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One More Bad Day (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

"Don't worry about me, Gevira. I can handle myself, and I don't plan on getting raped anytime soon." she said with a slight grin, "I believe we are in Regalia, it is a town just a few minutes east of the Necropolis, we should be able to get there on foot fairly quickly if we are lucky and not run into too much trouble." She said as the two headed out of the building and into the streets, as they walked along the road they would see many people on horses or foot fleeing from the general direction of the Necropolis. They didn't seem to pay Gevira or Calia very much mind, though it was obvious to the two as to why they were fleeing. As they would proceed onwards they would finally reach the edge of the Lich King's domain, seeing several people being captured and attacked by slimes, groups of conjoined women much like she encountered in the forest, and another Massive Juggernaut standing in the middle of the street, if either of them looked up into the sky, they would notice a gargantuan slimy tentacled covered monstrosity, spawning out several smaller and lesser versions of itself. Calia could only stop and stare dumbstruck at the site that used to be the great male city of the Lich King as it was being besieged by creatures they could not even begin to comprehend or imagine. "Oh god......." Calia finally managed to get out, "I........ I'm terrified........ look at all these horrible things....... I..... I think...... we should try to sneak past...... if possible." She said shaking in her place next to Gevira waiting for her response before they moved onwards.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

The hairs on her neck stood up straight, she was terrified as well. For more then one reason. She had enjoyed it last time, and she knew that sooner or later if she kept getting the same abuse over and over she would probably turn into a demonic slut herself. The other reason, being possibly killed. Oddly, she feared the first the most.

There's no way... there's too many. It's hopeless. I'm sorry sissy, you'll have to hold on a bit longer.

"I... I don't think we can go in further. We can't. There is too many. These things are like a hive mind, when one sees you, they all see you. We need to get out of here, fast!" She whispered harshly, gripping the hand of her new friend and pulling her away from the city.

What am I gonna do?! I need to get to Badaria! But....

She forcefully took the woman along with her as she ran away from the city
"Are you sure there is no other way to Badaria?"

Please.... please let there be..
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

As Gevira grabbed Calia by the arm and began to drag her off away from the site of the horrendous attack, the pink haired elf whispered back to her, "I.... I'm sure there is Gevira, the Necropolis is a very large city. But we must be careful not to draw attention to ourselves from those monsters."

Gevira Stealth: Roll(1d20)+10: 16,+10 Total:26
Calia Stealth: Roll(1d20)+24: 12,+24 Total:36
vs Duo 1: Roll(1d20)+20: 3,+20 Total:23 Success
Duo 2: Roll(1d20)+20: 6,+20 Total:26 Fail
Juggernaut: Roll(1d100)+10: 41,+10 Total:51

One of the conjoined women stops their molestation and raping of a female member of the city as they spot Gevira and Calia trying to sneak around to another entrance, and immediately begins to run towards them, "Damn! We've been seen! Quick Gevira, grab my hand!" She cries out as she reaches her hand out to Gevira, if she would take ahold she would teleport them to another gate into the besieged city eight miles away from the twins. Fortunately there didn't seem to be any monsters around this entrance, at least not too close to where they arrived this time. "Whew! That was close! I'm sorry I forgot all about my transmission! I'm afraid I can be a real bubble head some times, hee hee!" she said and giggled out a little abashed at her spaciness. "Come on, I'm sure we can find a mage or something here who can port us to the Hidden Village somewhere." She said as the two women began to slowly make their way through the city.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira was left startled, glancing about by the sudden feeling of being yanked hard. She was in a different place.

"Whew! That was close! I'm sorry I forgot all about my transmission! I'm afraid I can be a real bubble head some times, hee hee!"

Her eye twitched, hearing this from her new friend. "You... could do that the whole time."
She took a deep breath, trying to relax herself before she went on an angry rant. Now wasn't the time.

