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RPG Fantia Active [raredrop100] Yume no swimmer

For one thing, it's anyone's guess as to how big this game will be or how much text will be in it. Also, since it looks like there's a number of systems being modified, it's possible that not all of the text will be easily accessible for translation. That it's VX Ace means that probably won't be an issue, but without the actual game or even a demo to look at, you never know.
For one thing, it's anyone's guess as to how big this game will be or how much text will be in it. Also, since it looks like there's a number of systems being modified, it's possible that not all of the text will be easily accessible for translation. That it's VX Ace means that probably won't be an issue, but without the actual game or even a demo to look at, you never know.

For the last time it was on the blog, it did states the game was plan to have 20-25 hours of gameplay, so I would likely guess it shall be roughly side by side to the lastest oneone1 game.......
well, the demo was released roughly 3 hours ago, there's a link on his twitter.
Version 0.00 is right you get to do literally nothing just see a few short events.

For the demo 0.00
Pretty much this is JUST the introduction. If you're expecting anything else but a few text blurbs and some showing off of art, get ready to be woefully disappointed. While there is at least a battle here, you don't even get to fight in it, nor does much of anything really happen in it before it gets cut short due towards plot. There's apparently 2 events you can trigger in the town once unlocked, but as his roadmaps has been put out, he plans to release a new revision once a week, up to 0.40 that will be what he calls the 'full trial version'. Combat stuff isn't planned till 0.20, and then stuff like the 'Dream Mode' stuff isn't planned till 0.30. In his own words "If you're after the battle stuff, please wait till 0.20 to play".
...I don't even know why he's breaking it up like this in earnest, I guess his desire to sell this is just so strong he's trying to play it safe, but in turn it all feels sloppy given what all he's shown off for the last year and this is what we get on the first public outing...
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Yes, a friendly lurker by the name of Elmsdor dropped me a hint earlier that the dev released a small trial on his Fantia. The good news is that it's free (it has a "cost" of 0 gold) so in order to get it you only need to register on Fantia, change your profile to adult and pay 0 Yen for his demo. You can figure this all out with google translate.
As for the demo, it's more like a proof of concept than actual REAL demo. It has very few scenes, you pretty much can't go anywhere and the heroine can't get dicked. But it works, the heroine is cute and meaty and unless the dev is struck by some plague like the dreaded Japanese cold we're looking at a great game.
Now, I implore everyone to NOT upload his demos anywhere else. If he wanted to he could've uploaded it to some other services but didn't, so I'm going to assume he wants a more controlled environment. And since the dev said he doesn't speak English I think seeing his demo elsewhere without his consent or knowledge would only spook him and make him weary of evil gaijins.
Can't wait for 0.20 then lol. That's alright, I'm honestly just glad we finally got our hands on something even if it is not very much at all.
So 0.10 is out on Fantia for free again. It has far more lewd scenes this time, but no actual penetration. Just a blowjob, a handjob, and a titfuck.
Getting to the end either unlocks or glitches to let me swap outfits from the regular outfit to the cleaning outfit to the gym outfit or get naked. But taking your hairband off crashes the game and putting on the cleaning outfit after being naked crashes the game, but only that combination for me.
Yeah I saw that released from the twitter. I'm just going to wait until .20 honestly. I'm more interested in the CR personally. .10 was delayed there for 2 days from the supposed release date. I saw .11 will be released on the 26th supposedly as well.
We're at last at 0.2!
So to start off this post, the dev makes it clear this is ONLY giving accessibility vs the Slime and 'Milk Slime' in this ordeal, more less Lose Events aren't added yet, so it's pure Battle Rape stuff if you're looking forward towards the events playing out on defeat. Still, after the starting stuff, and getting added towards the Magic Guild, you'll get your first quest and allowed down into the sewers at the top left of the starting map. It's here you can at last fight some kinky blobs, with one doing a basic grapple, breast and clit tease, and the 'milk' one aimed more at inflation and fluid absorption. Both of them are fun enough fights, though given the early level you're options at fighting them is pretty much "Spam attack endlessly, or Defend and waste turns for the kink". I was semi hoping for more 'direct' status effects too that would last after a grapple, as the only things that seem to stick around is some status that just say "Area X was teased recently", but they don't seem to directly do anything beyond notify you. But if the stuff they showed off on twitter BEFORE this woky beta/demo stuff started up was legit and they just refuse to have it in here for...whatever reason, we're going to be looking forward towards some REALLY nice erotic battling I feel with later foes galore and their rape attacks. It is nice that this game's got direct insertion as well and doesn't skirt around it!

Still, as like how 0.0 was JUST the intro, and 0.1 was JUST a few side events, this all feels like the dev's directly doing his damnest to keep everything more restrictive then needed...
I like the art style allot and the battle H system seems pretty good so far. Looking forward to more demons of this and an eventual release.
if the demo is any indication of what the whole game is like, it will be pretty incredible

it seemed pretty ambitious in terms of all the systems but hopefully the dev can deliver.
Unless he decides to railroad everything like in his demos.
Note: While there is indeed a new version up, the release notes also say that there is approximately one minute of new content in that version. Apparently raredrop100 has been having issues with the battle system - as evidenced by the fact that even the one new battle in the game is bugged as well.

Perhaps best to skip this release and wait until the next one.

Yeah, as titled this is the '0.2.5', and not the 'legit' 0.3 version that was expected. In earnest this demo thing's only really making this entire thing and feel more shoddy then it might honestly be. Though in their own words, they are making a secondary demo version, using chunks from their full game, and keep forgetting to bring over images or scripting needed for those elements. So they end up causing bugs galore. I really gotta say this is such a heavy push to protect their content to push a sell it's really starting to dig into me the wrong way...
Lipucd Is that what's happening? I'll admit I've not kept up with every post they've made, but personally I was under the impression that they had multiple game chunks available and were having problems integrating them. Well, that and feature creep. I suspect that the time they put into making the new sex stats screen (which also didn't make its entrance in this version of the game) might have eaten into their testing time...
Well, it would be a good example of don't forgot to memo everything for the system, or else demo would be hard to make.
while there are some bugs due to how this dev is trying to carve out a working trial based on the full game which presumably has a lot of dependencies and interconnected systems that are being broken, i did find that the battle with the sword-wielding girl was really interesting in that it could end in different ways depending on what you have the MC do during combat - you can defeat her and proceed to the goblin cave where a scene is supposed to happen (which was previewed on his twitter here: ), get grappled and have her toy with the MC, or get grappled, call for help, and then get taken into another scenario entirely when a monster is drawn by the noise, which results in a different scene
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So he was talking about 0.25 earlier, but I just checked his twitter again and 0.3 is up.