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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

Frowning at the lack of available treats, Revalli would go out to briefly explore the garden with the hedgehog in hand, finding it a few berries and feeding it to them gently. She couldn't help but explore the garden a little bit more as she noticed some more exotic plants, and after a cursory examination she would be made impressed as she noted the various rare and exotic plants, many of which shouldn't have been able to grow in the frigid environment of Crolia at all. She chalked it up to faerie magic and returned inside, finding Tia awakening and demanding food, and after ensuring that it was still at least warm Revalli ladled her a bowl of soup.

"Errr...." Revalli began awkwardly after Tia's innocent question, unsure of how exactly she wanted to answer that. After a moment, she sighed and sat down before saying; "Well, they raised me to be what I am, so I guess they're pretty good, aren't they? I wouldn't say that they were always nice, but they were pretty supportive of me learning magic. Not a big surprise, given that both of them are mages themselves, but even when I focused in things that they didn't know all that well they taught me as best they could. They even supported me coming out here when I heard about what was happening, though they weren't exactly thrilled about the idea."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Tia had a mouth full of soup when she spoke next. "Whats going on out here?" Tia eagerly dipped her spoon back into the soup to eat some more. Clearly the child was innocent of the events in the greater world even though she had been found in a ruined village. Maybe she had missed the massacre that had happened. Either way Revalli could answer how she pleased. After eating two bowls of soup Tia would hop off her chair and take Revalli by the arm. "Come on lets play! We can play hid and seek or tag? Faye cheats when we play she can disappear."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Hey now! easy!" Revalli protested, but her giggles revealed an utter lack of any real distress on her part. "Okay, we can play, but you can't run off into the woods too far, or I'll have to cheat in order to find you! I'm supposed to take care of you and keep you from getting hurt!" she would say, and then glance around and add; "Do you want to play Hide and Seek, or Tag? Some more open woods would be better for Tag!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Okay Faye says I have to stay on the path when Im in the woods anyway." Tia put her hands on her hips and thought a moment. "Lets play hide and seek! You count to ten and Ill hide!" With that Tia was off staying with in the low stone wall of the homestead and made her way out of sight. Counting to Ten Revalli turned to look at the possible hiding places. She hadn't heard any doors close and from the looks of it none where left open. Still there was plenty of places the young girl could hide even in the modest clearing that the home sat in. Places of Interests where the old wagon near the wall, the garden, and a lonesome shed in the back corner. Of course there was plenty of other bushes and other things she could hide in as well.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Okay!" Revalli would say jovially, and then do as Tia demanded and count to ten. Once she had, the elf would call out; "Ready or not, here I come!" And as she started her search for Tia Revalli would keep her ears open for signs of the girl's presence while weighing her options. Pondering for a moment, she would glance about before grinning and going for the old shed first.

"Come out come out wherever you are~" she would say as she searched, keeping her pointed ears and her eyes peeled all the while. If she wasn't in the shed, Revalli would go to the wagon, and then the garden, and if she hadn't found Tia by then she would start looking through the lesser bushes.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli Searches! 31 vs 14 success!

Revalli made her way to the shed her steps light and quick. Silently she approached the ramshackle building noting some old vials and tubing through a broken window. As she drew closer her delicate ears twitched at the sound of a childish giggle. It seemed her intuition was correct and Tia was hiding in or near the shed. Noting the door to the shed was closed and likely warped shut with age, Revalli figured the girl was in the tall grass around the building. Spotting a tufft of red hair Revalli could pounce on her target or draw out the game.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oooohhhh Tia~ Come out come out wherever you are!" Revalli said, noting but not thinking too much about the contents of the dilapidated shed. She proceeded past the little girl's hiding place for a moment, acting as if she hadn't seen her and was going to continue on her way, but then she suddenly leaped back and made a grab at where she had seen Tia, giggling suddenly and, should she manage to grab the girl, announcing; "I caught you!!!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Tia shrieked in surprise but giggled as Revalli held her tight. "That was fun your turn! Ill count to 10!" Tia turned away and covered her eyes as she began to count slowly. There were of course plenty of places to hide if Revalli chose or she could end the game after all Faye was late.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Faye was late, but Revalli was too caught up in having fun with the young girl to think too much of that at the time, and would quickly dart off to a hiding place while Tia counted. She didn't have long to think on it, and eventually chose to hide in the gardens among some of the thicker bushes there, though she was careful not to trample or damage anything in her efforts to hide.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli hide vs perception 27 vs 17

