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Peltas Five Station



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Not too terribly long after Lilith had gotten settled in her cabin, she'd get notification from Julia, via comm systems, that Siphon's ship was docking. They'd cleared him to dock near where she was, and he'd meet her by the airlock to her ship along with Jacobs.

If and when she stepped near a window, she'd see a massive ship, far larger than any of the other ones she'd come to recognize as that of the Alverans docked near hers. It was built in a similar design, and materials, but dwarfed the others. No doubt then, this was what Julia had referenced earlier when talking about Siphon's new ship and Hyper-Drive.

((Everyone else heading to Peltas, you're good to go.))


Official Curmudgeon
Aug 20, 2013
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Re: Peltas Five Station

The odd carrier-looking ship popped out and docked on the side of a sleek but clearly human ship that had somehow been sitting unnoticed in the system.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

The Cybershadow appeared from its jump just slightly outside the docking bay. When the ship landed, Victor departed. He looked like his headache from planet-side appeared to be gone, although a look of mild frustration was present at first.

((I'll leave it open as to whether or not he's in the same bay as the Normandy.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

(I think we're all in the same bay? Have to double check with Siphon on that one, though.)

Hearing the call from Julia, Lilith set the datapad she was currently using on the table beside her bed and switched off the sound system as well. Grabbing her hoodie from a hook on the nearby wall, she tapped the button to send feed into her aquarium before shrugging into the jacket and heading for the elevator. Unfortunately, her path through the Normandy wouldn't allow her to see the other ship until she was at the airlock, though a hail from Joker would alert her to its presence.

"Hey, Commander? Your new buddy's ride just rolled in. This thing's gotta be as big as a frigate. Maybe even bigger. You, ah, think he's--"

"That's enough of that, Joker." Still didn't stop her from chuckling, though. All the different variety of ships did make her wonder, though. The ones they dealt with regularly, even the Migrant Fleet, everything had a purpose. Here, some of the ships felt uniform, but at the same time, they were very eclectic. Not that such a thing was a bad thing. It just went against the military in her.

"Zaeed conceded that he'd let me go runnin' around in the jungle with ya." James joined her at the airlock. "Said he'd had enough of that shit for a while. Earned his vacation."

That made her chuckle. "Glad to have you on board, Lieutenant. Wanna come play diplomat with me?"

"Agaaain?" He flashed her a grin. "Right behind you, Lola."

With that, she and Vega disembarked, glancing around for Jacobs, since he'd be the obvious one to spot instead of this new captain.

"What is that?" she heard from behind her. Tali was nearly hanging out of the airlock, her attention fixed on the Cybershadow. "I wonder if I can get some readings at this distance..."

"Tali, we talked about snooping after that stint with you and Legion."

"Okay, fine. I'll see if I can find the Captain." The Quarian hopped down, heading toward the other ship.

(Going off of the same bay assumption. If this is not true, I can just edit this out.)


Official Curmudgeon
Aug 20, 2013
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Re: Peltas Five Station

A small personnel transport-typed craft entered the bay briefly and dropped off a single passenger before exiting back out. The man (if that's what he was...) was wearing a white fedora, mirrored sunglasses, and an expensive-looking but somewhat travelworn white suit. His skin was wrinkled like a raisin; a deep mahogany color, and his fingernails were long and sharpened into points. His British educated-sounding accent echoed slightly in the bay as he argued into a communications device that resembled a large cellphone.

"...no, that is NOT what we agreed on. This needs to be fixed now, not later. Oh, what's that? We're losing connection..."

He ended the connection with a sarcastic "Oops" and shook his head.

"You're killing me. Again. But what do I know? I'm just a dead man in a 20,000-Pound suit."

He somewhat indolently brushed imaginary dust off the lapel of his suit.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

((Everyone is in the same bay))

It wouldn't take Lilith long to find Jacobs, he was already walking towards her ship dock with another person in tow. As they got closer, Lilith got a good look at this other man, who had to be Siphon.

He was relatively average in height, but muscular. He did not wear the same clothing the others of his people did, but rather they seemed designed to allow him to blend in with most any other humanoid culture. He had brown hair, and at this distance she couldn't quite make out the color of his eyes yet, though that wasn't likely to be need to know information.

