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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh.... Well that's good I guess! You're welcome!" Revalli replied after the angel stated that her wings were alright. The winged woman's added explanation about her battle against the orcs being a personal matter caused the elf some surprise, but then she supposed that individual angels were likely still people... Though, that opened up the question of what the orcs might have done to earn this particular angel's ire. "I'll, uh, go and let someone know where I'm going and take you out there myself. I'm the only one that knows where you fell. Just, uh... What was your name?" Revalli rambled, pausing as she realized that the angel hadn't stated her name yet.

(Dem text color changes)
Re: ranger Test Thread

The Angel looked over at Revalli and smiled. "My name is Ella and who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" After the exchanged greetings Ella went back to sorting what remained of her gear leaving Revalli to do as she pleased. Closing the door behind her (unless she had more questions)Revalli wondered who she could tell that she was leaving. It was between Samual and Vara the two defacto leaders of the village. Though the her face burned at the thought of seeing Samual again. Maybe it was best to tell Vara of her little excursion. She was likely down stairs tending to the villagers.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Revalli... Strombrith, at your service." Revalli decided to offer her full name despite the danger of it being recognized, and after a moment's hesitation she offered Ella the angel a slight bow. After departing to speak to someone about her plans, Revalli considered her options for a moment. Vera would have been preferable after what had just happened between them, but Revalli also had no idea where she was, and so the decision was made quickly. She'd never been a particularly patient woman, but she was a decisive one.

Moving to Samuel's door, she almost just opened it again before thinking better of repeating her mistake. Holding out her hand, Revalli knocked twice on the door and said; "Samuel? Are you still in there?" She was already blushing furiously, but hopefully this time their wouldn't be any nudity involved in their meeting.
Re: ranger Test Thread

A moment after her knock the door opened. "Ah Lady Revalli please come in." Samuel was dressed in a off white shirt that was a little to big for him and some brown simple trousers. "I'm sorry that I'm such a mess but it appears my cloths and extra belongings where taken or ruined by the orcs." He offered a smile and his voice had a slightly jovial quality hinting that her really wasn't that worried about it. "What may I do for my savior today?" He smiled again trying to put Revalli at ease.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli was blushing slightly as the door opened, a brief flash of the man in front of her naked appearing in her head to remind her of her embarrassment, causing her to miss the first half of what he said. As such, she just ended up standing in the doorway while he spoke, and when she realized that he was speaking to her the elf gave a poorly timed start. "Uhm... Yes... Your... I think most of your things... Are still in that ditch, where I found you. I'm... Not sure how well they weathered the storm, but I suppose you could go and retrieve them when you go to bury the dead. I'm, uhh.... I'm just here to let someone know that I'll be away for a little while. I'm taking Ella - the woman I found in the woods yesterday - to go and retrieve her things.. I suppose I could go with you to find yours later, if you were willing to wait."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Samuel nodded in understanding as she spoke waiting for her to finish before speaking up. "Well lady Revalli I can arrange my sister to escort you and your friend if you desire it. As for my belongings I will fetch them when I go to bury and honor our dead. There is no need for you to revisit such a foul place." He paused a moment as if pondering a question before he spoke again. "Would you like to join me for dinner on your return my Lady it would be an honor to have your company." Samuel waited for Revalli to answer a slight blush having made its way to the mans face. Clearly despite his handsome looks he still found asking a woman to dinner a little hard.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"That won't be necessary," Revalli replied, "I just wanted you lot to know where I'd gone to. I'm sorry about your friends... Or comrades, or whatever they were. Truth be told, the dead don't bother me overmuch, but I'll take not having to go back there anyway. Be careful out there, and don't go out alone!" Her blush redoubled at his request for her to join him at dinner, awkward as it was, and she hesitated for a moment before replying; "Uhhh.... Sure, yes. I'd like that!"

With their business done, Revalli flashed the knight a small smile and said; "I'll see you when I get back then, I suppose. Goodbye for now!" With that, she would return to the angel and make to depart, unless something else came up to demand her attention. Once out of the village she would summon a wolf to guide her along the way, not trusting herself to remember given everything that had happened over the course of that night.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Upon Revalli's return to Ella she found the Angel waiting for her. "Lead on Revalli I fear I have little memory of where the battle took place." Leading Ella down the stairs and out of the Inn gave the witch some incite to all the noise she had heard before. The townsfolk eager to get on with their lives had begun to make repairs to their shattered village several of the men however seemed to be keeping watch while the others started with repair work. All efforts halted however when Ella made her appearance many of the towns people approached the angel who simply nodded at them and greeted those brave enough to come and speak with her. It took a little time but eventually the duo made their way out of the town and into the woods Revalli summoning a wolf to help guide her. For the most part Ella said little just moved along with the witch easily keeping pace with her. The rest of the walk into the woods would be silent unless Revalli had questions she wanted to ask.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli opted to make the journey to the angel's armor in silence, not really having anything to discuss with her. The woman seemed fairly tight-lipped, and given her own tendencies towards such behavior she felt no right to complaint. She was used to the quiet anyway, and though she kept her attention mostly focused on her footing and surroundings, Revalli began to allow her mind to wander back home from time to time as she led the angel through the woods.
Re: ranger Test Thread

