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The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci adjusts his hat, pulling out another Lho-stick and promptly trying to light it. "If he causes any trouble I'll put a laser through his skull." he says, his teeth barely moving from trying to hold his Lho in place to light it, the comment itself said in an almost casual manner. "Freaks like him are a dime a dozen back home. All of 'em die jus' as easily." he says, finally lighting the stick and taking a drag from it, following casually near the center of the group.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg groaned a little, one eye closing as the lighting of the slum starts to dim, hoping to get it focused to the darkening tunnels before true twilight struck. "I would prefer if it came to blows, we could milk the information he held over our noses to start with before cratering skulls came to be," he muttered, shifting a bit into his overcoat. "While this may be a infested hellhole of a gang hotspot, I'm not sure what's the best option- staying in the lion's den of the gangers controlling the place, or a highly-compromised building that could lead us to getting attacked by the reason we came here in the first place..."

Zieg too glared at the warden, frowning obviously at the very loose ship the man made of the habstack. Still, he had to stick to his identity now, so he made it a potent point to make a note to his superiors how terrible the arbites here acted. "Sadly, not much I think we can do about this bloke... Gotta stick to our own rules here. Perhaps another day, when we're not already starting fights."

"Sad as I am to admit it, guess it's time to go poke some ganger's noses out of joint. Probably safer, if by safe we mean not safe at all, but if the habstacks are being preyed on by unknown, best we worry about known threats."
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci scoffs, a puff of smoke escaping his mouth as he does so "Hey, you want him alive, I'll take him alive." he says, taking a long drag from his lho-stick and blowing it out in a thin stream. "Would rather the lion's den where I know I'm surrounded by enemies than some hole in a habstack. No offense, Ms. Arbest." he says, following Zieg's lead.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"None taken," Lili responds to Mordeci, though by her raised brows, it would seem she preferred the hole in the habstack to a lion's den.

The group made its way across the plaza, and arrived at a crumbling tenement building of knocked through dwellings, marked by the cracked paint of the sign above its front door as the Corscala Hostel. Even compared to the surrounding hive market and Lili Arbest's broken in habstack, the hostel is in an awful state. The walls are blighted with damp, the plaster peeling, and the furnishings covered with patches of mold and unidentifiable stains.

Behind the counter in the front room sits a bulbousheaded, sickly looking man with large bloodshot eyes and pale clammy skin, drenched in glistening perspiration that has caked parts of his clothing a crude, uric yellow.

"Good evening, gentlefolk!" He says, straightening up and throwing on a cracked-tooth smile as the group enters. "So good of you to come to Corscala. You'll be wanting rooms of course? Yes yes. Five of you is it? Ah..."

He pauses and looks down at Gallus' cybermastiff, weighing it up. "We usually don't allow pets in the Hostel, but er... does it... does it have biological needs?"

Gallus grunts, clears his throat, and then shakes his head, saying, "Not the sort that will make a mess of your floors. I am trained in the disposal of excess biomatter from this cybermastiff."

This explanation seems to suit the proprietor, who gives a withering nod before turning his eyes back to the more fair members of the party, and ends up speaking to Thiopia by instinct of her natural bearing.

"Well, then if you can keep yourselves clean and make sure the ah, cyber thing doesn't chew my furnishings, then I'm happy to have you at my hostel. The name is Maxus Draeylok, at your service. Now, I have twelve double rooms available, four to a floor, each for a half-throne per night, with light and bedding generously included. Shall we say three rooms? One for the, er, nice fellow with his four legged hound, a room for the ladies, and a room for the gents?"

He wipes his sweating brow with an unhygenic looking handkerchief from his breast pocket as he waits for someone from the group to confirm their booking or to make other inquiries of him.

Zieg, having trained with the Arbites' basic narcotics division, notes that the excessive sweating and bloodshot eyes are common symptoms of one of the more extreme versions of the illegal drug obscura - a substance known as black spiral among Hive Sibellus' criminal underground. Unless he is suffering from a disease that Zieg was unaware of, it seemed that their host was likely an addict - which made sense if drug-dealing gangers were choosing this place as a meeting point.

Movement from the small hallway that led to the stairs makes some in the party turn to see a withered-looking woman with a skeletal, thin build and a malformed right hand that turns in on itself standing silently in the door frame.

