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VN/TEXT [Pykrete] The Flesh Cavern

Re: The Flesh Cavern

She said she didn't want to go! :mad:

Also, glad you enjoyed it!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Thank you!

I just spent all day writing up a battle system, which involved a lot of shouting, anger, and 'why isn't this working'ing. Got basic attacks working for the player and for the enemy template now - now I just need to add the support for special attacks (more complicated attacks that the player can learn, through quests or through leveling, etc), Defending (skip a turn, get a defense boost), using items (brings up a list of relevant items such as health potions), Examining (get some flavour text about the enemy, maybe some hints) and Fleeing (chance based on the player's stats versus the enemy's).

All in all, it's got support for critical hits and misses, different weapons with different texts for missing, hitting and critting, enemy attack lists which can be randomized, in an ordered pattern or a bit of both, etc. Once it's all set up i'll keep a blank copy of the system with the bare minimals as a separate file, and whenever I start a new project i'll load it up from there.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Thank you!

I just spent all day writing up a battle system, which involved a lot of shouting, anger, and 'why isn't this working'ing. Got basic attacks working for the player and for the enemy template now - now I just need to add the support for special attacks (more complicated attacks that the player can learn, through quests or through leveling, etc), Defending (skip a turn, get a defense boost), using items (brings up a list of relevant items such as health potions), Examining (get some flavour text about the enemy, maybe some hints) and Fleeing (chance based on the player's stats versus the enemy's).

All in all, it's got support for critical hits and misses, different weapons with different texts for missing, hitting and critting, enemy attack lists which can be randomized, in an ordered pattern or a bit of both, etc. Once it's all set up i'll keep a blank copy of the system with the bare minimals as a separate file, and whenever I start a new project i'll load it up from there.

That is great to hear, and I really should work on my own game. Ha ha!

Also, I added a positive review since I saw there were none, and it deserves it. Good luck.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Hey hey, thank you very much. Should get it some exposure on the site itself.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

well you've been featured on lewd gamer. this is when you go all hipster and forsake this site claiming that you're to good for us.

Re: The Flesh Cavern

Whoa fuck what

And a fair few reviews on the hosting site itself too, how nice!

If anyone's wondering I'm still alive, just bouncing between a few projects at once at the moment. I hope to have a working - I suppose demo?.. - of the thing I'm working on by the end of the month, but that's not in any way shape or form a set deadline! Nor am I going to make a topic for it until I actually have something to show. It's a text RPG rather than a CYOA, so if you were put off by a lack of gameplay, this might sate your appetite.

I guess I could drop the setting, too - post-apocalyptic.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

I guess I could drop the setting, too - post-apocalyptic.

What could be better than a lonely girl (unless it's not a girl) in the middle of a world filled with sex crazed monsters? Can't wait!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Had to study the Necronomicon for a few days to find a spell powerful enough to raise this thread from the dead.

After a few abandoned projects (that aforementioned post-apocalyptic sandbox is very much on the backburner now) and a slump of doing nothing, I've returned to writing stuff! My aim at the moment is to get a demo of my current project, with the working title of 'The Collector's Tower', up by the end of this month. As I currently don't have anything to show for the project - I would take screenshots but I haven't made UI adjustments yet - I'm talking about it here instead of making a new topic.

I the meantime, I have a blog I set up before new years and completely forgot to post. But that's ok because I completely forgot to update it, too. Until now that is!

More information about the project can be found in my latest post there, but if you can't be bothered to go there, the basic premise is as follows. It's a simple dungeon crawler with RPG combat and map exploration, with a cast of four playable characters to choose from; a proud amazonian barbarian, a calm and enigmatic thief, a nervous wreck of a half-succubus and a wisecracking beast-folk merchant. Respectively, they are based around strength, agility, intelligence, and balance. These women find themselves abducted from the mortal realm by a dread succubus known as the Collector, who forces them to participate in a challenge... reach the top of the chaotic tower and earn their freedom, or fall victim to one of the many horny monsters living within it.

The main gimmick of the game is that if a character is defeated by combat or trap, they will be captured and held a prisoner in a variety of inescapable scenarios. When this occurs, you're forced to switch to another character in order to find and rescue them... with their corruption deepening every day they remain enslaved. The game isn't over unless all characters have been captured at once. Each character has a unique scene with each enemy, as well as a unique scenario (as unique as I can think of, anyway) for each capture scenario. As you can imagine, that's a lot of work... but I adore writing bad ends as those of you who played The Flesh Cavern will know, so it's work I enjoy doing! When a character is captured, it's a 'mini' bad end, with a 'bad epilogue' playing when a true game over occurs.