However, what probably would interest her, as they got closer, was the fact he carried himself about in a way that suggested he'd seen a lot of combat himself, like her. He appeared relatively young, possibly as young, or maybe younger than her, yet ... Something about his appearance and the way he moved, she couldn't put her finger on it, but something screamed at her inside her mind that this individual was VERY old. While outwardly he seemed young, she couldn't shake the feeling she was about to meet someone far older than anything, or anyone she'd met so far.

As they drew closer, Jacobs spotted the two of them (Just Lilith and Vega correct?). Indicating them over, he and the person with him finally crossed paths with Lilith.

"Good to see you again Commander. May I introduce Siphon/Talvesh, commander of the Nasara. I'm sure there's going to be plenty of questions and answers flying about in the next few moments, hopefully you both will get what you're looking for."

Siphon nodded, regarding Lilith for a moment before extending a hand out.

"Pleasure to meet you. Vartani is correct, I do have a few questions for you, however it was expressed to me that you may have a few more ... pressing questions for me, so by all means, please ask away."

((Not sure who Said is talking to there Hardware, so letting that go for now. However, he hasn't gone unnoticed lol))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

((Correct, just her and Jimmy. And with the way Jacobs says Siphon's name, Lil's going to get it wrong because all she's ever heard is his first name. Doing that on purpose, heh. Pity this is ME2 Lil and she hasn't met Javik yet or the 'old but young' thing wouldn't hit her so hard.))

Lilith will shake hands with Siphon. "Commander Talvesh." The greeting is accompanied by a brief nod. "Lilith Shepard, of the Normandy. Which I understand is some rather unexpected information for you, too. Care to get that discussion out of the way first?"

Clearly Lilith had been informed of Daina, though given she's not offering up further information on the Asari, it might wind up being a rather short discussion. If nothing else it will probably be a good lead in for discussions on the cross-dimensional traveling.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

An almost amused look crossed his face as she mentioned his name, though he said nothing. The amused look vanished however at the mention of Daina's name, and Lilith would catch the unmistakable hint in his body language she wasn't going to like what she was about to hear, nor was he entirely happy to have the whole thing brought up again.

"The Normandy I knew lost most of her crew on a mission to destroy a Geth nest quite some time ago. The sole survivor was an Asari Commando by the name of Daina Eil'Mori. Incredibly long story short, she and I ultimately ended up married, and for a while. despite all the chaos, it was great. Up until a few years ago anyway. We were experimenting with a new form of space travel, wormhole drive if the term means anything to you. Nearly instantaneous travel for a ship across huge gaps in space. Anyway, she absolutely insisted on using the Normandy as a test ship, said it was better equipped for the readings we'd need. Anyway, she was so insistent on it being her ship and her to fly, I had no choice but to let her. We set everything up, all of our simulations showed success, and we made the arrangements. I'd see her off at one end, and we had another ship waiting at the designated end point awaiting her arrival, a relatively short 1,500 light year jump."

He shook his head, indicating it didn't go well.

"The drive powered up fine, everything seemed in perfect order. The moment the ship came in contact with the event horizon of the jump portal ..."

He made a sideways motion with his hands, striking them together to form a sound, indicating an explosion or something.

"Instantly obliterated, pretty well vaporized. She was killed instantly, I doubt she ever knew what happened. However, because of the ... telepathic link we shared, I knew without even having to see the ship explode. It hit me almost immediately, it's hard to explain the sudden termination of a telepathic link that's always on with someone. It nearly killed both of us, in fact I think we're the only ones to actually survive the termination of a telepathic link when the other partner in it was abruptly killed."

If she'd been paying close enough attention, she might note something. While it was clear this Daina had been killed, and the Normandy he'd know destroyed, he'd said we. If she were dead, then who else was he referring to other than himself?

((Leaving that open for her, if she picks up on it and says something, or her companion, they'll get to meet Talvesh now instead of later. That's going to be FUN for her lol.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

(Technically, she didn't use Daina's name but I'll roll with it.)

Lilith listens to his description of the Asari's Normandy, occasionally sharing glances with the marine standing beside her, especially as he brings up losing the crew.

