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Ravnica - The City of Sluts Campaign



Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Tag: Iris, Neela

Iris and Neela spent some time questioning whom can be found still talkative at the black markets, this time of night, until a drunk human gives them a convincing hint.

New Information has been added to your Dossiers:
  • The renegade Izzet arms dealer Falish is a female human expert in explosive and exotic alchemically enhanced weaponry, she lives and works on Tin Street. You were told Falish is a regular at the Tavern 'The Millstone', and also has been seen talking with Noggra, the goblin-apothecary. If you fail getting information from either of these two, you'd have to work the streets.. rumours.
Utilizing this information, you take another half hour to move to Tin Street's market square, where The Millstone and Noggra's Remedies(currently very closed-looking) are located, looking around the street before quickly realizing that perhaps an illegal arms dealer does not advertise their dealings pubically. Furthemore, you all know that Tin street isn't a small side-alley.
Tin Street is the longest thoroughfare in the city, a vital center of trade, and a hub of activity day and night. In addition to its shopping attractions, Tin Street is also a popular spot for nightlife, with its many restaurants and theaters. Much of the street runs through the western part of Precinct Four, and other parts are claimed by goblin gangs. The prominent presence of Boros soldiers along the length of Tin Street helps the populace feel safer, but the threat of rubblebelt raiders and goblin thieves remains.

At this time of the night, even the usually lively street winds down, over yonder a handful of boros soldiers calmly listens to the complaints of a drunkyard and you consider just where Falish could be found. It seems you'll have to ask around the places you learned about further for the precise location of the workshop. No wonder the Azorius guard couldn't apprehend Krenko..

Just when you plot your next course of action, a rather drank human approaches!

"Ey there Or...orzhov slut! Yeah you!" He pointed. "Show me your boobs for three copper!
Come on you leeches do anything for money don't you? *hic*"

He insisted, leaning in uncomfortably close to Neela quickly...

Whilest Neela is used to working overtime on her duty at the demands of her wise church-superiors, Iris seems far less prepared for the taxing work. (Iris gains one level of exhaustion, disadvantage on all ability checks.
@helvorn: If you join this investigation late, just do a constitution check against fatigue, Iris passed the info-gathering.)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Tin Street, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Aroused

Neela gave her sweetest smile at the man, her pussy tingling just a little bit as she was called a slut... which was true, yes, and she was rather proud of using her body for furthering her goals, and those of her house... Men were less to her taste, but Neela wasn't picky when it came to such opportunities...
"Why certainly, mister. Here you go." With a lustful smirk, Neela pulled down the top of her outfit, already rather revealing, to let her ample breasts dangle in the night air, stepping closer to the man, swaying to give him a good show. She held out her hand. "Make it a silver, and you can play with them. Make it a Zino, and I'll let you put your head in between them..." She husked, fluttering her eyes seductively while massaging her tits with her hands. (Persuasion: 17)



Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Drunkyard, Tin Street, Marketsquare, Tag: Neela

"Woah!" The man made, seeming suprised by his
sucess, pondering briefly, before fishing around in his raggedy pants, scrounching together ten copper, before grinning greedily and extending his hands to cup Neela's breasts with big eyes, and a fair amount of drunk clumsyness. "Didn't *hic* expect ya to be so nice."
He mused, with a good, firm squeezing of Neela's bossom!
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Tin Street, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Aroused

"That's it, squeeze them harder!" Neela moaned out, just a bit overdone, this man's hands were clumsy and rough, nothing like the delicate touch of a young maiden. Still, a deal was a deal, so she kept pushing out her chest, urging him on. After a minute, she decided it was enough, and stepped back. "Sorry, I'm afraid your time is up for now." She reached out and placed her index finger under the man's chin. "If you enjoyed it, why don't you swing by our churches at the evenings. We offer... special masses for people interested. No need to pay upfront too, there are many ways you can aid our church and community in return for more..." She smirked as she pulled her top back over the lower half of her chest. Another fly caught in the web... She pocketed the money and turned to her companions. (+0.1 Gold)
"Oh, did you like watching? How would you like doing it yourself? No need to pay for cuties like you..." She smiled wickedly.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Random goblin, Tin Street Marketplace, Tag: Neela

