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Re: Punisher

Is it just me or the controls are a bit lagging? I found difficulty aiming my jumps on the platforms.

Overall, really great game. I was kind of sceptic about the H content of this game but so far, it really amazes me. I just hope that in the final release, all enemies will have their own GOR animation but I may be asking for too much.

Anyway, it will get my $$$ when the time comes...

Found the game to be very fast and responsive

Really liked the game overall, kind of wished there was a sort of maybe clothing destruction/rape type action from mobs, before actually dying for it to happen (excluding that giant blob that devours you anyway)
Re: Punisher

Is there a way to give the maker a message to add clothing destruction and ingame rape? Since the game is still in early stages
Re: Punisher

Would someone be so kind as to point me where the coins are in the second stage? I found everything in the first stage and I know one of the coin will appear at the en dwhen you get all the lolipops and coke bottles but where exactly are the other two?

Thanks in advance.
Re: Punisher

It's got a DLSite page now.
Re: Punisher

My problem is the controls,it acts like it's on a damn ice stage CONSTANTLY.Is there any levels past two.Because i can't clear the jump slash portion with the red wall.
Re: Punisher

My problem is the controls,it acts like it's on a damn ice stage CONSTANTLY.Is there any levels past two.Because i can't clear the jump slash portion with the red wall.

The stage is really easy if you keep activating the spell where the energy balls fly around you at max power. There is nothing after stage 2 though except for a little troll scene.
Re: Punisher

Would someone be so kind as to point me where the coins are in the second stage? I found everything in the first stage and I know one of the coin will appear at the en dwhen you get all the lolipops and coke bottles but where exactly are the other two?

See my post on the first page for the location of the second coin. Getting to it is pretty tricky.

The first coin is dangerous to get to, but really easy to find:

Just kill the giant slug things at the start of the stage and then grab it. The shotgun move works well to kill them.

Re: Punisher

it was my video card all this time.I got it to work on another computer.
Re: Punisher

New H animation preview in his latest blog entry. See it here:

Re: Punisher

And unsurprisingly were stuck waiting another month or two....great...it said so on the blog.
Re: Punisher

And unsurprisingly were stuck waiting another month or two....great...it said so on the blog.
You know, that isn't so bad to me, since it is nice to get some quality H games. Besides at least it's not like X potion :D.
Re: Punisher

It's better to wait to have a better finished product. really don't mind for this game, as I think it's going to be one the great ones anyway.
Re: Punisher

I guess,though in my opinion i wouldn't put a game up on dlsite unless i was sure most,if not all of the bugs were gone.Not saying i dont want a finished game i just dont like getting my hopes up.
Re: Punisher

I'll give a try, even guro not being my main specialty.

Maybe near this year's end this game will completed, right?
Re: Punisher

I'll give a try, even guro not being my main specialty.

Maybe near this year's end this game will completed, right?

Says on the blog it'll be released in a month or two on dlsite,or i guess whenever most of the bugs are fixed,could be sooner or later then a month or two
Re: Punisher

Says on the blog it'll be released in a month or two on dlsite,or i guess whenever most of the bugs are fixed,could be sooner or later then a month or two

Well, the author could implement more and more scenes/monster/things, and this would take some time to finish. I'm waiting impatiently for 1 am of today to play, parents here all day long.
Re: Punisher

Well if he is adding more things and making it more playable i have no reason to complain.
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