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Overquest campaign

Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Yan Yenna

Yan dresses in a hurry, as if she had experience with this, slipping comfortably into her clothes and adjusting her outfit with ease. The blonde, airheaded girls on the street curiously rush in onto the guardhouse, which, lucky for Yan, ends up delaying Corgana, but that wont last for long.

Peering up and down the street frantically, Yan spots Kiyomi in a window of the tailors.. could it be her allies are still all over at that place? Well, they seem to enjoy their clothes-shopping.
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Tag: allies

"Hurf! Costume changes. This takes me back.~ *sigh* Corgana, I'm gonna get you that serum and you'd better be grateful!"

The bard peeked out of the alleyway, her head swiveling left to right, before spying the unmistakeable form of Kiyomi in the window of the tailors.

"Still shopping?! Okay then... better go quick!"

Yan darted to the shop as quick as she could and slipped into it.

"Heya Kiyomi, Sekla? Weeee gotta go. The guard captain sorta figured out what's what. She also thinks that the bunny girl is helping us. BUT, I figured out how we can wake people up."

She hushed her voice and added "There's something called a soldier's serum. Apparently it's what the DICKS take to be smart again, but it's presumably only allowed for the truly loyal to the government. Corgana's a rebel when she's not brainwashed, so we've gotta get ahold of the serum to free her."
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Sekla nodded and got ready to go, as Yan Yenna burst back onto the scene, Sekla blinking and frowning at the declaration before groaning.

"Seriously? They're probably going to seal the gates soon. We should get out of town. Also, bunny is literally right here. And the Tailor is right there. Noooot a good time to yell that.," whispers Sekla, sighing.

"Well. Now's the time to bail out. We've some idea of what's what but we're at a huge disadvantage here. We need to leave and choose a better time and place, else we're gonna get overrun.," she mutters, "They'll come here soon."
Re: Overquest campaign

Pink Delights
Tag: all

"Like uh.. I spaced out there for a second, whats going on, where do you need to go? Is there trouble? Was it one of those meanie weenie rebels?" The tailor inquired, peeking over to you lot, having only heard half of the conversation.
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Tag: allies

"Still shopping?! Okay then... better go quick!"

"Heya Kiyomi, Sekla? Weeee gotta go. The guard captain sorta figured out what's what. She also thinks that the bunny girl is helping us. BUT, I figured out how we can wake people up."

"There's something called a soldier's serum. Apparently it's what the DICKS take to be smart again, but it's presumably only allowed for the truly loyal to the government. Corgana's a rebel when she's not brainwashed, so we've gotta get ahold of the serum to free her."
"SERIOUSLY!? Yan I was gone for like five minutes and managed to kick the beehive!? You already knew we were in a hot spot when my tail snapped corga back out from bimboland! You couldn't keep the act going for a little longer!? Anyways the g-o-l-d is hidden safely if not uncomfortably up in my c-u-n-t. Look, I'll try to distract the tailor why you guys sneak out to the gate, so she doesn't join on in the witch hunt and seek out miss DICKie over in temple okay!?" Kiyomi would hiss out in hushed tones as Yan came bursting and Sekla worked up. She would then clear her throat before going into a panick and in full bimbo mode running over to the tailor and Orelia, "LIKE AHMAWGERD! REBELS! WHERE!? LIKE YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING ME!? AND WE WERE TOTALLY HAVING SUCH A FAB DAY TOO! QUICK YOU BETTER GO TO THE GUARD HOUSE AND GET CORGA! LIKE I TOTALLY SOME SUPICIOUS LOOKING BITCHES ON MY WAY HERE! THEY WERE LIKE ALL COVERED UP, STUFFY LOOKING, AND NOT SLUTTY OR KINKY AT ALL! LIKE WHO DRESSES LIKE THAT!? REBELS! THAT'S WHO! YOU TOO ORRIE! GO GET THE DICK! THIS IS LIKE TOTALLY SRS BSNS! TELL THEM THERES LIKE THREE STUFFY, NERDY, UPTIGHT SUPICIOUS LOOKING TYPES IN ENTIRELY TOO MUCH CLOTHES, AIGHT!? HURRY!"

