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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

Yea that's why I suggested the scorpion, as it's "affinity" with sand brings with it the element of earth. The issue with trapdoor spider is that while fitting the symbolism it might be hard to make it identifiable similar to how poison ivy is hard to distinguish from other plants without the color.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

A tree that is decayed on one side and healthy on the other might be a good example. The earth element would show in the background or its roots. The dead side could be thanks to a plagued earth while the healthy side has water and plants around it.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

I've been thinking about what to put in the "Vanity View" window when you click to open that up. Semen already shows on the left-hand side when you select the Medical View.

Should I just have several different views of Sienna's body? I could have each one unlock when you find special events or something.

For example after you get a masturbation scene it could unlock this one:

The original image is by.. Miyama_Kannon? Is that the artist's name or something else?

Anyway I changed the hair color and tried to match the skin tone to be more closely like the other body views.

Also worked on trimming this one a bit:

But the boobs aren't the same. I guess I could always use it to portray a different character.

Edit: or maybe I should just re-use the same images from the medical view (without the internal views, semen, or bloody stuff), and use these images during repeatable scenes.
I still need to fix her masturbation animation a little and add it back in the game. Then again.. her wings shouldn't be moving since she's laying back in a bed, so I guess it's fine (my current avatar).
I just need to fix up an event for it.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

I actually like the idea of having a different view that depends on what you last did. If its too hard to find pics though then you don't have to.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

I like that idea. I might do that, though I'll need to make sure all the images are the same size.

But like you said it could be hard to find enough images. The ones I like best are by that same artist and most of them are censored. >.<
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

Kind of getting stuck on the YGRPB lever room.

It's fairly clear that the capitalized words all refer to the color of a lever, and it seems the down position activates a the lever where the up position indicates it being inactive.

"Even the Odds" seems to be a bit of a vague hint, is it referring to the levers? The words? The recurrence of a letter in them, or in their capitals? Is there any significance to the spikes?

The problem here is that initially you have no way of knowing which of the levers is the active state, or where the lines significant to the puzzle start, is "Even the Odds" something you need to decipher a logic behind the order of the words?

In the end, it turns out I was overthinking it, partly due to when you read the tablet again while the boulder is rolling "Even the Odds" appears as a separate line while the color words are all on the same page, which threw me off a bit.

Also, is floor 5 the farthest you can go in the crypts or am I missing something here?
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

I was typing all this and then finished reading your post. xD
I'll leave it here in case anyone else needs a hint.
I just checked that room out and apparently I used the same switches that are located throughout the rest of The Dungeon. >.>;

It shouldn't cause any big issues, but I'll fix that sometime by switching them all off when the boss door is used.

Okay as for your questions:
1: Even the Odds is referring to the levers.
2: Even the Odds has nothing to do with the rest of the lines.
3: The primary significance is in each line and the capitalized letters.
4: The spikes hold no significance. They're just there to kill you.

The initial state of all the levers should be up, which would be off.
Even the Odds is indeed a separate puzzle from the rest.
It's actually two lines, so 'Even' has nothing to do with 'the Odds'.

Thanks for asking about that room. All the levers should have been up by default.

As for The Crypts you'll need to complete the music box to go further.
The gold/gem exchanger can put it together for you. There's one part on each of The Dungeon levels.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

Yea I got the last missing piece of the music box just now, I went home using the safety spell after the puzzle and figured I needed some new ability to bypass the metal bars, but on returning to floor 8 to check if killing the boss changed anything, Sienna mentions something might be different because the lurkers are gone (not sure what those are o_O)

Just happened upon the fact that teleporting to the vinery level 3 sends you to the entrance and not the teleporter, also the teleported there is unable to send you anywhere, actually on further inspection it seems none but the first teleporter in the vinery actually works

After getting the earth magic, it seems you cannot remove the boulder in the undergarden after even though the foliage is all gone, same story for the boulder in the 7th floor of the crypts, nothing even comes up with the pickaxe equipped.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

The lurkers are those purple things that attack you whenever you fish at certain spots in The Dungeon. If you haven't killed any of those and that area opened up then I'm really confused because I don't know how else the kill count for them would increase. :confused:

I haven't finished The Vinery yet so I haven't really completed the Light Lock teleporting system there yet. Thanks for letting me know about the error with level three. I just fixed it (much easier to fix now than later). I also applied teleporting on the first Light Lock so that you can use it to go from levels 1 to 8 now... well, whenever I get a new update out.