The game will be free, of course. And please, feel free to ask for project updates; if I know people are looking forward to it, it'll spur me on to continue.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

The game will be free, of course. And please, feel free to ask for project updates; if I know people are looking forward to it, it'll spur me on to continue.

Don't mind if i do.... errrmmmm..... is it done yet?

So whats the advantage of using the different characters? Just a stat change?
Also may i have person mission to steal your flesh cavern project to use in one of my own? To be more exact, i want to port it over to something else.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Glad you asked! The four different characters have different strengths and weaknesses, as mentioned. The barbarian, for example, has the highest starting strength, allowing her to move heavy obstacles such as debris. The thief has high agility, which as well as having a hand in dodging and hitting attacks also governs lockpicking to open doors and chests. The magic user is able to see through illusions, revealing hidden doors and rooms, and she's also the first character able to activate portals; which once activated from both ends act as shortcuts between two areas. The merchant is a balanced character who starts off able to do middle ground checks; moving smaller debris which the magic user would be unable to, or activating the weaker portals which the barbarian can't do. She also gets a discount when dealing with merchant npcs. However, while she can do a lot, she suffers from a slightly higher minimum lust and is a definite jack-of-all-trades; master of none. Speaking of lust, the health parameters are HP, Energy, and Lust. Energy is used for special moves, whereas if HP is depleted or Lust maxed, the character is defeated.

In addition to this, all characters have their own separate exp, levels, and inventory. This is to encourage the player to switch between characters often; to further incentivize this, the easiest way to restore HP is to retire for the night, which health potions and the like being expensive and/or rare. And, of course, if you only use one character, chances are they're eventually going to get captured, leaving you with a choice of weak characters to try and rescue them.

All characters have unique scenes for each enemy and capture scenario, as well as unique bad ends for each scenario. A short scene will play each night that passes when the player retires the remaining characters for the day for every character that is captured, reminding you of their plight and giving you clues as to their location. So if nothing else, playing other characters allows you to see different takes on scenes. And rather than it being variations, each scene is written from the ground up. Even in the case of similar situations, they're still done from scratch, not rewritten.

We'll see how this is received; well, I hope! However, once I have the core details in place, I'm going to see about adding an 'easy mode' which gives a bit of exp to all characters, like using an exp share in the new pokémon titles. This will have other advantages, too; one idea I'm toying around with is that Boss enemies heal per day rather than starting at full hp again the next time you fight them, allowing you corpse run a troublesome boss by just suiciding against them. Easy mode would nerf or even remove that healing entirely. HOWEVER, that would likely not be in the initial demo, and is, for now, an idea.

As for your other question, I am all about source, but I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. If you would prefer to keep it private, PM me with an elaboration. (I may not respond tonight as I'm about to head to bed.)

Edit: Wait, I'm just very tired and misread your question. So you want to port it into a different engine, or something you've made yourself? That's totally fine; just drop me original credit. A link to my blog would be much appreciated as well. I would be interested in knowing more before you do so, however; PM me.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

Loved it! Well done, I'd love to play another one anytime you make one :)
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Thank you! And if you're looking for more then don't touch that dial, as more is on the way.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

I've been on the lookout since Flesh Cavern for more from you and your writing style, and hearing the outline of your next game makes it sound amazing. I'm a fiend for bad ends, and this just sounds like a goodie box full of sin. I honestly can't wait to play it.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

I've been on the lookout since Flesh Cavern for more from you and your writing style, and hearing the outline of your next game makes it sound amazing. I'm a fiend for bad ends, and this just sounds like a goodie box full of sin. I honestly can't wait to play it.


Finished up each characters starting outfit and weapon today, writing descriptions for each character before I finish for tonight. The base descriptions are done, but after that it describes their clothing (and how they feel about it), and then has a passage describing their current mental state/behaviour based on their corruption.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Pykrete, you should probably edit your original post to include your blog link :p
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Get out of here with your bloody logic and reasoning.

(I don't know why it didn't occur to me to do that and I am frankly embarrassed.)
I would like to play, but it seems the textadventure site REFUSES to save my DOB data so it wont let me play anything 18+