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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

((This is a recap from Kristie's perspective))

((The Memory of a Caster))

“Fuh…Fuh…Fuh…So cold…”

Gentle puffs of warm air billow forth from soft red lips as a bespectacled girl blows at her frostbitten hands, in a vain attempt to warm them after forgetting to don gloves in the wintery climate. She is hovering in the air in a mostly seated position, high above what appears to be an encampment of sorts.

”Ooo…why did I remember that and forget these?...I’m so scatter-minded at times…”

The girl glances downwards for a moment, staring at what appears to be a battle of sorts, seeming to watch as events unfold one by one. She watches as the barbarian she had met the previous day, Byzat, hurl chains from himself towards what appears to be a “chieftain’s tent”… She watches as the tent is yanked down a caster on a cliff, with the use of telekinesis. Then…the carnage that follows as the chains are made to dance by the devil, and a roc riding knight descends upon those in the tent. Masked ones?...So she had heard anyway, not that it mattered given how fast they died between the two of them. Then, the monk…Redhand, she believed, is seen charging towards a gathering of ogres at a shaman’s tent, one of the casters within having been slain by the said knight earlier, pummeling one of them into mist before grievously wounding another. The barbarian is no slouch however, for after orcs charged him and the devil, he proceeds to charge toward one of the ogres and hew into him with his greatsword…while the devil made his chains dance once more to claim another soul. Ah, but who could forget the archer from above? The one that shot at the orcs, only to raise a barrier of wind? Or the failed casting of sparkly dust…glitterdust was it?...Upon the orcish warriors?...
The girl turns about again, facing into the sky, and opting to…lay back on nothing but the air, seeming to stare into the sky at this point, though her hands were still cold. Though…that doesn’t last for too long, as she soon finds herself turning about suddenly, to face off into the distance…her golden eyes blinking.

”Oh…right. You wanted to know what was happening earlier. Um…Um…”

She pauses at this time, stammering a bit as she tries to think of what to say…seeming awfully fidgety for one reason or the other.

”Like…Like…Okay…So we were at the orc encampment, outside…our scouts returned and told us the numbers…then um…we spent a good amount of time planning…with no one really agreeing. So in the end…um…we kinda went with the plan of casting a few spells, making the barbarian and monk stronger…then let them charge. Though I helped! I helped by summoning a friend!...Well, not exactly a friend really but… Oh you know the rest…Right? You were watching this the entire time right?...My- ”

The image begins to distort at this time...and silence fills the air...

*Flicker, Flicker*…


The vision ends at that point.
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Right, I should probably mention, I'll be unavailable for Saturday.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Heh, so no Copper and no GB. We're down two. Anyone else unable to make it this weekend? I might have something to do myself, though it's by no means assured, so if it's more convenient for everyone to skip a week, that's fine by me.

Copper's going to a con, and out of curiosity, why can't you make it GB?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Work. :x

It's every couple of Saturdays, actually, and why I missed out on the session about... three weeks ago.

The next Saturday I'm scheduled for is about... 4 weeks after this one, but I think it's gonna pick up after that... looking right now, I'm only free for one Sat in November. :<
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I might not make it this saturday because I will probably be running on minimal sleep all bloody week.

So yeah, just that there heads up.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So, any news for this weekend yet? Bunch of people can't make it Satuday, what about tonight instead?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm fine with either tonight or this weekend really on my end so...up to Tass?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

It's an idea, though I'm pretty sure that Copper can't make it tonight either. I will be having company today, but they're an early riser so it shouldn't interfere with me. So, possibly, but also don't count on it. It depends on how much response this gets.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

It's an idea, though I'm pretty sure that Copper can't make it tonight either. I will be having company today, but they're an early riser so it shouldn't interfere with me. So, possibly, but also don't count on it. It depends on how much response this gets.

Well, looks like I'll be getting up anyway, either to run OSAC or play in this game, so it's your call which.

In any case, it would be nice to know before I go to bed in a couple hours.
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Makes sense. I'm good either way, just thought some of the others would like the option.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

It's looking like Spider's game tonight.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I was wondering where you'd gone to LDF.

Just a general fyi, no game is likely this week. We're down Occam, Copper and Gargantua, and I don't want to have to NPC three people at once.

And what the hell are you doing here RJ? Shoo!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Okay, if that's the case, then I have a LAN party I'm gonna show up at. I'll check in a little before in case everybody winds up able to make it, just in case.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I was wondering where you'd gone to LDF.

Just a general fyi, no game is likely this week. We're down Occam, Copper and Gargantua, and I don't want to have to NPC three people at once.

And what the hell are you doing here RJ? Shoo!

Hm? Well, I was here last week, just was kinda feeling out of it, so didn't bother to go on IRC that night.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I make no excuses for not being there Saturday night. I've been obliterating people on Gears 3 since Tuesday. That is literally the only thing that has been on my mind since I managed to break away today.

So, yeah. Might not make it for next week's game. All depends on how hard me and the guys decide to rock TDM.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So what's the session status looking like for this saturday?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Currently, here is the status of Saturdays game.
I want to run it. Very much. But I'm currently on a school computer, which for some reason allows this site. So, whether or not I can show up Saturday is dependent on whether or not my internet works again by then. Also, someone volunteered me for hanging out with a group of people on Saturday. I find these particular people fairly distasteful, however, so I don't intend to stay long, if I go at all.
In short, not sure yet. I'll update you as I learn more.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Double post. But my internet works! Game on! (Unless I get kidnapped or slain by a meteor or somesuch!)