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RPG RPG Maker [Pervy] The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I would like to report a bug. If you get Rose in your party and then lose to the slimegirls and get the turned to slime ending, none of your other party members change portraits and rose's portrait causes a graphic glitch (specifically, Miay is just naked, Rose shows up as your character, and your character is inserted underneath Rose's portrait.

I know you'll probably get around to fixing it but I just found it hilarious.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Here are my thoughts:

Enemies provide too little EXP, I have to waste a lot of time looking at a black rest screen so I can resume slooowwwwllllyyyy grinding to get the meditate ability just so I can conserve HP healing items for emergencies, like boss battles. As early on you get tons of mana potions (or at least I did) and a pitiful amount of healing potions. Also no place to buy healing potions early on until after you lose to the Succubus (due to her you know, either putting you to sleep for several turns, stunning you for several turns, or charming you to inaction for several turns and likely being out of healing potions if you decided to not do the long slow grind to get meditate which even then would not heal enough to counteract the succubus's damage output combined with status effects) and get through the jade tower.

TP generation feels too low, so when I did boost my character up to a high level (via cheat engine) I came to realize that the def down debuff you eventually (after much loooonnnngggg ssllllooooowwww gggggrrrriiiinnnnddddiiiiinnngg that I decided to avoid instead of do legit) is too high in cost to truly be practical as TP does not get transferred between battles (so I cannot use mobs that I can just beat down to build up TP for the boss fight) and you get like 1 TP for taking damage. So often times I was stuck basically praying the triple strike would actually inflict enough damage to get through the fight. As ~50% of the time most of my hits would be nullified entirely by the RNG. Either miss or no damage. While my healing supplies rapidly dwindled.

I would suggest that you split the H-mechanics off of being HP reliant. With enough frustration the player is going to get driven to cheating (like I did) past the grind and then it becomes really hard for them to enjoy the H-content since their health values are so high and the enemy does such little damage in comparison. Results in the H-scenes not showing up.

I would also advise against so many DoT status effects. I would rather see status effects I need to "struggle" off to avoid a turn count down to bad end (Monster Girl Quest and Corruption of Champions has good examples of this), or have to manage a separate "arousal" amount that would make me auto-lose (seen in Corruption of Champions), rather then uncounterable status effects that exist to burn through my healing supplies.

I would also suggest letting us have access to the main city before Jade Tower so that a potion shop is available, as well as maybe put in materials that mobs drop so you can sell those for money to buy supplies.

I would also suggest making Meditate a stock level 1 skill, to help alleviate some of the early leveling issues so you can be "in the field" more leveling up and less time in the shack looking at a black rest screen.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Definitely enjoying what I'm seeing on this one for the most part. The only thing I've encountered so far that has really bothered me is the perspective switching (3rd person to 1st person) mid scene in some the writing, but I believe that was already mentioned by someone else and responded to, and in all honesty that comes down to me being prone to pedantry. Now I'm off to huddle up in a box car and patiently await the next release.

Next release coming tomorrow and.. if you see the person switch, do point it out. I want to remove it everywhere but in the intro(where I address the player directly) its a writing-vestige.

I think I have found many of the bad ends, but still lacking some. Is there a list somewhere on how to reach this and that?

I'm not sure how to use the treasure map, I think iv'e found the secret places on the map, Forest, Beach, Mist area, Witch hut. But how do I get the Vampire or venom thing? Or aren't those implemented yet

Also are there any possibilities with the interactions of the dragon as of now? Or is that for later.

Also does the Allignment, Humanity and Corruption scales have any impact on Endings and such? or certain scenes with monsters. I haven't seen an effect from it so far, except that the Character changes appearance through examination mirror :>

Grey general guy also beaten now! (Guy at castle town)

Theres a list, but I'm a meanie and haven't posted it in its up to date version outside of patreon. we are up to .. 46 endings with the next release I reckon.

Lets see: Vampire and venom stuff not implemented. Dragon.. later. The axis.. mostly later. Corruption scales does affect if you can pass the old tower, but these things take a lot of work, and time. They will affect things in due time.

Also, how the fluff did you beat the general, I wrote him to be unchallengable for lowerish levels.. though, fully calculated in that some -may- be able to somehow make it. :p

I forgot to mention I thoroughly enjoy the overworld music, never thought I'd hear stones again, also I like the doll companion too.