Revalli quickly darted off to the cover of the garden. Here she found a perfect bush to hid in. It was both large enough to concel her while allowing a fleet footed escape if need be. Settling in she heard Tia yell "Ready or not here I come!" Waiting a moment she heard Tia talking to herself as she looked for Revalli. For a good minute Tia looked for Revalli even stopping by the bush she was hiding in clearly unaware of the elf's presence. "Oh man shes a good hider.... Oh I know I bet she went into the old shed!" Tia giggled and ran off her bare feet making a slapping noise on the stone pathway as she ran."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli hid in place, smiling, as Tia searched around her hiding place. The girl went by without finding her, and as the girl was about to move away Revalli sprung out at her and gently grabbed her around the waist, lifting her up and swinging her about. "Raaawr! Gotcha!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Tia of course squeeled in delight at the sudden suprised giggling nearly uncontroably. When she got a moment to catch her breath she wiggled around to hug Revalli. "I like you. Can you stay?" Just then with almost perfect timming a little pink light appeared in the woods. "Oh Faye!" Wiggling till she got free Tia ran to the glowing light leaving Revalli behind. The light was still in the woods a little way and Revalli could follow if she chose to.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli was slightly taken aback by Tia's request, but a few moments later the sudden appearance of a magical light caught both of their eye, and elf and young human girl seemingly forgot about it. Not wanting to let Tia run off on her own, Revalli followed after her, making sure that the girl didn't get out of her sight while going off to find the fairy.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Perception! vs Stealth 40 vs 22,29, 44
sucess vs 2 no ambushes

Chasing after the excited girl Revalli got a bad feeling. The light wasn't flying threw the trees it was bobbing up and down as if being carried. As the duo got closer Revalli's heart sank.

It is said that the gods look out for fools, drunks, and children.. Thankfully Tia had the best baby sitter she could of had at this very moment. Standing just in the woods stood two vile looking spiders behind them was Faye in a cage. She lay limp unmoving her current state unknown. A voice echoed from near the cage it was low and not meant to be heard. "Get them my pets." With that one of the spiders started to skitter forward while the other seemed to hunch back.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Tia, stop! Get back! Stay behind me!" Revalli snapped sharply as she saw Faye in the cage, her tone absolutely demanding and filled with a note that implied the danger that they were in. She heard a voice, androgynous and low but just barely perceptible to Revalli's elven ears, and the spiders started forward immediately.

Anger and fear flashed through her at the command issued by that voice, the danger inherent in it obvious even to the fairly inexperienced mage, but thankfully her parents had trained her well for such situations. Revalli's home had not been an entirely safe place to live, and a key part of her learning had involved thinking fast on her feet, and the threat of the spiders demanded a quick and immediate solution. She brought her hands together and dragged power from her core, tendrils of energy sliding into the earth and causing the plants beneath to stir.

A single thumbnail slipped across her wrist, causing a small rivulet of blood to well up from her wrist, adding a portion of her lifeforce to the spell in order to strengthen it. Crimson vines burst from the ground as the two spiders tried to advance on Revalli and Tia, and immediately sought to bind the two hideous arachnids in place before they could get any closer. The vines also stretched out towards the cage, trying to nab whoever was holding it aloft, but such was a secondary goal for the moment.

Revalli is casting Entangling Vines (level 2 Nature spell) Empowered and with Blood Magic, increasing its EP cost by 8 to a total of 10, but then causing its cost to be divided evenly between EP and HP for a total cost of 5 EP and 5 HP. The vines effectively have their effective spell level treated as 5 levels higher after ye Feats and Conjurer are applied, so an effective spell level of 7 to determine how tough ye vines are. With Druid Secrets, that means that Revalli's vines have an effective 16 Body and 1 AV per spell level, to a total of 112 Body and 7 AV, with the spell itself granting it Grapple Expert and Tentacles and allowing it to immediately grab the nearest 3 dudes of Revalli's choice, which she is designating as the two spiders and, if they can be reached at the same time, the person ordering them around.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vines perception vs stealth: 53 vs 44 sucess!
Vines attempt grapple 129, 116, 114 vs 34, 34, 30 all foes grappled
None can win grapple checks against the vines. haxs!