She was just going to follow for now. Though that might be a bad idea, considering that her ally would probably forget where they were going in the first place.....

How the HELL do you forget you can teleport?
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Calia simply looked down to the ground blushing furiously with a sheepish look on her face, fidgeting her fingers around nervously, "Uhm.....Well.....Uh.....That is...... I....... sorry........." She said nervously and shyly looking back up to meet Gevira's face. "I just didn't think about it earlier..... If you want..... I could jump you around probably.... till we get to the village, but...... it would take a long time probably and would be horribly draining on me. But I could try if you wanted to make up for my foolishness...... I really am sorry......" She said somewhat pitifully hoping to make things up for her new friend awaiting her answer.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira sighed softly, holding her hand to her forehead before taking a deep breath and addressing the problem.

"No no... I'm sorry. Still it would of been nice. But lets keep jumping for as long as you can ok? I want to get as far away from this place as possible. But if you need to rest at anytime, we'll take the rest ok?"

It kinda felt like she was talking to a little sister...
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

"Well, I was just.... still thinking about earlier this morning, and was half asleep, then when we teleported here using the sigil, we ran smack dab into those monsters attacking, and I guess the adrenaline just sort of made it rush back to my mind........ I would've naturally offered to do so at the start, REALLY! But everything just happened so suddenly. But if you're sure, take my hand and I'll pop us out of here, I'm not sure where we'll land, but it should be better then here anyways....... hopefully." She said timidly as she she would blink her and Gevira out of the Necropolis, roughly 8 miles from the current location.

Random Encounter Roll: (1d6)+0: 5,+0 Total:5 (1-3 equals no encounter, 4-6 equals encounter

The two women would find themselves arriving in a pool of dirty water, out in a forested part of the world, arriving with a splash. "Awww~! Hehe, I'm s-sorry, like I said I don't know really know where I'll end up since I've never been there myself......" Calia saids sheepishly. For some strange reason other then embarrassment the two women would feel themselves get hot, and blush deeply, their crotches beginning to moisten for whatever reason.

Grey Slime stealth: Roll(1d20)+40: 20,+40 Total:60 vs
Calia Perception: Roll(1d20)+30: 14,+30 Total:44 Success
Gevira Perception: Roll(1d20)+10: 18,+10 Total:28 Sucess
Grey Slime Grapple attempt vs Gevira: Auto Success
Aphrodisiac: Roll(3d6)+0: 5,2,2,+0 Total:9 from Gevira Resistance: 13-9=4
Calia Resistance: Roll(3d6)+0: 5,5,2,+0 Total:12: 17-12=5

Suddenly, a greyish tentacle would arise from the pond and wrap itself around Gevira's leg, "ACK! OH NO! I've teleported striaght into a Grey Slime! I'M SO SORRY!" Calia cries out.

Gevira: Gevira: HP 30, EP 58, PP 32, Resistance: 4, Status: Grappled
Calia: HP: 58, PP: 51, EP: 70- 16= 54, Resistance: 5, Status: Fine
Grey Slime: HP 40, PP: 30, EP: 30
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira grumbled a bit disgruntled. She wasn't in the mood to get soaking wet, but she had been dropped into a little dirty pool. But before she could even complain, she felt something grab onto her leg and pulling on her tightly.

"ACK! OH NO! I've teleported striaght into a Grey Slime! I'M SO SORRY!" Calia cries out.

