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[WIP - Full] [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Indeed, I try to help out with translating stuff (be that with specific translations or tools), but Squark is doing all the heavy work on this game (for everything he's asked about, there's a whole lot of stuff that he's just translated without any help). I've got my own translation projects in my sig, and those are all I can really take the credit for. Even if Lilium Union still isn't finished.

I'd also have to agree with him on the ethics of translating another persons work; unless you have agreement from the original author to do an official translation, taking money (especially from people on this site, who seem unlikely to have bought the original game) seems poor form.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

You're a real perfectionist aren't you? If it makes sense, it doesn't really matter how close everything is to the original word. So long as it carries the same meaning then press ahead.

Still, there's a satisfaction in getting everything perfect. Hopefully the game is worth the effort you're putting into it: you great person you.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Listening to Persona music before a long session of work is not a bad way to go :)
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Music is a great pick-me-up, my go-to are SAO's Light Your Sword and Buddy Complex's Coupling Sequence.

Anyway, Squark's & Hasbian's dedication and great attitude are great example of what make these fan translation projects so amazing :) Kudos to you guys, all the game translators, partial machines (I meant Yugi/Yuna), and partial makers floating around ulmf. You guys are just awesome and you have our support!
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

In my Scripts.rvdata, I've hit the quest divergence branches.
I come across this a LOT on these: (レ)
This one is the start of them:
Which roughly means:
Holy Beast of the Forest(レ)

What does that bracket character mean? It comes out as "Re" but that means nothing to me. Anyone got any better ideas?

Google and MS both say "(Les)" and honyaku says "(Re)".
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Just as an idea, could the markers in brackets be related to the quest chain? I've got no idea what it would be an abbreviation for, but that's my intuition on it.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

It is related to the quest branch. Quite a clever little append, as well... Some quests apply to most of the routes, so...

Anyway, here's something I missed during my earlier work, and it's going in a spoiler as it's ending-related:
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Okay, it seems somebody has been telling Mega to take down some of my stuff.
Even the stuff I've bought and left there as a personal backup.
So either I get very creative with my file names or find another host.

I'm favouring the former. Stay tuned, I'm sticking with this.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Okay, it seems somebody has been telling Mega to take down some of my stuff.
Even the stuff I've bought and left there as a personal backup.
So either I get very creative with my file names or find another host.

This kind of thing scares me like no other. All them back-ups gone... :(
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

This is precisely why I've kept all my translation work away from File Servers.
And a backup that stays on a USB stick that never goes anywhere.

The first draft (the Data folder I used to work on) was slapped with a taken down notice (as was V1.00 of the game itself).
I bloody hate White Knights.
Don't get me wrong, though. I can see why they'd take it down. It just took some shithead (who probably hacked my account) that picked out a few obvious files and said "yep, these are pirated" without actually asking whether or not I bought them with a receipt from DLSite as proof. Unless it's MEGA itself scanning through the files and seeing what it doesn't like, though this method is unlikely because it would have spotted some other obvious filenames.

Okay, so one of the files taken down was not my own copy. Didn't much like it, and shouldn't have left it there.
The version of Akos however, was. In retrospect, I should have removed it once I had the latest version.

*goes through connection history and spots something suspicious*
A connection from an "Unknown" device was left open since the fifth of December last year. I don't remember signing in on anything other than my home system.
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

in my working place someone also saved their backup on an USB-stick until they needed it and then.....it didnt work anymore. I dont know if just one USB-Stick is enough to have a good backup-system. I personally have 2 USB HDDs but then its all about money again right?

How much time has been destroyed with this?
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Hi! Just dropping by to say............ Much Love and Thanks for doing this translation!!!! Can't wait for the whole thing to be finished. Don't mind those White Knights, they're assholes :D
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

@ Sascha: Truth be told, very little. I kept the backup quite up to date, so I onlly have to redo about two hours' work.

@ Static: You're welcome, and thank you!

Small update: the spoiler text a few posts ago. I've put my own spin on that.
Title changes are nearly done. roughly 2,696 lines of Scripts.rvdata left. It sounds like a lot, but it's not really.
Next, I'll finish out the Common Events, then finish up the map revision. That will only leave the remainder of the maps (of which there are plenty, some are obscene in size).

I feel unaccountably good this morning.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

great news thanks :) if you are finished and you have a paypal or patreon account just let me know ;) english games are sooo much more enjoying for me so you do an important job here!
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

Small update:
I've finished my Scripts.rvdata revision at last, and am now slogging through the CommonEvents.rvdata file. When this is done, all I'll have left is the maps. However, it turns out the Common Events file is huge and full of things.

Stay tuned, I'll update as needed.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

I've been away a while, and took a break to organise my thoughts as well as try to get back into a decent sleeping pattern (it's an ongoing battle).

I found a couple of crashout bugs thanks to the "rebuild patch" function built into RPGMakerTrans.
All the revisions done, I'm moving on. Have more of the CommonEvents to do, but that'll take some time. I'm doing it in bits and pieces, but attempting to take huge slices out of the remaining maps as well.

Unless it comes up again, I'm done with both outcomes of the first mission to Schwarzburg.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

many thx translating this one! much appreciated.
i wonder if the translation is up to date with the latest patch version 1.10?
PM if you need it.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP]

I'm building this on V1.10, but thanks for the offer ^^

Ugh, more crash bugs (in game this time):
Happens when buffs/debuffs are removed. I get an "Invalid Integer for 'Attack/Defense'" error. That might take a little time to figure out.

There's a couple of spacing problems and some things don't make sense in English, such as "Skill Points (kanji) 10 learned!"
I'm pretty sure I caught that one already, but it's a small fix. I'll do that first, then get back to the rest.