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VN/TEXT [Pykrete] The Flesh Cavern

Re: The Flesh Cavern

Oh this is actually really good. It's short, but satisfying. (Insert that's what she said joke here).
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Ho yeah, combat systems aren't easy. Ones that are more complicated than just 'attack' 'defend' and 'flee', anyway. I drummed one up in RAGs for a game that I'm meaning to port over to Quest where whenever you find a new weapon, you add new attacks to your menu. In turn, however, they require ammo. It was a parody of survival horror style gameplay, so you had to manage your resources carefully. It's probably my best game but before I'd even finished the first 'chapter'/area, RAGs was already beginning to chug and slow down - it bloats up horrifically, even without pictures. As an example, if I made Flesh Cavern in RAGs, it would have been at least 20 times the filesize.

Your idea sounds pretty solid, though! Especially giving the player the option to just ignore stuff that doesn't appeal to them - I know Lust Doll is getting favourable attention for that reason. I'm a big mean jerk, though, so people will just have to pay attention to context clues to avoid fetishes they dislike, mwuha. (Though if I ever did anything really <i>really</i> extreme I'd give warnings.) As for randomness, Quest supports that, but you may need to dig a little! The 'if' function has a Random Chance variable built into it based on a 0-100% scale - a really easy mistake to make is to make 3 equal chances all 33%. You can't do that - instead, the first two have to be 33%, then the last one has to be 100%, or there's a chance nothing will happen at all. There's also a diceroll function which you can set the min/max size of, but I'll have to dig it up to find out how to do it again. As I said, the Quest documentation is a little outdated, given that they're focusing on releasing some new development kit version of the software at the moment.

I actually started out with trying to write a character for TiTs, but then I got distracted by a different character idea. Got pretty far with them, then thought 'why don't I just make my own game instead?' And here we are a year and a half later with barely anything to publicly show for it, haha!

Also, 15 posts. Yessss. Time to fix that hyperlink.

Edit: There, the deed is done. Anyway, if you get stuck with any of Quest's features, let me know! I'm still learning the Gamebook side of things, but I have a pretty good handle on the Text Adventure version.

Thanks for the advice. I'm currently doing the tutorial, and I'm already pleased by the fact that it's easy to use, and that if I ever need to write scripts, it is into a language I know (javascript).
I'll probably scrap the fighting system at first, and do as you did with Flesh Cavern, events conditionned by the player's current state and equipement.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Thanks for the advice. I'm currently doing the tutorial, and I'm already pleased by the fact that it's easy to use, and that if I ever need to write scripts, it is into a language I know (javascript).
I'll probably scrap the fighting system at first, and do as you did with Flesh Cavern, events conditionned by the player's current state and equipement.

Good call, I have a tendency to make things too complicated and unfun by trying to add too many in depth features. Are you using the Text Adventure or Gamebook mode?
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Text Adventure mode. I need something closer to a navigation system, rather than a CYOA.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Cool! Let me know if you run into any walls. One big tip I can offer is that making your own functions is a great way to store big chunks of scripting, like loot tables.

this is pretty useful to have on call because not all of the core functions are easily accessible.

Also, people make custom libraries bundled with their own functions and tweaks all the time. Like a Wearables library (which is a bit outdated - I had a problem where I wanted to force equip clothing on the character for a scene, but couldn't get it to register properly. There was an easy solution though - I just called the 'Do' function, which automatically runs the verb for the object you point it to if it can. For a non Wearables example, let's say you wanted the player to automatically pick something up - 'DoTake' would run the Take command on it, as long as you've set the object to be pickup-able.)

Edit: It's also worth noting that you can edit a lot of features by selecting the 'game' object, then looking through the tabs there. Can turn on map navigation/drawing, remove the command bar, etc.
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Re: The Flesh Cavern

did you encounter this after resetting from a previous ending?

Whoops, was away for a few days. Yeah, it was right after a previous reset. Nice to see you fixing the bugs and stuff, even though the game is practically finished. :D
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Cool! Let me know if you run into any walls. One big tip I can offer is that making your own functions is a great way to store big chunks of scripting, like loot tables.

this is pretty useful to have on call because not all of the core functions are easily accessible.

Also, people make custom libraries bundled with their own functions and tweaks all the time. Like a Wearables library (which is a bit outdated - I had a problem where I wanted to force equip clothing on the character for a scene, but couldn't get it to register properly. There was an easy solution though - I just called the 'Do' function, which automatically runs the verb for the object you point it to if it can. For a non Wearables example, let's say you wanted the player to automatically pick something up - 'DoTake' would run the Take command on it, as long as you've set the object to be pickup-able.)