And the green boulders will be fixed too.. noticed that they have their location set as below characters. If you find any other green rocks please let me know, but I think those are the only two I placed.

Sorry about the issues. I'll try to get an update with those fixes out sometime soon.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

Ah right I completely forgot about the amethyst lurkers, yea I did actually hunt them all down.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P7B (Updated March 30th, 2014)

Sorry about the lack of an update. I'd just like to update more of the monsters currently in the game before I get the next update out.

I just finished up with the bee. Just need to do the Crypts monsters and then the Mines. The Mines will mostly be copy/paste aside from the lizardmen. I think the most difficult ones are all done now.

I'll probably want to redo the 2 Abyssians encounter a bit so that they'll use the new animation and simultaneously rape Sienna.

Actually I still need to improve the oral sex and also shorten the duration of sex.

Edit: Just finished shortening vaginal, anal, and vag/anal sex. If your lube and/or semen content is high then the monster will get more excited so sex will be much faster.
Dual vaginal/anal will benefit the most and go the fastest because it uses the content from both to determine how much is skipped.

Just checked out the oral sex and I'm satisfied with it now. Applied some of the newest mechanics but kept it mostly intact because it worked better like it was.
Initially oral sex will be longer but after each time Sienna will become more experienced and oral sex will gradually go a bit faster each time, maxing out after about 24 oral sessions.

Added a secret way to get lubricant. There are a couple minor conditions that must be met first.

I'll go ahead and patch the game in the morning.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

The OP has been updated with the latest version. Please see the notes on the 1B10P9 update for the latest changes.

If you run into any issues, bugs, glitches, etc.. then as always please let me know.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

Allrighty then, new update looks nice.

I have yet to find a coin but I'll spam sleep and gather and see if I get one. Vanity view is so lovely by the way.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

You should be getting a random coin in their boxes every time you have them search for treasure. I'm not sure if there's any circumstance where that wouldn't happen, aside from having them collect supplies or food. I'll study their box events a bit more and see if I can figure it out.

On the vanity view I just noticed I forgot to change the background on the pussy view just above the bottom portrait. I might fix it later, but I'm thinking it doesn't really hurt the collage any.

Edit: Thoroughly checked their box events. Not sure what could possibly be wrong. If it's a particular child then it might help to know which one.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

Not sure if this is already pointed out, but well:

-sprite sex shows oral, picture/event script implies it was vaginal
-the fairy keeps asking me for some shroom juice like an addict, even though I just downed one +++ 10 seconds ago
-if you had wounds before getting raped, sometimes a break in the scene will make the option to apply bandage/stitch the wound comes up, right in the middle of the rape. Same goes with the tonic reminders.

Oh, and the rape scene I saw the breaks occuring was in the Abyssian encounter with the gold bag in the tile. Not sure if others have the same stuff happening.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

1: Which monsters are showing oral sprite sex conflicting with vaginal dialogue and scripts? It would also help to know if it's a certain instance (like those two Abyssians you mentioned). The monsters in the crypts, mines, those 2 abyssians you mentioned, and friendly NPC sex haven't been updated yet, so I'm thinking it might be one of them conflicting with the new sex/bribery system.

2: If her health is below 75 then she will keep asking for tonics. I did this because some players were mistaking vigor/HP for health. She may need several tonics to get her health back up. If you need a lot of health then beer also helps, though it will make her thirsty in the longer run (but water is much easier to come by than tonics).

3: I also noticed her complaints with wounds, health, etc.. while I was testing the new sex scenes. It's somewhat annoying but shouldn't cause any serious issues so I was too lazy to fix it just yet. I just need to think of the best, easiest way to do so. I'll try to have it fixed for the next patch/update.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

Ok after some playing, here's what I've noticed.

Coins only appear for me in the gold/gem search option. I tried the other two to no avail.

No idea how to find the secret 'Lubricant" yet

I really don't mind anything missing in the vanity view, it's nice.

