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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Update: Still available for the game, but I found that I may be out later than I like by a difference of say...10-15 minutes. As a result, I may be slightly late for it. Game is still go to continue though.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Yay, i get to play AND sleep! Yippee!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Game on then.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, things certainly were interesting tonight. After the both saving and decimation of the orc village, the group debated what to do about the caravan and with some various new bits of information that we just came across. Seems there was an abandoned mine that we just *had* to go check out (Hey, it was close!), so after sending the orcs that we'd saved back to keep an eye on the caravan, under a white flag and with a letter of assurance from us, we headed for the mine. Side note, Kristie, our new caster, while attempting to heal Redhand, did so, but turned him pink in the process. Remember this kids, it's important later.

Easy going, except for the fact that it was, well, home to some frost drakes that had decided to nest there. The idea was bandied around to go in and take the things out when, mostly surprising the rest of the party, Azieru stepped up and started conversing with the things, assuring them that we weren't there for their young and that we were only interested in the evil bad nasties that lay beyond.

And then to the big fight. So, there's a group of cultists hanging around a chasm, chanting, with, lo and behold, a drow sacrifice in the middle of them. Well, we obviously figured they were up to no good, so we decided to put a stop to it. Before rushing in, Islona set some Guidance upon Byzat and let him go charging in. And before Redhand went in, Kristie cast Enlarge on him. So we now had a giant pink flaming monk. :D And he tried to do the same thing as Byzat, but he slipped and went over the edge. So we're thinking he was right fucked. But no, we were *all* right fucked, when he woke up a large black dragon. Didn't matter that Keats pushed a cultist into the blackness or that Isi and Az lacerated another couple. Nope. Dragon.

So, Byzat, being Byzat, taunts the thing and gets its attention, only to be breathed on by a cloud of negative energy. Kristie decided to remove herself, at least visually, from the fight, and we still had the dragon to deal with. Which Byzat did. Loudly. Cutting into the thing and getting joined by Az, who lacerated the thing from the other side. Go flanking! Redhand also managed to slam his fists into the thing, barely getting through, but every little bit counts. The cultists obviously weren't much in the way of fighting, completely missing Az and Isi, not to mention it's a pretty dumb move on their part to attack the elf that's just *waiting* for them to attack her. Of course, getting hit by three little insects, the dragon was *not* happy, so it lashed out at them, clawing viciously at Az, smacking Redhand around with tail and wing and buffeting Byzat and snapping at him with its jaws. Practically on last legs, Az lashed out at the thing again, rending into it with both blades. And it seemed the drow sacrifice wasn't as helpless as she appeared, first healing the others and then commanding a good chunk of the cultists to flee from the combat. And then it was Byzat's turn again. And we had a hasted, sword on fire barbarian who manages to land a critical.

And then we had a dead dragon. Damn near decapitated, even.

Seeing that, the cultists promptly buggered out or surrendered. And there was much rejoicing. And healing. And freeing of drow prisoners. And searching for treasure. And getting to know the new party member. And looking for the one that ran off invisible. And looking for more treasure. And finding the missing party members. And dealing with the prisoners.

Ohyeah, and we leveled! And got treasure! Woot! Go us!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Welp, time to regret staying up for the game =x=

9:30am team meeting ahoy~
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Just crawling my ass outta bed now, feels so nice. Usually have to work at 9AM in the morning, but they're trying to shift me to weekdays cause most of the other people on my station have school, in one sort or another.

Great recap Copper, i like the style, reminds me of all of the 'remember when' conversations gamers have. :)
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Thankee. There was also conversation between Az and Kristie, which culminated in Az declaring that Kristie was going to spend the night in her tent so Az could keep an eye on her (because she thinks she's up to no good.), though the better part of the conversation was in Infernal, so while the rest of us were nattering on in just Undercommon, those two were having a right Evil conversation.

Also, Red, sorry about buggering out after a few comments last night. My net decided it wanted to be a bitch again and I figured it wasn't worth coming back, given that, well, sun was up.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I don't forgive you Copper. It ruined my night, and all of the rest of my nights, forever.


But no, I was kinda getting tired at that point too. No worries.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Get used to disappointment, then *laughs* And a'ite. I just hate when I'm in the middle of something and my computer craps out on me like it does. Very annoying.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

*Begins roll call early*

Is there a session this week? (Stating this because obviously I can make it.)
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I would have made one even earlier, except I just got my sleep schedule on track. Available this week. And next week. And eternity.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

There should be. I hope. Probably Saturday night/Sunday morning for me this week. I don't want to keep stealing Friday from Spider and Occam.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Friday night/Saturday morning and Saturday night/Sunday morning this week, if the game is going to be 12am to 5am again. I have stuff to do.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

That's the usual time, yes. Though you are still new so... :X
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Blame it on the resident EU player :x

Not to shift the blame here, but Tass is the one who isn't free during the day. I'd prefer to start sometime fairly early afternoon EST so I wouldn't have to wake up so goddamn early.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Not to shift the blame here, but Tass is the one who isn't free during the day. I'd prefer to start sometime fairly early afternoon EST so I wouldn't have to wake up so goddamn early.

Eh... I don't think I'd be able to make afternoon (For you) anyway, I think if we play during the day, when it's evening for you, it would be best, but Sunday during the day I'm busy, and Saturday I have my IRL group.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm up for either, looks like saturday may be a better option for me as well, even though I work Sunday morning. Friends are starting up a battletech game, looks like it may start up this friday.