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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren, his wand already in his hand, took two shots at the Vampyre with blasts of light.

((Offensive light magic at the Vamp. ))
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

He watched after her, an unreadable expression on his face. His thoughts however, were roiling and it was a long time until he could get himself to sleep.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

"Worthless sky rats... you don't deserve to call yourselves avians." Flow spat as the opponent she faced off against unexpectedly took a sharp dive, careening downward faster than she could catch him, and slamming into the ground below.

The larger group below scattered in every direction, and Flow could tell that none of them got a good look at the group that was chasing them... She immediately assumed they were terrified of how quickly a counterattack was launched, and were probably scrambling to escape before the larger force arrived... completely unaware that there was no larger force coming. It was the only reason a group this big would scatter rather than rallying together to finish the battle... unless this whole thing was a trap, meant to surround Flow and her companions, but such things were far harder to pull off in the air than on the ground, and the fear of a secondary force was heavy in the air.

Pushing herself through the air towards the other harpy that had been battling their pursuers, Flow hoped to either cut the battle short and regroup, or to at least be able to follow from above some of the low flying ones, her vision darting at all of the scattering pairs, as she turned to loom above several of them, anxious to see where they were going, but not eager to push another fight.

(actions... uhm... general fluff? Try to catch up with the last one if he doesn't escape, end the fight (support magic on allies rather than taking the battle directly), and ... wait to see what happens?)
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

"Ugh.... wow... pretty sure this is the result of a night of drunken fun..." In her dazed state Celine started to think out loud. "Uhhh... I was pretty sure something bad was going to happen... err... I think I was... maybe?" She turned in a circle to get a look at her surroundings, stretching a bit and trying to shake the feeling and leaning against anything she found nearby to catch her breath. She still felt like getting out of here as fast as she could, but a few moments rest couldn't hurt. Watching the rest of the crowd may yield some clues as to what happened, which would be nice. Maybe if she found the oracle again she'd ask what happened, though as her memories slowly came back it was obvious something went wrong, quite possibly her own fault. That could be an awkward conversation, but potentially worth it. Once she caught her breath Celine would go seek the oracle out.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

The woman turned and tilted her head to one side. "Oh, you're that cat fellow," she replied, perhaps not realising how insulting it is to refer to a member of the proud nekomata race in such a way. "Heard you were sniffing around for nasties, don't tell me you caught Moyra's scent," she adds with a soft laugh. "I don't mind spending a moment to talk to you, you're fairly easy on the eyes," she answers, and putting aside her laundry for a moment. "Did you want to talk here, or would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" she asks.


Distanced even only slightly from the Nekomata, the sirens were suddenly very aware of the many unfriendly eyes on them. The half dozen or so the militia men scattered about still had their hands upon weapons, although none were in a position about to attack. To call the situation tense would be an understatement. Still, no one looked like they were going to start something just this moment...
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Battle Map:
Meaghan - HP 30/36, SP 2/8, WP 15
Turn Order:
28 - Beasts
21 - Meaghan


Pouring her power through the blade until it glows a dark red colour. Griping it with both hands, she steps forwards and swings it at the beast, the tip of the blade carving through its flesh like a knife through butter, causing a spray of blood and forcing it back slightly. Bringing it around to her left, she whirls it in an arc and slashes back across, further driving the beast back with a howl of pain and another spray of red mist. Then, she feels the true power of the sword, its appetite now whetted, surge forth and delivers one final horizontal slash, carving cleanly through the beast as if it wasn't even there, a shower of blood bursting into the narrow passage as the beast collapses in pieces.

But even as she savoured her bloody victory, the sounds of more of them approaching could not be ignored, with the sounds of movement echoing from behind her and just ahead to the left. There was at least one more on the way as well, to her more immediate right, but it was still some ways off yet. With them coming from both directions, it was further down the path ahead that one rounded a corner, coming into sight first although she had time to rush it first.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan licked her lips, her heart pounding with excitement as blood ran in rivulets over her skin. She tasted it, felt it on her skin, and craved more. She turned her head to look over her shoulder, eyes flashing in the darkness as she spotted another of the creatures emerging from a side tunnel.

With a hungry howl she spun, heel crushing a bit of intestine beneath her foot as she charged forward, slashing her blade first at the beast's neck, then its torso.