"Ah... that is Gilda, my wife," says Drayelok. "She'll be showing you to your rooms."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg gave a bit of a affirmative grunt at Mordeci's observation, glad they were on the same page with concerns, as he lead the way to the Hostel


After the Hostel's introductions, Zieg took a moment to clear his throat. "If I may? There is a specific matter I need to discuss with one of the other guests of your establishment. Perhaps your wife may be able to lead me to the room of a man named Argus after we've been settled into our own accommodations?"

He was trying his best to sound neutral about it, but he had a sneaking suspicion that the man would probably jump to conclusions at what may be this business.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Ahhh, sir," Maxus says with a small chuckle and placating hands raised, palms outward to either side of his glistening body. "I wouldn't be a proper proprietor if I gave out information about other guests staying at my establishment unless I had forewarning from them - however, I can tell you that no one by that name in particular is staying at the hostel tonight. 'Course it's none of my business, but if'n you are referring to that tall dark fellow, what hangs 'round the Workers Union with them scars on his arm, then I doubt you'd be seeing him getting a room here, unless it's for a... well, creature comforts. Don't worry sir, the rooms on the third floor are always reserved for overnight guests."

Maxus rubbed his hands together, and then coughed and spat to the side, his spittle looking dark and inky. Another tell tale sign of spiral black obscura use.

"Mm. Pardon me. Ah, payment is upfront. Standard district procedure, no offense intended. One and a half thrones for the rooms, and if we make it an even two thrones, I'll have Gilda prepare a nice rationed breakfast for the lot of you in the morning. Being the only commercial boarding house left operating in the sub-district has some advantages when it comes to getting spire ration priority, ah heh heh..."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Out in the street, as the artificial night started to fall and they spotted Locan hobbling off, apparently to the Union, Thiopia fell back to Lili Arbest, and asked her quickly, to scan the other people in the street with them. "If you please, Ms. Arbest - you ought to know these people, so please select someone you see right now who won't mind getting into some trouble for some money, preferably someone who also enjoys the Worker's Union, and whom you trust and know how to find later."

If there was such a person, Thiopia would ask the person's name, palm five coins in her coat, and then arrange to catch and speak with the person, referring to them by name to catch their attention.

"You seem thirsty," Thiopia would say, glancing out from under her hood. "Why don't I treat you to a night at the Worker's Union?" Using her and the person's bodies to block the view from others around, she pulled out her palm with the five thrones in it, though they were tight in her palm. "I only but want you to collect some news for me on Mr. Locan. I'm just too shy to see myself, you see, and I would be glad to treat you to something tomorrow, provided you have some interesting news for me. Well?"

If they accepted, Thiopia would bid them a good night, telling them "You needn't look for me - I'll find you, I promise," and crossing to be apart from the rest of the group, making her way vaguely in the direction of the Hostel as Lili had mentioned. She walked alone, until the person had been out of sight for awhile, at which point she rejoined the group.

If not, she simply shrugged, and walked away, back to her group.


In the Hostel, being that she was being addressed - funny, she was supposed to be being low-key; perhaps she ought to slouch more? - Thiopia shrugged, pulling three coins out from somewhere in the recesses of her coat. She clacked them on the table, though she didn't let go of them yet.

"I don't suppose that certain tall dark fellow has a favorite creature or two that he takes comfort in?" She asked.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Back in the streets, Lili had grimaced as Thiopia made her request.

"Sorry, but even though I think I recognize a few of those shop sellers, we've never been close. And I doubt anyone that I would trust is going to be the type who wants to go to the union. It's a den of criminals. Anyone who I might trust would be my neighbors in the habstack, but they're already safely back there now - I hope."


Inside the hostel, Maxus' slippery hand reached for the coins expectantly, but held back at the last moment as Thiopia had not released her hold on them. He eyed her expectantly, and after he heard her question, his eyes rolled upwards twitching from one side to another.

