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Peltas Five Station


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor gave a quick nod, then took off towards the noted pylon.

Ravage, meanwhile, reached the Cybershadow, and began making powering systems up and running through departure procedures.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus was right behind Victor the entire way, the Gou'ald moving quite fast for his size.

((I'll let you deal with that bit lol)).

Meanwhile, Sivok had finally managed to track down the undead being that had a few people buzzing. Getting closer to Said, he finally called out.

"So, there you are. I've been looking for you Mister Mummy."

There was a short pause followed by a "And that didn't come out the way it originally sounded it might."
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

By the time that Victor and Camulus reached the ship's armory, the device...

...was still sitting exactly as it had been left. Victor let out a short breath. "Okay, it's not trying to integrate. That's... maybe good... It's not damaged in any way at least."

At the same time, he had pulled out a hand-held scanner device, and was taking a few quick readings, mostly of the location type.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus watched for a moment, then hazarded to speak.

"Would it be beneficial to shut down the power flow to this room so it has no energy flow until you can remove it?"


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"Not necessary. From what I can tell, it's not made any attempts to connect to this ship."

Suddenly, a voice spoke from the communications device that Victor wore. "The Cogs usually require a very specific set of conditions to begin the integration process."

There was a quiet whir from the channel, then a different voice spoke. "Apologies if this startled... Victor might have forgotten to mention that there were some established procedures for if a Transformation Cog were discovered."

Victor shrugged slightly. "Yeah, I did. I honestly didn't think it would be an issue, given how much searching we've done and only found five... And only one of those was in usable condition... Ravage had been instructed to patch Quint through to me if one was found, while I got the specific information for it."

((Updated the post where I listed how each of the Quint voices sound when speaking, and the colors used. Reminder.))
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Official Curmudgeon
Aug 20, 2013
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Saïd barely looked up from his list he was studying.

"I don't suppose you know where one might find...Ah, never mind. *ahem* Whatever you might have heard, it's most definitely a lie. Oh, and don't ever trust a used-sarcophagus salesman. Now, what can I...acquire for you?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus for his part remained silent, until all parties had finished speaking.

"So, if I'm understanding this correctly, and I understand the briefings properly, then this cog is part of the technology that allows those like Ravage to actually change their shape and such?"

Sivok meanwhile shook his head.

"There was a woman that went with you back here, Evelyn I believe her name was. Siphon asked me to speak with her about how she ended up on the planet, and regarding a more ... personal matter that occurred on the planet surface. Perhaps you could assist me with this, he mentioned I might need to find you."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor nodded. "Yeah, something like that."

Another quiet whir came from the communications channel, and a different one of the "Quint" voices spoke. "In general terms, yes... However, when dealing with a matter like the situation with Lauter, it is far more complex."

There was another moment, then the same voice spoke again. "With Victor there, I believe I can use the homing beacon to generate coordinates to allow me to use the Space Bridge Nodes to simplify transportation of the cog."


Official Curmudgeon
Aug 20, 2013
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"Ah. Well. I'm rather afraid you'll have to discuss that with the Captain. She'll be in one of your...conference rooms, whatever you call them." He waved a withered hand vaguely in the direction of the core of the station.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus nodded, seeming to at least grasp the basics of the conversation, if not maybe more. It had been said that he was one of the more intelligent Gou'ald, up there with the now deceased Anubis and Nirrti, and the still at large Baal.

"So I take it then this Lauter would be either of a different configuration, or a much more complex, perhaps larger mechanism for his shape changing. Interesting, and by all means, do what you must to get this device off my ship. Better in the hands of someone who knows what to do with it than in those who do not."

Sivok seemed to scowl slightly.

"There's fifteen of the damn things. Very well, thank you. Oh, and you may want to consider a means of .... better blending in around here. Something about undead invasions and whatnot from the past make people a little ... uneasy about your appearance."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

There was a slight whir from the channel... and almost immediately followed by a second one. "One moment."

Suddenly, a small curved rectangle of multicolored light appeared on the floor near the Cog. It began a slow, circular track around, before returning to its "starting" point. Then a full ring appeared, followed by a cone that apexed above the Cog, completely encasing it. The Cog sank through, then the Quint voice spoke again as the glow vanished, "Excellent. The Cog is transported. Victor, your abilities with technology will be needed to help properly install it."

With that, the channel closed. Victor nodded, half-sighing. "Well, looks like I've got to get going, then."
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus straightened up a bit, nodding.

"Good luck to you then. I do hope this device will aid you in whatever you're planning. We shall be departing shortly as well, the word has it that Baal has become active again. I intend to discourage him from doing anything stupid."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor let out an amused snort. "That sounds like one of those easier said than done things."

After taking a moment to catch any reaction Camulus might make to that remark, he headed back to the Cybershadow to do a quick inspection to make sure all of the outside ports were unclogged from the previous fight.

Ravage had, meanwhile, been taking care of the rest of the pre-flight matters.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus laughed slightly.

"Yes, he does seem to have a penchant for being a dumbass doesn't he. Perhaps we shall refer to him as dipshit instead of Baal."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

((Because the rest of my babies need something to do.))

While Victor and Cam had been busy, the crew of the Normandy had been approaching Peltas with all the caution and respect one might expect from folks slightly out of their element. It's a testament to their military background that they keep it together, though at the same time, there's still that wonder at the new surroundings, not to mention the desire to just relax after what they'd been through.

Most of the general crew took the opportunity for shore leave. They'd been through hell and a chance to find somewhere off-ship to relax, eat, and be around people, which, to some, seemed to be the most important thing. Among those taking advantage of this were Dr. Chakwas and Samantha, though some might argue they were also along to keep an eye on their fellow crewmembers.

