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Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

I almost expected the gists of 1 going off the first vote.... the 'scientific accident' mentioned in 3 pretty much would have been this with 95% less Sakura peeping tom...

Winning Vote- 1: Sakura uses her guinea pig to test her own gear.


"Looks like someone's been a busy little girl, I wonder just what it does...." the serpent-girl hissed in amusement at the glowing red serum as she prepped it. Meanwhile, Sarah was now struggling even harder. She knew exactly what the serum did, especially the fact the mutations were quite uncontrollable as a human.

Of course, that didn't stop the Sakura from taking the serum's cap off and sending the needle jamming into her thigh, electing a small squeak from her gagged mouth.

It didn't take long for it to kick in, as Sarah's back instantly started to ache, five large bumps forming before extending rapidly, the back of her trenchcoat popping free from the staple-repair she did last time. As the flesh stretched and twitched, the ends began to stretch and reshape, three of then growing a rosebud-shaped bulge which quickly grew a small, jagged mouth and beady red eyes, while the other two grew into two opposing claws, made for gripping tightly onto stone or flesh.

The Sakura seemed to watch transfixed as the changes seem to slow, while Sarah continued to struggle and mew loudly as the tingles of consciousness backlashed to her. Usually at this time she'd have felt control of them, but as a human, it was another story entirely.

As soon as the apendages stopped growing, they took a few moments to get thier bearings, twitching and drifting slightly aimlessly in the forest of tendrils that the Sakura was holding them in, before suddenly twisting back to thier origins, the claws quickly grasping at clothing layers and dragging them around, getting them clear as the chirping heads moved to proding and nipping at Sarah's flesh, focusing on more sensative areas. Giving a loud wail in response, she almost didn't expect one of the heads to eagerly slide into her nethers, giving a short yelp and mewl as it started to explore deeper.

As her own body violated itself, the Sakura continued to watch in amusement, sliding the tendril from Sarah's mouth to better hear the sciencegirl's screams and yells as she was plundered.

With the clawed hands having moved her clothing sufficiently out of the way, both of them gripped hard at her modestly sized bustline, holding them tight whilest folding, as the other two rosebuds gave a content cry before latching down on her nipples, nibbling just soft enough so they wouldn't puncture, but hard enough she could almost count the teeth that were making contact, even around the haze of pleasure starting to form as her lower body suddenly felt the thing inside it start to thrash. Giving a louder groan, her legs spread slightly, giving the tendril even more leeway as she felt orgasm reaching closer and closer...


As the serum lasts for an hour's time, I don't really expect the Sakura Horror to interupts as much until she's bored of the serum's work. Thus, I'm gonna leave open suggestions on how you want this smut scene to end :p Just quote ones ya wanna vote extra on, or add your own.

Status: Wounded, Being Raped, Human Horror, Clothing Compromised (Upper) - HP: 36
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (11 Ammo), Pistol (11 Ammo), Magnum (7 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x5, High-Caliber Ammo x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x3
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Scans: Zombie, Horror, Harpy, Sakura Horror
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Only 95% less Sakura? What, would she be randomly looking about the city with some binoculars, and catch a glimpse? :p

Hmmmm... hm de hmm de hmmm... how about this:
After pushing Sarah over her first peak, the heads get greedy. Sakura, still holding Sarah up, turns her upright to look her in the face. She starts commenting on her predicament - something like "Hee... those act a little like my sister!". And then... the heads yank the two together, starting to feel up Sakura.

Sarah has no choice in the matter - besides the heads being independent, Sakura's got her all tied up. They're too slippery for Sakura to easily get a grip on, and she starts squawking as they probe at her.