Gevira attempted to cut the tentacle off with her sword.
"Damnit don't apologize! Get it off!"
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

.Gevira attack:Roll(1d20)+10: 9,+10 Total:19 vs Grey Slime Dodge: Roll(1d20)+34: 17,+35 Total:52 miss
Calia: (Activate Slay).Roll(1d20)+26: 2,+26 Total:28 vs Grey Slime Dodge:Roll(1d20)+35: 7,+35 Total:42 miss
Grey Slime grapple attempt:Roll(1d20)+35: 18,+35 vs Total:53 vs Calia Dodge:Roll(1d20)+31 4,+31 Total:35 success
Gevira Resistance:Roll(3d6)+0: 4,3,1,+0 Total:8 (Gevira is now Horny)
Calia Resistance:Roll(3d6)+0: 4,4,6,+0 Total:14 (Calia is now Horny)

As Gevira attempts to cut at the thing to get it off her leg it merely wraps another tentacle around her hand and removes her katana, "DON'T WORRY GEVIRA I'LL HELP YOU!" Calia cries out as an aura of glowing blue light surrounds her and she tries to plunge her impressive weapon into the creature........ Only for it to form a shield out of it's being and quickly wrap around the blade jerking it out of the elves hands and coil some of itself around her waist, affecting her with the same aphrodisiac Hevira was being subjected to- which had now completely drained her of her will and made her horny as hell. Most unfortunately it was also getting to Calia leaving her feeling very hot, as her nipples stiffened and crotch mositend.
"Aaaah..... G-Gevira..... I-I'm sorry.... I'm so useless......" she half moaned and sobbed as she whimpered out pitifully at get inability to help her new friend, "Aaah..... D-don't g-g-give in into it......" she tried to encourage Gevira who was probably fighting a losing battle against her body and the aphrodisiac of the slime.

Gevira: Gevira: HP 30, EP 58, PP 32, Resistance: -4, Status: Grappled; Horny
Calia: HP: 58, PP: 51, EP: 70- 16= 54, Resistance: -9, Status: Grappled Horny
Grey Slime: HP 40, PP: 30, EP: 30
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX


Her mind did scream in agreement. Maybe it was better for her to travel on her own at this rate. But right now her heating body was becoming a nuisance as it conflicted with her thoughts. She remembered how good it felt last time. Maybe if she-

NO! Not again!

She knew what was coming, her body suddenly flushing as the slime started to seep into her skin, making her body ready and prepared for the breeding tool the monster wanted. It was getting painful, she needed something inside, her body ached to be filled and used. Panting with heavy gasps, it became impossible for her jaw as she began to salivate, her tongue hanging from her mouth like a wet rag.

Not again......
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

The slime would form tentacles out of it's own substance, four would go after Calia, two going for her lower body as they would lift up her loin cloth and wrap around her panties, revealing a small tuft of pink pubic hair over a pink and unused pussy, "A-ah... O-oh n-no..... I'm so hot...... B-but I d-did not w-want my f-f-first time to..... b-be like th-this......." she sobbed out, realizing that the slime intended to fuck her thoroughly. The other two tentacles would soon begin to peel off her breastplate and tear her top off revealing her stiff nipples and greatly endowed chest as they began to slowly coil around her bosoms, tightly squeezing around her aerial, and pinching her small buds. "Oooooh...... I...... I...... don't want to be fucked like this........ B-but it..... f-feels...... aaaah....... soooo g-gooood......." she moaned out at the ministrations before gasping in shock and pleasure as the slime began to rub against her folds, as they began to become increasingly wet. "Oooooh......... I- I want it......" She said through closed eyes moaning out as her need increased, though deep inside she feared it as she knew for a fact that it would be rough. Meanwhile more tentacles would begin to remove Gevira's armor and begin to grind against her womanhood and flick her nipples and squeeze her breasts eliciting feelings of pleasure and excitement in her against her desire to help her sister and any other conflicting feelings.

