and play it, but got this.


What am I doing wrong?
Based on your screen shot, it looks like you don't have the Japanese language characters installed on your computer. That's why ROA can't find the file it's looking for. Instead of goofy looking umlats over letters, you should have japanese characters in your filenames. So you're going to have to find your windows CD, then go to Control Panel --> Regional & Language settings --> Languages Tab --> Check the box for "Install Files for East Asian Languages." It will prompt for a CD then copy files. Restart when it prompts you to, then once you're booted up, go back to regional & language settings to the Advanced tab and select Japanese from the pulldown menu. Delete your current ROA folder and re-extract it from the original file to ensure proper filenames. Put the extracted folder in the root of your hard drive, so it's in something like C:\ROA

Once you've done all that, try running it again.
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two new versions on the server within 13 hours of each other...

this one lets you play as a manta and rape the main character. it's damn near impossible to control, and i only got it to mount her once by accident (and she escaped)... if anyone can figure it out, let me know.
[勝手更新] ROA3.zip

i haven't tried this one yet, but i get the impression it has new levels, cuz i beat the top one out of curiosity with one of the girls and after beating the last level it said something about ^ω^ in normal white text on a black background, before going back to the main menu...
roa( ^ω^).zip

I'll be able to help you with the monster-rape problem.

the Z X C buttons are your 'rape' buttons.

Z is for doing an attack in the air, if the girls are there you grab them and slam them down,

X & C are both for jump attacks on ground lvl

Now when you mount them, you have to get there resistance bar (one above) down till it's black, you gotta spam the C button to do that, afterwards, the creature starts the rape and you can sit back and watch. If she escapes.. rinse and repeat.

why the ROA with funny face at the end of the 'roa' have endless of small manta-like monsters?

and, how to play as monsters?

edit: found how to play monsters

double edit: how to mount on them?
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double edit: how to mount on them?

I'll be able to help you with the monster-rape problem.

the Z X C buttons are your 'rape' buttons.

Z is for doing an attack in the air, if the girls are there you grab them and slam them down,

X & C are both for jump attacks on ground lvl

Now when you mount them, you have to get there resistance bar (one above) down till it's black, you gotta spam the C button to do that, afterwards, the creature starts the rape and you can sit back and watch. If she escapes.. rinse and repeat.

At least the above are my button combo's could well be yours are A S & D, depends on how you've got it set up.
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