Tbh, will replace that music with a custom theme for the game, though I do quite like that song myself, you should think of this game when playing it, not others. :p

I would like to report a bug. If you get Rose in your party and then lose to the slimegirls and get the turned to slime ending, none of your other party members change portraits and rose's portrait causes a graphic glitch (specifically, Miay is just naked, Rose shows up as your character, and your character is inserted underneath Rose's portrait.

I know you'll probably get around to fixing it but I just found it hilarious.

noted, will look into it, but yeah, this area comes before you normally aquire rose, so it isn't really 'planned' to include her.

so when I did boost my character up to a high level (via cheat engine)

If you cheat, theres not much I can do with your balance suggestions, as you aren't playing the game as it was intended. Play the game normally, then come back and we can talk. The challenge is part of the game and to be frank, it's a little discouraging people lack the patience to enjoy the game as it was ment to be played, the easy difficulty is uh.. easy enough to beat all monsters at the pace the game sets, sure you may not beat a nasty boss without using up some items and putting in some effort, but thats how its supposed to be.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I was recommended this game by a friend, but i was really disappointed with it.
the lack of cg, the fact text keeps getting cut off by the ends of the lines, that the slime girls interrupt the tentacle armor text (pushing the tentacle armor text into the battles too)

it doesn't help that it takes too long for battles to end, it makes grinding even more annoying... a general tip i have for you would be to increase the number of enemies early on but make them weaker, killing strong enemies only feels good when there's some strategy to it
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Anyway folks, new update available on the blog:

One new ending, involving a naughty mindflayer, introduction of the new companion, and some.. well, lots of bugfixing. yey!
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I found a few bugs in this version so here we go
The satyr is broken I get a cannot find graphics error when I try to go into the room
If you save before talking to the last plantgirl then talk to her, he isn't there when you load your game
If you use the pollen on the guard on the bridge on the bottom the guard fight loops
Speaking of the pollen the fight in the tower took it away, is that permanent?
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

If you cheat, theres not much I can do with your balance suggestions, as you aren't playing the game as it was intended. Play the game normally, then come back and we can talk. The challenge is part of the game and to be frank, it's a little discouraging people lack the patience to enjoy the game as it was ment to be played, the easy difficulty is uh.. easy enough to beat all monsters at the pace the game sets, sure you may not beat a nasty boss without using up some items and putting in some effort, but thats how its supposed to be.

I was playing the game normally (on normal) until it got too frustrating, I had no MP left, no potions left, no money left, and leveling was going so slowly that I cheated so I could see more content beyond the early stuff. When I looked at the skills I could not understand how high TP costs were going to work since you always had to start over from a random low amount of TP while going up against enemies who regularly beat you down with status effects that deal DoT (which do not give TP, and curing the status effect is almost pointless since they will reapply it instantly) or let them chain stun you.

Could you at least set it so that TP is saved between battles?

Story wise I would ask this though:

Can you make it so that staying in the PC's initial mindset (caring about people) does not result in an automatic game over at the theater? Since its forced you-shall-not-pass content its frustrating how I have to make the character be out of character, for the path I was trying to aim for, just to be able to proceed.

Unless there some hidden items or something to find so that the "good" route does not result in automatic dollification. It was rather jarring how the character goes sith lord evil instantly from caring and compassionate.

It took me a few game overs to just give up on trying to maintain a "desperately trying to be good in the face of a corrupt world" mentality run. Settling on a mostly evil run.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I found a few bugs in this version so here we go
The satyr is broken I get a cannot find graphics error when I try to go into the room
If you save before talking to the last plantgirl then talk to her, he isn't there when you load your game
If you use the pollen on the guard on the bridge on the bottom the guard fight loops
Speaking of the pollen the fight in the tower took it away, is that permanent?

Satyr will be fixsed on a bugfix release, I.. don't quite get the plantgirl issue, can you reiterate please?
Damn, tought I caught all looping guards, will fix.
Yep, the tower takes the pollen away for good, reason for that is that I need a LOT of exeption switches, and felt like people didn't like it that much, based on some feedback.

