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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli listened pensively to the explanations offered by Vala and Samuel, starting to better understand how this city worked even if it was well out of her area of experience. "The aliens, now demons, and the orc threat looming... How do people even have the nerve to squabble?" She mused, fairly genuinely confused by the conflicts. "A wandering hero... Well, that'll make a good legend a hundred years from now I imagine. Will it be long before we're let in? I've never been to a city, I want to know what it's like inside!"
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"It shouldn't be too much longer, though I wish the city was in a better state than it is for you to see. Before the attacks it was really beautiful and lively. The art shows in the parks where my favorite. Samuel smiled wistfully as Vala chimed in. "Yeah those stuffy shows where great but the real life blood of the city was the theater district run by the entertainers guild." Samuel coughed "Burlesque is not theater." Vala threw an unpleasant look at Samuel but before she could start an argument a man came running up. "Sir! You and your party shall be allowed in. Also the Lord Mayoress would like an update on your mission as soon as possible once you've had your rest." Saluting the man ran off the prominent Blue tabard and wolf head clear in the mass of people. Both Vala and Samuel looked at each other and shrugged, their building argument deflated. Both seemed surprised that the new Lord Mayor was female but other than that they focused on the ride into the city.

Finally as Revalli passed the line of people she could see threw the massive gate into the city itself. The first part of she saw past the walls was hardly impressive as the buildings where damaged or burnt to the ground, but given this town had just fought of an invasion not to long ago it was little surprise. Once they got past that and the impromptu check point Revealli got to see the city in a better light. Cobbled streets ran threw out the place. Tall iron posts lined the streets at intervals. At the top of the iron poles sat a cage of some sort though Revalli couldn't see anything living in them. All around them men and woman from all over the lands went too and fro. Elf, human, Orc, all where present. As they moved deeper in the shorter more squat buildings that you would usually see in small towns and cities slowly changed into larger and more towering buildings the tallest of which easily topped sixty feet. Usually impressive on its own the fact that it was not an oddity stood out. "This is one of the oldest residential area's of Endus. One of the former Lord Mayors commissioned these giant buildings to hold all the residents he forced from what is now the warehouse district. Sadly the engineer who made them passed away so these are the only ones this big." Samuel looked over at them as well. "Aye I cannot imagine living in such a cramped place." Still they didn't linger long and as they passed the tall buildings the surroundings got a little less cramped and crowded. Off to her left a massive mansion sat surrounded by a tall gate. If Revalli asked she would find out from Vala that it was the Silken Princess the biggest brothel in Endus as well as the headquarters for the entertainment guild. As they passed that several more mansions dotted the street though some where in obvious disrepair or abandoned. However one seemed to be a buzz of activity with fresh work being done to restore it. "Thats the Lord Mayor's manor. Ill go make my report now. Vala could you please show Lady Revalli to our home." Nodding Vala would lead Revalli onward if she wanted. If show they would come to a fairly small manor house with a solid wall guarded by a two weary looking footmen who instantly brightened when they saw Vala riding up. After a brief talk at the gate the duo were let in. From there they went to a small stable to rest their horses and where lead threw the kitchen to a changing room by a servant. Stuck with Vala and older woman of graying hair looked them over. "To the baths with both of you. No ladies of the house will stink of the road and horse while I yet provide service for my lord." Vala tried to protest but she was quickly silenced by the stern glare and forceful attitude of the older woman and quickly began to get ready for a bath. She then turned her attention to Revalli. "Ahh I see my lord as truly found a rare flower in his travels hopefully you are not as difficult as my Lords half sister. Vala threw the head servant a dirty look but Revalli could see that it she made sure she couldn't be caught doing it.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli listened to the siblings speak on what the city had once been, opening her mouth to offer a mollifying reply before the argument could continue only to have one or the other speak before she could. She couldn't even ascertain what "burlesque" meant! Luckily, someone in uniform came to inform them that they were to be allowed in before it could get really heated, and Revalli shut her mouth again. Samuel was summoned by the mayoress... That sounded important, but they apparently weren't going to go about it urgently if the shrugs from the pair were any indication.

