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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Funny how the one I was looking for was the *first* one in the search...

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Yeah... it sucked to be that guy. I had another friend who found out the girl he hooked up with was a hooker AFTER the sex, when she demanded payment. Unfortunately it's better to pay the girl just to avoid the trouble in that case.

That's two good reasons why, during my stay, the only sex I had involved one lover: my hand.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Again, the overwhelming "It's a trap" comes to mind as she probably didn't let on that she was a hooker to avoid him telling her to sod off. And while sounding lonely, you sound like you still got the best out of the whole situation.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Well regarding the hooker situation, I would be downright ashamed of myself if I picked up a girl for some and she demanded payment, and I would be rather angry for the next few days.

As for the TRAP thing, I'm semi-gay/Bi-Sexualish, so I guess if it looks like a woman, talks like a woman, and acts like one, no problem.
I say all this, but I'm more or less a virgin, so I don't have much say on the subject actually.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

An old photo. I no longer have the Gir slippers, but I do still have the boobs.

but... but why did you get rid of your gir slippers?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl


Allow me to offer the following photographic evidence:


An old photo. I no longer have the Gir slippers, but I do still have the boobs.


I <3 vinyl pants.


Last Halloween. I was Poison Ivy and that was a delicious sour apple martini.


Several X-mases ago. Note the boobs.


Even in a medium as pure and pristine as snow, I still manage to find an outlet for my perverted impulses.

Are we clear on my gender now? :cool:
I'm sure those are just photo-shopped. Anything is possible on the internet.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm sure those are just photo-shopped. Anything is possible on the internet.

"You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me..." "Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish."
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

but I'm more or less a virgin

Schrödinger's virgin: If we lock him in a room with a harem, it's both an orgy and not an orgy until the door is opened. Until this state is resolved, he is both a virgin and not one.

Also: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle as applied to genitalia: You can know either where it is or where it's going, not both.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Schrödinger's virgin: If we lock him in a room with a harem, it's both an orgy and not an orgy until the door is opened. Until this state is resolved, he is both a virgin and not one.

Also: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle as applied to genitalia: You can know either where it is or where it's going, not both.

That is the best stuff I have heard in a long time, + rep,
for making me laugh so hard, I might decide to try fit that into my sig after some thinking, if I do, thanks in advance xD.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Hmm, that reminds me, I've been utilising one of the basic principles of physics for a revolutionary effect. There is a law that states, you cannot measure a value without the value slightly changing. So what I've been doing is regularly measuring my penis. It's a bit of a gamble though, 'cause you don't know whether the value wil increase or decrease.

I've yet to be able to find other test subjects.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

If it helps, my vagina has been growing.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm pretty sure vaginas require a liquid with more nutrients in it than water.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Disclaimer: Response contains pornographic depictions which may result excitement, erections, fapping, dick-chafing and jizz. Erections lasting more than four hours may require medical attention.

This is what vaginae really need for healthy growth.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Signs limiting the use of hotlinking. Wow, strange diet^^
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I just don't understand why more girls don't hang around here, we have such fascinating debates and topics.
