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RPG Patreon Active [Paladox] The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss (Version 0.745)

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Before the scene where... you get spider raped:
... this sleeping symbol kept popping up;

I'll try and fix that for the next update. I'll change the trapped in cave area such that getting the sleeping symbol (low stamina or time, can't remember which) will result in the Jennifer event happening early, and also restore time/stamina so that other problems won't occur.

Expected behaviour:
then comes the kidnap and you get raped by guards...

Problem: through the hole kidnap scene the sleep symbol kept playing and right after the scene ended, the character collapsed.

I've placed a condition on night time events for the next update. They will no longer happen while Sienna is pregnant. I don't want to overwhelm the player with too much going on so early in the game... and this will also present extra pregnancy opportunities. xD

It was also annoying to see the pregnancy notifications before morning.
In the next update there will either be the usual morning notification, gestation awareness, or a night time event will occur.

Case 1:

  • I wake up in the bed.
    When I enter the cave where the guards rape me, the rape scene immediately starts playing "in the door" (camera focused at where my char should enter through the door)

Case 2:

  • The scene where your char fucks with her dead man starts immediately playing after collapse; rest is like case 1.
The next update should fix these two problems. When you were "in the door" did you enter their cave on foot? This is only possible if you talk to the event/NPC that displays clothing values, as she also sets this event's completion to being true, which does not deactivate the event, but does open up the door early. She should be removed in the next update.

Is it normal that the option "Bribe with sex" simply disappears while you play ?
Before I knew it it was just gone in my save....

It will disappear if you talk to the event/NPC in Sienna's room that displays clothing values. It also disappeared one time for me, and I'm not sure if this is why, or some other reason. Hopefully the issue won't happen again after said event/NPC is removed.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

The next update should fix these two problems. When you were "in the door" did you enter their cave on foot? This is only possible if you talk to the event/NPC that displays clothing values, as she also sets this event's completion to being true, which does not deactivate the event, but does open up the door early. She should be removed in the next update.

In my first try, Sienna´s stats were all green and everything played out as it should, therefore I knew something was fucked up, as I suddenly skipped this scene after I reloaded my save.

In both cases 1 & 2 was the condition that the char collapses at the end of the kidnap scene.

In the first case I walked through the door not sure what would happen;
I guess I could have talked to this guy, cant exactly remember anymore xD
This was still the phase where I had no fucking clue what was going on ;)

But when your char cant collapse anymore after the kidnap scene, these 2 cases shouldn´t happen anymore :)

I mainly reloaded this scene cause I was out of lamp fuel and walking through this dungeon with all the guards without light was hella annoying.
Therefore I spent a few minutes fixing this with cheatenginge, meanwhile all stats fell so low, that I suddenly got in these edge cases, which you simply don´t think about when you write your programm.

Can you give a hint at how to beat this skeleton boss where you can change the flame colour ?
I got randomly to the point where a boulder fell from the ceiling, but I still dont get how I did it.

In The Dungeon lvl 8 there are iron gates, which are not meltable with acid, how do you open these ?

Whenever I go down where the guards raped you at the start, and come back up, the field of view does not get reset properly. To fix it I can just walk into the door to the left and then come back up again. (Dungeon lvl 1 already cleared -> teleporter is active )


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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

But when your char cant collapse anymore after the kidnap scene, these 2 cases shouldn´t happen anymore :) ...
Well hopefully the next update will fix all those issues.
Hopefully... >.>;

Can you give a hint at how to beat this skeleton boss where you can change the flame colour ?
I got randomly to the point where a boulder fell from the ceiling, but I still dont get how I did it.
Well he doesn't like red torches.
When you're turning the torches it's a good idea to lure him into jumping first. It can be frustrating but after you figure it out, it's basically a memory/endurance test.

