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One More Bad Day (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Re: Gevira (Sponge)

HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58, Status = Fine

Having left the leather shop with the lone candle extinguished, Gevira continued on down the road, but only managed to go about thirty feet before a loud, high pitched road halted her in her tracks. Turning around, a huge humanoid creature, its face featureless except for a massive toothy maw, was standing a good ways away from her, emitting the ear splitting scream. It charged toward her before she could react, coming to within 50 feet before Gevira was prepared to respond to the massive monster.

(You were going to the Mages quarter. The tower is elsewhere.)
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

(Oh... then yeah, to mages quarters! XD So what does this monster look like exactly? Just humanoid?)

Her eyes widened with surprise, but as soon as she regained her composure she was able to easily think of what to do.

Judging by it's size, and weight, the speed it's charging should have alot of momentum behind it. So all I need to do is...

She dives and ducks to the side, hoping the creature will just charge pass and it will provide her a chance to counter.

((For the new GM, sorry for the brief post. But if you look back, I get much more detailed when things get more intense then just a simple action of ducking and diving. :p))
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira: HP= 30-29=1, PP=32, EP= 58, status= fine
Enemy Attack:Success
Gevira Dodge: Fail

Gevira was just bit fast enough this time as the massive humanoid creature came bearing it's massive fists down onto her back adage tried to dive out of the way, making a sickening sanck and driving her face first down onto the ground in front of it. As she slowly, wobbly, and painfully ros to her feet, she would cough up a bit of blood. She knew she had to try to outhink this monster. She couldn't outfight it physically, and she couldn't take any more abuse or it would be over for her.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

(DAMN! One strike and I'm hanging on a thread already!? Geez, little mercy wouldja? Was there even a damage roll and stuff?)

A brief moment of blinding pain engulfed her body as she realized she didn't evade in time. Drooling a trail of blood, she spat and cough crimson liquid. The fight had just started, and she already was about to break. What could she do? If she fought this thing, she'd be broken. Her eyes almost closed as she could feel her head growing light and fuzzy, unconsciousness already starting to sink into her skull. But she couldn't fall now, not yet. Maybe.. maybe she could control the monster. It was strong, and fast. But if it was stupid enough, maybe...

(( Attempt Telepethy dominate, use 15 power. (initial five power required should make the total 20.)
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira: HP=1 , PP=32, EP=58-15=43
40vs25 resistance
Domination: Success
Juggernaut controlled

As the gargantuan beast looms over Gevira getting ready to strike and put her down for the count, he suddenly stops innhis tracks. He slowly brings his giant fists down to his side before his arms dangle limply by his sides as he stas stock still with a dumb blank expression on his face lifeless until Gevirangives him her orders.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Please work, please work, please work.... Her mind pleaded with whatever gods were watching her, and determining whether she'd live or die at this moment. She open her eyes from strained thought, and lets out a relieved sigh of delirious relief. She had done it! The thing wasn't moving, it was awaiting her orders!
"Leave this city. And never return." She couldn't think of much off the top of her head, and she figured it might be harder to control over time, so it was best to get rid of the problem before she had to use up all her power.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

The gargantuan humanoid merely slowly nodded his giant head in response to Gevira's command before turning slowly around and heading off into the opposite direction, it would be several minutes before he finally disappeared past Gevira's vanishing point. She would be left alone then, exhausted, in terrible pain, her back aching like it was on fire from the creature's blow; but alive. She could now travel southeastwardly where she imagined the tower was located.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

(Actually Tass corrected me and I was looking for the Mage's Guild, which I thought was the tower. But yeah she's headed towards the Mages guild :p )

As she watched the monster slowly leave her sight, she started to laugh. Whether it was from relief or not was kinda unclear, as the way her voice pitched, it sounded more like a desperate confused laugh. She started to breath in slowly, her chest burning from pressure. Coughing up a spatter of blood onto the floor, she slowly limped her way towards the Mages guild. Hopefully.. she'll be able to rest once she arrives there.
This is a disaster, I can barely move. If one more thing tries to hurt or rape me... I'm finished. I can't hold on much longer..Her head ached with each pump of blood her heart delivered. Gasping desperately for air, she needed to remain conscious.
Just a bit further... just a bit..

(sorry for the short post I have to go somewhere for a work meeting :p)
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

As Gervia would head out in the direction towards the Mage's Guild, she would hear a high pitch shriek, undoubtedly from a woman, "EEEEK! SOMEONE HELP US! PLEASE! THESE THINGS ARE TRYING TO RAPE US!" The voice cried out, it was coming from the north west out in the direction of a forest. If she would decide to head out to help the woman, she would find a nubile purple haired woman and a slim but shapely blonde haired woman being attacked by slimes.

Dark Slime 1 HP=45, PP= 45, EP=30
Dark Slime 2 HP=45, PP=45, EP=30
??? HP=???, PP=???, EP=???
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

(oooh.. harsh.. playing with her head.)