As soon as the tailor and Orelia were off if they bought her story, she would run out into the streets, screaming in a panic "LIKE OHMYGOD ERRYONE! REBELS HAVE BEEN SPOTTED IN TOWN! THEY WERE LAST SEEN AROUND THE GUARDHOUSE AND TEMPLE! QUICK! WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP OUR STREETS SAFE! HURRY AND REPORT TO CORGA AND THE DICKS!"

She would then grab Sekla and Yan by the arm and whisper harshly into their ears, Now let's get the fuck while everyone's caught up in the chaos! In all the chaos confusion and smokescreen we should be able to slip out through the gates before they seal them...."

((Taking a 20 on this bluff check: 1+4=5+20=25))
Re: Overquest campaign


Kiyomi laid it on way too thick. Worse, she attracted the attention of everyone. It didn't help that the guardhouse and temple were the place that rebels were least likely to go. A few of the bimbo women giggled, thinking Kiyomi overdid it with the fun brain drainer and mistook the wanted posters for actual Rebels, but a few more, even of the airheaded girls, looked on in rising suspicion.

One thing was for certain, the fox-girl had managed to attract everyones attention to the three, the tailor and Orelia. The tailor for her part fainted at the idea of having rebels so close by, Orelia needed a moment to digest this information. At that point, suddenly, a burst of smoke filled the air, biting into your eyes and obscuring your sight. (perception Dc 20 and you saw one of the random bimbo bystanders pull out something from a pink shopping bag.)

(you are all dazzled and give me a fortitude save, all.)

Then, past a backdrop of female coughing and sneezing, you see a shadow rushing at you!


Out of the smokebomb, with an annoyed growl, rushed another blonde babe, though she wore an odd contraption over her face, pulling it away only to quickly, angrily command.:

"Alright, you four dumb bitches, with me. Quick." She waved her hand, rushing to a side-street, with an uncharateristically annoyed expression.

From behind you hear shoutings, a few panicking females are quickly calmed by: "Stay calm. Everyone, back to your homes. We will find the meanie rebels. The DICK is coming. The DICK has everything under control."

Considering your options, you all quickly follow along to the side-street, where you get to hear, in a hushed voice, as your blonde rescuer continues making her way down a pretty, but abandoned allyway: "Alright, you are not Bimbos, 'Cause not even one of them would be that stupid, but clearly you aren't any of us either... whoever you are, you dumb bitches endanger the plan, so better start talking, are you from an isolated cell or did someone mess up your conditioning?" She asked, rushing forward, then hammering on what appeared to be a random wall. The wall responded:

The eagle cries at midnight. "Fucking let me in dipshit, I've got heat on my heels." I don't know about this, you didn't say the password.. then again, you never do, but! You aren't alone, who are those gals? Are they DICKS in disguise threatening you? "Fucked if I know.. who are you folks?" She looked at the four of you annoyedly, while the wall seemed cautious.. for a wall, that was.
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Re: Overquest campaign

Absolute Chaos
Tag: All

Sekla stared in horror as Kiyomi took what Sekla had just talked about with Yan Yenna about and compounded it even further. Ah crap. She got ready to clear a path for them to run, when something suddenly beat them to it, making pink mist suddenly!

( 14 Perception)

Sekla cursed, coughing, fearing they'd been caught up with already.

( 13 fort)

She couldn't see what happened as she stumbled, and as she struggled her way up, everyone was missing. W-what? Had... ugh... she had to get away somewhere... Or something... She stumbled a bit, trying to slip away in the chaos, hopefully. Or not. She wasn't sure in all this pink smoke where she was going. There was an alley over there, wasn't there? She needed somewhere to hide...
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Re: Overquest campaign


Kiyomi would curse whatever deity she managed to piss off in a past life inwardly at her infernally bad luck before being enveloped in a pink smoke, beginning to cough violently. She would then find herself dazzeld... by something...! Oh.... Fuck this hero business to lowest plane of hell! If we ever set things right, I'm going back to fucking thievery! No more heroic type adventuring! she thought to herself before she found herself in a strange new building... "Trust me... W-were not dicks... As insane as it sounds were not even from this world...dimension... timeline? Whatever the fuck the goddamned overlord and his fucking Asmodeous's dickhole derived staff did! We were sent to stop him before it happened... And now were involved in this fucked up scenario! I'm just a thievy magical fox with thrice cursed luck apparently. I normally wouldn't be so forthcoming, but I failed enough times at lying today and don't want any more trouble then we got..."

