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Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Probably get some kind of glutton-for-punishment award, but... Considering starting another RP.

Ark City.

A city of rebirth, it rose from the ashes of its predecessor. Born out of the cataclysmic death-throes of a powerful villain, it has since flourished into a shining beacon of progress. Yet beneath the shiny veneer, old troubles re-emerge, and new foes rise to challenge those in power. And over all, a memorial to the villainy that brought ruin, and the bravery of those who opposed it, rises to prominence.

I am known as the Castellan. I stand in memory of the survivors, and the lost, of the devastation. With what gifts I have, I shall hold the line against what foes come, although I know I need not stand alone. Let those who can answer the call, and stand as a bulwark against those who would bring destruction.

Will be using the 6th edition Champions rules for the HERO System for this, if there's interest. I have access to the Hero Designer utility, so anyone not familiar with the system can still hop in if interested. I'll probably just do up their character sheet, and export it, after talking with them either through forum PMs or the shoutbox.

System Basics Low-down:

Oh, and I do have some books available, so there's that too.

((More setting details here.))
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Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Double-post, but I'm going to make one more attempt to draw in some interest before I declare this attempt failed. I've added a link to the first post with the corebook for what I'm going to use for this.
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

I'd love to show interest, but to be honest, I probably have too much on my plate already, especially if Hope actually starts his game.
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Happens, Spider.

For anyone else considering this, I've added something more to the setting details thread: An exported TXT version of one of the NPCs, to give an idea of what a completed, experienced character's sheet might look like.

Obviously, because the NPC is an experienced character, there's more points, and complications, than a starting character would have.

There's also a slight spoiler for the related story, but I'd already kind of hinted at that.
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

I would be interested. Could be fun player a superhero...... Or a villain. MWHUAHAHAHAHAHAH :p
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Well, if the forum will remain functional long enough to let me post this...

I think that, at least for the first attempt at a Champions game, I'm going to ask that potential players not try to make villain characters. Unsurprisingly, the published materials are written with hero (i.e. Good Guy) characters in mind. While there's nothing wrong in my mind with the idea of trying to run a game with villain characters, it might be simplest for those who might be learning the system to go with what's intended. At least to start with.
(EDIT: I've also got far more pre-generated Villains for GM Resource... Might be some laziness involved in that too...)

That said: Yay! Potential player.
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Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

So yeah, interest shown, provided that some help with char gen is provided. System seems complex.

Basically, I'll be playing a girl version of Venom from spiderman, only she won't look as evil and hungry. In fact she'll probably not have her symbiote covering all of her face, just to make her have a human look to remind people that she's a hero, not a villain.

Backstory is scientist girl in faraway icy research station discovers alien biomass. She unlocks said biomass from its stasis and it latches onto her, intending to kill her for food, but it realizes that it is severely injured and so it needs to keep her alive as a host for a while. Then all its alien buddies come down to earth looking for it, only they aren't so much buddies as an extermination squad that want to capture or kill it because it's SPECIAL and POWERFUL and needs to be contained at all costs. So it hijacks the scientist girl and hides out in the snow while all other human scientists are devoured. Eventually a telepathic link is formed and the girl and the alien come to an understanding while they're hiding for their lives. The alien is so injured that in order to survive, it has to permanently adhere to the girl's body, the process forever entwines the two of them, but the girl is mentally in control. The extremely powerful alien creature is kinda bummed that it's hitched to an unremarkable human, but it alters her biology to make her superhuman and fit and awesome. In return, she has to keep herself and the alien alive because it turns out that an entire alien race of symbiotes wants her dead now. She also ends up using her powers for good, in the traditional superhero sense. Maybe she joins a team. etc...
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Uh, yea...

Interest possible... But what CP range is this targeting?

Right now I got a character in concept stage at an even 500cp, although due to a complication score of 125 I could raise it to 750 to be within games preferred balance if thats not high enough
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Looking at starting with the 400 Character Point / 75 Complication Point level.

EDIT: Having issues helping set up a character, so I'm going to bump things to the next tier up.

EDIT2: Moment of derp... After viewing a completed character sheet under an HTML export that displays the information as if the sheet were an "official" character, it seems that spent Complication points actually do count as XP, which is spent at a 1:1 ratio with CP.
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Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Good thing the way he was conceptualised is easily scalable
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans


Chargen in this thing is fuckin' hard.
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

One of the reasons I've offered to help people with characters: I've got the "official" character gen utility... Might share it, but I can't find what I did with the installer.
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Okay, so I'm thinking about starting this some time this week.

Anyone who's still thinking about character gen, contact me either through forum PMs or in the shoutbox.

Also, please double check all of my other posts in this thread, as I've made some edits along the way... Mostly catching errors that could affect how things are handled.

Mea culpa on that...
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Where will you be running this RP?
Re: Possible Superheroic RP shenanigans

Going to look into setting up a sub-section of the "Wolf's RPs" sub-forum.