I've been thinking about this ever since the game came out and have wanted to and not wanted to suggest this but maybe you should implement a type of lust/fear system. It's where she gets horny and therefore just rapes the monsters (like you said) or shes too afraid and won't bring her daughters with her. Could add some interesting game play. Lust could go down by having consensual sex (or sex with a mob that you capture or befriend like one of the abyssian tentacle things hint hint lol) or masturbating. Fear could go down by "training" in the statue room (therefore giving it a use) or doing other things like farming or fishing.

And lastly, what does the sad face on Sienna mean?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

They only find the coins with the gold/gem search because they're in with the other gold.
When they're looking for other items they don't find any gold so I didn't think it should be possible to find the coins that way.

Should I give a hint on the lubricant?

I already have a temptation variable in the game which will pretty much do what you were talking about in place of lust.
Intoxication will also play a part in determining her automatic actions.

I have given it some thought about how her daughters aren't really with her at times so I will probably go back through and have them actually be present in the small rooms before the boss fight. I would love to have a small area there for them to chill, like a unique collage of all the girls in a little sitting room. When you talk to them they would basically let you change members if you're going to be fighting the boss or Sienna would just tell them that she is going alone if it's not a TB style fight. This will probably have to wait until I make outfits for them all, since I would likely be re-using their bed images or something similar. It's probably a ways off before I'll be doing that though.

As for fear I'm not sure if I like the idea. I don't really consider Sienna to be the type to get scared, aside from for her daughters' safety. I do plan on having her daughters automatically retreat from fights when defeated. There will also be moments when you don't have a light that Sienna will cast safety on a daughter when something strange is happening. She will not take chances with them.

And I do apologize about the statue room. I do indeed plan on giving it more functionality. It will basically have a variety of mini-dungeons that you can repeat as often as you like, trials to improve each particular character's level (and/or attributes), and other stuff. I'll probably work on it some more after taking care of any game-stopping glitches that get reported, fixing the remaining monsters sex events (and animations), and after adding on a couple new areas. I'm really anxious to add on an extension to The Dungeon (which is actually a whole new area), which will complete a couple of plot holes that have been left in the story.

Sienna's sad face? Which one? And when does it happen?

BTW I have no idea how balanced the game is at this point. Are any of the monsters too easy or too difficult?
Nobody has complained about the boss fights that involve TB fights so I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I had concerns that some of them would possibly be too difficult.

Oh, and I might not have mentioned it anywhere but Kendra should now hint at where you can get the 4 ingredients she needs in order to help you.

Edit: And I should probably prioritize finishing the quest display.. I glitched it and the help menu after the last patch.
Oops. >.< So don't check the help menu or quests unless you like game crashes.
I'll try to patch that soon.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

Hey, was just trying this out a bit. I didn't read through the entire thread so I apologize if this was mentioned before, but I found a bit of a bug early on.

I was on I think the fourth floor of the first cave area you go into, and I was doing the light lock puzzle. I was trying to activate it and use it to get out because I was a bit beat up, but there was an enemy right next to me. As soon as I put in the correct code, the enemy attacked me. I lost the fight, and got dragged back out to the house. When I went back in, I could teleport to and from that light lock but the lights were not on, and I couldn't figure out any way to fix it. Activating it just gave me the teleport message, going in and out of the floor by teleporting and by walking didn't help either. I should've tried saving and reloading but I didn't think about that until now.

A quick question, while I'm here. How much health are tonics supposed to recover? She started telling me she needed tonics or she might die. I gave her a few but the message kept popping up. I started checking the stats screen and basic tonics were only giving like 1 or 2% health. I tried making one with more mushrooms but the largest increase I got was only 3% from any of them.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P9 (Updated April 4th, 2014)

The light lock problem could be rather complicated, so I just put a perimeter around the light locks to ensure that monsters can't go near them in future updates. There was a similar issue with The Crypts' lights in a past update because I hadn't turned the lights out there yet, and when I did and players had already solved the Light Locks there they had to start over or deal with the permanent loss of light for those levels. I'm sorry about the issue. I think you'll be able to finish mopping up on that level without the light, and you can make pit stops in the boss room to refill your lantern.

Tonics currently recover only 2 to 3 health. I'm going to increase it to 10, 20, and 30 health (depending on the tonic's strength). I've been thinking about it and beer restores more, which doesn't make any sense considering tonics are made especially for that. I'm changing some other stuff about them too.

Thanks for telling me about the problems. I will try and be more aware of light lock placement in the future (or just put monster blocks around them again).