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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

True Story

I once said to my skype group "Game cancelled, meteor landed on my house."

No one showed up because they believed me.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So. Might not make this week's game. Going down to coal country, AKA Kentucky, to visit family from Thursday to Sunday, and will have limited computer access.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I only just remembered: I likely won't be on my computer on Saturday. I'm going to a Ren fest that's three hours away. So, would anyone object to a Friday game this week?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

As far as I know, I have no issue with that. Might actually be better, as I might have company Saturday night.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Sorry Loli, I can't look at that face in your sig and not think 'crazy'. *shrugs*

Friday's alright with me. Funny though, everytime i have the chance to play when i have the day off afterwards, it gets shifted to the other day. I sense a conspiracy! :D

In other news, I will probably not be able to make the game after that. Going on vacation, pretty sure the place we're going doesn't even have cell service, let alone internet.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Friday is good for me. I'll be busy Saturday.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Friday is moving day for me...but with some luck, I may be able to be settled in by then. Though...whether or not I have internet is a different story.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Game on tonight for those that can make it.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Vacation down south was canceled due to me not wanting to go, so count Byzat in for some fun tonight.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Xavier will continue being a dude who flies around on a giant bird, no one questioning why tonight.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder


I came home early from a party to hang out with you guys, only to find out you moved it to Friday, I am disappoint.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Alrighty, I am on my way for a week's vacation, most of which I will unfortunately be without cell service. I should be back in time for a saturday game, otherwise I'm going to have to miss this one. Here's hoping!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Not quite sure yet whether this weeks game will be Saturday or Friday. I don't remember having any plans either day just yet, but we'll see.

Summary of last session:
The party remained at the caravan for the night after Petunias funeral. The group took watch after Islona used the last of her magic to provide what healing she could, and the night was completely uneventful and silent. Oh, and it started raining. Isidien chose not to sleep after the fairly traumatic events of the previous day, and as such was fairly tired as the group came awake and began trying to figure out what to do. The drovers who had been driven into the wagons still hadn't snapped out of their terror, and the group finally decided to leave them somewhere and continue on to the orcs village after leaving behind a few things, including Xaviers saddle. They took what remained of the wagons and set up a defensive perimeter with them on a hill that was on the edge of a stream, and then continued forward, Isidien and Xavier flying on Iograr overhead while the rest followed the orcs on foot or dog-back.

Eventually, as night began to fall, Isidien spotted a pair of figures moving among the trees below, heading toward where the group was starting to set up camp. Xavier dropped her into the trees so that she could investigate better, and then flew back to camp. The two figures turned out to be ogres, who ignored the party and sat down in the middle of the camp. As the group sat slightly confused, some members noticed that they weren't breathin,g and just then Isidien noticed a familiar masked face charging toward the party through the woods. She avoided the things charge, but Byzat and Islona didn't, and found at the hard way that the masked man wasn't fucking around. The group fell into a wild melee, Keats fired a flame ray at the ogres, who promptly joined the battle as Xavier landed near them and granted the party some fairly nice bonuses. The group surrounded and badly mauled the huge figure, but he spine around and bitch slapped Isidien, Redhand, and Islona, the two girls only surviving courtesy of the boost they got from Xavier, before Byzat ran up and tried to murder him. He did quite well, actually. Oh, and the two ogres popped, and Iograr and Redhand felt kind of nauseous from the smell.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I should mention, I won't be available next Saturday, the 3rd. This one coming up is probably okay, though I'll probably be preoccupied cleaning up a massive insect genocide. I am earning my citizenship and dropping into Klendathu.

On a related matter, I can't make it if we're playing tomorrow/Friday. :x
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm looking at Saturday right now for this weeks session. Tonight, I'll probably be busy. Further updates to come at a later time.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Might be a bit late. Not sure. I've got a con that I'm going to tomorrow and it doesn't exactly have an end time. Then again, it's not something I'm heavily involved in like my anime cons, so unless I get roped into something, I shouldn't be too terribly late. Pretty sure my memorized spells are listed on my sheet, if Tass needs to puppet me for a bit, anyway.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I will be probably about an hour and a half late, but I should be there.