Entering Endus for the first time, the initial impression was a bit muted and depressing, though that could probably be blamed on the recent battle. Still, it was a depressing start to her first time in the city, even if things quickly grew more lively as they penetrated deeper into the city. The cobbled streets and colorful variety in passersby was muted by the hanging cages, which left the elven mage shrinking in distaste even if all of the ones she passed were entirely empty. The buildings at least served as a better distraction, constructions of such oddity to her - who had lived only ever in her parent's magical tower - that she couldn't help but wonder how the larger ones were constructed if not with sorcery.

"How did they... Build them so big?" Revalli asked somewhat hesitantly. She was unused to being so ignorant, but there were just so many things here beyond her comprehension due to her isolated upbringing. How could people live so packed in? And in something so huge but so... Odd looking. She shared the feelings of her companions, certainly.

They passed the odd buildings soon enough, however, and came to more spread out constructions. The large mansion did catch her interest, and Revalli blushed at the mention of it. Sheltered though she was, she did know what the word "brothel" meant, and asked no further questions on that particular subject. How could that sort of thing be just... So open?

"Alright... Good luck Samuel," Revalli said, giving him a slight bow with her hands folded in front of her. With that, she would continue on with Vala, eventually approaching a small mansion where they were greeted by some guards. Their horses were stabled, and they were soon met by a wrinkly old woman whom Revalli could only assume was a house servant. This she was familiar enough with, though she had to suppress a smirk when Vala was bossed around by the older woman. She wasn't used to such weathered features, but knew enough about humans to understand how aging affected them differently from how it afflicted her own people. Her own servants had been bonded faeries, forced to obey by magic until the terms of their contract were complete. Revalli had never been the sort to abuse that kind of power, and though she didn't know it such had undoubtedly preserved her maidenhood given the famed amorousness of the fey.

The remark about Samuel colored her cheeks instantly and caused Revalli to flick her eyes away, unable to meet the servant woman's gaze. Vala's continued brashness proved a suitable distraction, and the idea of a more pleasant bath than magically manipulated cold water most certainly appealed to her. "Uhm... Ma'am, might I trouble your house for a bath as well? I have been on the road a while as long as Lady Vala. And... My name is Revalli."
Re: ranger Test Thread

The strangeness of the tall buildings and the mysteries of their construction would remain for now as neither Sam or Vala had any ideas. However they did mention that the temple had a vast library and if she was so inclined they could pay for a temporary membership to the mage tower if she wanted it. Still after awhile they parted leaving Samuel to his meeting and herself and Vala to deal with the head maid.

Requesting her bath Revalli got a warm smile and a short bow. "Of course dear right away." Clapping loudly seemingly summoned too much younger woman barely just reaching adult hood. "See that Lord Samuel's guest is shown to our Ladies personal bath. In unison the girls replied in the affirmative offering toe lead Revalli away while Vala was left at the mercy of the head maid.

As she was lead threw the halls Revalli noticed several paintings and portraits of a much older man with a very similar appearance to Samuel. In every single one he had a smile on his face and a kind look in his eye. One she saw seemed to be a family setting. With a much younger Samuel and his parents. The kind man was present as well as a very stern looking woman. She was regal in her own right but lacked the kindness that was evident on the older man. Oddly enough no paintings of Vala adorned the walls.