"Well, on that particular account, I could only venture a guess as to what I've seen. He used to come in here early on, back when Chord Luntz moved into town and set up his shop down at the Union, see. And he'd show up with a few of the other ganger blades and such, bringing a few local girls along, interested in some leisure time as you might have it. This was after the fires, you see, and these gangers were flashing throne gelt and spending on amasec, and it was as flashy as these girls were ever gonna see, so they latched onto him and his buddies. Time came though that Luntz started turning the upstairs of the Union into his own barracks of sorts, and I have it on good authority that there's a little cove up there where some girls are kept. They ain't innocent ladies, by any stretch. They wear the gang colors and they'll cut you as quick as any. I'm pretty sure that Argus fellah has a few of those girls on his arms these days. He's the biggest thug they've got on that force. Not built like a hiver, no ma'am. Some say he's from outside the hive city, from one of those resource outposts on the edge of the black ocean you might hear about on a vidcast. Me? I say he's not even from this world. His Gothic's gotten better since, but when he first arrived, he was speaking in some strange gutter dialect I ain't never heard of. Now a man like that in Sibellus, most girls stay rightly away, but there's this one girl they have: Micaela. She's a right crazy one. Seems to cling to him pretty loyal like. Don't know if he's as hot on her as she on him, but they used to 'take comfort' here, and I've seen 'em hanging together when I'm in the market."

He glances down at Thiopia's hand, where it covers the coins. His sweaty fingers producing watermarks on his counter top.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"This Micaela - local girl? In the gang as well, or no?"

When he answered that question, she raised her hand and dropped the coins into the off-putting man's hand.

She turned around to lean on the counter and look at the door, in case Argus showed up. Provided he wasn't there already, she pulled out another coin, holding it between her pointer and middle fingers, tapping it once against the counter before closing her hand into a fist, concealing the coin from sight, though she continued to tap it against the table. "This Luntz seems like an interesting fellow, it seems a shame to be visiting Corscala and know so little about him."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Can't say for certain if she's local," Maxus said, before tapping a squishy finger on the counter in thought. "But y'know she's always seemed different from the other girls - maybe a bit more aggressive, first to bait people, you know? I'd say she's possibly from the underhive, and just come up with the rest of the blades when they come to the district."

He neatly plucks the thrones up and deposits them quickly in a side pocket, before leaning back in towards Thiopia, who by dint of her money has become more interesting than anyone else in the room at the moment.

"Chord, eh?" He muses, rubbing his dripping chin with his hand. "You wouldn't be some sort of outside investigators, would ya? Maybe some internal unit?" He grinned, showing off tar stained teeth and gums.

"Nah, don't you mind that. You don't need to tell me... Well, I suppose I'd better mind my tongue here but..."

Maxus looks from side to side, glancing at the front door and the windows before continuing.

"Yeah, Chord Luntz is what you might call an entrepreneur up from the underhive. One of them crime barons looking to expand his territory. He hasn't exactly hidden himself from view since he got here. He just showed up with his blades one day, took over the Union, made examples of whoever objected, and has been setting up a business of indulgence ever since. And he's good at selling indulgence, I'll give him that."

Maxus seemed a bit saddened by that last remark, perhaps showing exactly who had gotten him into a habit of obscura use.

"Man likes to think he runs this district. He and the local enforcers have always had what you might call an understanding. And that Warden Locan, well... he's hooked on indulgence just as much as anyone.

"But y'know, Chord's been a troubled man as of late. Unhappy about something. And when he's unhappy, he likes to call in his debts, and that's causing a big squeeze on Corscala now, at a time when everyone's suffering. But eh, I'm sure that's just boring you."

He looks down at the tapping coin in Thiopia's hand.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"'Internal investigators'? And just who might be interested in Corscala, hmm, Maxus Draeylok?" She stopped her tapping to stare at the man, smiling a practiced smile that she could use whenever she didn't feel like smiling - a necessary skill of her Noble upbringing.

"No-- we're here in Corscala, after all. I would be bad for us to tread on people's toes, wouldn't it? Mayhap I'd like to make more of these coins, here..." Thiopia brought her fist off the table, inspecting her coin, turning it in the dim Hostel light. Eventually, she resumed tapping it against the counter. "He seems like the best person to speak to about that here, after all. What is it Mr. Luntz finds offensive - things my friends and I should avoid doing? We wouldn't want to make a bad impression, if we'd like to discuss business."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Business, is it? Well, well then." Drayelok hummed thoughtfully. "Chord can be a tricky man to talk to, miss. He's a moody, paranoid sort. Not too fond of unannounced visits. And of course, not the sort of man you'd want to double cross. Like most any ganger, he's concerned about money and respect. Often he does his initial dealings through his captains, as it were. That Argus is one of them, to my understanding. If you were to go to the Union and simply ask to speak to Luntz, chances are you'd earn yourself a beating. And worse if you pulled a weapon out. Generally speaking, if he feels you're worth talking to, he'll send for you."