(Two normal attacks against Beast 3, using free movement to get to him)
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

As the oracle searched over the body of her fallen enemy, she found nothing that resembled a conventional weapon. Her wristbands, from which the pair of ribbons she had used to attack with, were difficult to tug over her hands, but not impossible and eventually she had them placed aside. As she held them briefly, she did feel that, unsurprisingly, they were enchanted with magical energy, although she was fairly certain they were not a weapon she could use.
((It counts as a whip, actually. I wrote up their stats and realised when I checked that they were identical so I went "hey, what the hell"))

The other ribbons extending from her lower back, however, were a bigger problem. She had not seen the Dancer use them to attack, but that certainly didn't guarantee they weren't as dangerous as the ones on her wrists. Unfortunately, attempts to simply tear them off proved difficult, the cloth stretched slightly under her grip but would not break or tear as she tugged. Even trying to grind it against the blade of her halberd, the likely magically reinforced cloth did not show any signs of wear. There was only one option remaining.

The problem was, the top she wore was very tight, Alazais had trouble figuring out where to even begin removing it. The cloth was at least flexible, it had to be for the dancer to be able to move the way she had, but trying to peel it off from the unconscious figure was a different matter. A thorough inspection revealed that there was no shortcut to the process, it would have to be pulled off her her head which means she had to sit the girl up to have any hope of doing so. Once that had been achieved, which was no easy task in her highly fatigued state, she curled her fingers under the cloth and began to pull. And the figure let out a soft groan the moment she did, catching Alazais by surprise.

With the momentary shock gone, so began the long process of her peeling off the dancer's vest. It was stubborn and didn't want to shift, resulting in a fair length of time with Alazias wrapped around the girl, groaning from strain as it slowly shifted. The dancer's light brown skin was slowly exposed further, inch by inch, every so often a new groan issued by the unconscious figure. Still, once she got it beyond a certain point, the going became easier; Alazias was able to get it over the girl's torso, and thread it off her arms with little effort once that part came, revealing the bare torso of her adversary. It was surprisingly anatomically correct, considering that this creature claimed to be made, rather than born. She had a fairly muscular build for a female, but that was no great shock considering her fighting style, but the inclusion of a naval was a curious detail. And of course, try as she might to pretend they weren't there, a small but perky pair of breasts, nipples standing firm. The shallow breathing of the unconscious enemy cause her sweat covered chest to rise and fall, there was no denying the aesthetics, this was a well made body.

It was about this point that the oracle realised she wasn't alone any more.


The villagers about showed about as much confusion as Celine had, many wondering if they had simply overdone it in their religious festival earlier that evening. Still, remembering more than they did, Celine began searching for the oracle, tracing her steps first back to where she last remembered being, then searching from there out in order to try and figure out what had happened. Following footsteps, she eventually found herself outside what seemed to be the largest building in the village, which wasn't that far from where she had awoken. Huh.

Still, she cautiously pushed open the doors to realise she had found what she was looking for, but perhaps not what she expected. Before her, a beautiful brown skinned figure, similar looking to an elf, but not quite... it was hard to pinpoint her exact race, perhaps a dryad or nymph? Either way, she lay upon the floor, seemingly naked, with the robed oracle sitting upon her legs, facing away from the door. With the oracle blocking sight to the pair of shorts the dancer had worn, Celine had no way of knowing they existed, although she could see a few discarded black garments. The figure's skin glistened with sweat and she let out a soft groan in the moments after Celine had entered, causing the girl to wonder exactly what she had walked in on.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

((Battle Map:

The light grey squares are difficult terrain, due to the rubble. Movement there costs 1 AP for 1 square rather than the usual. You can still get 1 free square of movement. The dark grey is impassible. And the square the vampire is in is elevated, melee attacks cannot strike it.
              HP      WP     SP   Effects
Satuma      20/24   16/16   6/6
Azalia	    28/28   17/17   8/8
Soren       28/28   17/17   8/8
Turn Order:
28 - Nath
24 - Soren
15 - Fel Spirits
14 - Satuma
12 - Prof. Jontus
12 - Goron
12 - Vampyre
10 - Azalia
You know the drill by now))


Nath steps forwards to cover the professor from the rapidly approaching spirit on the left side, delivering a pair of blows with his staff to try and beat it back. The beast however proves a greater adversary than he thought it was be, dodging both of his strikes.

Soren points his wand at the vampyre, firing a pair of bolts of light up at him. The first bolt of energy strikes the foe, causing him to recoil slightly, but the second bolt dissipates in the air before him as he resisted the strike.

The spirits of dark energies converge on the group, quickly moving in to surround them, with Nath and Jontus bearing the brunt of the attack, but one of them going after Satuma. Before they charges in, several of the pack let out howls that seem to inspire dread in the team, a feeling of uneasiness. As these howls reverberate, Satuma in particular feels a magical component of it try to take root, but manages to brush the effect aside unshaken.

The beast to the right flank lunges in at Satuma, its translucent jaws feeling all too real as it bites down upon her (4 damage). Likewise, the Professor and Nath come under siege from the remainder of them, but the pair mostly manage to fend them off, Nath taking a single bite.