"My apologies for bringing up the subject, Commander, but it seemed...prudent with my ship here and circumstances being what they are. I'd almost think your base's most recent find serendipitous if you hadn't told me what happened. We're actually going to explore what might be the wreck of another Normandy."

"Ship's got more lives than you, Lola," James added with a chuckle.

She gives him a look and then puts her attention back on Siphon. "Given what you said, I should probably inform you that I have a geth among my crew. Its name is Legion, and, well, long story short, just know that it's on our side. Commander," there's a pause, "Julia." Clearly the woman's surname slipped her mind. "Informed us that you've got experience with inter-dimensional travel, which we've been theorizing is what happened to my Normandy. We've been compiling some data, including some that reads similar to something you recently experienced during your last fight. Something about a T-rex?"

((Looks like she's going to meet Talvesh later, since she's not quite focusing on the 'we' thing. That, and Legion does it all the time, so it's not quite something she'd think of as out of place. Maybe if she thought about it more but the focus right now is the ships.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Siphon half shrugged at the mention of the Geth.

"Vartani told me as much about the inter-dimensional travel. As far as your crew member goes, I highly doubt he's anything like the Geth were here, if he were, well let's just say I doubt you'd trust him or have him aboard, it won't be a problem."

There was a slight pause as she mentioned the anomaly and the T-Rex.

"Ah yes, the anomaly. Any questions you have on that you may want to talk with my wife Aya, who'll be accompanying us on the journey. She knows more about them than I can remember. It's kind of a long story on that, I'll explain it to you a bit later, though you may have trouble believing half of it. Anyway, the inter-dimensional travel, that I can help you with. I took the liberty after I was informed about your arrival to study the readings the station sensors took of your ship when it docked, and there are trace amounts of what we call Vaylon particles, a clear indicator of inter-dimensional travel. However, the decay rate on them seems to be unusually fast, which leads me to believe Draven may be correct. An explosion of some kind tore open a rift that ultimately led here, although that alone doesn't explain the decay rate, or the residual radiation on the hull. My best guess is that your ship passed through multiple dimensions before ending up here."

There was another pause before he added, "we'll be taking the Nasara, my ship. With her advanced hyper-drive engines we can reach the location of the other Normandy in about an hour."

((Jacobs would have mentioned about the Normandy and having spoken to Lilith about Daina. Also, if she remembers or was told the distance between them and Pegasus being 3 million light years, she may be a bit surprised at that one hour estimate.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"You're not wrong on that front," she says of Legion. "But I figured I'd let you know so there weren't any surprises in the future." There's a pause. "You had Geth here?" Seems she's very interested in that bit of information, especially with what they've managed to piece together about the dimension thus far.

She chuckles a bit as he mentions finding his explanation hard to believe which would lead him to believe that's probably not going to be the case.

"Well, we got the explosion part down," James offers up with another chuckle, Lilith acquiescing to his statement with a nod.

"I suppose that's the part that I have the most difficulty, well, I can't say believing but understanding. I've seen one of the anomalies, so I'm willing to fall in line with that and I'm not even going to try and theorize how the explosion behind the Omega-four ripped it open. I'm just willing to accept it as is. How it managed more than one, though." She trails off, shaking her head. "That's where the difficulty lies for me. I suppose I shouldn't dwell but it almost seems like that factors in to getting us home."

They'll have time to talk, though, on the trip over, despite the short time. As he mentions taking the ship, she grins a little. "Going to fit that thing through the...stargate, then?" There's a glance between him, the ship, and the direction of the interior of the station.

Tali, meanwhile, was approaching the Cybershadow, presumably to get a better look at the ship.
(In case, y'know, Wolf wants something to do in the meantime.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Siphon chuckled.

"No, that'd never fit through anything short of a supergate, and the only ones in existence right now go to the Ori home galaxy, and the Triangulum galaxy. No, the ship has it's own FTL drive, capable of reaching speeds of up to 3 million light years per hour with the new power source."

He thought for a moment about the anomalies before shrugging.