(( Perception 1+17=18 so close.
1+17=18 Fort. ))
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Tag: All

Yan just dropped her jaw at Kiyomi's metaphorical fighting of fire with burning oil. Sure, she may have pushed her luck while questioning Corgana, but at LEAST she'd gotten some useful information for her efforts.

( (Perception = 21, Fortitude = 20))

She was dazzled, and tried to refrain from letting herself be too boggled and caught up in the smoke bomb, but she recognized by the new woman's angry tone and proper pronunciation of non-ditzy words that she was likely a rebel.

When they got to the door with the woman asking the password, Yan Yenna sighed, cleared her throat and approached.

"Out of the night that covers me... black as the Abyss from pole to pole... I thank every deity... for my immortal soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance... I have not winced nor cried aloud... Through the vicissitudes of chance, my head is bloody, yet unbowed."

She looked from the door to the strange women and back to her friends. "Poetry. Does that suffice? We're from another place, another time. We're new to this situation. Can we discuss this while we're in hiding?"
Re: Overquest campaign

The Park
Tag: Sekla


Sekla rushes away from the danger, but in the smoke loses her friends. Turnin back is most definitly not an option, as the smoke disperses and out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Oreal being arrested by Corgana. She felt a bit woozy, but otherwise in control of herself, luckily.

The way she rushes down seems to take her to a park that is.. beautiful, if you don't mind the color pink. The scent in the air is.. alluring. (will save). The park is large, and currently mostly unoccupied, an orgy just seeming to have wrapped up, there is no lack of beautiful, buxom babes, though while her green skin is bad enough, Sekla is CERTAIN that an erection might.. attract attention. Perhaps she can control herself? (Constitution check)

Looking around, she might be able to find a hiding place, though it'd still be within the vicinity of the smell of sex and flowers. She could try questioning one of the bimbos, looking for rebels or her allies.. or simply try sneaking backwards, and out of the city again. She has to decide on something to do and stick with it certainly, standing around risks attention.
Re: Overquest campaign

Female Rebel, ? ? ?
Rebel hideout, entrance
Tag:Kiyomi, Yan

"I like the fleacatcher." The female rebel grinned at the cursing foxgirl.

"I think her story sounds far fetched and she sounds rude.. though these girls rarely curse hmn... I do like the other one for sure, a flair for the dramatic, something -we- are sorely lacking." "Door, Black!" "Yes..yes.."

And with that, the wall slid open, to first reveal a ruggedly handsome man, with a pair of glasses.


"Sangria, ladies, call me Black.. a glass? .. of earl grey tea that is, drinking on the duty is against the rebel rules."
"Theres only two rebels left, you made up that damned set of rules and I'm not sticking to it.. so you don't have to either. Black is a pain in the ass, but reliable." The man smirked, as you entered..

Frankly, the place was a mess. Sure, it had room to spare, but there was a literal hole in the roof. It didn't take much knowledge of religion to know that this had once been a smaller temple, it seemed abandoned and in disfunction, 30x40 in size, with one corridor blocked off, the other leading to the left.

"Aye. Welcome to the headquarters of the rebel cell Sigma Seven. Now, I'm afraid I have to search you and you wonder where you are, well, this is one of the smaller temples, of a more questionable faith in the past, not evil mind you but.. well lets just say the priests wanted an optional way out just in case any disastre was blamed on them, which now benefits us as.."
"None of that, I want answers first." The annoyed looking rebel woman interjected, the man waving his hands, dejectedly.
"Alright, you are the boss.."