The personal bath Revalli as lead too was adorned with gold decorations of mermaids its marble floor cool to her feet while steaming water was brought up by another servant girl and poured into a porcelain tub. "Im sorry my lady but with the repair work ongoing we still have to bring up hot water from the kitchen. The bath should be ready in a few moments however. In the mean time I have brought up a selection of clothing that is worthy of such a guest." Leading Revalli into a well furnished room with a massive four posted bed, the servant lead her to a small couch with various dresses. Most where simple but elegant affairs not over complex but still rather nice. A few tended to be more lavish in appearance but where the minority.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli only had time to shoot Vala a helpless look before leaving her gropey traveling companion alone with the stern commander of the serving staff. She looked over the paintings along the way, seeing the family resemblance in them. She made no comment on the lack of any sing of Vala, having been told of the girl's illegitimate status before and suspecting that she probably wouldn't have sat still long enough to be painted anyway.

She waved off the servant's apology, "Don't worry about it. I could draw my own, but unless you have it heated here it would be cold unless I used a little fire magic too. It might save you a little work... Truth be told, I'm used to making my own baths, so if you think it'd help I can just do my normal work."

Whatever the servant said to that, Revalli would follow them to a dressing room to be confronted with a number of outfits that were all far more elaborate and expensive looking than anything she had ever owned. They might not be the most lavish available, but her simple upbringing made them seem so to her eyes despite that her parents were technically of noble birth. "These... These are... Oh my," She said, with a girlish whimper.

Revalli would spend a few minutes looking over the various clothes before eventually choosing a black dress. It wasn't elaborate or revealing, offering only a slight hint of cleavage where it laced up but clinging to her frame tightly. "Uhm... I wouldn't want to dirty them, so I'll wait until after I've had a bath to... Try them on."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"No my Lady it is our duty to attend your needs. We will have the bath ready shortly." With that said the girl would lead her to the room and help Revalli in any way she needed with the dresses. Once she had picked one the girl asked if she wanted any others made available for her another day and let Revalli pick a few more if she so desired. Once that was done she was lead back to the now steaming and soapy bath. Her the servants got a little close for Revalli's independent nature quickly stripping her and guiding her into the bath. "Would my Lady like us to wash her back?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli would merely accept the servant's response and waited placidly for her bath, picking out her outfit in the meantime and then looked surprised when offered additional outfits for later days. "Errr... Well, uhhh... I... Hadn't thought of that... Uhm... I don't know how long we're supposed to be staying, but, uhm.... I guess... It couldn't hurt?" She said uncertainly, though she gave the other clothes on offer a second, more enthusiastic looking over. She didn't take too long on it, opting for a much showier red dress, a more ornate one in dark green that seemed more formal, and a white blouse with a blue skirt.

When it came time to undress, Revalli expected the servants to depart. Her surprise when they didn't shocked her into silence initially, and she only managed to really react once she was already half naked. "Guh! Uhm... I can... Gah!" Her bra came off, and Revalli's cheeks went bright red as her breasts were briefly bare. She covered up, only to lose her panties a moment later, causing her to jump, jiggling slightly with her modest but still appealing curves. She was quite happy to sink beneath the bubbly, soap filled water, lowering herself to hide most of her nudity as best she could.

"Oh! Ahh... Uhhh.... S-sure!" The elf said softly when one of the servants offered to help wash her back, too flustered to be anything but polite while she still was unused to being naked around strangers. She had never had anyone else take her clothes off before, at least since coming of age to think of it in the adult manner, and was entirely unsure of how to react to it being done in such a casual manner by people she had just met.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Thankfully one one of the servants stayed to help Revalli with her bath a younger girl with cat ears. Wordlessly she scrubbed Revalli's skin clean gently before rinsing her back with pleasant warm water. When that was done she inquired if the lady would need anything else and if she wanted her hair scented. Answering how she would Revalli could enjoy the bath though it was strange as their was always at least one servant around to tend to her needs. Once she was done they girl with the cat ears would once more return with a warmed towel and clean undergarments apologizing that they had to barrow some from a fellow servant as none on hand would fit her size. Once that was taken care of she was lead once more to the room to get fully clothed. Meanwhile the girl from before began to comb out Revalli's hair.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli had never seen a su-ku-ta before. The catfolk of the desert to the South had varied appearances, or so they said, but the ears sticking out of the servant tending to her marked her as one of them or as a mutant. She had heard that horrible things had happened there of late, but those were only rumors in her secluded home, and Crolia had too many problems of its own to worry about those of a land far across the mountains. Still, her curiosity at the oddity in the form of the foreign servant slowly overwhelmed her embarrassment about being naked around strangers, and as the maid helped her clean the portions of her that she couldn't reach Revalli would gently prod her with questions about her name, origins, and how she had ended up serving the house of Vala and Samuel.