Joker, Tali, and Legion keep mostly to the ship, running various diagnostics and taking stock in the repairs. They'll chat with any of the station's crew that approaches though for the moment, it's literal damage control if they're questioned about the Normandy. Anything else is possibly fair game.

Kaidan, Zaeed, and Thane are also exploring, though not necessarily with the intent of relaxation that the rest of the crew are seeking. The three mostly stick together as a pack, checking out the place that they're likely going to be calling home for a while. To the untrained eye, they're simply walking around and admiring but to those in the know, Kaidan is really the only one sight-seeing, as it were. Both of the other two men are seeing more in the structure of the station than simply design. There's purpose to their study and if anyone's really in the know, it's looking for cover and vantage points.

Mordin, provided Julia takes Lilith up on the offer to have the scientist work on the study of the phenomenon, will have asserted himself into one of the labs, mostly right in the middle of those who are working on it. He picks up on the technology rather quickly though it might take a bit for any others to get used to him, especially since he will talk to himself or sing little snippets quietly.

The only other one who doesn't go roaming is Garrus. He tends to stick with the ship, though he also stays out of the way of those handling the repairs, knowing when to help and when he'd just be a nuisance. Urz is usually with him and every once and a while, the varren will give a small whine. It usually gets a chuckle in return and he pats the creature on its head. "I miss her, too," he'll admit quietly to the creature. "I'm sure she'll be fine, wherever she is."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Julia had most definitely taken up on the offer, which now left Mordin in the middle of one of the labs. He'd been joined by a number of Alverans, and, perhaps to everyone's surprise, both Talok, a wraith, and Draven, an Ingrali.

((Short for now))


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

After Victor completed his checks, he boarded the Cybershadow. It lifted off, but just hovered instead of exiting the hangar bay.

Then a prismatic shimmer raced across the hull, building slowly until it covered the ship. Then the whole thing vanished, and the crack of the air rushing into the suddenly vacated space probably drew the attention of those nearby.

((And now Victor and Ravage ride off into a plot hole for the time being. I've got something planned, but it'll have to wait until a current thing is finished up.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Mordin will likely be as fascinated with his fellow researchers as he is with the data they're collecting. He's not so distractable that he needs to be kept on task but in between running numbers and analyzing the data that's been compiled, the two might catch off-hand remarks, usually about physical characteristics or quiet "Hmms" as he appears to be studying something on his omni-tool, which usually results in some random fact about one or the other's species being muttered absently. Usually Talok will hear remarks about queens and matriarchal society. Pending on how much information about the Ingrali is readily available, that will also pepper Mordin's muttering. If there isn't, that will be something he mutters about too.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Both seemed to ignore his side mumblings, focusing instead on various tasks in analyzing the data they had regarding the anomaly. Everything went smoothly for a while, though eventually there was a strange sound from Draven, who then called over to both Talok, and Mordin.

"You two may want to come check this out."

He waited until they were both close before re-activating the display on his own device.

"See these lines? These represent magnetic frequency, and the orange that I'm overlaying now, they represent the potential strength of the magnetic field that thing put out. Notice how strong it is. But then I discovered two possibly vital clues. The green lines coming up now represent an identifiable radio frequency, I believe known as 86.7 by humans. It's radial frequency modulation is so strong though I think it would 'drown out' anything else operating on that frequency. The real kicker though what when I asked the computer to display the exact conditions present on the planet, as taken by ship sensor readings, at the times the anomaly first appeared, closed, and while it was seemingly stable. Check this out."

A simulation with the data began to run, showing the magnetic frequency of the planet's own magnetic field. It was of course, constantly shifting, at times almost every second, and others at a slower rate, all planets with a magnetic field did so. Suddenly though, a shift in the magnetic field caused a brief 'echo' on the sensor, and the simulation, and at that moment a side window appeared, indicating the anomaly having been detected, or forming. What was very interesting though was the fact that the magnetic field of the anomaly exactly matched that of the planet's own magnetic field at that time. For a bit, that remained the case, but eventually the planet's own magnetic field began to fluctuate again. Even still, the anomaly remained stable, according to the simulation, though it's magnetic field did seem to begin to slowly weaken. When the difference between the anomaly's own magnetic frequency, and that of the planet's magnetic field reached a difference of roughly 7.5%, the anomaly itself collapsed, and vanished once more, as if it had never been there. The simulation ended, and Draven looked to both of them.

"This simulation is a reconstruction of the events as they happened on the planet, while the people there were too busy to notice. Now more testing will need to be done to back up and prove my theory, but right now I'll postulate that if we had something operating on that radial frequency, we might be able to detect anomalies right when they open. In addition, if we can come up with a means of calculating the magnetic stability of a planet's field, and figure how long before it changes to the cut off point, we may even be able to determine how long they will last for. If so, we may be able to figure out more about them, such as why this happened."

As the Cybershadow departed in spectacular fashion, there were a few comments of "Son of a bitch!" made.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"Radio waves. Interesting. Communications not exactly my field of expertise--"

"If I may, Dr. Solus," came EDI's voice over what was presumably a link via the omni-tool, "I believe Specialist Traynor may be able to assist in that regard. Communications are her forte, after all."

There's another 'hmm' and it might be up to the other two if they want to bring another person in on this. For the most part, Mordin seems to already be muttering about monitoring the magnetic field.

"Feasible hypothesis. Additional testing definitely necessary but worth pursuing without it. Would such a device need to be fabricated or do you have something you can start from. Assuming standard communicators could be altered to detect necessary data." He glances between Talok and Draven, since they're more familiar with the technology than he is, although he seems to be researching it on his own, skimming through a few things on his omni-tool. "May even see of omni-tools capable of performing such tasks." The last bit is more of a mutter. Seems he wants to work within the parameters of Peltas' equipment before introducing something new.