I was playing the game normally (on normal) until it got too frustrating, I had no MP left, no potions left, no money left, and leveling was going so slowly that I cheated so I could see more content beyond the early stuff

Normal IS designed to be challenging. Its most definitly possible for rpg maker experienced folks, heck, you manage to handle enemies I thought unbeatable, but its not .. well.. easy. Please don't play normal and cheat, just play easy instead. I want you to experience the game as it was intended. Just give some feedback if you think something in particular too challenging.

Can you make it so that staying in the PC's initial mindset (caring about people) does not result in an automatic game over at the theater? Since its forced you-shall-not-pass content its frustrating how I have to make the character be out of character, for the path I was trying to aim for, just to be able to proceed.


Hmnn.. that is a good point, I will think about it. Heroism shouldn't be punished, Ayla is intended as a naive, but enthusiastic heroine. Thing is, this is the evil companion, so has to be something nasty.. If you have any ideas how to do it better, I'm all ears. ;O
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered


I just noticed this game and took a quick look a the first post.
Curiously, is it possible to have: Good alignment, evil humility, and high corruption?
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Satyr will be fixsed on a bugfix release, I.. don't quite get the plantgirl issue, can you reiterate please?
Damn, tought I caught all looping guards, will fix.
Yep, the tower takes the pollen away for good, reason for that is that I need a LOT of exeption switches, and felt like people didn't like it that much, based on some feedback.

If you talk to the last plantgirl in the swamp she'll give you three choices, if you choose any of them then reload your game before you talked to her she is gone. It's like the game didn't realize you reloaded the game and didn't put her back?
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

So I'm playing through this and I'm starting to wonder if there's any scenes that AREN'T mind-guro.

That is to say, I'm getting a bit worn down by the lack of variety here, every scene seems to be a minor variation of "x kills you and strings your mindless body along for whatever" so does that ever change or is that all there is here? I'm not trying to push my own tastes here, but I'm really starting to itch for some variety here.

Also the combat is nothing short of aggravating, with something like 25% miss-chance it's just a tedious slog through battle after battle doing the exact same thing with it taking 25% longer than on top of that, battle isn't doing the right thing at the right time, it's just doing the same thing over and over and hoping for favorable RNG, even on easy I see no reason not to just cheat because there is no challenge, only tedium.

I know I'm probably coming off as spiteful or harsh, but these seem like fairly minor elements to change, and the actual content is well put together (though maybe add some more random loot when inspecting objects? I'm not sure if it's entirely pointless or if I'll miss something when I'm not inspecting everything, but finding nothing for so long just becomes grating)
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

In terms of combat - I would actually agree that it is tedious. I remember going to cheat engine just after a few fights in the first slime cave - because I realised I would have to go sleep after every 3rd or so fight. So I figured I'd save time for myself.
I think that games like Saki Quest or Virgin Island have done the combat right: they gave you a chance to heal and regenerate mana during fights by doing "Guard". And Guarding then would expose the main character to more H. But those games had a different BF system than The Last Demonhunter has, so it can't be implemented easily here.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered


I just noticed this game and took a quick look a the first post.
Curiously, is it possible to have: Good alignment, evil humility, and high corruption?

Yes, yes, and.. yes, but that last one leads to a gameover. In the original theres a true ending for Good, but with low humanity, its my second favourite actually.

If you talk to the last plantgirl in the swamp she'll give you three choices, if you choose any of them then reload your game before you talked to her she is gone. It's like the game didn't realize you reloaded the game and didn't put her back?

Yes. But actually, its the opposite. The game realizes you talked to her, and remembers what you did...


Kinky word. You don't have to play it if you don't like it you know that?

In terms of combat - I would actually agree that it is tedious. I remember going to cheat engine just after a few fights in the first slime cave - because I realised I would have to go sleep after every 3rd or so fight. So I figured I'd save time for myself.
I think that games like Saki Quest or Virgin Island have done the combat right: they gave you a chance to heal and regenerate mana during fights by doing "Guard". And Guarding then would expose the main character to more H. But those games had a different BF system than The Last Demonhunter has, so it can't be implemented easily here.