Foreplay role for Slime to Calia: Roll(2d6)+10:
2,3,+10 Total:15-9(for aphrodisiac)=24 Pleasure damage
Gevira: Roll(2d6)+10: 2,3,+10 Total:15 Roll(2d6)+10: 2,3,+10 Total:15-4(for aphrodisiac)=19 Pleasure damage

Gevira: HP: 30, EP: 58, PP: 32-19=13, Status Grappled, Horny
Calia: HP:58, EP: 70, PP: 51-24= 27, Status Grappled Horny
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Despite her hazy feelings, her burning arousal, just seeing her new friend cry was enough to bring about a hint of anger from within Gevira. Calia was a virgin, just like she had been. But instead of it being taken willingly, it had forcefully taken by some monster beast woman that she never even knew. It was rape. Despite it feeling good at the end, she felt nothing but shame and misery afterward. It left her unfulfilled, leaving her wanting more, but not in the way it was unfulfilling sexually, but mentally. That was only carnal pleasure of the body, nothing more.
Calia didn't deserve this. Despite her being a clutz, she had agreed to help her, some stranger that was desperate for shelter, and took her in despite she knew not who she was. And even further, took the risk to help her get to a safer place, to her goal that had now led to danger and a forced rape, all because she selfishly wanted to avoid it herself by taking the quick way out, by using her. This was her fault.

No, not her too!!

She moaned out, but while it did seem like a scream of arousel, there was more of a demand in it, rather then a plea.

"NO! NOT HER TOO! Do what you want to me, but NOT her!!"

The monster probably didn't understand, but the sudden urge to suck on thick cock flowed into her mind. But the anger still lingered, and she knew why she was angry still. As she did take the appendage in her mouth for a brief couple seconds, she winced and used all her muscle control she had left into biting down hard, she had the intentions of a savage wolf tearing it's feast into fine strips of flesh. She pulled her head back to the side, tugging on the appendage with an heated growl.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira Attack Roll: Roll(2d4)+0: 3,4,+0 Total:7+2=9 damage
Calia escape attempt: Roll(1d20)+42: 17,+34 Total:51 vs Grey Slime:Roll(1d20)+35: 15,+35 Total:50 Success
Gevira Attack roll: Roll(1d20)+30: 20,+30 Total:50 vs Grey Slime: Roll(1d20)+35: 8,+35 Total:43 Dead

Gevira and Calia would hear a shrill cry of pain as her teeth would tear into the gelatinous surface of the slime's tendrils, causing it's tentacles to withdraw from her nubile and curvacious form, entangle Gevira; one entewining around her slender neck, two around her legs and arms. It would then begin roughly grinding up against Gevira's folds, and prodding her ass hole, while also massaging her shapely bosoms. The minute Gevira would begin to moan, it would force another down her throat, before finally forcing its way deep into her woman hood and anus. This distraction would give Calia an opportunity to try to break away from the slime herself, her tears now coming to a stop as her eyes softened after seeing the sacrafice and action the woman took for her, "Oh........ Gevira........" She says softly before clenching her teeth and shutting her eyes tightly before suddenly burning a golden yellow, as bright as the sun itself, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She cried out angrily and defiantly, before attempting to break away from the slime. With a might roar she managed to tear herself free from it's gooey binding jumping free of the monster and once again picking up her mighty sword, she glowed hotly and brightly wit hfire in her eyes before crying out with tears of joy in her eyes, "GEVIRA!! I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU! I PROMISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE!" And drove her sword into the gelatinous fiend's core with certainty and fierce determination like a mighty stake, piercing it thoroughly as the creature let out a blood chilling and ear splitting death through. It stiffened up, it's tentacles in Gevira's holes going rigid before finally falling completely limp, and shrinking out from her body into a small harmless puddle before finally imploding in on itself, dead for good.

Calia, HP:58-14=44, EP: 70-14=56-14=42, PP: 51-24= 27, Free, still horny......
Gevira: HP: 30, EP: 58, PP: 32-19=13, free still horny

As the two women were finally free, Calia couldn't help but stare down in the ground blushing hotly, ashamed of her clumsiness and putting Gevira in this situation, and her own arousal; "Gevira........ I...... can't go on right now........ I need to rest......... And try to focus my thoughts........ I'm just too horny and don't want to do anything you won't be comfortable with...... So let's just take a break...... and I'll make another jump, okay?" She said hotly and tiredly, from the ordeal they had just been through and the slime's aphrodisiacs.