In The Dungeon lvl 8 there are iron gates, which are not meltable with acid, how do you open these ?
Hint 1:
You need the fishing rod.
Hint 2:
Fishing in the Dungeon can be dangerous...
Hint 3:
In the Dungeon fish all 10 bubbling spots to find and kill all the Lurkers. The gates will then open when you return to Level 8.

Whenever I go down where the guards raped you at the start, and come back up, the field of view does not get reset properly. To fix it I can just walk into the door to the left and then come back up again. (Dungeon lvl 1 already cleared -> teleporter is active )

Strange. Do you mean a picture is covering the screen? Or the screen is just not centered on Sienna?
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Strange. Do you mean a picture is covering the screen? Or the screen is just not centered on Sienna?

The game displays the vision radius as when you walk in the dark with your lamp vision (picture attachment from my post before).

Just walk into the dungeon where the guards rape you after the kidnap scene and then walk back and your field of view has the lamp radius.
Even when you already have the portal activated.
(attached my save just in case)
Just cross-checked it with an older save, same bug happens.

Hint 3:
In the Dungeon fish all 10 bubbling spots to find and kill all the Lurkers. The gates will then open when you return to Level 8.
LoL, I left one spot intentionally, cause I wanted to try the option "Bribe with sex", but at the moment its missing cause of this debug guys existence :D


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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

The game displays the vision radius as when you walk in the dark with your lamp vision (picture attachment from my post before). ...

I thought that might be the issue. It should be fixed for the next update.
While checking that out I also found an outdated event that could cause some problems.

If you got the following message, "You wake up in pain. You don't know how
much time has passed, but most of your wounds have healed."
then you had a very unfortunate series of events. xD
What with the other problems going on as well.

I had originally wanted the event to last for several days, with player interaction. I had difficulty getting it to work the way I wanted so I had to go with the way it is now.
I'm not really happy with the blackout screen and subsequent sex sounds. Should I do that differently? Show the sex? Take it out? Make it shorter?
Or possibly leave it as is. It probably won't bother most players since the event is short lived.

... I wanted to try the option "Bribe with sex", but at the moment its missing cause of this debug guys existence :D
You can't bribe Lurkers, so the only way to have lurker sex is the hard way (aka losing on purpose).

I did poorly on that animation anyway, and there's only one position.. So you're not really missing anything anyway. xD

I might need to start including a save from just before the Black Spider fight, or just after.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Have a picture !


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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Have a picture !

I've probably put this off before, but I'm going to put it off again. xD
I'll add it to my list of things to keep in mind to fix in my notes.

Thanks for pointing it out though.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Ima be waiting for the finished project. Some of the boss fights are just too difficult for me and having to complete them a 2nd time after the game is finished is only going to make not want to play this game.

The only thing bringing me back is your little story mostly as I am interested in where it will lead. Here's hoping for the game's and story's completion in the near future.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Completely understandable. Even I don't really want to redo the boss fights myself. Maybe I can upload some legit saves with a bunch of the bosses defeated sometime. It's unfortunate that previous saves don't work now, but I felt like it was a fair trade to get the health displayed at the top of the screen.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

According to the help guide ingame at Gestation section. It says after 3 days that she will give a birth. In statistics it says 5/3 for me. Can i get an explanation.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

According to the help guide ingame at Gestation section. It says after 3 days that she will give a birth. In statistics it says 5/3 for me. Can i get an explanation.

I guess that's a little outdated. For Nadie she can't give birth until you do the Preparations quest. Sprites will still follow the 3 day rule. No other fairy children can be had currently.

There will be a quest for each one (similar to Preparations), and then they will age to children and then teen/adult after two major events.

Currently Nadie can age through feeding, but that will change at some point.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

I guess that's a little outdated. For Nadie she can't give birth until you do the Preparations quest. Sprites will still follow the 3 day rule. No other fairy children can be had currently.

There will be a quest for each one (similar to Preparations), and then they will age to children and then teen/adult after two major events.

Currently Nadie can age through feeding, but that will change at some point.

Could you spoiler me how far and how to get the Preparations quest.