Maybe Sakura tosses Sarah away in surprise; maybe she decides she'd rather join in, and mass tentacle-sex ensues. I dunno - other ideas?​
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

No opinion on how to end the scene.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

So..... anyone else? Or shall I go with my only suggestion here? >,>;
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

I think so. I didn't even get notified of the replies D:
I think that one would work fine, though :)
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Because I been lazeh and I keep kicking meself over the head for trying to abandon this project (for a second time even!?!) I daresay I better force meself to work. Someone got a cattle prod? >,>;


The minutes dragged on as the tendrils playing with Sarah worked their magic, her legs stiffening slightly as she felt her orgasm near. Quietly, the rosebud inside her would twitch and nip gently at her insides, her body soon pressed over the edge. Screaming loudly, her body writhes, her juices flowed around the intruders before she collapsed in the grip of the serpent-woman's own tendrils.

After bringing her to her climax, she felt the mutations begin to shrink away, her body aching slightly from the return of her slight normalcy. Meanwhile, the Sakura, who had been watching with wrapped attention, slid it's tendrils so Sarah was hanging in front of her, giving a soft lick at the girl's nethers with her forked tounge. "A excellent evening show, my dear," it purred with mirth, "I guess my curiosity has been sated. You may go, but keep in mind- if you show up again, I may have to do more then just lick at you..." it purred.

Swiftly it bit down on Sarah's clit for a split second, knocking her out of her exhaustion with a swift yelp, before sliding all but a tendril around her foot free. Giving a slight grunt, she threw Sarah with it, causing her to fly down the museum hall and skitter into a adjacent room.


Groaning as she picked herself up from the floor, she straitened her outfit again, mentally trying to understand the creature. What did it do, just tease any creature that came into it's layer, and then toss them out? It certainly didn't add up, either way, she had her sample cataloged, and she at least knew partly of the odd mutations she's heard rumors of. Now where was she gonna go...


Reputation gained, High Mutant Faction= Interesting Person

((Much like how Malton has various factions in-game, Sarah will meet several factions of odd, strange, or downright destructive people/creatures. How well-known she is to each group she runs into, may be how they react to her. ))

...Ugh.... I've had worst dates, but come on, she didn't have to chuck me so hard! Still, another sample, another step closer to finding out what perv started this secret project. Onward ho!

Travel: Time to get a new lead, I'm sure the police station won't be of any use now, so I'll replace it with the museum here. That creature may be useful, however, there's no way I'm getting info from her without a *gulp* price... (If a travel option is taken, Sarah will wait to do the action until she arrives at the new location, unless she is interupted along the way that is.)
1. The Tompson Building- It's where this mess all started for me, but perhaps this NecroTech lab facility may hold the secrets to how to end it...
2. A Cemetery- There's a cemetery west of here that is a public-access revive point. It may be worth one of my needles to bring one of the poor sods there back to the living again.
3. Cari Museum- Home of the Sakura Horror mutation. She seems friendly enough, if a little horny, though other mutants seem to enjoy the museum for the fact not many go there. Could be risky returning for a while.
4. St. Spyridon's Hospital- It's not like Remigius General a suburb over in Pennville, but it's a hospital nontheless. I really hope they still got medical supplies.
5. Wander the streets- The Streetz Be Watchin', but so are the undead and anyone that was unlucky not to be locked in last night. Either for good or ill, I'll get a feel how the place has been holding up.
6. Club Strudwick- Ah, the haven of low-lives, zombie strippers, and the occasional crazed nutcase. Definitely not my first choice of travel, but all the same it may lead to clues on the cultists.
*. Travel Via Freerun- I'll use the myriad network of flimzy, booby-trapped, and various other alternate treks across the roof of the city. I'll be safer that way, and can avoid a load of trouble, and I may meet other survivors this way as well.


