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Diablo III Discussion

Re: Diablo III Discussion

It wasn't even official, blizzard doesn't acknowledge it as Diablo cannon as far as I know. The other two classes were unlocked by editing some text file, I don't remember how but it was on wikipedia so it can't be that hard. I don't think I've liked any of Sierras new games, I think the last one they published that I liked was Homeworld: Cataclysm. Homeworld 2 was a tragedy, and after that I couldn't look at the company the same way again.
The original Half-Life and its add-ons were amazing though, some of the best FPS games ever made in terms of gameplay and story.

They did Tribes 2 and SWAT 4, didn't they?

Yes. Tribes 2 was another good one, and SWAT 4 was okay.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

SWAT was part of the Police Quest series, which Sierra also did. They were the ass kicking game makers back in the early nineties (in my opinion, many others will disagree with me here). I grew up with King's Quest.

I think they were involved with F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. 2 as well. Both great games.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Burrito, the barbarian was the first class they mentioned.

And I find it funny that they are bringing back the Monk. Yes, bringing it back, that was the fourth class made available in the unofficial expansion that was released by Sierra for the original Diablo. I can't remember what its called though...
I wouldn't qualify it as bringing the monk back, though. Seeing as how it wasn't an actual expansion from blizzard I wouldn't classify it as being part of the original game.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

bringing the monk "back" then. Still makes me smile a little.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Meh. I've had enough with hand-to-hand. Trust me, it's boring after a while. I prefer being able to spin around like a top and cut things up with big-ass swords.

That aside, Yeah. Monk looks good. I also like the ability to change the gender of the classes. No more having to be a girl to be a sorcerer or an Assassin.

Not that there's anything wrong with playing a girl character.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Also, not having to be a male to play as Barbarian or Witch Doctor.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Been a LONG ass while, but I think it's time to dust the cobwebs off this thread.

So, who here is still excited for Diablo III?
I know I ain't.
And it's not the Auction House. Oh no.
It's the persistent internet connection PIECE OF SHIT.

Have shaky internet? FUCK YOU.
Internet goes down? FUCK YOU.
Battle.net goes down? FUCK YOU.
... Well, okay, maybe they already thought of Battle.net going down and did something so that it's not an issue, but you're pretty much fucked if your internet tells you to fuck off.

Not to mention that a lot of people just like to have an experience offline.


"When you look at everything you get by having that persistent connection on the servers, you cannot ignore the power and the draw of that."
Uh, yeah, I can. Very fucking easily. You know that game that came before D3, D2? Yeah, I STILL FUCKING PLAY THAT OFFLINE.

Now, I think I get what Breakenbricker is trying to do. He's trying to say 'hey, look, you know all that stuff you would normally have to save to YOUR computer and take up space? Let US handle that stuff for you, so you have more room!'
At least, I THINK that's how this would work.

In any case, how dumb do you have to be to not realize that there are a LOT of people out there that LIKE their offline experience?

"You're introducing a separate user flow, a separate path that players are going to go down. And, at the end of the day, how many people are going to want to do that?"
PLENTY, Mr. Brickenbender.
Hell, I think with a LOT of people, it's simply because they don't have the OPTION to play offline that pisses them off.

Now, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about whether or not they'll be buying the game.
I'm just trying to get this off my chest here.
Perhaps I'm being silly and irrational. Perhaps.
All I know is, my gut is telling me this is a BAD move for D3.
Last time I didn't listen to my gut, I wound up shitting fire for a week.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

God fucking dammit
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Have yet to play Diablo 2, but I agree. Even SPORE had a offline mode, and it got all it's creative content from online downloads. Making even single-player interactions require online is both idiotic and unneeded.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

yeah, we all want an offline mode, but at the end of the day, the impact on their sales wont break the 4th digit.

and it will stop pirates for a full 17 hours.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

This is annoying... granted I'll probly still get it cause I'm always online as soon as I open my computer anyway... but I always remember the times I didn't have internet and missed out on so much because developers focused on online for the most part.

Back when Half-Life 2 first came out, it was mandatory to be online to register the game when you got it. That irked me, cause I couldn't get the game. This isn't the first game to do this sort of thing though.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

I still have Diablo 2, bought it way back when stuff came in boxes and shoes were made of wood. I'm still looking forward to Nr. 3.

I don't worry about the devs wanting to force me to be constantly online. Nor that they introduce a cash shop wich is a horrendous rip-off.
Or that they want their share from the auction house money like back alley thugs.

Because I'll get my Diablo 3 into offline mode. I'll be able to play singleplayer.

And they wont see a damn cent from me.