In a little while she would be cleaned, dried, dressed, and having her hair brushed. That part at least Revalli was a little used to having help with, and bore having her now lavender scented hair brushed with cheerful dignity while talking jovially with the servant who was seeing to her. It was much more comfortable being fully clothed, and when pressed to move on she would do so with more courtly grace than she had yet displayed since beginning her travels. She might be fairly rural, but she was still technically a noble, and could carry herself like one to a degree if it seemed appropriate after all.
Re: ranger Test Thread

As the girl helped Revealli she would answer the questions she could. The first thing she had learned is that Shala as she called herself was born here in Crolia from former slaves that Samuel's family had freed. She went on to tell her that Samuel's father had bought her parents from the market whole sale and freed them on the spot before the Slave master skipped town. Apparently Endus had recently passed a law banning slavery and the slavers finding their market now hostile had started to leave. Her parent insisted on paying off their price and worked as indentured servants to the family and even after they had earned their price they stayed on. "Samuel's father was a kind man but his wife Agatha hated anyone different than herself. I'm the only one of my kind that stayed in their service.
Re: ranger Test Thread

An interesting tale, and Revalli listened intently without trying to interrupt beyond poking for the occasional detail. "That's sad... Are Samuel's father or mother still around?" She asked curiously once the tale had ended.

(I don't remember exactly if this came up before. I think it might have, but am derp.)
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Lord Samuel's mother died of sickness when the Artmirst incident happened. The Lord himself died shortly after defending the city from an orc war party. We mourned for days." After the brief tale Revealli found herself in the dress she had picked and guided to the dinning hall where a far more elegantly presented Vala sat clearly uncomfortable in the fine clothing. "Ah Revalli! Samuel just returned a few moments ago and is getting cleaned up. He should be joining us for dinner in short order. So how was the pampered treatment?"
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"....Oh..." Revalli said, unsure of how else to respond to the answer she'd gotten. That made Samuel the lord here, didn't it? Revalli was shaken from her thoughts by her reunion with Vala, who looked entirely uncomfortable in the fine garb she'd been forced into. She managed a smile at that, and let the dire news about the parents of her new friends slip out of her mind.

"Ahhh, so I'll finally get that dinner he promised me," Revalli said, smirking broadly and moving to settle into a chair next to Vala. She glanced at the servants nearby, and then looked back to Vala and spoke in a lower voice; "Well... I'm not entirely unfamiliar with it, but it's still... Odd. Especially after so long on the road."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala smiled "Well for me this whole get up is uncomfortable. And sense I cannot go back to how it was I enjoy the time on the road as much as possible." Vala leaned forward her elbow touching the table only for a notably loud clearing of the throat from the older woman stopped her. Vala let loose a slight sigh and returned to the upright position that she had been before. As they waited the woman were poured some wine and were able to chat a little before Lord Samuel entered. He was wearing a rather fine looking suit that complimented Revali's dress and brought a smirk from the older woman. Vala Raised her eyebrow a moment before shacking her head. "Ahh Lady Revalli how was your day." As he spoke the young lord took his seat at the head of the table. Revalli was too his right and Vala his left. "I trust they treated you well?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I can tell," Revalli replied sympathetically, "you seem pretty out of place... But relax. I'm sure you can find some adventure if you really want to while we're here~"

Revalli would chat with Vala for a while, asking innocent questions about how things worked here in the city. When they were given wine, Revalli would opt to indulge, albeit not too quickly. Unfortunately, her lack of experience in the drink - she had never been allowed it at home - ensured that it quickly went to her head. By the time Samuel arrived, Revalli was rosy cheeked and smiley, and about midway through her third glass.

