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NZA - Slayer


Oct 6, 2009
Reputation score
Alright guys! Time to generate a character for a yet unknown adventure!

Here's what we need you all to vote on!

Name: (Not really a vote but someone name it)
Gender: (This campaign is hotter with a female in the lead but male can do.)

Ambition (Motives in General):
A. Power
B. Wealth
C. Justice
D. Fame
E. Thrill
F. Knowledge

Weaponry Type:
A. Sword
B. Spear
C. Axe
D. Bow
E. Fists (Harder Mode, score mod +1)
F. Whips
G. Blunt

Class Type:
A. Hapless Villager (Harder Mode, score mod +1)
B. Warrior
C. Mage
D. Thief
E. Healer

There is a story that will be revealed after people vote on what character type will be generated. If this character dies, the final accumulated score will be posted with the character name and a new character can be generated. There is a main goal, there is a plot, but it is an open environment and world. It is advised you understand that the threat of death is high, and you will probably be killed or raped by a series of strange creatures, involving those of a bestial nature. The setting would seem to be akin to a Castlevania like setting and is an old campaign I ran ages ago.

Campaign World: Slayer
The Long Explanation
The world is low tech, essentially before the mobilization of gear used by our world's standard Medieval Ages. In a world alternate to this one, in a dimension parallel, is a mirrored world where instead of science their society developed incredibly powerful magic.

Wiring the invisible lines in their bodies through the ages, their society became a race of people capable of causing incredible change. Eventually, their sciences led them to discover the secrets of interdimensional travel to one realm - yours.

A curse was crafted where like puppets, those afflicted would bend to the will of the caster. Worse, this curse was like a bomb and would not activate until triggered by the caster. This curse spread itself whenever people opened up in intimacy, infecting people by the thousands like a terrifying unknown plague. Then came the day when the invading force decided your world was ripe for their picking. With the snap of their fingers and an incantation, they had taken over the world in an instant. Roughly forty percent of the population of people were affected, bearing a mark on their body that shows their brand. They search the world and do the bidding of their masters.

Your village is on the outskirts of the plague, but will surely meet the same fate. The puppet master of these poor people is most definitely sitting in the throne of the nearby Castle Tribune, as it is the center of the plague of this area.

However you intend to do this, you should choose wisely. If you make one wrong move, you will lose your life. In the end you are only mortal, and one against an infinitely produced army. You must steel your soul and heart, make allies, and truly delve deep to solve this terrifying disaster before there is no hope left for your people.

The Short Version
There's a castle nearby filled with crazy rapist monsters who will have their way with you and kill you, hopefully at the very least in that order. Get in there, kick ass, don't fucking die. Kill the Castle Lord.

Also if everyone is terrified of their character dying and wants them to go into retirement (who may or may not be able to be used later, essentially save data for long term use) if like eight people vote the character takes refuge in a fortified city than you can create a new character. If old characters were turned into fodder for plotline purpose, you may encounter them again. Such as if you now are taken by the curse and a zombie.

There is an invisible stat system. The more your character does something the better he or she becomes at it. I keep notes about these things.
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Re: NZA - Slayer

Ambition: E
Weapon: Can we have a knife/dagger?
Class Type: Thief
Re: NZA - Slayer

Ambition: E - secondary: B (though she sees Wealth as her primary goal, she will often pass on wealth for more exciting or fun things to do)

Weapon: F - The whip is classic for a castlevania-style game. But she should have the ability to wield an array of weapons when in a pinch. And a dagger for backup certainly seems appropriate.

Class: D - While a warrior seems like it might fit well, magic classes are a bit more hesitant. As a castlevania style setting, we're bound to find magic items and the occasional usable spell, but giving free roam of magic is always tricky, since you start asking questions about why a trained mage can't do certain other things with her power. Ultimately, Thief types are more fun to find caught someplace they shouldn't be at, and more likely to choose clever tactics (that can backfire <3) over straight fighting leading to an eventual winner, making it a funner choice to have as the main char.
Re: NZA - Slayer

Alright, those were fairly in unison so those two will work. Now decide her features so I can be descriptive!