"Alright, now.. proper answers, and none of that different dimension bullshit. We had a plan set up to deal with the 'Master' of this town, perhaps liberate all of it or.. well, liberate it as much as possible and now a fucking DICK and then you pop up." She crossed her arms, looking from the dancer to the foxgirl annoyedly.
"I have to agree with Sangria here, your timing is awfully inconvenient. Well, perhaps you could help us deal with the mayor and the DICK, if you can swing a sword, but, not to offend, you do not quite look of the physical persua-"
"What he means is you look too weak to be fighters.. more mouths to secretly feed and trust me, it was enough work to get Blacks earl grey.." The man bowed his head.
Much appreciated work by the by.
"He says that now but he wouldn't stop whining.. anyway, yeah, give me your story and if you can't earn your keep it may be best you move along, its hard enough getting none-cursed food enough for two."
"Not that we wish to turn you away, but our situation is not as rosy as your outfit, miss.. I did not catch your name, apologies." He regarded Yan.
Re: Overquest campaign

Rebel Hideout
Tag: Female Rebel, Black

Kiyomi took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly and long, centering herself before looking the female dead in the eyes and replying, "WE. ARE. TELLING. THE. TRUTH. Look, I know it sounds batshit, but come on! I know everyone in this room is bloody smart enough to know deep down that this is not how the worlds supposed to be, right? And I mean come on, think about it good and hard, would any of those brain dead cock obsessed bimbos be able to come up with a cover story like we told you!? I net they can't even properly pronounce "alternate dimension". I mean a DICK could, sure, bit if we were DICKs, don't you think we would've attacked by now... Or given a signal to our superiors or whatever... Were not DICKs and were not from this universe. Straight up, flat out, no bullshit telling the fucking truth here..." she said before sitting down and running her fingers through her hair and ears, her tails thumping furiously before two thoughts suddenly struck her one after the other, Oh~ I hope I didn't forget my damned bag in the madness... My puzzle books, poisoned arrows and crossbows, puzzle box and skeleton key.... They're fucking irreplaceable... Especially in this brain dead world..." followed shortly by "OHGOBLINCOCKS! YAN! Did you see Sekla anywhere!? I think we lost her in the insanity! I hope Corga or the DICK didn't get ahold of her... OOOH! FUCKBUCKETS! Could this day possibly get any fucking worse!? DONT ANSWER THAT OR GET ANY FUCKING IDEAS!" she cursed to any deities that might be listening...
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Someone?

Sekla grimaced and coughed as she got loose and into some clear air out of the chaos. She briefly had caught Orelia being lead away by the guard captain. Well, she didn't know much of anything, so she'd probably be okay. She felt a little bad for her, but there was nothing she could do right now.

It was truly beautiful, and smelled nice. But she didn't have time to stop and smell the roses, figuratively and literally.

( 21 Will)

Course it didn't help the whole area was inundated with writhing, beautiful, fertile bodies. Gods, she had to not think about that right now, and keep moving. She was too distinctively green to properly hide herself in an orgy.

( 17 con)

The bimbos probably had seen and heard nothing, questioning them would be fruitless and worse, probably draw attention after all this. And by now the guards were certainly on alert and had likely sealed the gates. Not that that was necessarily an obstacle, but she didn't want everyone seeing her cast spells. So she decided to slip over somewhere to hide. Might be in range but she only needed a few seconds out of sight.

Once out of vision, she quietly as she could cast invisibility before moving to find an alley that was adjacent to the town wall. She'd need time to locate her friends. Slipping out wouldn't be too hard in theory. Slipping back in as well. But she'd need a safe place to wait out the lockdown and things to calm down. And to make her disguise.
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Rebel Base
Tag: Kiyomi, Sangria, Black

Yan Yenna let herself be ushered inside along with Kiyomi. She noticed that Sekla was absent, but her desire to immediately hide was more important than rushing off to find out where the hobgoblin had run off to.