Retrieving her wand, Satuma fires off a pair of fiery blasts in retaliation at the creature before her, the first one failing to penetrate its magical defences but the second blow striking it, causing it to growl in pain.

"Bah, infernal fields!" the professor cries, slinking back from melee, unable to perform the complex casting his tomb seemed to entail with them harassing him. Shifting back behind Nath, his movements exposed Soren and Satuma to an attack from the front. Once back, he began channelling energies through his charm and another bolt of lightning energy burst forth, aimed at the vampyre. However, this too showered in sparks before it had impacted upon the apparent ringleader of this particular circle, his mental barrier shimmering for a moment. "Blast it!" Jontus swore.

Goron seemed paralysed by the combat erupting around him, clearly not coping. His sword shook in his hand as his head darted between the vampyre above, and the creatures attacking from the front and side. He remained frozen by indecision.

Looking directly at the mage who's light spells had harmed him, the Vampyre pointed his sword at Soren and spoke a word of power. A beam of energy shot forth down the blade, flying at Soren, but the magical attack dissipated as Soren instinctively put up a mental defence against it. He was unharmed, at least for now.

Finally, Azalia picked one of the beasts harassing Nath and fired both a pair of fire spells, aimed to help suppress the creature. Both impact, the fire causing a cry of pain from the spectral creature which is followed up be an angry growl.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren reeled from the attack, determined to take out the creature that started all of this before the others could, and would, be hurt by everything closing in around him. He shot another blast of light at the Vampyre before flicking his wand down and shooting the same at one of the dark creatures surrounding the group.

(((Blast of light at Vampyre, and the same at Fel5)))
Last edited:
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Battle Map:
Meaghan - HP 18/36, SP 2/8, WP 15
Effect: Bloodlust (+2 AP per turn)
Turn Order:
28 - Beasts
21 - Meaghan


A pair of nasty blows slashed through the beast before her and Meaghan began to realise the nature of what she was up against. The wounds, while nasty, would not be enough to cause a great danger to a vampyre and by proxy, perhaps most creatures of Vira. However, the way the body ripples around the wounds, the way the magic runes flared and burned; these abominations were unstable. So heavily built for power that they were practically destroying themselves as they moved. No wonder her previous flurry had been so devastating.

Still, as strained as the one before her seemed to be from its wounds, it still had enough left to swing at her, first with one arm, and then the other. The first strike slams her against the wall in a vicious blow (6 damage), but by laying flat as she can manage against it, the other passes her by. These things weren't messing around. Recovering from the slam, she remembered that there was another closing from behind and whirled just in time to be slammed once more into a wall by the ridiculous forearms these abominations possessed (6 damage). Things were really not looking good, but the blade in her hand began to hum, bolstering her with a rush of energy. (You're at 50% health, Bloodlust activated) This extra energy could be used to possibly outrun the creatures, but she'd need to cut a path first...
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Atair was careful to keep his smile in place, despite the insult, intended or not. At her mention of 'nasties,' though, he shakes his head. "Nothing of the sort, Mistress Moyra." Her compliment, on the other hand, gave him a little bit of hope. If he could manage to keep things cordial, hopefully this would go well. As she offers to go inside, however, he shakes his head again. "Please, don't let me interrupt your work. I simply have some questions for you." Gesturing to the basket, he arched his brows a little, smile growing a touch softer. "Perhaps I could lend a hand while we talked?" He also wasn't about to high off and leave the sirens unguarded in the middle of the village. In fact, he does his best to sneak glances in their direction, making them look natural in his flirting with Moyra, just to keep an eye on the pair and make sure they're not being accosted while he's occupied.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan bared her fangs and let out an angry hiss, tasting her own blood in her mouth from split lips. The hiss itself sent a flare of pain through her chest, more than likely cracked ribs. Grasping the sword one more she pressed her attack against the already injured beast, feeling the magic coursing through her.

(2 Vampyric Blade strikes against Beast 3, and if its killed, using the extra AP to run past it down the tunnel)
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia didn't waste time. Nath was nearly surrounded and heavily outunmbered by those beasts. He needed fire support, badly. Aiming at the same beast as before, the mage decided to try light magic against it. She wasn't particularly good at it, given her affinity, but she spent many hours polishing her skills. She could cast it. Sending blast after blast at the beast, she noticed that Goron was in the middle of a crisis. "Goron!" She called out to him. "Come on! You gotta help us out! Try to cover Soren and Satuma. I'll give you some enchantments if you want!"