Correct for the battle system. You realize you are comparing a commercial company project with a basically small indie team development, right? (correct me if wrong.) Even if its the same core engine, theres huge differences in possibilities.
I'm happy to admit the battle system isn't perfect, but then, I lack the programming skills to write such a code from the ground up. Maybe in the next game project, or more likely, the one after. ^^

That said, if anyone has implementable suggestions to improve the grinding, I'm all ears. hold on.. all eyes, right? Err.., now listen, I'm not simply making it 'Easier' because that will also ruin the fun people have, and another group of players, those that want a challenge, will be just as displeased. But.. again, if you have a suggestion, happy to at least read it. ^^
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Why does there need to be grinding at all? To me, a game that requires grinding to progress is just artificially padding it's length. Grinding is nothing but tedious time wasting garbage. When you make the grinding so egregious that it encourages people to cheat it just makes it even worse. It's not adding any sort of challenge like you seem to believe, it just means that people have to spend more time to see the H.

I'm not the first to say that the grinding is awful, but you just seem to brush it off or just ignore these kinds of complaints.

An easy fix would be to simply have enemies give more experience when killed.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

In playing, I've gotten the impression that you're supposed to be weak and underpowered.

If so, it's at least better justified than some other games' "choose to lose the battle 'cuz the player wants pron"
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Kinky word. You don't have to play it if you don't like it you know that?

Is the word "answer" just not in your dictionary? What I asked wasn't to be patronized, it was a very, childishly simple yes or no question. Is there more to it than that or is that it and only it? (<- since you seem to be struggling, this is known as a question mark, it is commonly appropriate to respond with answers, not excuses or patronizing remarks)

Correct for the battle system. You realize you are comparing a commercial company project with a basically small indie team development, right? (correct me if wrong.) Even if its the same core engine, theres huge differences in possibilities.
I'm happy to admit the battle system isn't perfect, but then, I lack the programming skills to write such a code from the ground up. Maybe in the next game project, or more likely, the one after. ^^

That said, if anyone has implementable suggestions to improve the grinding, I'm all ears. hold on.. all eyes, right? Err.., now listen, I'm not simply making it 'Easier' because that will also ruin the fun people have, and another group of players, those that want a challenge, will be just as displeased. But.. again, if you have a suggestion, happy to at least read it. ^^

I can't imagine you being so incompetent you cannot resolve this dilemma, you already have two difficulties, make easy truly easy (as in, the combat will be completely trivial) and you can keep your "challenge", if that's what you want to call relentless tedium and RNG, in the normal difficulty. Or don't, it's your product, it's up to you if you want to be stubborn about it, as it is up to me to express my discontent with the result.

Plenty of people on this forum have played rpgmaker games for years, the system is the same throughout dozens of games, making a particularly tedious example with the system isn't going to entertain or challenge people, it's just going to bore them, and you can tell just reading this thread that is the exact result you've accomplished.

Despite your awful attitude about feedback, people here aren't heckling you, they are telling you (in no uncertain terms) what they think about your product, and it only helps you when people are direct, even blunt, about that sort of thing. Even if all you want is nothing but praise, you're still going to need to earn it.

In playing, I've gotten the impression that you're supposed to be weak and underpowered.

If so, it's at least better justified than some other games' "choose to lose the battle 'cuz the player wants pron"

While this is something to consider keep in mind that a game that is gated by victory (as in, you need to win to continue, as you do in a lot of these fights) barring that victory behind grinding is a terrible idea. The player can be weak, that's fine, but then have the encounters resolve in either survivable loss or have them resolved outside of combat or through discover-able items. Because the result here isn't that the character is weak (the character is as strong as she needs to be to continue after all) it's just that you're wasting a lot of time on repetitive actions to get her to the next destination.

If you want a good example of that mechanic look to the recently translated "escape from fort Rugoem" where the character stands no chance in straight up combat and enemies are all mostly the same, but the challenge is in how and when to use skills and items with little tedium involved.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Why does there need to be grinding at all? To me, a game that requires grinding to progress is just artificially padding it's length. Grinding is nothing but tedious time wasting garbage. When you make the grinding so egregious that it encourages people to cheat it just makes it even worse. It's not adding any sort of challenge like you seem to believe, it just means that people have to spend more time to see the H.