We need someone to now suggest what her physical build will be. After someone suggests it we need someone to vote yes on it or no on it. After that stage, I will continue on to describe the beginning. :3
Re: NZA - Slayer

As a thief she should slim but very fit, excellent muscle tone, but not HYPER. She should obviously have a nice bust. Maybe C-DD or perhaps even A or B as long as they had nice shape and definition. I think either blonde or dark hair would be good and I'd say brown, blue or green eyes. She should wear simple leather armor, something akin to a ninjas gi that covers her whole body and is very form fitting, sort of like a Sheikahs outfit LoZ. Also covering most of her face. With a back pack for carrying gear (ie: grappling hook, smoke bombs, caltrops, etc.)
Re: NZA - Slayer

I said A , B or C would also work, Nanie. Just as long as they have nice shape. :3
Re: NZA - Slayer

Alright alright, sounds good to me. However I want another player to vote yes on it too first. :3 And yeah I reread that and deleted my post because I was like 'First off I'm being stupid, it's a fantasy game anyway so I shouldn't be -that- strict' xD
Re: NZA - Slayer

NZA Slayer Hero 01: Katerina

Ambition (Motives in General):
E. Thrill

Weaponry Type:
F. Whips

Class Type:
D. Thief

You are allowed three other survival related items with you on your character creation. The first slot is presumably taken by a Combat Knife. You will also have a little bit of spending change for when you happen across towns.
Re: NZA - Slayer

I vote for a very slender girl, A or B cups would be adorable, especially if she's teased about it from time to time. Or skip straight to an ample cupsize for dirty play... (I'm a gal of extremes. I don't like average for games like this. Sue me.)

Shiekah's outfit I disagree with though.

I think we should either go more ninja-like, with the whip being a Belmont-clan style hand-me-down that she timidly wields in between bouts of combat with her other gear (Whip primary weapon, but she tries to rely on subweaponry often), and just play it to a silly extreme (big surprise I'd vote that way)... (charpic idea: )

Or actually step back into more traditional fantasy style, a thief using mundane-ish looking gear to fit in, while slipping into darker clothes, cloak, and possibly a small face covering and hood while actually doing thiefy-things. That way what she's wearing will stand out more when she has unusual outfits on, and it can actually be played up in towns and cities she visits, rather than always letting it slide by as merely part of the continuity. (charpic idea: )

Note: Charpics are outfit based, not looks based.
Re: NZA - Slayer

I think we should either go more ninja-like, with the whip being a Belmont-clan style hand-me-down that she timidly wields in between bouts of combat with her other gear (Whip primary weapon, but she tries to rely on subweaponry often), and just play it to a silly extreme (big surprise I'd vote that way)... (charpic idea:

I second this part... Through, I like the character in the picture itself..
Re: NZA - Slayer

Alright, so about B sized breasts, stealth type gear and whipping action. You have two items you can bring along, someone list one and someone else list another. They can be anything, but not something that you couldn't just pick up in a fantasy low tech village. For example, you could have a wood cutting axe but not a blaster rifle.
Re: NZA - Slayer

I second this part... Through, I like the character in the picture itself..
*snickers* If we use her, I would recommend a slightly more 'proper' outfit for going around publicly. Although the one she wears there gives me a little snicker and think of clothing damage during combat :p

Her hand-me-down could be re-tailored slightly to be more ninja-like, or could actually be a random whip, being an unusual weapon for a ninja that she struggles to wield properly, which could make for some interesting encounters if we are doing a Castlevania style setting where certain enemies may only be able to be harmed by the whip.

Depending on magic scope for the RP, a few ideas for weapons (A quick glance at the wikipedia entry on Ninjas gives a wide array of ideas for gear and weapons)...

-A Katana, a weapon typically used by ninja-types, although this could easily be shifted into a variety of other swords that may be more typical to a fantasy setting.
-Shuriken, the vague term used for ninja-throwing weapons. Again, a set of throwing daggers could easily be applied for pure-fantasy.
-A grappling hook, an obvious choice for ninja and thief alike.
-Herbology! Less of an item, more of a skill with the vague notion of being able to make simple poisons and remedies using local herbs, this could be considered an item as a small scroll/book on the topic granting the ability.

Or, not to go too insane, but we could even slip into simple gunpowder mixes adding...
-Explosive and Smoke pellets... an offshot of the skill-book-as-an-item from above, creating small devices for flash bombs, smoke bombs, and even (limited) attacks.

Or if we wanted to delve slightly into anime culture and mythos around ninjas, we could grant something like...
-Scroll of Ninjutsu... granting several minor ninja magics...

Personal pref...
1) Grappling Hook goes without saying, it's too obvious she needs one.
2) Shuriken. Can't do awesome ninja stuff without good ranged weapons, and it fits the castlevania style to have a throwing secondary weapon.
3) A katana/sword. As I said before, I can almost see her being clumsy and uncertain with the whip, often falling back on her normal weaponry for various reasons. *shrugs* I like the notion.

That would leave the rest of her abilities as things she could obtain through play, buying or finding skills as part of her adventures.
Edit: Gak, long post. And others posted before me. Uhm... Short answer, since grappling hook is taken, I'd go shuriken/throwing knives. It fits the setting well, and fits her role well.
Re: NZA - Slayer

Since knives and throwing knives are closely related I'll say that's a freebie.

1 Leather Whip
1 Combat Knife + 10 Throwing Knives
1 Grappling Hook

You have room for one more thing. You -could- take the sword but you do already have a slashing weapon.