1. Even if my pistols got the ammo, more supplies is always a plus. Searching nearby areas will always be a nice bonus if I'm lucky...
2. It's time to deal with those cultists nutjobs, every time I die I gotta thank em again for how I look, even if I got no idea why my body reflects to that state every time... Grr! Focus!
3. Well, one major anomaly spotted, and who knows how many to go. Each one I run into, however, will get me closer to finding out what's wrong with these parts.
4. (NecroTech Facility Only) The breakthrough I had with the Horror Serum just may be repeatable. If I can find the right gene to tease, I may be able to create a influx of the creature's strain, and make a varient serum!
5. Perhaps I should look for someone around to get me some information, it's not like I got a lot to go on without someone telling me stuff firsthand here...
6. (Other) ...Bugger. I can't seem to get my thoughts strait. *Prods the fourth wall* Care to give me a hand here?

Status: Wounded, Tired, Clothing Compromised (Upper) - HP: 36
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (11 Ammo), Pistol (11 Ammo), Magnum (7 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x5, High-Caliber Ammo x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x3
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Scans: Zombie, Horror, Harpy, Sakura Horror
Higher Mutants- Interesting Person
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Search the area of supplies.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

#1- Necro Tech Lab, option #1 and #4. Necro Tech Lab, supplies, then attempting to advance the serum.
Last edited:
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

So..... anyone else? Or shall I go with my only suggestion here? >,>;

Because I been lazeh and I keep kicking meself over the head for trying to abandon this project (for a second time even!?!) I daresay I better force meself to work. Someone got a cattle prod? >,>;
Aw man, my suggestion was THAT discouraging? :eek:

Anyways, votes.
1-* - travel to the nearest NecroTech lab via freerun, then:
4 - analyze her DNA scans. Maybe she'll get a more controllable serum out of it...
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

1. travel to nearest necro tech lab
2. search for supplies
3. try to make a more control able serum using DNA samples gained.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Aw man, my suggestion was THAT discouraging? :eek:

No, I'm just constantly lazeh and my idea core as of late's been down the crappah.

Anyway, consider this a bump for a few more votes, then we'll get back on this.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced


I wish to be the terrifying mutant tentacle girl.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

1* and 4, to keep the thread movin'.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Urist McLurker has been taken by a fey mood!
Urist McLurker has commandeered a laptop!
Urist McLurker has gathered a vote! (Travel to Necrotech via freerun, search for supplies and work on serums (?))
Urist McLurker has begun construction!


Sighing a bit, Sarah moved outside and quickly scampered up the nearest fire escape, reaching the rooftops in short order. If anyone wanted to go anywhere in Malton's streets, the rooftop was for the most part the safest way to travel. Though the pathways seemed more hodgepodge additions to dizzying heights if one was to fail spectacularly, it more or less was safe enough for the more agile travelers to shorter and safe cross-city transport.

After a bit of travel across various rope bridges, a few leaps of faith, and a slightly-creaky makeshift path, Sarah noticed a stairway entrence that had been turned into a blackboard of sorts, covered with various graffiti'd messages and tips. Curious, Sarah went to look:

Spraypainted on the wall includes-
--You masterbate
-Stay away from the museum, something BIG is in there
--Not to mention half the bloody mutants that started showing up
---Ya mean the snake girl-thingy? Ya, just don't mention necrotech. Your ass'll never feel the same
-(Strange symbol followed by) Property of the Prophets of Change. Loiterers will be subjected to living rights revoked.
--If your a bunch of nutcases wanting to kill people, just say it
--Stupid idiot cultist whack-jobs
---I miss the internet
-Club Strudwick: For a good time, come relax at our heavily-barricaded hostel for the gentleman's apocalypse.
-Avoid Tompsons. It's HAUNTED.
-(underneath most of the meme mentions) Right, stop that. This wall has gotten far too silly.

Smiling a bit at some of the oddball comments, her face frowned at the Prophets of Change's mark. It'd definitely sound like the type of thing you'd expect from a death cult, and if they had been in operation in the area since the outbreak...

Filing the information in her mind for later, Sarah continued on her way, sliding down a rain gutter about a block away from the Tompson Building proper. On the exterior, the building looked like your average office complex, but she knew the inside all too well. Her first four months she had shared her mother's old office with her mom, where she was imparted with information on how the more basic lab equipment worked and how to use a pistol. However, it didn't take long for the zombies to break in...

