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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"Half elf warrior... What? What!? No! Stop that! Stop planning this very instant!" Revalli cried out, a blush appearing on her face as she puzzled out the price for Tia's training. "You can't just.... Just... Force someone to do that!" she said, standing up and putting her hands on her hips, "Do you mean, uhhh.... Vara? I think that was her name. The girl from the town where Tia found me.... Because if you do, she's got enough problems without faeries charming her and bringing her off into the woods for.... For.... I don't even know what to call it! Ritualistic breeding!?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Faye pouted "But who then Im to small and I can't ask you it would be... awkward...." Faye hovered a moment thinking. "Im sure she'll be fine probably won't even remember it! It would just be like some crazy dream."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"It doesn't matter if she remembers it!" Revalli stated vehemently, "You can't just force that sort of thing onto someone! If that's what you're going to resort to, I would teach Tia before letting that happen! Or... Or failing that, I would pay the price for it!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

At Revalli's exclamation Faye zipped up to her eyes wide. "Really you would do that for us?" Her tone sounded surprised but almost too surprised to be genuine. Still the tiny fairy hovered in front of her face glowing with a happy pink color. "I could never repay you for such kindness? Are you sure your willing to do this?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Uhhh.... Well...." Revalli stuttered, already having second thoughts about this agreement, but now that she'd offered she couldn't exactly go back on it. "Yes, but... I'd really prefer the teaching her myself idea! I.... I'm a bit... I'm still a virgin!" she blurted awkwardly, blushing brightly, "I'm not.... Ready.... To have children yet!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh? well... umm.." Faye brought one of her tiny hands up and scratched her head awkwardly. "Guess Ill have to find someone else then... I mean after all your an adventurer right. You can't really stay around to teach Tia all she needs to know."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"What makes you say that?" Revalli replied, still blushing brightly at the proposed bargain. "Calling me an adventurer I mean... I don't really have any actual plans, I just left home to find my place in the world, not with any particular goal in mind. Anyway, couldn't we find a solution that doesn't involve anyone needing to get pregnant?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I don't know you just seemed the type." Faye shrugged a little before turning back to the problem at hand. "I don't know do you have any suggestions?" Faye paused a moment. "Maybe I can convince the sorcery to shrink himself down?" Faye flew over and sat on Revalli's shoulder once more. "Man this is tough!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli was at a loss at this point. In truth, she had no intention of staying around at the desolate village for long now that the majority of the problems that its people couldn't deal with on their own, but some sort of arrangement would need to be made to help Tia learn to control her developing powers. "I don't know.... Is there maybe some other suitable price to teach Tia? I'm, ahhhhh, not particularly looking forward to being a mother, at least not for a long while...."

(Shrinking living things isn't possible without killing them, and ye fairy would most likely know this. That can be passed off as derp on her part, but I thought I'd note that for future reference.)
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I guess.. well just have to arrange paymet when Tia is of age. At lest that way I can explain it to her when she is old enough." Faye sighed but quickly turned back to a grinning fairy. "Well your off the hook Revalli its the only way I can think of at the moment. Thanks for keeping an eye on her. She can be a handful but at lest she is my handful."
Re: ranger Test Thread

'Gods dammit!' Revalli thought to herself, but then sighed and blushed. She hesitated again, but finally said; "Fine.... I'll do it."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Faye just looked to the young witch. "No its okay one way or another its gonna happen. I would rather have it be with a creature that is not going to eat her soul for dinner or some wild corrupt beast in the woods." Faye flew off Revalli's shoulder to land on the table once more. "Besides her teacher would probably seduce her anyway." The little fairy turned around and looked at Revalli. "Anyway feel free to stop by and visit if your ever in the neighborhood okay?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"No! That's not..." Revalli said in frustration, grumbling. "I didn't mean.... I mean... I'll pay the price for you to get Tia a teacher! Alright?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Revalli.." Faye spoke in a soft tone as a mother would to a child. "You don't have to. So don't feel obligated after all you want to find your place in the world not be laid up with child for a few months." Smiling the little pixi flew up to Revalli and if the mage didn't stop her would get a little kiss on her forehead before flitting back down. "Now if you would do me a favor though. I would like it if you watched Tia for me while I went to the nymph sisters to arrange a meeting. It shouldn't take to long maybe an hour or two."
Re: ranger Test Thread

The elf was somewhat taken aback by the fairy's tone when addressing her, and was too stunned at the time at the refusal of her offer to do more than nod when asked to look after Tia for a while. Once the fairy was gone, she looked somewhat helplessly to the little human girl and frowned, unsure of what she ought to be doing.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Tia got a quick kiss on the forehead as Faye flew off into the woods a pink streak that suddenly disappeared. The little girl waved at the fairy as she darted off and smiled at Revalli. "Revalli look Snuffs came back!" Tia was holding a little spiny animal that struggled in her hands obviously wanting back on the ground. Looking at it closely she saw that it was a hedgehog and likely the girls pet. "Want to see something neat!" Not waiting for a yes or no Tia set the animal down and looked at it her tongue sticking out with one eye squinting. Suddenly a meager amount of magical energy flowed from the girl and into the hedgehog turning it a interesting shade of purple. Tia giggled and sat down breathing a little deeply. "See isn't Snuffs so cute n..n n now." Tia yawned in mid sentence a little fatigue entering her voice.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"That's wonderful Tia!" Revalli said, smiling. It was just the sort of thing she had done in her youth, and regardless of the cruelty to the animal in question she couldn't help but look upon such with nostalgia glasses. "Can you make it stay that way, or is it only temporarily going to be that color?" she asked curiously, before giggling at the hedgehog and remarking; "He doesn't seem to like it... And you look tired. Does making him change colors take a lot of energy?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"N-no he will turn back to normal after a bit." Tia smiled catching her breath before speaking again. "Yeah turning things colors makes me tired. Faye says it will get better as I get older." Snuffs meanwhile was trying to figure out how to get the strange color off himself. The little animal rolled around trying to scrape off the color even attempting to lick it off. Turning to Tia after watching the animal a moment Revalli found the girl had fallen fast asleep.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"It will," Revalli confirmed as she watched the tiny animal try to clean the color off of itself, but when she turned back she found that Tia had fallen asleep in her chair. Sighing, Revalli settled in to watch the girl, not having much better to do with herself. If the poor hedgehog was still an unnatural color after she had passed out, Revalli would dispel the magic that had done it and offer the little creature a snack if she could find one suitable for it.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Thankfully Revalli didn't have to waste any energy on the creature as it had already returned to its natural brownish color. Looking for a snack for the creature proved a challenge however as it seemed Faye didn't keep food in the house though Revalli did recall a garden behind the house that she only caught the briefest glimpse of. She could explore it or stay and watch Tia.

Explore the garden.
Revalli easily exited out of the back door to find that most of the yard behind the house was dedicated to the garden. A small worn stone path lead into the garden proper ending at a crystal clear pond with a few Moon lilies floating on the surface. The first part of the garden had typical vegetables as well as a few fruit trees but the father she moved forward the more exotic the garden became. Various herbs and other plants grew here with some being nonnative to Crolia such as the Anudorian Fire Rose. This she recognized from a book she had read, and knew fairly well. The Fire Rose was often used in potion making as the petals that gave its name had an reflective oil in them that trapped sunlight making it perfect for holding magical energy. Of course Crolia was to cold for such a flower to grow unless the soil itself was enchanted.

Watch Tia
After awhile Tia woke up and smiled. "Im hungry!" Revalli eyed the soup on the table, it was probably still warm. Getting up and fetching a small bowl Revalli started serving the soup. "Revalli what was your mommy and daddy like?"
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