"Oh it is?`Neat! Yeah I enjoyed watching, and... don't mind if I do!"
A small voice from besides Neela declared, a lithe goblin standing by the side, seemingly having watched the scene.. and now, she reached up, reaching out to cup and pinch Neela's only barely re-covered nipples. "Have you considered electro-stimulating these bad girls before?"
She enthused.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Tin Street Tag: Iris, Neela Mood: Curious and wary
HP: 10 AC: 16

OOC: Failed Con check.

Missara enjoyed the long, sensuous kiss from her sister Iris. As they headed off on their expedition she slipped her hand into Iris' and walked close by. Her eyes traveled over Neela's sensual form with great appreciation. She followed along with her two new friends, digging into the location of Falish and now this Noggra. Surely they would need to do some drinking at the 'Millstone' as well. When Neela was accosted Missara smiled broadly and clapped in appreciation as the buxom enforcer not only showed off her impressive breasts but offered them up to the drunken man. "Well met, well met. You are magnificent Neela." She smiled at the goblin lass. "Oh! Tell us about the electro stimulation? That sounds delightful."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Random goblin, Tin Street Marketplace, Tag: Missara

(you are fatigued too, yey!)

"Well, Electro-stimulation is a thesis I am working on for fun and breast growth!"
The goblin beamed, with little prompting, producing a .. rod like torture implement looking like thing.

"It's a variant design of an Azorius weapon, it was comissioned by a Rakdos-customer but she got in trouble for, I believe, extreme Arson. Ever since then I've struggled finding test-people... well I found one, but she fainted. I've totally improved the security settings on this thing by now though.

Oh my name is Remza, Izzet inventionist from the S&E labtoratory.. and you are.. hmnn.. Selesnya and Orzhov eh? Perhaps you aren't the right test vic.. people.."

She mused.


Sex Demon
Feb 4, 2017
Reputation score
Name: Karissa, Location: Tenth District, Foundry Street Tag: Brianna, Working Goblin Mood: Pensive, touch starved;
HP: 10 AC: 16

Karissa holds her breath as the goblin clambers onto her lap. She hopes, that somehow she can just... not sprinkle any of her friendly mushroom curse onto her interviewee and instead leans slightly away in an awkward attempt not to lean too much over her. Of course, this makes her an excellent reclining chair as her fear of touch keeps her from pushing the goblin off either. The blush on her cheeks and her deer in headlights appearance only grows as Bri gets cuddly with the goblin still on her lap. She's more or less pulled into a cuddle puddle and despite her best efforts... enjoys the physical touch immensely. She melts slightly at the touch of her companion as they talk.

"I think we're having plenty of fun right now... right?" Kari asked, unwilling to give up the feeling of the goblin's ass on her thighs, despite the initial worry. "We can chat about all sorts of things while being nice to eachother. We have coin if that's what you're worried about. Besides, My friend is equal parts soft and strong. It's a uh- rare day to get to drown in a sea of titties aint it?" If worse came to worse, she also had ways of making the Goblin talk- or at least she thought she did. It's one thing to be interrogated by Golgari shamans, its another to try and copy them.

"We can be very persuasive... right? Bri?"


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Tin Street Tag: Iris, Neela Mood: Curious and wary
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara took a deep breath as the effort of their quest took its toll on her. She was tired but would keep on with her friends no matter what. She looked with interest on the device that the goblin girl pulled out. "My... that looks... interesting..." She smiled and bowed slightly. "Very pleased to meet you Remza. I am Missara Lightfoot a servant of Selesnya indeed. Have you heard of the joy and peace that we can bring?" Missara leaned forward a bit more out of curiosity. "I can see how the weapon might... apply force... but how does it... well, work to improve the breasts?"