Shaking the memory from her mind, Sarah cautiously approached, but halted slightly as she saw the front door- nearby was several zombies- 3 seemed normal enough, but the forth was almost comically warped, hunchbacked and twitching constantly, wheezing chuckles coming from it...


Well this is just bloody glorious. More zeds, including the odd laughing little migit. I could try to sneak to a side entrance to try my luck, but there's no guarantee it'd be any safer...

1. Take on the threat head on with a shower of lead
2. Try to snipe out the midgit-zombie, he seems to be a threat, odd as he is
3. Attempt to take a side entry.
4. Another way? (Other)
5. Screw it, let's go somewhere else (Travel)

Status: Wounded, Clothing Compromised (Upper) - HP: 36
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (11 Ammo), Pistol (11 Ammo), Magnum (7 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x5, High-Caliber Ammo x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x2
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Scans: Zombie, Horror, Harpy, Sakura Horror
Higher Mutants- Interesting Person
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Must... claim more forum space... make (text) engravings... encourage more strange moods... :p

I wonder why the graffiti-board mentioned Tompsons Building as being haunted...? Though the bits about Sakura are amusing.

Mmm... stealth seems to be Sarah's best option, right now. I'll vote 3 - look for a side entrance. Out of curiousity, what is the condition of the front door? Busted, closed, barricaded at all?
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

3 - Don't want to draw more zombies by a fight.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

I also say #3. Were outnumbered. If it was just like the midgit and a normal zombie I would say #1.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

I have to go with 3. we don't need a fight if we can avoid one though I would like to get a sample of the midget's dna.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Votes aquired: 3- search for a back entrance, there's a few too many onhand...


Deciding not to risk alerting the horde this soon, Sarah slowly worked along the neighboring block, avoiding the confrontation as she moved to one of the building's side entries. Luckily, it wasn't entirely barricaded properly, allowing Sarah to force her way inside and shove the 'cade back into place without too much problem.

Moving into the lab proper, Sarah sighed at the familiar equipment, darkened and showing signs of abuse as survivors constantly used it. This had been her first home when the infection had hit, as her mom had dragged her here. But now....

Shaking some emotions out of her head, she quietly moved near the generator, sitting quiet in the corner. Surprisingly, it still had plenty of fuel. Shrugging, she kicked it on, causing the room to rumble to life as computers and lab equipment began to hum with power.

Quietly moving to the apparatus used to create revive syringes, Sarah began tweaking and disconnecting some parts, replacing her own sample equipment in it's place. Finally, she inserted her DNA Extractor to a side port, setting the machine to analyze the information held inside of the Sakura Horror's DNA and to add it to the mix.

After some whirring and calculating, the machine was calibrated, with Sarah inputting and tweaking the variables, until she decided it seemed about the same levels she'd used on her last homemade concoction. Inserting a empty syringe, she waited on it to fill, soon being rewarded with a glowing pink syringe. A small smile crossed her face. Finally, another breakthrough...

A loud howl of anger echoed from somewhere inside the building, causing Sarah to tense up and grab her pistols. Of course, there must have been a breach while she was concentrating!



Sometimes I really hate being a scientist, especially as it can cause such lapses of concentration... Well, time for fight or flight....

1. Stand and fight, even if we don't know the size of the horde
2. Flee! We can return later for more of our new toys
3. Strike first. LEEROY JENKINZ!
4. Other


Status: Wounded, Clothing Compromised (Upper) HP: 36
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (11 Ammo), Pistol (11 Ammo), Magnum (7 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x5, High-Caliber Ammo x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x2
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Scans: Zombie, Horror, Harpy, Sakura Horror
Higher Mutants- Interesting Person
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

I vote 3 - although be smarter about it. Sneak forwards in the direction of the howls, find 'em and start shooting. Let the synthesizer run while Sarah's busy, so it can make more of the new serum.

It can do that, right?