Maxus drummed his fingers, and then, as if he'd only just remembered, he spun his odd-angled body around toward the cubby holes behind him, and withdrew three separate keys labeled - 3a, 3b, and 3c. He spread these out on the counter top for the group to take.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg looks between the manager and Thiopia and gives a thoughtful scratch across his chin at all the information. He'd have to compliment her negotiation skills later, he thought, as he taps his fingers on the counter, looking to the keys when offered.

"Perhaps you ladies would be best taking the middle room? Yaknow, in case something happens, we could catch them in a pincer attack between me and Mordeci?" Zieg asks, keeping his voice somewhat quiet while resting his hand near the 3c key.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Gallus coughs, the sound echoing within his respirator unit's vox caster, and then takes the 3a key.

"I shall take the first room. I shall need to perform the sacred cleansing rituals upon my charge. It may be disturbing for one such as Mordeci to look upon. I suggest that he bunk with you, Zieg."

Lili shrugs, and nods to Thiopia. "I'm fine with this arrangement," she murmurs.

Whether or not Thiopia gives Maxus the final throne, he will put on an inky-toothed grin and gesture to the doorway where his wife, Gilda, stands unsmiling and looking as though a sudden gust from the air conditioning vent might bowl her over. As the acolytes move towards her, she will turn and guide the group down a battered and rotting hallway, descending a short ramp with an overhanging lumen globe swinging on an exposed cord just barely above her head. At the end of the hallway is a staircase leading to the different floors. A lift system with a sign reading "Out of Order" in Sibellen Gothic, is situated to the left of the stairs.

The group ascends two landings to reach the third floor, which has three rooms. Gallus and his cybermastiff take the room closest to the stairs. Lili and Thio get the middle chamber, leaving the last to Zieg and Mordeci. In each room is a relatively bare chamber, with two beds, a shelving unit, an en suite toilet, and a window overlooking the completely darkened alleyway behind the habstack. By the time they have had a chance to open the doors, Gilda will be gone, not having said a word.

After getting situated, it will be up to the group to decide what, if anything, they wish to do or prepare for during the nighttime hours. Outside, the Corscala district is ominously silent, the only sounds being that of the overhead automated air filtration system in the steel sky. This place has all the feel of a tomb.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci remains silent through all this, his hat lowered to cover his face and his hands looped in his belt, until, of course, they had come to their rooms. After entering his, and waiting for Zieg to do so, he finishes his Lho and snuffs it out on the ground beneath his boot. "Four hour shifts trading off? I'd rather not be caught off guard if something happened." he states, clearly speaking about setting up some kind of watch in the event something bad did happen.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg took a draft from his flask as well, giving a subtle nod at the question. "I can take first," he suggests, following and dragging a chair next to the door while setting his shotgun next to it.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The noble shrugged, and clacks the coin down on the counter, leaving it as they left for their rooms.

Thiopia sat down on one of the beds, wishing just a little for a shower. She quickly concluded that if this place had a shower, she'd come out of it feeling more grimy than she had going in, and put the thought behind her.

After Zieg blabbed the obvious bedding arrangements in front of that weaselly owner of this place, Thiopia entirely suspected him to sell what room they were in to Argus - which was why once, in a few minutes, when he was mostly sure that silent, ghostly crone had gone off to see them, she was going to see the two men and suggest they swap rooms.

...Though, hadn't that ganger said to meet him here? This hardly seemed like a place to meet, and apparently he was not here...

"That 'Argus' did say he'd meet with us here, did he not?" Thiopia asked her apparent roommate. Under her hood, her makeup-coated face screwed up into an annoyed frown. "That wasn't a stupid innuendo-slash-threat that I'm only just getting, was it?"
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thio's suggestion that the ladies swapped room with the gents met with no resistance, and so the noble and the hive prole swapped with the arbiter and gunman.

Of the time and nature of their meeting with Argus, none of them could say. Even Lili confessed that she hadn't given the offer of meeting with the ganger any serious consideration at the time, believing that she would have been well on her way out of Corscala by this late hour.

Time passed, with Zieg keeping his door open just a crack so that he could see the stairway landing. Mordeci, in his usual casual manner, tipped his brimmed hat low and got some shut eye. Gallus was left to his own devices with the cybermastiff in the 3A room. The ways of tech-priests were over the heads of the loyal citizens in their blessed ignorance in all things technological. Finally, in the woman's room, Lili sat upon the edge of the bed, in awkward, numbed silence.