"Oh... Hello Sir Samuel!" Revalli said graciously in greeting. "My day has been pleasant so far... Your staff is excellent," she replied again missing her own innuendo entirely. "How did things go?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

For the most part it seemed Endus was in its prime a city of trade hosting a large network of trade houses and guilds. Its government is headed by the Lord Mayor who is elected for life by the citizens. Sadly that was as much as Vala knew about it but other questions were easily answered. She did find out that the guild leaders of the major factions kept the city together via a council but now that a new Mayor had been elected it would probably disband soon. All in all she learned a bit about the history of the city as well as the general layout. Of more import she found out that way back in the family line Samuel's family had been related to one of the first Mayors of Endus or at least that was the story Vala was told.

Upon Samuel's return he smiled warmly at Revalli but turned his head to the older woman and gave her a frown. It didn't last long as he turned his full attention back to Revalli giving her a bright smile. "It went well. I got more details about the power change in the city. The new Mayoress is young but intelligent a former member of the mage's guild and daughter to the Leader of the Wargs. With powerhouses like that backing her reign I have no doubt she will get Endus back in order.
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"Oh.... Well that's good, right? Things will get back to normal. Or as normal as it can be with the war still going on and... And everything else," Revalli replied, once more displaying her outsider status. She had little comprehension of the politics at play here, even after what Vala and the servants had explained so far, and especially of the significance of certain events.
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Samuel nodded in agreement with her before speaking. "It seems the last of the hold outs have been cleared. They even managed to locate the arcane key to the treasury so they can start paying people to get back to work clearing districts. Though its not all good news. After meeting with the High Priestess of Venus, which much to my surprise is the leader of the temple of justice... "HA!" Vala smiled triumphantly but it quickly faded to a more subtle smile as both Samuel and the older woman gave her a look. Sighing Samuel's frown turned into a smile. "Indeed Vala is not gonna let me forget this one." He laughed causing Vala to laugh as well drawing both of them a look and a sigh from the older woman. Still after that he returned to a more serious tone. "As I was saying. The Priestess has informed me that she will only approve of the transfer as long as I work to bring the village under the sway of the city."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Venus? The love goddess? That's an... Odd choice for a chief justice isn't it?" Revalli asked, glancing at Vala after her outburst but not quite sure what it meant. Perhaps there was some sort of history there. The shared laughter only confused her more, but if the two didn't offer some sort of explanation she would let it go for now, instead asking; "But, wasn't the village under the city's banner anyway?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Samuel ended his laughter and apologized about the inside joke. "It is but one dose not simply refuse the orders of a prophet." It was then Vala spoke up a slight grin still on her face. "Aye that old puffed up self righteous follower of the Star God nearly had a heart attack." Vala had to hold back another snicker before speaking again. "Anyway the heads of the church kept it from the rest of the rank and file. After all they didn't want it public knowledge that the High Priestess of the Temple of Justice was the leader of the resurgent cult of Venus. They didn't want her proclivities to hurt the image of the Temple." Nodding Samuel chimed in. "Giving Vala's previous.. umm... employment she knew who the priestess was and told me. I didn't believe it till her knighting ceremony and the priestess walked out in her holy vestments." Samuel blushed bright red causing Vala to finish up. "Or rather lack their of." Vala cast a teasing look at Samuel who only blushed deeper.

After a moment however the he recovered enough to move on. "Anyway the town was an independent settlement it seems. The Lord who claimed it was lost in the orc war along with most of his other assets. Its no wonder there were no guards or even paid soldiers before my knights arrived. They all probably turned to banditry when the coin rand dry."