"My best guess is you're talking a different type of rift than the anomalies, though I suppose it's possible one of the anomalies either intersected it, or had something to do with it. Like I said, Aya knows a lot more about them than I do, she's the one to ask. Though fair warning, she has a bad past with them that she hasn't fully revealed just yet, so she may come across as a bit ... hostile about the topic. Not towards you, but in regards to whatever they caused problem wise I guess. Oh, and on that note, try not to startle her by creeping up behind her or not announcing presence. She's a lot better than she was with things when she first got here, but ... well let's just say Aya has the unique ability to make people combust into flame when she gets ... agitated. Couple rebel wraith found that out the hard way, she melted them."

Another pause as he considered answering the bit about the Geth.

"Had is an appropriate word. To the best of my knowledge, they were eradicated a while back. Long story short, they already had made enemies of us and the Asari, and to top it all off there was an invasion force from outside the galaxy that they decided to attack and try to stand up to. In response, the invading force essentially obliterated their entire star system. There hasn't been a confirmed report of a Geth being seen since that day."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

While all of this was going on, Victor had done a quick visual run over of the Normandy, which merely earned a quick shake of his head. Saïd's appearance earned a double-take. However, Victor quickly focused on some manner of maintenance on the underside of his ship.

Any attempts by Tali to actually scan the Cybershadow would reveal something likely rather intriguing... Any scanner would have some extreme difficulty even registering anything was there, much less getting any specific information.

However, as Tali got closer, there'd be what sounded like a groan come from inside the Cybershadow, followed after a bit by a robotic-looking feline. A pained sounding voice came from Ravage. "Why do I feel like I mixed Engex and Old Corroder?"

"Because you did when you went derp-cat and shut off your Fuel Intake Moderation Chip."

Ravage groaned again, before Victor continued. "Hey, at least you couldn't get into the Nightmare Fuel again. I'm not sure I've got the parts on hand to do another total rebuild of your tanks."

Another groan. "I really didn't need to be reminded of that..."
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

For the moment, Tali's keeping her scanning to visual, given Lilith is still in line of sight and she'd likely catch the flare of the omni-tool if the Quarian did try anything. The sight of Ravage will definitely make her pause, given both his construction and the fact that he seems to be carrying on an actual conversation, which flags as AI to her. And, well, large robotic cat. The two would likely hear, since she's picked up on the sound of Victor's voice "That is a very interesting looking ship."

Meanwhile, Lilith seems mildly impressed (perhaps) at Siphon's comments about the Nasara's FTL drive, though the remarks about the rifts draw a frown from the woman. "I think I may just save myself the trouble and chalk it up to 'technological malfunction due to extreme duress.' Maybe I can have her look over the readings EDI and your people got, at her leisure, so as not to cause any flare-ups." Surprisingly enough, the fact that he mentioned she can incinerate people doesn't seem to phase either of the two. Nor that she should be treated with care. "That would explain Legion not being able to network with anything out here, which, given what you said, is probably a good thing. I'll have to let him...it," she seems to still be on the fence on the robot's pronoun, given the noise she makes, "know that if anything like that does register, it should probably be reported. Immediately. As for the investigation, it would seem we're on your time clock, Commander. James?"

"Pretty sure we're ready to go. Just need to suit up. Like usual."

That gets a nod. "I know you've just gotten back, so if you need to make any sort of preparations, just let us know and we'll be ready to move out shortly after you give the word."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Siphon chuckled slightly.

"That might just save your sanity, smart move. That would be appreciated. That reminds me if he leaves the station for any alliance affiliated world, we should probably get the word out that he's from another dimension and not evil. There are a few cultures out there that if they saw him, after what the Geth here put them through ... well let's just say he'd be under near constant attack if they didn't know he was friendly."

Another pause, then he nodded.

"We figured you might be wanting to set sail immediately so to speak. Fortunately, if you're hungry or thirsty, I've got plenty of items on board the ship. Aya's already waiting on the ship for us, if you'll follow me please."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"Legion will be staying here for the time being, since I'd much rather have it working on the Normandy for me. I've got two more I'm going to pick up, plus I need to pass on this intel to the others. We'll join you shortly. I think we can figure out where we're going." She gives him a bit of a wink and will head back to the Normandy to see about getting suited up and armed. Passing along the information regarding Legion, for Garrus' sake, she'll have EDI see about referencing the situation and passing it along, especially to Legion.