And yes I am a thief for doing so, also a hypocrite for not taking the high road and not playing it at all. But in comparison to what they are pulling off, my little evils are truly smalltime.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

That's not generally something that's openly admitted around these parts...
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Blizzard: The new Ubisoft.

I started detesting Blizzard from the day they made WoW. Blizzard was a small company, an underdog. Warcraft 1 and 2, Diablo 1, and Starcraft 1 are all games I still consider to have done something special for their time. Sure, Command and Conquer was out there competing with the *crafts, but they had their significant differences that kept Blizzard's games special. Even after the abysmal failure that I consider Diablo 2 to be, I still had hope for Blizzard to return to their roots of caring more about the customer than money. Then WoW. Yah, pay-to-play wasn't new then, but to me, it seemed like a blatant way to claw more money from a dedicated fan base. For me, it seemed like a betrayal, a sentiment that only increased when I head that you had to pay three times for Starcraft 2.

Blizzard Employee 1: "Hey, I've got an idea! Let's make a game, cut parts out of it, split up the story mode, and make three times the money on it!"
Blizzard Employee 2: "You're now the VP of making money!"

Now Diablo 3. Fuck you Blizzard. If I buy a game, I want to be able to play it how I want, when I want and not be treated like a god-damn criminal for it. The bullshit that guy's spouting about it not being about DRM convinces me not in the least. I have a similar problem with Steam and other platforms that insist you install something on your computer in order to run a COMPLETELY UNRELATED program. I caved to Steam only for Civilizations V, but even then it felt like I was compromising my integrity for the profit of companies that didn't need or deserve it. I've since uninstalled Steam and got cracked versions of all the games I've bought. I'm not stealing the games, I just want to play them the way I want to play them.

Hmmm... After writing that and taking a moment to reflect, I wonder what I'm getting so worked up about. I've been boycotting Blizzard's since WoW and this news won't change that. I won't buy Diablo 3, I lost interest in the franchise from a pure gaming perspective with 2. Maybe it's just because other gaming companies will see this and go: "Hey, they're getting away with it, let's do it too."

As much as I like my PC games, I'm afraid there'll be less and less of them that I'll be willing to sacrifice my beliefs for. Sure, it may seem like a silly thing, but then, I also don't shop at Walmart out of similar reasons. But then, there's been so few games coming out in the last few years that I have any desire at all to play, and those that have have almost all been exclusively console games. This is partly why I'm trying to get into video game development: No one is making any games I want, so the only option is to make games that I want.

*sigh* This post is mainly just me venting... after reading those news posts I was just filled with so much hate that I had to find an outlet. So yah, long story short: I'm not buying or playing Diablo 3.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

As far as Starcraft 2 goes, While I get that it pisses people off that it's coming out in three parts - all of which are full priced games - IF Wings of Liberty is any indication, they are pretty much their own games.
Perhaps not worth $60, but $45-50 I could see.
Though, honestly, I'll wait for the Battle Chest with all three in it to come out before buying it myself.
And if they don't do that, well, guess they get to not get my money.

As far as WoW goes, as much as I hate it, there is no way you can deny it set the bar for games that came after it.
Sure, a MASSIVE FUCK-TON of those games copy-pasta'd, but there are quite a few games that took that build and improved, or even looked at the build and said 'huh, let's use this as a reference, but focus on making our game unique, because we don't like a lot of stuff that's there'.
Also, personally, it's not really WoW I hate, as much as it is the people who play it. Sure, some of them are fine, but the vast majority that I've run into are ignorant fuck-tarded twats. Maybe that's just me, though, idunno.

Back on Diablo 3.
So, apparently it's going to be region-locked? Haven't gone to look it up yet, just saw it as one of the comments on 'NerfNow!'.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Back on Diablo 3.
So, apparently it's going to be region-locked? Haven't gone to look it up yet, just saw it as one of the comments on 'NerfNow!'.

Well great. This probably means I only get German audio, which is something that generally pisses me off when companies do it. I mean, Darksiders downloaded a big-ass patch specifically to change the language BACK to German after I installed it in English (fuck you very much, Steam).

Actually, I never considered not buying Diablo III. It was like I just submitted the minute it was announced. "Herp derp it's Blizzard so I have to have it derpaherp." Maybe I will just skip this one. It's not like there's not a million other games with similar gameplay.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Well Torchlight 2 should be coming out sometime this year.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Well Torchlight 2 should be coming out sometime this year.

Torchlight with co-op vs. World of Diablocraft...

tough choice. /sarcasm
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Just pointing out that there's going to be a better alternative to Diablo 3 this year in an attempt to stop all the complaining. I honestly don't get how people don't expect this kind of thing from big name developers. These days I expect the worst only to for the fact that I may be pleasantly surprised when a game I'm waiting for comes out.

Also, your avatar has stopped moving.