I'm not the first to say that the grinding is awful, but you just seem to brush it off or just ignore these kinds of complaints.

An easy fix would be to simply have enemies give more experience when killed.

In playing, I've gotten the impression that you're supposed to be weak and underpowered.

If so, it's at least better justified than some other games' "choose to lose the battle 'cuz the player wants pron"

There, answering one another. *chuckles*

Yes, if all you want is H-scenes, my game isn't for you. Go watch a porn movie. A game is supposed to have a challenge, and.. no, 'if we dun like it we just cheat' does not reflect poorly on my game, it reflects poorly on you.

That said.. sure, perhaps I'll look over the xp courve again, easy enough.

Is the word "answer" just not in your dictionary?

Stop being an ass, you get a proper answer. Even the introduction to this next post of yours.. is not a friendly one. You can give feedback and not be negative about it. Ofc you can give feedback and be as negative as you want about it, guess which one gets me to listen more efficently. ^^

Having played a lot of games doesn't necessarily make you a good critic. It just desensitizes you, makes you get hostile and get negrep. Being a good critic makes you a good critic. ^^
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Stop being an ass
Wise words, lead by example and you won't get your own dickery thrown back in your face.

you get a proper answer.

In what possible universe is "don't play it if you don't like it" a proper answer to "is there more fetishes in the game than just this one?" Sure, I can presume that means there isn't, but that's a snide comment, hardly a proper answer.

Even the introduction to this next post of yours.. is not a friendly one.

No shit? You act like a patronizing cunt and expect people to play nice? Why on earth are you acting this prissy when you're the one that started shit?

You can give feedback and not be negative about it.

Negative feedback is always going to be negative, get your head out of cloud cuckoo land, you're confused with the concept of feedback needing to be constructive, which it has been.

You just seem to have your head up your ass and refuse to dislodge it, stubbornly asserting that the critics and criticisms are wrong, rather than the product they are criticizing, without so much as giving them the benefit of doubt.

Having played a lot of games doesn't necessarily make you a good critic. It just desensitizes you, makes you get hostile and get negrep. Being a good critic makes you a good critic. ^^

"Being a good critic makes you a good critic" Are you drunk or something? Because that sentence is beyond salvaging, the sentiment beyond absurd. While certainly playing a lot of games doesn't make you an apt critic of them, but experience never hurts, regardless this entire statement is irrelevant as critics don't make your game, you do, and the ability of the people who use your product to properly express themselves is largely irrelevant. A consumer doesn't NEED to be a good critic, a producer needs to be able to please them regardless, if that's not your intent here then that's fine, but don't act like the people playing your shit are responsible for its quality.

Get your head out your ass, come down from your high horse and treat people with a shred of respect, and you won't get this kind of response from people like me, who will take your shit and shove it right back down your throat.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Here's a nice little game-breaking bug for you:

How to get:
- capture the lesser succubus
- during her trial do not question the witness
- object to her execution
You get a bad end and during it you get this error. Also, during that same bad end the succubus is invisible, so it seems like the main character is talking to thin air.

Some additional comments:
Combat is the most boring part of the game, especially at the begining when you are alone and with very limited resources (skills, equipment and items). As a result the battles were nearly identical, and so I started actively avoiding combat whenever possible. Also, one annoying thing I noticed is that the in-combat texts repeat way too much. For example:
- I fight a battle and get two of the texts
- I fight a second battle without first healing, and as soon as I get hit once the same two texts from the previous fight repeat (and without any pause between them)
- if I fight a third battle without healing the texts repeat again as soon as I get hit

Some suggestions:
- increase the XP received from all enemies
- decrease the HP of the regular slimes
- have the character start with Meditation skill and give a different (and stronger) healing skill at level 5

By the way, the corrupted demon hunter was REALLY annoying with her skill that leaves a character useless for a few turns.

One thing I liked a lot is that you actually allow multiple possibilities based on player actions. To use the Lesser Succubuss as an example, you can: lose to her (didn't explore this in detail but it was nice to see it was not a direct game over, beat her and she escapes, or find rope and then beat her, captiring her and putting her on trial (and then you can actually save her from execution and possibly meet her later). That sort fo thing is not something you see all that often, so it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who would bother with such things.


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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Looks great!