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ACT [ おいらん一味 / Oiran Ichimi] アイリス☆アクション / Iris Action (RE087520, RJ087520)

Re: Iris Action

Oh my. All I need now is to wait for my 20m gold in Diablo 3 to sell so I can have some money I wont have any remorse about to purchase this game.

Not saying this game is bad, but I rarely buy H-games.
Re: Iris Action

i hope there is a pregnant CG
Re: Iris Action

Oh boy, bought it and dl it right now ^^
Re: Iris Action

Not saying this game is bad, but I rarely buy H-games.

Honestly, some are not worth the price. Some even lead to intense buyer's remorse, to the point of feeling betrayed.

For this game however, just from the demo, we already know that a whole lot of good quality went into it. Hell, the demo alone was better than a pretty sizable number of H-games I've ever played. I mean, animated Game Over CGs with sound. What beats that?

I hope to see this game on the English DLsite too. I'm hoping that in spite of inevitable pirating, this game's quality will convince people to actually pay for it, even if they already acquired it through other means.
Re: Iris Action

another thing, does thing game have copy right protection? mind sharing this beauty? dont mean to be picky, but mediafire preferred.
Re: Iris Action

>I hope to see this game on the English DLsite too
Its already out on Eng section, actually.
Re: Iris Action

>I hope to see this game on the English DLsite too
Its already out on Eng section, actually.

Then WTF am I doing here. See you guys later, I have a game to play.
Re: Iris Action

how about instead of begging for a link you just wait for someone to post it in their own time out of the kindness of their heart.
Re: Iris Action

Payment Method (PayPal): G-rated=yes, Adults=no


"In their use policy, PayPal prohibits all their account holders from buying or selling sexually oriented digital goods, including downloadable pictures or videos, subscriptions to websites, or other content delivered through a digital medium.
DLsite.com follows this rule, and Payment by PayPal is available as a payment option only for works intended for all ages. Thank you for your understanding."

I hate PayPal. Fuck. I'm 24 but don't have a credit card because I never needed one. Now I can't even buy it legaly... How do I get the game now? :confused: Can somebody help me, please?
Re: Iris Action

You can.
Switch to G-rated, buy 2000 points (using Paypal), switch to Adults, buy the game (using Points).
Re: Iris Action

how about instead of begging for a link you just wait for someone to post it in their own time out of the kindness of their heart.

Uh I wanted the link to eng dlsite where I can buy it.
Re: Iris Action


English site :D
Re: Iris Action

is there a save function? I played for an hour, quit out of it, and when I started it back up, It erased my progress, and my CGs.
Re: Iris Action

from playing the demo, I believe it auto saves, and if you don't run the game as admin, it cannot write to disk/auto save progress.
Re: Iris Action

So was all the hype worth is? Cuse i havn't played it since the demo first came out like months ago.
Re: Iris Action

Shibby...bought and downloading now. Can't wait to see this one.
Re: Iris Action

Already on the last boss and jesus christ this is ridiculous. I can barely find time to hit him, and he hits really fucking hard. Any one got any strategies? I've noticed a pattern but it's difficult to get the timing right since it changes slightly all the time.
Re: Iris Action

I'm trying to figure out CG #23, 24, and 33, 34.

It seems like it needs a special condition that I can't figure out.