The scream echoed through her head. She was in no condition to fight. But there were people in trouble. Yet if she headed into combat the battle would quickly be lost. But she couldn't just ignore them... they were helpless, even more so then she would be. Perhaps.. perhaps she could at least provide them an escape.

She breathed in, and inhaled deeply knowing that she would be committing suicide by doing this, but she couldn't just ignore a cry for help. As the pounding in her chest proceeded, she headed north towards the screams....
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

As Gevira would arrive in the forest's edge she would find the two women lying down on the ground with the slimes converging on them, their feet and lower legs covered by the vial viscous creatures, their clothing starting to dissolve already, "Please! Miss, you have to help us! Get these things off of us!" the purple haired woman cried out, "Please I don't want to be raped by these disgusting things!" the blonde cried out after her.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

She couldn't leave, but she couldn't fight. So what could she do? If she charged head in, she'd be obliterated. If she left, those woman would forever be traumatized.

And it was more slime. Setting it on fire had seemed to work last time. But she'd have to make sure that she killed them all in one shot! But if she used too much, the woman would be caught on fire as well! Maybe...

She concentrated, closing her eyes and imaging the trees around the monsters. There!!

Opening her eyes, the her veins pulsed through her face, the power that she was having to uproot a tree. She outstretched her battered and bloody arms, flexing as she pictured an illusionary version of herself ripping the plant from the earth, roots struggling to cling to the floor as they are snapped from the strain. Everything today was just pissing her off, these monsters, violators, they had no sympathy or feelings. Just letting their mindless instincts take over and kill and rape. Animals..

"You bastards! Let them GO!"

With one psychic swing, she hurled the tree horizontally at the slime monsters, hoping she could at least heat both of them and allowing the woman time to flee...

(not sure how much mana would cost, do what you think is appropriate. (think Byokugon off of Naruto :p) )
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira: HP 1, PP 32, EP 43-8=35
TK Attempt: Fail

Gevira closes her eyes and concentrates on the large tree and manages to lift it..... about three inches off the ground, before the stress and strain on her mind becomes too much and the it comes crashing back down to the ground.

Duo: HP- 40, PP- 50, EP, 30

As the slimes hear the tree crashing to the ground, Gevira would kneel down panting before hearing the two women giggle as the slimes would reconverge on them, slowl covering their bodies, before the two would eventually become joined to the hip. "Silly girl~" they sang in an aquatic sounding voice, "We were never in any real danger~ Now you'll get to be our food for this evening~" They taunted as they as they jumped towards Gevira attempting to grapple her.

Duo Grapple attempt: 17+20=37 vs. 25, Success
Charm attempt: 40vs13 Success

As the conjoined women grab and restrain Gevira they garb ahold of her face and turn her hrad to where she is looking into her eyes as they suddenly glow a deep violet color, "Why don't you stop resisting and have some fun with us, cute little one?~" They sang out to Gevira as she would start to feel herself suddenly get warm, her head beginning to swim and fell fuzzy and her crotch begin to itch.

Aphrodisiac -1 to Resistance
Gevira: Resistance 12, HP 1, PP, 32, EP 35 Charmed for 27 rounds
Duo: HP 40, PP 50 EP 30-10=20

((Sorry, but unless this was like a little tree or something, its simply too heavy for you to lift, even psychically which is why you failed. Also if I did charm wrong feel free to let me know and Ill fix it.))
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

As she panted for breath, she could only hang her head in shame as she failed. She had tried to help, but she was too exhausted. I'm so sorry..

Suddenly, she heard something along the line of a giggle. But the woman were screaming earlier.. so... She lifted her head to see the two creatures, woman.. slimes?

"Silly girl~" they sang in an aquatic sounding voice, "We were never in any real danger~ Now you'll get to be our food for this evening~" It was...

They leaped upon her before she could even finish her own thought. Already binding her with their slimy arms, she struggled and screamed. "What?! Why?! Why are you doing this? I tried to help you! This was a trick?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" She started to sob in panic, hysterically screaming from both the frustration of being manipulated and the fear of what was about to happen.

One of the woman forced her to look into her eyes, and for a moment, she felt at peace. He screams started to grow quieter, but she still continued to cry."W-w-why? I thought.. I thought you were in danger. I have to help my sister.. don't do this p-please." While the charming effect of the spell had made her calm down, it still hadn't completely made her unwilling to fight back.