((She put 14 into Battle Aura. Giving her a +14 to her attack.
Gevira has earned a total of 8 exp from the Juggernaut and the Grey Slime.))
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Her body finally free, Gevira collapsed to the floor with a fit of coughing, air returning to her lungs as she lie there, panting. She knew her new friend did something, and now she was free. But the exhaustion was overcoming her quickly, and while she still was very hot, her eyes closed as the world around her grew dark, passing out.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira HP: 30, EP: 58, PP: 32, Calia HP: 58, EP:70, PP:51

After a few hours the women would begin to awaken from their rest. THe first one to come to would be Calia, who would let out a loud timid EEP! as she would come to find her self in the nude. She would promptly begin to search her surroundings for her clothes. Luckily they would be found lying in the evaporated puddle that used to be the Grey Slime. She would quickly gather up her clothes and slip her loin cloth, shirt, boots, and breast plate back on, before nudging Gevira back awake from her slumber. "Gevira, are you okay?" She asked as she continued nudging the woman until she finally awoke, "I'm sorry about what happened. I hope you're not too mad at me. I promise I'll try to be more careful from now on, but if you think you would be better on your own, I'll understand. At least once we get to the village. Whenever you're ready I can jump us further ahead on our....... way.......... Oh..... Wow....... it's big~.......... " She said suddenly finding herself transfixed onto Gevira's cock before making herself tear her eyes away from the member, "OH! GOSH! I'M SO SORRY! I........ SHOULDN'T BE LOOKING AT!" Once Gevira would awaken and give her her answer she would once again take her hand and whisk them away from their current spot, she would put more concentration, energy and focus into it this time. They would reappear in a thick patch of wood, still some miles away from the village, about half way between it and Badaria. Calia would stoop over and place her hands on her knees, seating and breathing heavily from the over exertion of her powers, before looking up to Gevira with a weary looking face, "I'm sorry about that....... I'm such a perv~ I just wasn't expecting it...... Uhm...... Anyways......I think....... I need...... to sit down for a while....... And let my spirit energy replenish before we jump again......" she says before looking for a tree to lean up against while she tried to rest and recover her energy.

Gevira HP: 30, EP: 58, PP: 32, Calia Calia HP: 58-10=48, EP:70-32=38, PP:51
Calia put 30 into Instant Transmission
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Stirring, Gevira woke up herself and soon felt her bodies soreness from the abuse it had taken. Calia asked some things, but she really didn't want to even speak at the moment. But she gave a sigh.

"No... it's ok if you stay. I honestly don't want to be alone now that all these things are going on. But you shouldn't have to suffer them with me. So please, rest a bit."

After they teleported, Gevira began to ask herself questions. Should she leave her behind? Cilia would end up suffering the longer she stayed with her, but there was the selfish part of her that didn't want to go through this all alone...

Her mind was slow from exhaustion though, so something didn't click until she finally looked down at herself. Immediately she let out a terrified maidenly shriek that she couldn't help but scream at the top of her lungs.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHKKK!!! Holy shit!! What is that?! Why is it... it's on me?! Get it off!"
Reaching down at her new member, she frantically pulled at it, trying to remove it from her groin. Of course, this really didn't do anything. Instead it only gave a silly display of Gevira looking as if she was trying to jerk herself HARD. But a male orgasm was the last thing Gevira was trying to accomplish. She winced in pain as she felt it firmly integrated into her body, the shaft starting to grow hard just by her delicate fingers sliding up and down the flesh. Rather then aroused, Gevira seemed even more distressed.
"No!! I can't have this! I can't ever wear a skirt again!! I don't have any pants for this stuff!"
She quickly gathered up her clothes, putting them on in a hurry as her left bra strap remained unhooked as she concentrated on stuffing her new cock into her panties. Her face grew flushed, seeing how it bulged tightly underneath, it even hurt to have it confined so tightly. Taking a deep breath, she put on the rest of her clothes on including her skirt, straightening it out and trying her best to make sure it covered her at least down to her knees. Giving an irritated growl, she slumped back on to the floor.
"Ugh! I don't care what we do anymore! I just want this to be all over!! Damn demons and shit making me a freak!"
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