"Be careful out there." Garrus passed her Widow to her and she attached the weapon to the holster on her armor, along with her pistol and some additional heat sinks.

"I will. I promise." Boosting up to tiptoe, she bumped foreheads with him. "Still piecing out how we can keep in touch, but I will as I can. And I have James, Grunt, and Jack. If anything happens, even across the galaxy, you'll know it." She tipped her chin up and just dusted him a kiss. "Try and keep the kids out of trouble while I'm gone. There's a ship Tali's fascinated with. Make sure she doesn't make a nuisance of herself, okay?"

"If it will keep her out of trouble, I make no promises." He saw her to the airlock where the others were waiting. "Joker said to bring him back something nice. Like new plating for the ship."

"I make no promises." She grinned and fixed her visor in place before disembarking and leading her group over to the Nasara. Once they had permission to board, they would, heading for wherever Siphon saw fit to put them where they wouldn't be in the way.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

By the time they arrived at the Nasara, it was obvious the ship had been powered up and ready to go. The engines were lit up, though they might suspect these were just the thrusters.

They were met by a very attractive young female blonde matching Siphon's description of Aya. When she saw them, she smiled.

"Welcome aboard Siphon's latest invention. He's currently on the bridge, ready to get us under way when everyone is on board and we have clearance to depart."

Once they were on board, they began walking through one of the halls, where windows showed them the space around the ship here and there. During the walk they'd notice at some point space itself had become visible, meaning they must have left the station. A little further on though, there was a slight distortion wave that went through them all, and another glance out the window showed they were inside some kind of blueish tunnel. Meanwhile, Aya had been speaking.

"Siphon mentioned to me that you might have some questions on the anomalies, said something about you thought you might have come through one of them?"

She paused as the distortion passed, shaking her head in amusement.

"We just jumped to Hyper-Space. Anyway, If you did come through one ..."

She paused for a moment, her face becoming unreadable before she continued.

"You'd be the first non hostiles I've seen come through one of those doorways through time. And probably from a different time period than the Klarnell."

((Will make a thread for the planet a bit later after Aya and Lilith have had a chance to chat some.))

Edit: ((Gonna make a thread for the Nasara itself. It may see a bit of use.))
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

A slight grunt as the man seemed to adjust something, then...

"Cybertronian." A pause, followed by, "Not that that's likely to mean much. They mostly kept to themselves, until the Shutdown."

A couple more attempts to adjust something then Victor leaned around to look at Ravage. "Hey, Ravage! Mind grabbing a Transfer Interlink from the ship? I'm going to need some help with getting this unjammed." Ravage managed a reasonable impression of rolling his eyes before heading back into the ship.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

(I'm changing Tali's text to purple, when I think about it. Goes with her overall color scheme and keeps things organized. Also taking the other conversation to the Nasara, aye.)

"I'm afraid I've never heard of them. They sound synthetic?" It's as much a question as it is a statement and there seems an undercut of...'concern' is probably the best descriptor of her tone, even through the speaker in her suit. "Are you having difficulty with it?" Seems like it's an instance of curiosity warring with not wanting to make a nuisance of herself.

(Point of note, Tali *is* an expert engineer, especially when it comes to ships and mechanical things, so while I may not have any idea of what you're talking about, she might be able to grasp concepts quickly and help out. If you want her to.)


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"The hungover mechanical fuzzbrain's currently the only active member of the species. Kind of messed up their homeworld, which caused the mechanical equivalent of a species-wide coma."

At this, Ravage came back out from the ship with something he tossed from his mouth over to Victor, who caught it. After fiddling with a control, a deep red "web" erupted into the framework for a grabbing-type tool. "Not really, just a bit of debris jamming the launch tube for some of the Cybershadow's warhead systems. Just have to get it out before the next fiasco decides to erupt."

With that he used the tool to yank out some manner of debris, which was dropped to the hangar floor. Victor began shifting around, apparently checking the other launch tubes.

((I'm aware of Tali's expertise. Read up on some of the Mass Effect stuff, mostly doing this to give Victor something to do, and realized some similarities between the Omni-tools and the . Also, might be setting up for something that should get a bit of an amusing reaction out of Saïd.))