She regarded the pair of bickering rebels. She was relieved to hear that this was merely a cell. She would have worried if this were the actual brains of the entire rebel operation. She raised her hands and slightly spread her legs.

"Search us if you must, Mr. Black. You'll find that we're armed and equipped. With our armor tailored to us in a non-lewd manner. That in and of itself means that we're really who we say we are, or we're a DICK team so undercover and dedicated that you're unlikely to discover our true intentions with a mere frisking - though by all means, enjoy yourself."

She waited for him to attempt to search her and smirked crookedly as he patted her down, arching her eyebrows at him whether he did or did not go very far towards her more private places.

As he did this, Kiyomi started overreact, as was her custom.

"Kiyomi dear, please use your indoor voice. In fact, use the 'I can't talk because if I do I'll alert every bad guy within ten miles to our location' voice. Mkay?"

She sighed and returned her gaze to Sangria and Black.

"There's no need to be all antagonistic, especially after offering tea. That's a yes to that, by the way. I'd like some lemon or goodberry juice with it, if you have any."

She cleared her throat and made a fluid, graceful half curtsy, half bow, waving her hands in a dancer's manner.

"I am Yan Yenna Tea Leaf, singer, dancer, adventurer, and bard, tutored in the mystic performance arts by the Madame Zum, a Githzerai master. My friend here is Kiyomi, the Kitsune, a feisty but true-hearted girl who is clearly only slightly panicking at the moment. You may call me Yenna, for short, if it pleases you.

"While I'm not certain that we are from a different dimension, we certainly are from a different time and place, for we used to work for a Heroes' Guild, and we were sent to defeat a small fry mageling that had stolen an artifact of unknown power. We confronted him in the temple not far from this town, and... well, our memory is hazy, but something clearly went wrong and when we woke up, we were lying asleep in the overgrown temple, and wandered until we found this town. The government of the Overlord was nonexistent frm where we come from. And furthermore, your rebel friend, Corgana - who has been brainwashed, I know - I believe we knew someone with the name Ironsoul who was in our Heroes' Guild with us. This makes me think that we may have been asleep for a very long time, preserved somehow due to the magical flux that happened in our conflict.

"The exact details may be off. I am making certain assumptions, but this is my current supposition. I was recently engaged in trying to, erm... blend in with the local populace and had befriended Corgana in her present state. Kiyomi disrupted that brainwashing for a moment with one of her spells - oh yes, we're both spellcasters, as is our hobgoblin friend, Sekla, who is still running around outside confused - and so we discovered that Corgana was brainwashed and needed the soldier's serum to restore her mind.

"I'm determined to help do that, and free the rest of this town too, so I think you'll find that we're quite capable and handy to add to your resistance. Obviously, we gave ourselves away, but that's always a risk when one doesn't know what actions will seem completely alien for a bunch of brainwashed bimbos."

She put her hand on her rapier and cocked her head to the side.

"So, first things first - we need to grab Sekla before she gets caught. You help us get our friend before she's nabbed and brainwashed, and then we'll help you deal with the DICK and sow some chaos here. And maybe we'll have a little fun along the way. I'm quite good at having fun.~"
Re: Overquest campaign


The Park
Tag: Sekla

Sekla shakes of a certain horny drowsyness coming from the flowers scents and manages to.. contain herself, even with the smell of sex in the air. So far so good! One had to chose the right time for breeding after all.

She manages to slip past the bimbos.. not the most attentive lot at the best of times, so they didn't even notice a few flowers soon parting all on their own.

Sekla makes her way back out of the park and into a backalley, still pretty and nicely kept, if this place wasn't a brain draining death trap.. for the mind at least, it'd make a great vacation spot, she had to admit. Now, perhaps she can try and pinpoint were her allies could have went. They didn't go her way, they most certainly didn't run towards the guard house or the church, what other options did that leave?

(Int check. Knowledge: local for the city layout would work too.)
Re: Overquest campaign


Sangria and Black
Rebel hideout
Tag:Kiyomi, Yan

"Listen, I like your attitude, cottonbutt, you might make a good rebel, but your buddies' right, hush it a little while they're on the seardch. Hmnn yeah thinking about it your friend got lost.. the kinda green one.." She tipped her chin. "In more ways then one it seems."