"I'm sorry...... Though...... you might have noticed it still, even if I didn't say anything..... I'm sure there's probably a tailor at the village who can make you some pants for your...... member..... I think we should be about half way there by now. Just one more big jump should take us there." She said apologetically to Gevira trying to put her friend at ease over her new change, as she held out her hand once again to perform the jump, "Are you ready? Here we go~" And with that Calia poured another good amount of energy into jumping and concentrated before they would blink out of existence again. They would reappear on the outskirts of the village, they were surrounded by thick vegetation and plant life, fitting of a forest. As they would near the village Gevira and Calia's hearts would sink as they would find the village in ruins. They have arrived too late, or so it would seem. Buildings were nearly destroyed, homes, schools. There were male bodies lying around in pools of blood from there had died having tried to fend their women folk. They would also see a juggernaut patrolling the street and a lone tentacled man left behind from the attack.

Juggernaut: HP 100, EP 50, PP 50
Grabber: HP 40, EP 20, PP 20
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

After the jump, opening her eyes, her heart sank to what she saw. Not only was it the mass destruction, the murder and the obvious annihilation of the village, but also her hope of finding a solution to her problems. Instead, she had hit another dead end. She'd been raped, transformed, shifting and put her life on the line for her sister, just to find that there was no answer.

A small whimper came from her lips, and she did her best not to burst into tears as she grabbed Calia's hand and backed up into the forest. She did commit silent sobs as she passed through the trees and the bushes. Her mind was too burdened by so many emotions. Anger, regret, depression, sorrow, and it went on. It rolled up into one giant ball that she struggled to repress into the back of her mind until she made sure they were safe. She suddenly stopped, her weary mind unable to move her body any further as she fell to her knees and silently hung her head.

"Calia.." She whispered softly,
"I think I'm just going to head home now... My sister is probably already a full fledged demon, so I'll need to kill her before she does what these abominations have done to others."
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Calia could understand Gevira's feelings, the situation did seem indeed hopeless...... but to just give up..... after coming all this way..... and having been through so much already...... Calia couldn't just let her friend quit. So she would feign agreement, taking ahold of her hand and leading her to the to the thick forests surrounding the city making sure they were safe and alone before setiing her up straight against a tree....... and then slapping her hard across a cheek! She would then take Gevira's face firmly but not painfully so, in her hands and look deep into her eyes, "NO!I'm sorry I hit you...... B-but we can't give up just now! I can't let you give up hope! To do so would be to just give in and let these monsters win completely! Besides...... I've met real demons..... part and full..... and they're nothing like these beasts. From what I've heard they're under attack and fighting against these monsters too. Besides, In refuse to lose hope and give up completely! Not after we've come so far and gone through so much! Just....... Just let me rest for a bit, and recover my strength..... and we'll teleport around the city, or I'll try to help you fight these things. WE'LL THINK OF SOMETHING! But I just can't accept giving up as a course of action! Don't lose hope! Bear with me, and trust me. But we can't just quit now! Okay?" She said, still looking deeply and squarely into Gevira's eyes, only now much softer, and the glimmer of hope shining in them, trying to encourage Gevira to keep going herself.
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira thought it was kinda cute how she seemed so desperate to continue, despite the fact that none of this was any of the girls problems in the first place.

"Stop shouting, it will give us away."
She sighed, looking out of the woods.
"We can't fight them. They are obviously too powerful, and I bet there are even more inside. We should probably wait until dark to do something, that way it will be easier to sneak around."

(Short post, sorry, brain fart)