It wasn't long till they found the camp the smell greeting them before they reached it. She found it much as she had last night the only exception being the lack of tents and shackled people. Several bodies lay scattered about the area their flesh bloating in the heat with several showing signs of scavengers. The smell of urine, death, rot, blood, and fear hang heavy in the air causing even Ella's to show some discomfort. "Handy work you did last night surely these orcs would have killed the weak rapped the woman and sold the men into slavery had you not intervened." Ella didn't have a smile on her face but her voice sounded all to pleased at the death which Revalli had wrought on the orcs. "Where did I fall I should reclaim my weapons and armor so I can be on my way?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Finding the brutalized campsite, Revalli took out a rag and pressed it over her nose, trying to block out some of the smell. The angel's words only caused the elf to frown, as she found the entire scene even more horrible now than she had when she'd been the one perpetrating the act. She didn't make her distress known, however, and instead turned in the direction that she'd gone from the camp to find the downed angel last night and pointed, "It's this way. Come on."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Nodding Ella followed Revalli to her crash landing. Thankfully the angel's gear was still present and Ella beamed a smile as she went about gathering and cleaning it up slightly. "Thank you Revalli would you like me to escort you back to the town or should we part ways here?" The angel did sound concerned but not overly worried after all she had seen Revalli in action before.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"You don't need to do that, I can find my own way back and I'm sure I can handle anything in the woods with this guy hanging around" Revalli replied with a reassuring smile to the angel's offer to see her back to the village. "Goodbye Ella, good luck out there!"

Upon saying her goodbyes, Revalli would retrace her steps back the village, keeping her summoned wolf with her until she safely back in town.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Thank you Revalli I hope I won't need it." The angels usually confident voice had faltered slightly but soon she was back to her stoic self her armor back in place and gleaming brightly. "Thank you again Revalli if we meet again I will be sure to return the favor you have given me." With a beat of her silver tipped wings the angel was becoming nothing but a gleaming speck in the air.

The walk back was uneventful the birds chirped in the trees the squirrels ran from branch to branch keeping an eye on the summoned wolf. It wasn't long before she was back in the outskirts of town with the sounds of construction and men shouting echoing around the village. Unsummoning the wolf so as not to cause and issues with the townsfolk caused a bush nearby to gasp. Looking to the bush Revalli saw the girl that was in her room today. Having been spotted the little girl tried to run again but her hair seemed to have been caught in the bush.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Don't even worry about it!" Revalli shouted up as she shielded her eyes from the clouds of dust caused by the angel's take off. She stood in the glade by herself (save for her summoned wolf) for a moment while staring after the winged woman before turning and returning to the village, taking her sweet time to get back.

When she arrived only to be ambushed by the little girl she'd seen in her room again, Revalli frowned as she got her hair caught in the bushes that she'd been hiding in. Giving a wave of her hand, Revalli caused the plant to animate and softly bind the girl, holding her still so that she wouldn't hurt herself as she caused the plants to untangle themselves from her hair. "You need to be more careful! You could hurt yourself!" the elf said sternly, but then she eyed the human girl just as the vines released her fully and deanimated, "You weren't following me, were you? It's very dangerous out there for a little girl like you!"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"No! That would be dumb!" The little girl had a pout on her lips clearly she was upset that she had been caught. As the plants animated around her the child almost panicked but as the bush untangled itself from the girl she just looked on in wonder. Free of the bush the little girl brushed the remaining leafs off her and looked at Revalli head cocked to one side as if listening to something. Now that it was early morning and Revalli was quite awake she finally got a good look at the human girl before her. The girl had yellowish eyes and a mop of tangled red hair. Her cloths or rather what was left of them where worn and torn her face a little dirty. Any further observations where interrupted however by the girl speaking.

"Faye says your a witch that will eat little children. Are you?" There was a spark of fear in the little girls eyes? "I hope not you seem really nice even if you feel funny."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"What?" Revalli replied in surprise, "What!? A witch? No! Of course not! Haha.... Don't be silly, why would I eat children?" Her laugh was only a tiny bit nervous, and she felt that she'd managed the sort-of lie pretty well all things considered. She did technically fit the description of a witch, but she'd done nothing to harm anyone that hadn't technically started the hurting in the first place, and had no intention of changing that pattern any time soon. "What do you mean... Feel funny?" she asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"I don't know when ever your near it makes me feel funny." The girl spun in a slow circle the ragged dress billowing out a little. "Faye says its because you have a ura. ra... ara.. ur. ura... ara..." The little girl struggled with the words unable to say it right. "But you say your not a witch then Im not worried your gonna eat me." The little girl looked at Revalli a little excitement in her eyes. "How do you get the plants to do what you want them to? Can you make a Jackalope?" The girls eyes burned with hope nearly bursting with excitement.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Aura?" Revalli suggested helpfully, though inwardly she was considering what sort of talent this child must possess if she could sense that much about her merely by being around her. The child's starry-eyed requests brought a grin to the elf's face, and she said; "It's magic. It's something that I learned to do as a child, and have been practicing it ever since. I can do all sorts of other things too! I can even summon a jackalope!"

In truth Revalli was fairly certain that such a creature didn't actually exist, but given that she called animal spirits rather than actual animals when using magic, it was easy enough to form their shape however she willed. Working a tiny bit of her magic, Revalli called up a spirit of a rabbit and simply gave its physical manifestation the antlers of an antelope.

(Effectively ye first level Nature summon spell, so no EP)
Re: ranger Test Thread

The little girls eyes got big as plates when the jackalope materialized before her. "OH WOW CAN I PET IT!" The little girl hopped up and down looking at the rather confused rabbit spirit. Looking at the jackalope and back at Revalli she waiting for the okay to do as such. "Even Faye is impressed she was sure you didn't know what a jackalope was!"