"Well errr, the frisking is tempting, and rebel protocol.." Black approached, patting Yan down. He wasn't even overly sexual about it.. almost a disappointment, by what she had heard of males in this place.

"I can do lemon, no goodberries, apologies m'lady.." he went to mixing up some tea right after, lemon for Yan Yenna, bland for Kiyomi who had not indicated otherwise.

"Ugh, stop being such a beta." The female rebel insisted.

"You know, being a Beta-male in this day and age is a rarity, nay, a quality!" He tried to argue, only to be followed by a
"Shut up and make the tea."

Her attitude did shift when she heard of the heroes guild.

"Well, your bullshit story is turning to be less and less of that, there used to be a heroes guild.. long ago.

Corgana? The guard captain.. ah yes, she maybe was a rebel once.. I don't know nothing about it. You see.. if you are a rebel and you are found out.. you don't stay a rebel for long. The Overlord has methods to ensure that.. Black, you explain that shit."

"Presuming you were truly traveling through time.." The man approached, with teacups at the steaming.. on little plates, even. "Here is what you would have missed.. About thirty years back there was a great war, the youngest generation of shorter lived races,.. people like us.. only knows of it as tales, if they know of it at all. I know no specifics either, What I do know is that well.. we lost. The Overlord won. He enslaved not only humans, but also the more comely monster races. The truly monstrous ones were destroyed, and now the world is his.. crime is nonexistant, but its a .. twisted world. Right now, many say the Overlord is a god, though, we rebels know that infact he is attempting to become a god.. control this world, control the afterlife. Somehow the Overlord has stopped other planes from interfering, raising the youngest generation of mortals to believe him a deity, while forgetting about everything else. Its insidous, but effective, while his conquest weakened him greatly, now his power grows by the daily, some say and while there is who you call rebels, in truth the remnants of the old heroes organization, watch out the tea is still a bit hot..
...few others oppose him. We have great heroes on our side, but after the Number one of the heroes guild, the legendary Valkyrie suddenly disappeared, all the high ranking heroes were thrown in disarray, taken by suprise.. they had never seen such a threat coming, Only the sixth strongest hero, William Davion is said to have survive the onslaught in the end and now leads the rebels from a hidden base in Si- OW!"

"Stop giving out secrets, I haven't decided if they're fully trustworthy yet." Sangria complained, slapping Black up the head. that said, the name William Braveheart sounds more than awfully familiar. Well, you know him as 'leacherous Will' Or William, number 9 of the heroes guild.

"Help you? Why you started the trouble in the first place.. smartest thing would be to lay low and wait this shit out.

.. Then again, with you about, perhaps we could take down the DICK, you have no chance one on one, but against three of us.. meanwhile, Black here has one of his devices set up to deal with this places 'Master' Mayor, whatever you want to call them. Its also in your best interest to help create some chaos in this town, if you want to get out of it safely. Not really sure your dumbass friend is worth it, but if you say so.."

"What she means to say is, we are taking a great risk, but of course it is within the rebel rules to never abandon an associate in need." Black interjected, causing his companion to sigh.

"Also, soldiers serum is on the DICKs.. they are given a few dosages, it heightens their intellect, combat abilities.. and .. well, she'll not just give it to you for free. No one knows how its made, so yes, attacking the Dick is the best option to get it.. Corgana is an apt fighter, but I don't know who she was before she came here, you see, the one who used to run this kind of.. got snatched defending us a while back, it made Sangria a little ..OWwww!" And another slap.

"Enough of this. You want to look for your friend, you gotta blend. Any of you not seen by the Guard Captain or the DICK?"
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Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Tag: All

"Sangria's right, being a nice guy is fine and all, but don't sell yourself as a beta. It's a bit of a turn off. What girl wants to be fucked through the night by a guy who's worried about pleases and thank yous? Also, I'm many things, but I wouldn't call myself a lady. Heroine of legend would do. Planar sex bomb works too."