"I don't know what I'm doing here," she confesses at some point. "I don't know why my life should be in danger. I'm nothing to nobody. I'm not important. I'm one of billions in this hive alone. What Argus suggest just doesn't make sense. I don't have enemies."

Aside from this pondering, Lili does get around to thanking Thiopia for taking care of her, being a stranger and all.

"I don't suppose you could tell me a bit more detail about who exactly you and your friends are? It's just strange, a Coblast Array reclaimator team coming here and showing interest in Saul and me. I mean, I couldn't say if Saul wasn't involved with something important to your bosses, but I'm certainly not. I guess... I just wonder what you're getting out of all of this by protecting me?"


About an hour after the acolytes are situated in their rooms, most all but Zieg have taken to relaxing after a day of travel and inquiry. And so it is that really only the Arbitrator notices just how utterly quiet the night cycle in Corscala has gotten, with only the distant hum of the huge, sweeping ventilation fans on the level's metallic ceiling breaking the otherwise absence of sound. Then, in the distance, Zieg hears a faint sound, but most certainly a scream. Somewhere out in the district, something was happening. Something horrific. The scream died out and once again there was chilling silence.

Then, perhaps twenty seconds later, there were footfalls in the direction of the stairs. Hushed voices, speaking in a gutteral tongue that was barely gothic. Zieg strained his ears trying to hear.

"...d there was meat on 'em."
"Oh aye. Aye."
"An' women too."
"Softer. More chewy."
"Aye, aye."
"...ve the keys..."
"Quiet. They'll hear..."

Through the frame of the doorway, Zieg saw a line of stringy, half-starved looking dregs shamble up the stairs. These were desperate, horrid looking men - more akin to ghouls. Not gangers, but savage wastrels who prowled the alleyways of the underhive. The sort that the enforcers here supposedly hunted for sport. They were dressed in rags and scavenged patchwork trousers. Dirty, unhygenic, and all of them looking like homeless sociopaths, which was probably exactly what they were. There was scum... and then there was these dregs who made other hivers look like nobles by comparison. Each of them carries some crude, scavenged hand weapon, wielded like clubs.

The lead one had keys in his hand which he held tight to keep them from jingling. He puts his hand up just before the doorway to the hall and signals for the men behind him to hush. Then he pricks his ears up. he doesn't seem to have seen Zieg through the small crack in the door, but rather he appears to be listening carefully.

Zieg listens too, and notices that there's a strange skittering sound, somewhat familiar, sounding from somewhere above them.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg's first hour of watch would be a quiet, uneventful droll, the Arbite sliding between awake and sleepy as he rested against the doorframe. Sometimes dropping off, he purposefully stomped his own foot to cause his head to jump back up again.

He was used to districts further up in hivestacks- lively, full of either the sounds of industrial life or the various working class finding entertainment at all forms of seedy establishments. The air outside, however, was stagnant, full of nothing but a deadened dread that had reverberated ever since the arrival by the Arbite squad.

With the deathly quiet, the sudden severing of it by the mutters outside made his eyes slide open from another stupor. Instantly, his brain began to rush awake, as more and more of those whispers began to rush to his mind, relaying that they were going to be in very, very much trouble if they didn't do anything.

Slowly, and as silently as he could, he gripped his shotgun, holding the weapon easily off to his side as he tried to not bump it against his surroundings. The scratching in the ceiling and the reaching for the doorknob was much, much too fast for his taste, there was no time to warning the others. He'd have to be loud, and hope they awoke after the first volley.

As the creatures reached the doorway to the stairs, he grits his teeth, tightens his grip on the shotgun's pump action, and rapidly sprang to action. A toe of his boots knock open the door he had been keeping watched behind, and he raises the shotgun rapidly, letting out a boisterous warcry as he pulls the trigger.

Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

The shotgun discharges into the archway just to the side of the lead dreg, who leaps in shock after realizing how close he came to having his head blown off. Still, so packed is the space behind him that he has no place with which to retreat or to take cover. Realizing this, the outgunned man hardens his face into something of a frenzy and screeches a battle cry as he raises his crude club above him.

While all of this is happening, Mordeci and Thiopia are jerked out of their reveries first by the sound of Zieg's booming voice and secondly by the mighty percussion of the Arbiters' weapon fire.

"What's going on?!" Lili says, her eyes wide, and her body instinctively crouching low, looking about her.