Edit: It's also worth noting that you can edit a lot of features by selecting the 'game' object, then looking through the tabs there. Can turn on map navigation/drawing, remove the command bar, etc.

Thanks you for your tips. :)
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Absolutely loved the game, thanks for making it! : )

I did however feel that the Succubus could be made even better. Depending on Ali's 'health', she could try to resist by dropping to her knees and trying to suck the Succubus off, trying to create an opportunity to run away. The cum would make Ali hornier though, and she would have to do a check to see if she gives in and starts licking any cum that spurts out from her mouth around the Succubus' shaft and balls, then gets lifted and impaled on the Succubus' cock. Where she would run to I was kinda stuck on, because it would require creating a new exit. Maybe there could be a portal out, but that portal would use up a lot or all of the life energy remaining in the creature-cavern.

*--disclaimer -- I go wild over dominant/powerful futas submitting girls--*
Re: The Flesh Cavern

*--disclaimer -- I go wild over dominant/powerful futas submitting girls--*

Well good news, because that's_my_fetish.jpeg.

But yeah, an alternate way out was something I considered but ran out of time to do. I likely won't be adding anything like that, but it may console you to know that something very similar was on the table.

It may also console you to know that there'll be some opportunities to get rekt by dominant futas in the game i'm working on now. (And for those who aren't into that, fret not, just don't take the jobs involving it.)

I actually have a problem in that I far, FAR prefer writing submissive scenes over dominant ones, haha. So these CYOA formats where bad ends and negative mishaps are par for the course are helping me quite a bit!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Well good news, because that's_my_fetish.jpeg.

But yeah, an alternate way out was something I considered but ran out of time to do. I likely won't be adding anything like that, but it may console you to know that something very similar was on the table.

It may also console you to know that there'll be some opportunities to get rekt by dominant futas in the game i'm working on now. (And for those who aren't into that, fret not, just don't take the jobs involving it.)

I actually have a problem in that I far, FAR prefer writing submissive scenes over dominant ones, haha. So these CYOA formats where bad ends and negative mishaps are par for the course are helping me quite a bit!

Yay! :D Looking forward to it!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Hey, bit a necro but it seems the game's made it through the moderation process. Which is good, but also slightly inconvenient.

Now it's properly classified as an Adult game, it's hidden on the site unless you're signed in with an account with adult content activated. So it's an extra hurdle you'll have to jump through, I'm afraid. I'll definitely be looking into how to host it elsewhere, as well as any future games I do with the system.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Add to this the fact that the "adult" tag is not openly on the list. Fortunately, you can log in with a google or a microsoft account.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

How are you getting on with trying out the system, Kln?
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Rather well. I put a map together, a character creation system (which requires refinement, though) and I have a general idea of what the first story bit will be about. Now comes the hardest part: writing :p

I have a question, though: I want to leave the player the choice of their gender (male, female or hermaphrodite). I can do that by manually setting attributes, but I see that there are already a male and a female "type" , which come with preset attributes, like gender pronouns. Is there a way to use code to set a type to the player object (male, female, or a custom herm type)?
Re: The Flesh Cavern

Rather well. I put a map together, a character creation system (which requires refinement, though) and I have a general idea of what the first story bit will be about. Now comes the hardest part: writing :p

I have a question, though: I want to leave the player the choice of their gender (male, female or hermaphrodite). I can do that by manually setting attributes, but I see that there are already a male and a female "type" , which come with preset attributes, like gender pronouns. Is there a way to use code to set a type to the player object (male, female, or a custom herm type)?

To be completely honest I'm avoiding using the in built pronouns and stuff just because sometimes you run into situations where they just don't fit right. As for the Male/Female setting, I'd just go with a manual/custom attribute. Making sure everything's under your control is for the best, I feel.

I'm slogging through porting one of the combat systems I made into Quest from RAGs, now. Got the flow worked out, just need to set it all up. I've got things set up to hide parts of the UI and the Map when you get into a fight, which means I don't have to worry about locking exits and adding 'you can't do that in a fight' variations to everything! I can also set up a different section of the UI on the right which just contains relevant fight information (enemy stats and hp and your own), but I still need to work that out.
Re: The Flesh Cavern

heyy, i would like to know if there are any CGIs in this game, since its under the text and CGI category, normally you would not ask these kind of silly quesions, but so far i haven't seen any pictures..
Re: The Flesh Cavern

None, sorry. S'far as I'm aware Text and CGI is the closest thing the forum has to a Text Game category, and that's what people have used for other games in a similar vein. I'm sure it was meant to be used for visual novel stuff, but as I said, closest approximation!
Re: The Flesh Cavern

An enjoyable little game :)
But while playing through a few times to see different endings, I haven't come across the lamprey even once, how do you get that scene?

Never mind, got it^^'
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