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Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

The tip of Soren's tongue stuck out of his mouth as the sketched, first completing her torso and then her lower body. With an aggravated grunt he put her tail in a position pleasing to the picture, and started back filling in the details. When he was finished with that, he went back to the face and said, "Pout. It looks good on your face." his head was still stuck in his journal, eyes glancing up every now and then.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

What a bizarre request, Satuma thought.

"Hey.. when have you seen me pout?" she pouted genuinely, then realizing she had done so, held the reaction and tried to pass it off as if she had meant to do it all the time. She did warm up to his compliment though. She liked being told she looked good. After all, who didn't?
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

He smiled and flicked his eyes up every now and then. "Perfect." he sketched her face, trying to hold that image in his mind and when he was done, it wasn't perfect by any means he'd have to fix the extra lines, he said, "Come here, tell me what you think."
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

Satuma propped herself up and got her tail beneath her enough to move upright as she made her way over to behind Soren's shoulder. Then she looked over at his sketch.

"It's good," she said, "But why did you have me pout?"

She didn't know why she did so, but Satuma blushed. Pouting was something soldiers weren't supposed to do often.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma heard the threat that the vampyre made against everyone and simply raised her hand cannon up and prepared to light it.

"Shall I shoot him, Nath?" she asked, hesitating only because there was a slight, slight chance this may not come to violence. Seemed fairly far-fetched at this point however.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

"Because it's cute." he said distractedly. "And it's one expression I hadn't seen before tonight." He grinned at her a moment and then, "Do you think you could take one of your military poses for me? Could you stand at attention?"
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

"Cute, huh?" she asked, smiling in spite of herself. Soren moved on quickly, inquiring about a military pose.

"Standing at attention. Yes. I can do that one." She slithered back to the bedroll area and rose tall, her tail coiling tightly in a position that gave her the ability to strike out and lunge to multiple angles in a flash. Her upper body then took on a rigid quality, and she squared her shoulders and pushed her chest out, her head held level, chin out, glittering eyes staring straight ahead, as if peering well beyond the wall of the tent, looking for all the world like a lamia statue. Without a weapon to hold, her arms stayed down by her side, her hands making fists.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

He took in a deep breath and sketched out the rough outline for this pose, adding the details in for her face, and leaving the rest to be filled in after she left. When he was done, "I think two is good for now." he said rubbing his smooth scaled head a moment. "I'd like to get some sleep before we head out tonight. I feel like it's going to be a while before I get another decent night's sleep."
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

Satuma nodded and moved around again to look at how far he'd gotten with this one. In truth she agreed with him that the pouting picture was better. There was more emotion on her face, and it seemed more heartfelt a drawing.

"Okay then. It was fun, Soren. It goes quicker than you think it would..." She put a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed it. "Get some good rest, and we'll see you tomorrow."

She smiled down at him an then made her way to the tent flap and unless he said anything further, would duck under it.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

He stopped her with a tap from his tail tip. "Would you mind... giving me a hug?" his blush was back in full force and he seemed to be looking everywhere but at her. Physical contact of any kind was a rarity for him, and he cherished it when he could get it.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

Satuma paused and looked back on Soren, taken off guard by his sudden request. She'd been afraid that touching him on the shoulder would have been too much for him, but had been satisfied that he took it well. This was pleasantly unexpected.

"A hug? Ah Soren, you're a sweetie." She slid back to him and wrapped her arms around the awkward man, holding him to her gently for several moments. "Another first?" she inquired as she backed off from the hug, her brow raised and a playful smile on her lips. His request had made her feel back on even ground with him, after she'd felt a bit off her guard earlier.

"Any other requests?" She teased, thinking she might get away with a light flirtation, since they'd hugged and were now hopefully on much friendlier terms.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

He smiled and hugged her back earnestly. When she was done, he laughed a little and said, "Yeah, another first. Thank you. For everything." Then he actually chuckled at her question, "Yeah. One more request. Sleep well, alright?"
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

"Sure thing," she said.

She smiled, then took his cheeks in her hands and planted a kiss on his scaled forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Soren," she told him with a wink, and then left through the tent flaps, leaving him to think whatever thoughts he might have about that unasked for "first."
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, MBS)

Sylvia stopped and looked over her shoulder as the nymph called after her. The dryad blinked serenely and took in the scene. The majority of the faeries and apparently the elves left to go on the ursa hunt, but one of the clever and forest-conscious faeries remained. Sylvia smiled, deciding she liked this particular faerie.

Suddenly, she lost track of what she was thinking when the nymph asked her how to help the old tree. Taken aback, Sylvia was speechless for a few moments, but it was obvious to anyone watching how she felt. Her smile was as radiant as the Sun at high noon on a cloudless day, her eyes twinkled with delight. The dryad rushed forward and placed her hand on the nymph's shoulder, her smile a mix of surprise and joy. "A fellow forest lover!" Sylvia looked over to the faerie, "And you too, I take it? It must have taken a lot of strength to leave your company behind like that."