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Remza, Tin Street Marketplace, Tag: Missara

"One word sister, Electro induction,.. which I guess is two words.. and yeah I know what Selesyna's about, no offense, but I got bigger things to do than sitting around all day petting sunflowers. Firemind for Life!"
She declared, waving her hand about, before lifting the half sextoy, half weapon like looking device, turning it on with a humming and a buzzing and a slight zapping at its tip..
"Wanna give it a try? I'm pretty certain it wont be too powerful this time. Not to say you badly need it.."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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DM & Goblin Whore, Tenth District, Foundry Street, Tag: Straight to the Chaser

As Bri takes the moment to sit back and survey the scene she does get a pretty good idea of the people about. With this being the post work hours there is a large portion of the crowd gathered around three tables. The first is mostly goblins in leather aprons similar to your whore's. The others in the group who aren't goblins wear the same outfit (tailored to their size) and the whole group is enraptured by a pair of dancing women, a halfling and vedalken. The ladder sports a massive penis which the halfling just finished giving head to and is now climbing up the vedalken's middle.

The second group is a better mix, still heavily goblin, with a bronze badge designating them as a group. These folks are being entertained by about ten elves each in various states of undress, all very happy by any attentions.

The final group is less formal. They too seem to be clearly together and enjoying the entertainment of what must be a Simic Hybrid. The creature has many more breasts than most bi-pedals should. This goes well with the four arms though and she seems just as happy as any of the other whores here. Perhaps even more so, currently sandwiched between two minotaurs.

It is rather clear that all three of these large groups are gangs, but which if any is connected to Krenko is difficult to tell.

The waitress comes over then placing four sizzling drinks down on the table before moving on. The goblin whore latches onto one and takes a big swig, enjoying the cuddle-fest she suddenly finds herself in. Half on the Minnotaur, half on the mysterious, cloaked woman. "Oh yeah! That's it." She takes a moment to squeeze the enormous breasts she finds herself between before continuing. "Well you certainly came to the right place! And in heat? That just makes it BETTER!" She eyes the two silver 25-zib coins before smiling even wider. "Alright, so two nights of fun it is. You want some from Krenko's group, alright then. It's your coin, but you'd better come upstairs so we can get started, then we can see what boys are around to join us, right?"

The short-stack's hand found its way onto Karissa's leg, starting to rub slowly along the covered flesh. "I think you are right about that hun, after all I've been persuaded already!" She then ties a ribbon on Bri's hand and another to the elf's before jumping off and gently tugging them to the upstairs. The ribbons are probably to make up for the height difference, right?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Tin Street, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Aroused
Neela's face was caught between frowning at the electric stick and rolling her eyes at Missara's enthusiasm. Clearly the Selesnya acolyte was even hornier than her, and apparently took not as much pride in her body. "I would be amenable to letting you play with them, but I feel obliged to decline the offer of enhancement... My breasts are big and... juicy enough as they are." She massaged her cleavage in front of both the goblin and her companions, taking in their hungry stares. "Well, perhaps it would be best to show you -" Neela crouched to put her chest at eye-height with the goblin, pulling her dress down to let them spring free. "Why don't you feel them personally? They are each as big as your head, and could swallow it between them! Go on, put your head between them! Feel how soft they are. Free of charge! All you could do in return is maybe help out a few tired girls searching for someone..." (Persuasion: 18)


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
27147 Brianna, Gruul Fisticuff Enthusiast; Tag: Karissa; Goblin Courtesan; Mood: Confident;
HP: 10/10; Armor Class: 14; Speed: 30ft.;

