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ACT [ おいらん一味 / Oiran Ichimi] アイリス☆アクション / Iris Action (RE087520, RJ087520)

Re: Iris Action

Now Diablo 3 is out and I am still waiting for this, haha
Re: Iris Action

I don't know where champion got hes info, but there is no change on dlsite page for now.
Re: Iris Action

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo dying to get my hands on this game *drools*
Re: Iris Action

goddamn this needs to stop being pushed back all the time.

i wanna play it already :mad:

A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.

Just sit tight. The game will be made.
Re: Iris Action

Well, the only thing i'm able to say, is that as much as i am eager to see this game finally see daylight, i would much rather like to wait a little longer for it and see it come out all finished and well polished out, than see it rushed out and filled with bugs and cut down content.:(
Re: Iris Action

let's hope this game doesnt end up the same fate as duke nukem forever ...

checking his blog daily though, but there hasnt been any update as of late.
Re: Iris Action

let's hope this game doesnt end up the same fate as duke nukem forever ...

Last time I checked this hasn't been in development for 15 years.

Seriously, things take time. Things like this can take lots of time. Stop being a bunch of gibbering chucklefucks.
Re: Iris Action

The blog has been just updated.

Looks like yet another delay. Yay! He seems to be having some sort of issue with the backgrounds from what I can tell from the machine translation.
Re: Iris Action

let's hope this game doesnt end up the same fate as duke nukem forever ...

As in turning into vaporware for most of its production period or eventually being a turd that Gearbox shat out after 15 years of constipation?
Re: Iris Action

Ha, exactly. I don't know why people always respond to delays at "Oh this means the game is going to be extra awesome!"

Delays are more often the result of neglect than of diligence.

For amateur developers, this is somewhat less true because they don't always factor in Murphy when predicting release dates. Specifically, this dev is probably an exception to the rule and probably really is packing in more content: His trial and website updates are pretty well done, which argues against laziness.
Re: Iris Action

There's delaying a game because they found something at the last second that absolutely needed to be fixed, and then there's DNF's case where the guy in charge kept changing the engine/build to try and stay 'current'.

DNF isn't so bad if you waited to buy it for $5 or less like I did.
My only complaint is that considering it had been delayed and then canceled due to trying to stay 'current', is that I wish Gearbox had said "fuck it, nobody expects it to come out, let's put some effort into making it comparable to games made in the last couple of years and hopefully surprise a few people."
Instead, they said "fuck it, nobody expects it to come out, let's make it playable and boot it out the door."

Luckily, I don't see that happening with this game. It's just the one person, and he has pressure on him to release it soon, so I wouldn't worry unless he pushes it to 4th quarter (Oct.-Dec.).
Re: Iris Action

If you get the fuck over your absurd sense of entitlement then I think you might find that Duke Nukem Forever, while certainly not "worth" waiting 10 years for, is still quite fun to play.
Re: Iris Action

If you get the fuck over your absurd sense of entitlement then I think you might find that Duke Nukem Forever, while certainly not "worth" waiting 10 years for, is still quite fun to play.

Stopped reading there.

Tired of that word. It gets flung around by fanboys like monkeys fling their own shit.
DNF as a shooter, wasn't bad. Not as good as COD, but not so bad as to be immediately labeled shit.. But as a Duke Nukem game, it was shit and not worth the time we waited to play it.

I don't play Duke Nukem for regenrating health, only two weapons and stupid gimicks (like writing on a whiteboard while some tard fawns over me.)
I play it for guns, guns, lots more guns, exploding guns, and really retarded jokes.
It'd be like Half-Life 3 suddenly restricting you to two weapons and your health recovers by standing behind a wall. I know I'm not the only one who'd hate that.

I had the same issue with RE: Operation Raccoon City. It looked cool, it sounded cool, and I definitely wanted a multiplayer RE game (The Outbreak games were good, but this was PS2 era. I didn't have the hookup for online, and the servers have been down for years now) but the game did not feel, or play like an RE game. It felt like a cheap Gears of War clone.

The enemy AI was retarded. The partner AI was even MORE retarded. The weapons had no sense of impact. The versus multiplayer modes were unenjoyable for multiple reasons, and last but not least, the game was far too difficult. And not the good kind of difficult. I mean the kind of difficult where the mechanics and AI are broken and lead to frustrating deaths.

This may have been forgivable if Capcom had sold this as a some kind of new game, (THE ADVENTURES OF LEATHER CLAN IN ZOMBIE TOWN) but instead they slapped the RE label on it, and the game wasn't even close to what an RE game should be.

TL;DR: Fuck your "entitlement" bullshit.

On topic, I highly doubt it will meet the same fate as DNF. These are minor tweaks and (maybe) new content. Not complete engine changes and scrapping of content. I have faith that it will still be good.
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Re: Iris Action

A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.

Just sit tight. The game will be made.

I can't agree with the statement that all delayed games are "eventually" good. Fortunately for us, from what I can tell this game seems quite fun and great, so it'll be worth the wait.

Re: Iris Action

My, opinion is that fighting about a game that isn't released yet is really unnecessary.Better yet, fighting about why it isn't out yet is even worse, as there could be a thousand different reasons as to why it's delayed(whatever those delays are for the worse or for the better).So, i think that we'll only need to be patient and wait for it, without speculating about all the stupid reasons this game could go wrong(it could be a dissapointment like in my opinion Saki quest was, but it just might be that we're expecting a bit too much from this game).

Well, that's just my two cents, so you guys don't have to agree with me(but Duke Nukem Forever is a bad game, but that discussion is better left for other places).:(
Re: Iris Action

A new blogpost is up, and im assuming they are discussing the effects of the blue scarf on her back when shes moving. And if it bothers people enough for him to change it to where its flapping or something. Which of course would take more time..Though so far people in the comments appear to not really care about it.

Nothing major fortunately/unfortunately, though.
Re: Iris Action

What I want to know is what's above the character in the second image of the new blog post. Looks like it could be something fun. For us. Not so much for her.
Re: Iris Action

What I want to know is what's above the character in the second image of the new blog post. Looks like it could be something fun. For us. Not so much for her.

Im going with the likelike x roper offspring.
Re: Iris Action

A new blogpost is up, and im assuming they are discussing the effects of the blue scarf on her back when shes moving. And if it bothers people enough for him to change it to where its flapping or something. Which of course would take more time..Though so far people in the comments appear to not really care about it.

Nothing major fortunately/unfortunately, though.

Honestly I hope he makes it so the scarf on her back turns into a dragon when entering the konami code and you use it to fly off and wage war with England.