((Light magic at fel spirit 2, twice))
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma grimaced as once again she was bit by an enemy on this trip. She was certainly doing her job as a soldier meat shield, but was beginning to regret being a grunt when she was clearly trained as more of a specialist. She was too close to these things that she could not use her weapon of choice - only her skills with magic giving her any chance at all to fight back. She gritted her teeth and then decided to go all offense. She could have tried to be smart about it and concentrate on dodging the fiend, picking her moments, but her group was outnumbered and they didn't have the luxury of time. They needed to down the enemy's numbers now.

She stuck with fire magic as it was what she knew best, and blasted the fiend in front of her twice.

(Two more fire magic attacks targeting Fel 1)
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Whether due to her own exhausted state, or the tightness of the Dancer's garments, Alazais finds making the unconscious woman no longer a threat rather tougher going than she'd anticipated. A struggle with the wristbands, then thoroughly non-cooperative ribbons at hips and waist.. not to mention the embarrassing necessity to tug the girl up to a sitting position, flush against her own robed form. With the cuts in her robes to boot, that was.... what might one call uncomfortable.

The groan, and the lengthy process of removing the Dancer's shirt, draw a series of blushes from the tired Oracle, cheeks lighting up gold anew at every little shift and motion.. making her -extremely- thankful for the face-covering robe. The tug of top upwards, and the need to sit the unconscious Dancer up drags a knotting of a brow, and a frown from the Oracle. Rather than risk letting her captive's head smack down against the floor when the top comes off, the Oracle lifts her.. blushing again at the suggestive moan, to sit the Dancer straight.. and then, without any other real option, spreads robed legs to encircle her captive, linking her ankles behind the Dancer's back. Effectively straddling her lap, but...

Light only knows what someone would think if they walked in now..

Alazais dismisses that thought with a shake of silver head, blushing again as the motion pushes her own robed chest against the Dancer's bared skin... and goes very, very still as the door closes behind her.

".....Ah.... how dare you interrupt the Goddess in such a moment..? Can you not see that she is busy.....taking worship?!"

The best bluff she could come up with on a moment's notice, without turning around, but the exhausted tremor in her voice doesn't exactly support it. It might have fooled a mind-controlled villager.. but the lie would be obvious to anyone in their right mind.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Celine stood dumbfounded for a few seconds, blinking to make sure she had what she saw right. She raised an eyebrow and gave the two a once over, just to be sure, though the oracle's voice lent support to her suspicious. "What happened to that smooth, sure, even smug tone you had earlier?" Despite the strangeness of the situation and waking up dazed, or perhaps because of it, Celine found her self laughing. "Sheesh, if you want some privacy, just say so. I know some people get all uptight about it, but I'm not one to stick my nose in other people's business." She turned to leave, still snickering to herself. "Though don't take too long, we have a problem out here I think".
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

At first, Alazais stiffens, tugging the Dancer closer, dragging the unconscious girl into her robed chest. Then she recognises the voice, and the Oracle risks a brief glance over her shoulder.. to confirm it's Celine, and not a villager. That changes everything. With a wavering, relieved voice that makes no attempt to hide her fatigue, she offers..

"Wait... I didn't know it was you. This girl.. she's actually that Goddess.. who was in turn a servant of the very Darkness I'm come to warn against. I managed to knock her out, but.. can you help me bind her..?.. I'm hurt.."

A careful eye might note the droplets of gold blood scattered around the room, the shreds of robes.. and various reducing the arms of her once all-concealing robes to short sleeves, not to mention the gold stains only slowly drying along the bared, ivory forearms.

"She's... not dead. I just need to make sure.. she doesn't kill us when she wakes up. I presume by your presence.. the mind control has broken?"
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, MBS)

Alariël watched the group of fairies leave. Still angry about the fairies in her circle, Alariël walked away and sat at a nearby tree. Once again she looked at the crime this evil committed. Alariël shuddered at the brutality of the crime, and wondered, what could of caused this tree to turn black?

Alariël now looked towards the dryad, she was talking to one of the nymphs at the scene. Alariël now stands up, and walks towards the dryad and nymph. Alariël greets the dryad by telling her "my name is Alariël." Alariël continues by asking "Is there anything I can help you with?"
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

She seemed to consider it for a moment. "Well, I don't normally let others handle my clothing the first time we meet..." she muses with a slight smirk. "But I suppose it's okay if it's you. Just make sure you fold them properly as you take it down," she explains, demonstrating as she takes down a long but rather plain white dress, folding it a few times and placing it neatly in the basket where several other articles of clothing already sat, folded. "So, what did you want to talk about? Although I do have the disappointing feeling it's going to be all business, I don't remember the last time someone simply popped by just to chat," she says with an overly dramatic sigh and a slight smile that indicated she was aware how over the top she was being.