The dryad looked over the poor tree, her smile fading only slightly. "You are correct observant little nymph. I was praying to the gods . . . and attempted to use some humble water magic to heal the tree." Sylvia paused for a moment, her smile fading and replaced with a look of perplexity and embarrassment. "But... it seems to have made the trees pain even worse." The dryad looked back to her companions, "I can feel it, the trees pain." Sylvia's face was grave, but a glimmer of hope shone in the dryad's rhododendron rimmed eyes, "Perhaps if we used some ancient light magic it would wash away the darkness that's taken hold of this tree? I trained a little bit in the use of light magic, and you have the look of a mage about you." Sylvia smiled and started to look more confident as she pulled forth her wand once again, "Yes... maybe this is just the sort of magic we need. Besides, I always say a little faith and fealty to the gods and goddesses goes a long way." Sylvia stood with her companions and got ready to cast Restore WP in tandem with her companions on the tree. The young dryad looked up to the sky and whispered a prayer to her favorite goddess. Deep inside, she asked for her protection, should the magic go wrong.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

The most travelled path did tend to mostly run in a straight line, although there were the occasional twists and turns. Still, it always remained recognisable. She occasionally passed through some small rooms with ladders up, but looking at what was stockpiled near the ladder, it seemed unlikely that said ladders exited outside the cities.

And the, she rounded a corner to find a trio of bodies laid out in her path, blood splattered over the earth. They were all young vampires, all male and each of them had nasty injuries to their necks, where huge tears had caused them to bleed profusely, the blood still fresh, warm. They also sustained attacks to their groins, which were still impaled with some crude wooden stakes, which Meaghan gathered were driven in after the neck injuries were caused, but perhaps before they had died. Probably someone's idea of a cruel joke or poetic justice, playing on the old adage of wooden stakes were a vampyre's worst enemy, and should be stabbed through their hearts, which in these three's case would appear to be their groins; not an unreasonable approximation if the guilty party were particularly bitter about certain things. These bodies being in her path was unlikely to be a coincidence, but she had a decision to make, whether to search them for clues or keep moving, these tunnels were seeming less and less safe.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan knelt by the corpses, sniffing at the spilled blood, her hands reaching into pockets looking for anything that might reveal a bit of this mystery. She had little time though, and did not want to join them, so searched quickly before quickly moving on, following the path beneath the surface.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Her quick search revealed first and foremost that each of them were armed, one had a jeweled dagger hanging off his belt, another an equally ornate sword and the last a small length of wood, engraved with designs that could only identify it as a magic wand of some variety. She also get her hands on a small amount of Dracholt currency, should she desire it, although it would have somewhat limited value outside the city unless she could find a Lamian merchant who dealt with them and had not yet heard of the city's closure.

On the one bearing a sword, she also found a rolled up scroll, perhaps containing some message. Like many, they also had a small amount of jewellery, some of which might be valuable, a few rings and pendants could be hers for the taking should she desire it. A loud from one of the side corridors, however, told her that perhaps she ought to be quick with what she was grabbing.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan snapped her head up when she heard the noise, and licked her lips nervously. Quickly grasping the ornate sword and the note, she shoved the scroll into her boot and held the sword tightly by its hilt as she took off once more down the tunnel. Her old blade tapping against her thigh as she ran, the coiled whip bouncing against it.
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Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

As her hand touched the hilt, she felt a surge of of energy, this was no ordinary sword. She'd need a chance to examine and get a feel for it properly to figure out what was special about it, but it's magical energy was unmistakable. As she ran, the grim realisation that the group of bodies all had their weapons sheathed or otherwise not out when they died dawned, whatever had killed them had caught them off-guard and done its work quickly, not exactly a comforting thought.

She heard footfalls around her, some back to one side, other up ahead, but none along the path she ran. The sense of being herded, chased by a pack of hunters established itself, not good. Definitely not good. Today sure had turned out to be one hell of a day. If she kept running as she was, eventually they would make a move on her and all things considered, it seemed unlikely she would outrun them or make it up the tunnel out of here before that happened. Alternatively, she could change direction, but that entailed its own risks; while it may catch them by surprise she didn't even know what "them" was, for certain and there was no guarantee she'd find her way back to this apparent main path.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan let out a long and frustrated breath. At least she had gotten a good fuck today... there was always that.

Wrapping her fingers tight around the hilt of her new sword she slowed, and peered along the tunnels, searching for those that hunted her. Were these some form of creatures unleashed to keep Vampyres from escaping the now sealed city of Dracholt? Or had they always been here?

Keeping her feet moving slowly down the tunnel, Meaghan rolled her shoulder, preparing for whatever was coming for her.

"I am Vampyre. I am free," she shouted into the darkness.