Scanning the crowd Bri gains a bit of intel, but not enough information to act on. Seeming to think the first and third gangs seemingly the most likely. Not through any particular insight, but just her intuition alone. In any case now was not the time to act, she'd had enough reason to indulge in the heady atmosphere of the pud, a place she'd rarely get to enjoy otherwise.
Taking her drink eagerly Bri tips it back, the burn of alcohol muted compared to what she is used to she knocks it back in one go. Chuckling as she pets the Goblin on the head. "Got anything stiffer?" She smiled a little, licking her lips as the cutie starts playing with her breast. "Upstairs eh? Well, maybe the drinks come later, business first." She nodded hopping to her feet, looking at the ribbon tied to her arm, not really caring but finding it curious all the same. She followed willingly to wherever the goblin girl lead.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Remza, Tin Street Marketplace, Tag: Neela

Remzza's mouth gave a little wide 'Oooh' impression, without actually speaking, at Neela's active boobalicious display.
"Help ya out? Sure!"

"They are pretty big, yeah, not sure we can improve the much. Hmnn.. hrmnn..."

She leaned forwards, giving a squeeze, left and right and grinning. "So who are you lookin' for late at night anywhoo?"
She mused, before slipping under, and using one of Neela's boobs like a decorative hat!


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Tin Street Tag: Iris, Neela Mood: Curious and wary
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara wasn't upset about the failure of what she thought was a subtle attempt at proselyting not that the Church had ever been subtle... She'd had a lot of contact with the unenlightened and knew that many had serious issues to overcome before they came to the garden of love. It was her job to bring them around slowly even as she worked for the betterment of the Church and the world as a whole. Missara smiled at the offer of enhancement pleased at the compliment to her breasts. "Oh thank you, no. I'm very happy with the bounty of my breasts gifted to me."

Her eyes widened as Neela pulled the top of her dress down and kneeled to offer the goblin the chance to sample the soft flesh. It looked fun and pleasurable and was certainly a good way to get information.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Tin Street, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Aroused

Neela jiggled her breasts, making the soft flesh over the goblin's skin and hair. "Do you know a goblin by the name of Noggra? We were told she has a shop around here, but no luck in finding it... We would be very grateful if you could help us find her, wouldn't we?" She shot a mischievous look towards Missara and Iris.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Remza, Tin Street Marketplace, Tag: Neela, Missara

"Piff paff!"She made, giving those breats around her a good firm squeezing about, before glancing up at the Orzhov-enforcer.
"Oh yeah, you're thinking of Noggra's remedies. She's a good soul, patches up the wee ones getting their stupid noses bloodied in the gang-wars the non-guild goblins about here love to get into.. not my kinda ale.

Anyway, I know where to find her, but this late at night, unless you had an injured goblin badly needing taken care of, she'd not bother to get up prolly."

She nodded, disentangling herself from Neela's bossom.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Tin Street, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Aroused

"Oh? No worries, it's not that important. Still, you'd be a great help if you could point us to her store, or her house if she works from home. We will try not to disturb her." Neela rose and tucked her breasts back into her cleavage.

. . .

A short while later, while on the way, Neela whispered to the others: "We could either grab a room and wait for tomorrow, or try to force our way inside tonight. That would be a bit risky though. I suggest we... rest. A single room for us three shouldn't be too expensive..." Her mouth turned into a lustful smirk at that last part.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Tin Street Tag: Iris, Neela Mood: Curious and wary
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara watched the sexy enchange and then followed along with her two comrades. "A burglary might not get us the cooperation that we desire. I agree that a small, secure room would be best." Missara glanced at Neela and shivered a bit but did not object to sleeping together in close quarters.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

"Oh, that's amazing! However, we want the real gangster goblins, ok? You know, the ones that tie you down and take turns raping you, not caring if they leave you preggo!" she gave a nod with an expression that said that this much was obvious.

"And we have tried before, but those who aren't on the job simply don't know the tricks of the trade...so please do make an effort to find some real gangsters, ok?"

Well, the mission was to find what was going on and then report it back...and who knows, maybe this way of doing things could actually produce results? If not, at least it would provide an entertaining story...