Also yes there is clothing HP. Wise to think about that. >D

Lest a Lunus get ya.

Additional Note: You don't have to exactly be human. If you wanted to field a half breed animal eared girl like in the picture, this is acceptable.
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Re: NZA - Slayer

Since knives and throwing knives are closely related I'll say that's a freebie.

1 Leather Whip
1 Combat Knife + 10 Throwing Knives
1 Grappling Hook

You have room for one more thing. You -could- take the sword but you do already have a slashing weapon.

Also yes there is clothing HP. Wise to think about that. >D

Lest a Lunus get ya.

Additional Note: You don't have to exactly be human. If you wanted to field a half breed animal eared girl like in the picture, this is acceptable.

Let's just drop the last choice as an extra set of clothes and get started then <3

So we'll have our daily clothes (less standing out, more common place) and our combat clothes (ninja gear >:3 see pic as 'damaged' outfit may eventually become that).

@Additional note: We can be neko if they're world-common, otherwise I say that it's a headband and part of our ninja outfit, helping distract from our face and features during combat/stealthing, so our little thief won't be detected as easily. If Nekos are common... then she'd hide them under her hood / under a hairband the same way she'd hide her face. (Tail optional, but if neko, I'd say yes to one.)
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Re: NZA - Slayer

Nekos are incredibly uncommon, but existent. The magical race is comprised of many strange humans, humanoids, and anthropomorphic creatures. Anyone with these traits is considered incredibly rare, exotic, a little feared, and to have incredibly potent latent magical power.

There are drawbacks to this and benefits to this, but I will leave them to your imagination. First post edited, check it out. If you want to be a neko confirm it. ^^

Edit: Personally I love nekos. <3
Re: NZA - Slayer

unnecessarily complicated plot is unnecessarily complicated.

Well let's go with a neko then. Hiding her ears (and tail) for day to day purposes, so she doesn't stand out.
Re: NZA - Slayer

Katerina is currently in her hometown Silesia. Silesia is fairly untouched by the curse and usually those found to carry it are dealt with immediately. Your town lacks decent military strength and is a very small settlement - this place will definitely not be safe for long.

Along with her she takes a backpack concealing her stealthy ninja outfit and a length of rope with a grappling hook affixed to it. In the pocket on the side are the ten throwing knives which she feels confident in her skills with. She wears travelling clothes which keep warmth in easily while offering protection from wind and rain. On her side is a leather whip fit for lashing beasts with forcefully, and a combat knife stowed in her belt.

The area around the town is thick with forest. There is a trail leading west which heads toward your eventual destination; Castle Tribune.

What does she do? (It's a super open environment so, first one to say a logical response controls the character. :p)

You can move places, examine something, get information about something specific, or do whatever.

Edit: Sidenote, this is an NZA world. It's usually going to have insane amounts of backing to it so that it is a free range world with almost infinite potential. :p
Re: NZA - Slayer

(This level of open worlded-ness isn't quite typical of a CYOA, but it has potential, just watch for player who have differing goals trying to sneak in and redirect our main char from time to time...)

Since we're in our hometown it's likely that we've met everyone there and most of them should know our girl is a neko. Idle exploration of town then is technically not necessary...

My vote: We start by heading through town once and seeing if anyone there has something important they want to talk to us about. (NPCs with vital info always have big icons of some kind over their head :p Or more realistically, townsfolk would try to stop and talk to us if they see us and have something to say.)

So my vote: take a stroll through town, see the sights, get any outstanding quests... (More town description? Other paths to/from town? What does the town have for bars/taverns/inns/shops/etc. Anyone special we should note, like a mayor or some mentor figure?)

After our trip through town, it's time to stalk off into the danger zone to do some idle battling. We haven't fought much evil stuff (that we know of o.o) so getting a bit of firsthand experience would prove quite helpful in our quest. I vote we take a major road that seems generally 'clear' and try to see if we can lure smaller monsters out for our first combat.
Re: NZA - Slayer

Unfortunately, the streets are fairly empty of people at the moment. Those that you do come across don't seem to have anything particularly interesting to say. You get the feeling that though they seem to think your cause is noble - whatever it may be so long as you oppose the curse - it's still foolish and will lead to an early grave.

You do however see a few shops that sell weaponry and various tools. If you looked for something in them you may find them. (The way shopping works is every town has a Wealth value. Your town rolled 14/20. Depending on how great an item is it will add a modifier to the chance it will not be there, then I roll to see if it is. You can technically therefore look for anything.) Should you decide to shop, you currently have 250 gold.

As far as special authority, your town is incredibly small. It would have a mayor, guard captain, and a few other lackeys of little interest.

Talk, Shop or Explore as intended?
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