I went to the bar place and talked to the wierd guy that wanted my unborn. So i guess Sienna is pregnant with a sprite? So after 3 days Sienna will give birth to a sprite? But still why the value in status says 5/3 instead 3/3.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

You should have the Preparations quest by default. You can view quests in the menu under Informatory.

You can also try to enter the top left door, just outside where you sleep, and that should give you a list of everything you'll need.
(Which is 1 Water, 1 Adventuring Gear, and 5 Furniture)

You can get these by crafting them using the various items just outside Sienna's room.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

You should have the Preparations quest by default. You can view quests in the menu under Informatory.

You can also try to enter the top left door, just outside where you sleep, and that should give you a list of everything you'll need.
(Which is 1 Water, 1 Adventuring Gear, and 5 Furniture)

You can get these by crafting them using the various items just outside Sienna's room.

Quick question: How do i obtain Cerussite?

Also i think this is a bug. I have 19 banded iron. I try to convert 18 says not enough. Converted 12 got 6 metal. Left with 18 banded iron. Desnt happen with other materials. Just iron.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Quick question: How do i obtain Cerussite?

Also i think this is a bug. I have 19 banded iron. I try to convert 18 says not enough. Converted 12 got 6 metal. Left with 18 banded iron. Desnt happen with other materials. Just iron.

Thanks for finding that. I checked it out and apparently when I copy/pasted the wood code I forgot to change a few things. I hadn't changed the 6 and 12 wood to iron, so it will take wood instead of iron if you select either of those. The 18 option DOES take iron, but requires 24, takes 24, and only gives 9 metal. Apparently the first option is the only one that I had fixed properly.

It'll be fixed in the next patch but in the meantime you can get cheap metal in exchange for wood.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Thanks for finding that. I checked it out and apparently when I copy/pasted the wood code I forgot to change a few things. I hadn't changed the 6 and 12 wood to iron, so it will take wood instead of iron if you select either of those. The 18 option DOES take iron, but requires 24, takes 24, and only gives 9 metal. Apparently the first option is the only one that I had fixed properly.

It'll be fixed in the next patch but in the meantime you can get cheap metal in exchange for wood.

So basically i do alchemy and turn the wood into metal. Fairies have some skills lol.

How do i get Cerussite? I dont think i can craft that.

Also need tips for that bat fight... i turn the 3 fans and what ? He reaches a speed i cant never evade and i die form 1 hit. Am i supposed to keep evading it ? And how
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Just a suggestion, could you take the method for selling gems and use it for the crafting process as well? It gets all kinds of tedious when I have to go through the same menu 7 times to process all my materials.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Also need tips for that bat fight... i turn the 3 fans and what ? He reaches a speed i cant never evade and i die form 1 hit. Am i supposed to keep evading it ? And how
I wrote quite a bit on that boss about... ??? pages ago in this thread.
It is possible to evade it once more. I would suggest saving the left fan for last because he won't get to make another trip around. I always did the one on the right last and had the best luck with that, but your mileage may vary.

Just a suggestion, could you take the method for selling gems and use it for the crafting process as well? It gets all kinds of tedious when I have to go through the same menu 7 times to process all my materials.
Probably. When I set up all that stuff it was a rush job. I'll make a note of it. I believe there are probably other instances where that would come in handy as well.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B11P2 (Updated May 29th, 2015)

Use the pick on the gray rocks in the mines
Mines? I havent seen any gray rocks. Where are the mines located?
I wrote quite a bit on that boss about... ??? pages ago in this thread.
It is possible to evade it once more. I would suggest saving the left fan for last because he won't get to make another trip around. I always did the one on the right last and had the best luck with that, but your mileage may vary.

So i defeated the bat. It killed itself in the middle fan, got the magic orb, but the door doesnt open. Am i supposed to teleport out with the spell or something bugged out?

Also what are the levers suppososed to do. I noticed some open traps in the grounds and close some. Shall i assume all levers do the same just at different places?
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