She winked at Black and whispered softly to him.

"So in a world of bimbos and floozies, are you getting any?"

Then, as if she hadn't asked the question at all, she turned to Sangria, who sounded like she'd taken an older sister sort've role here. She took a sip of her hot tea before speaking.

"William Davion... I knew a William Braveheart who was in the Heroes' Guild a while ago as the 9th ranked hero. The guy sounded more like the sort who'd be comfortable working for the Overlord. I'd hope for all your sakes it's a different William. Any way, Sekla is most definitely worth rescuing. She's a great spellcaster, probably the best caster of us. She's also got a good head on her shoulders. If you've got disguises for us, I'd say we should use them now.

"Neither of us have been spotted by the DICK, but Corgana is... ah... intimately familiar with me and has seen Kiyomi as well. If she spies us, we'll be caught. Suggestions?"
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Possibly Someone Maybe?

( 8 int)

Sekla wracked her head, but it had been so chaotic and she'd never been in this town before, she had no idea where her friends had went. Towns had never been really her forte, they weren't the most welcoming of someone of her pedigree usually.

Well, if she was going to stick around and hunt for her friends, she'd need a disguise. She'd seen plenty of the outfits around to have an idea what the most basic design was. And seeing how everyone acted was simple enough. She just had to not seem like she was searching or being too focused. Or have a decent alibi. Deceit wasn't her forte though.

She at least could rule out the church and guard house and the park but that left the rest of town. Time to get active.

She concentrated on the natural connection she had with magic and bent it a bit, changing the prepared energies in her mind from that of a Mage Armor spell, to a Disguise Self one. With that done, she cast the spell, changing her form to a human woman in a slutty outfit, trying to get one as reasonably unremarkable given all the people she had seen as she could. It'd do for now. Now she just had to find the others somehow. And hope she wasn't dealing with someone who could sense magic. Her defense spell against that just didn't last long enough. But as long as she avoided the DICK and priestess she should be fine.

For now she headed out, going to loop around the crime scene. Best she figured, she'd have to just sweep through the surrounding areas for her friends and hopefully find a trail in one of the alleys. And if she got in trouble she'd just have to abandon the town and come back later after all.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Sekla

Sekla has, frankly, little clue of where she is in relation to the grand scheme of things. Her spellcasting breaks her invisibility, but also disperses her disguise, luckily it seems no one has seen the woman suddenly popping out of nowhere.

And then.. she headed around. There wasn't really a crime scene to speak off, but there was a main street. The priestess and Corgana were nowhere to be seen, though there were a few bimbo-girls wildly theorizing what may have happened, according to one, a three headed rebel monster.

However, just a moment before Sekla begins to sweep the next likely street to hold a way to her allies, she sees the DICK coming out of a sidestreet.. apparently they both had the same idea. If she executes her plan as is, she might catch her attention..
Re: Overquest campaign

The Hidden Rebel Base that's so tottaly not on Dantooine
Tagged: All

Kiyomi would take a good deep breath or two and attempt to center herself. "I'm sorry, you're right. But this has just been one pisser of a day. Whether or not you believe our story, this quest has just gone tits up faster than the majority of the women in the town. Like quite literally out of the frying and into the fire. And everything just seems destined to go wrong for us..." She said in a much calmer voice finding a chair to flop into rubbing her temples before suckling on the tip of her own tails. "But Yans right, Seklas a friend, and a hell of a spell caster. I can't count how many times she's saved our bacon. Were not going to abandon her. And you don't have to worry about a disguise for me, my other tail allows me to use the disguise self spell. So I can change my a...ppear...ance... Arrrgh! Why didn't I just do thatearlier!? I'm such an airhead sometimes! But yeah, I don't need a disguise." she said as she began furiously gnawing on one of her tails, "And... Sure. I guess we could help with the whole wetworks stuff. Though assassination isn't really my schtick to be honest. But I'm more than good when it comes to chaos..." she said with a playful wink.