(HP): 42/47 (PP): 72 (EP): 64/69

Calling forth her magics and empoweirng them with her blood her vinces errupted from the soil a crimson hue. This seemed to cause the spiders some distress as one was caught in mid charge and the other tried to shoot some webbing only to have it impact a nearby tree. The real prize however was the vines grabbing the invisible foe its magics shattering the illusion around itself. Tia watched in facination as Revalli worked her art clearly impressed at the sheer power on display.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Bind them!" Revalli hissed, commanding her vines psychically as much as verbally, and they would do just that unless the spiders or their master struggled free. No salvo came in retaliation, and that brought a grin to Revalli's lips, and so as she directed her vines she also prepared a second spell, a bolt of energy that would send the one who had been carrying Faye into pained spasms. In the meantime, she would move past the spiders towards the cage, intending on freeing the captive faerie when she was sure that the fight had left her foes.

A mage can still cast while grappled, as a side note.

Revalli casts Ray of Paralysis at the person who had been holding the cage. Level 2 Arcane spell. The vines put ye enemies into submission holds.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revealli (HP): 42/47 (PP): 72 (EP): 62/69

Grapple rolls Vines win!
Bc for level two spell no contest
69 vs 40 hit! (2d4 +10 (mind/6) x 1 for 16 damage!
Resistance vs Paralysis
33 vs 41 fail! Revalli has paralized her foe.

Revalli's vines worked like a charm hauling both creatures into neigh unescapable positions. The real prize however was the foolish mage. Clearly this one suffered from either extreme arrogance or was a fool. At any rate Revalli cast yet another spell for its trouble. Walking past the now suspended spiders Revalli could hear their mandibles clack as they tried to naw on her even in their hopless state. Moving to the cage Revalli could tell Faye was still alive though the little farie had been beaten up quite a bit. Taking Faye into her hands Revalli looked to the captured mage. It was some form of demon from what she could tell but other than that there was little outstanding about it. It didn't even look powerful enough to cause Faye trouble, though Revalli did notices someting interesting. Watching the figure flecks of its skin slowly peeled away like dried leaves falling from a tree.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli's scowl darkened yet further when she saw the state that Faye was in, and turned her gaze to the apparent source of her condition. The odd figure was possessed of a unnatural and foul aura and inhuman features, ones that could only cause the elf to assume that it was a demon of some kind. The dark being seemed to be crumbling, but while she couldn't be sure of what that might mean Revalli nonetheless held no fear for it now. She had thus far dominated the encounter, leaving the spiders all but helpless, and as she gazed upon the crumbling being she simply grunted and said; "I don't know what you are.... But lets see if you need to breath!"

Her next spell would be a particularly insidious incantation, causing the subject's lungs to fill with liquid that would be locked there, unable to escape by any amount of dry heaving. The odd appearance of this figure left her suspiscious, however, and Revalli only diverted some of her attention to casting her spell so that she could keep her eyes peeled for any would be threats. Her vines would continue to hold all of their subjects, harshly, and would start squeezing the life from the spiders as well.

Revalli casts Drown, a level 4 Water spell that causes the target to become Stunned and Weakened if they fail a Resistance check. She will also have ye vines start dealing unarmed damage to the Spiders. She will be using Defensive Fighting to drop her attack roll by 20, gaining 5 Perception, 5 Resistance for the purpose of resisting stuff directed at her, and 10 Dodge.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli cast her spell the magics easily handled by her superior skill. As the magic lashed the creature just smiled which was followed by a gurgle as water spilled from its mouth. After a moment the sound ended and the thing went limp its body crumbling even faster than it had before. "You... you killed it....." Tia both sounded amazed and shocked as the foul thing crumbled into dust. The spiders on the other hand hissed and struggled to no avail unable to escape the ever crushing vines.