(Struggle to escape grasp.)
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

Gevira escape attempt: D20+25=44 D20+32=48 fail
Gevira armor tear damage: 30-4=26
Duo attempt to shift clothes: D20+24=41 vs D20+25=40 success
Aphrodisiac:-6 to resistance, 5 resistance

Unfortunately, Gevira is just not able to overpower her foes as the conjoined women manage to keep a hold on her. As she continues to struggle she would hear a ripping noise and see the Siamese slime twins tear her armor around her left breast a little bedew sliding it out of the way, letting her shapely globe fall out, " You have pretty breasts, human girl~" they sang out together hotly into her ear before giving it a little lick, "Don't worry, we'll let you rush off to the boring old mage couple if you cooperate and let us have some of your pussy juices and fluids~ if you let us have what we want we may even let you go~" they said hotly into her ear as the heat, itching and throbbing in her breasts and sex began to intensify and her breathing would become raspier, hotter and heavier and her pussy would begin to freely leak it's love juices.
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

"N-n-no.." Was all she could muster out, the feelings were becoming overpowering, her nipples growing hard as diamonds, and she could feel her pussy growing sopping wet, her juices were starting to flow down her thigh and was already starting to wetten through her dress and panties.

Her chest heaves and breathing increased, her body was growing hot extremely fast, and she was losing more and more will to fight against this.
No, I can't... it's.. but it's too good.. stop please..
The tears continued to stream down her face, but her sobbing started to become heated moans of arousal.

((Guess she's pretty much screwed. :p Hot detailed sex scene away! X3)
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

"Stop?~" the slimes sang out as one head began to lick up and down Geviras neck sendin tingles down her spine and causing her to shiver in pleasure and anticipation, "You surely don't want us to stop plsying do you?~ Look your pretty little nipples are as hard as diamonds already~ and your sweet little cunt is already sopping wet~ You're liking this aren't you~" as the blonde headed half began playing with her nipples, pinching them, licking them and flicking them causing her even more arousal and sappin her will even more.

Duo foreplay 2d6+3 5+3=8 PP damage
Aphrodisiac 1d6 per round of exposure -5 resistance
Gevira status: HP 1 PP 32-8=24, EP; 0 resistance; horny

The duo slime girls let out another aquatic giggle, "You know you want this little one~ just lay down, take off this nasty old armor and let us fuck you and feed on your sex juice and well be on our way okay?~"
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

No.. stop... She couldn't speak anymore, her body betraying her mind as the aphrodisiacs took control of her body, making her virgin cunt sop with wet honey. Her legs spread, offering her soft flesh to the woman as she continues to moan and pant lustfully against her will.

It's true... I do want it. It's so hot.. I can't help it. I need it.

((now details! X3... )
Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

The conjoined girls giggled wickedly in Ther singsong aquatic voice upon hearing Gevira's weak lustful confession. "That's a good little girl~" they sang as they would slowly split apart, the blonde haired half pulling down on her arms stretching them out and apart before glueing them to te ground with some of their slime; as the purple haired one would move to her lower body before splitting her legs apart and sticking them to the ground giving her free and easy access to the woman's honey hole and anus. The blonde haired would gently force Gevira's mouth open to feed her some of her slime, "There, there~ be a good little slut and take your medicine~" she sang out as she forced the substance down her mouth and throat.

She would then begin to squeeze, massage, rub, slap and tease the girls tender hyper sensitized beasts, occasionally taking her nipples into her mitt and biting and suckling on them. Meanwhile the purple haired girl would begin lapping at her drilling cunt while slowly and gently inserting two of her fingers into her anus, stirring up her bowels. Everynow and then she would stop licking at her pussy to lick, suck and bite on her clitoris. Every action pushing her further and further to a mind shattering climax.

Gevira Status: HP 1 PP 28 - (2d6+body/3=16) = 12, EP 35-8=27; Horny, Grappled
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Re: Gevira (Sponge) GMed by TentanariX

She was barely able to struggle as she could feel them literally pasting her to the ground with their bodies. They were imprisoning her with their own selves, and only humiliating her more by shifting about her arms and legs so that she was totally exposed to whomever might be passing by, if any. Maybe if somebody heard her...

"Help! He- MPH!" She choked and gagged as the blonde started to shove some of this foul stuff down into her throat, forced to swallow less she choke to death.

"There, there~ be a good little slut and take your medicine~" the blonde sang out as she forced the substance down her mouth and throat.

Hearing that she started to cry again. She wasn't a slut! She'd never even been with a guy! She was still a virgin! They were raping her, and she didn't want it! Only her body did! It wasn't her fault!
She gasped and writhed about, feeling the woman play and massage her nipples, toying with the sensitive nerves that would only send pleasure to her thoughts.
I can't give up... it feels so good though, but I can't give u- NNNHHHGGGH! Again her thoughts were cut off short as she could feel the other woman starting to suck and lick at her pussy. She'd never felt these kind of feelings before, and they were overwhelming! Her hips began to buck towards the womans mouth, her body obeying the reflex command that the brain was forced to give upon extreme arousal. Something was beginning to burn inside of her, and the more they teased her the more she needed to let it out! Even the fingers in her ass felt pleasurable combined with the assault on the rest of her body. She tried to scream again, but her vocal cords only released moans and pants, she continued to choke and consume that vile liquid they fed her, she could feel her stomach being filled.