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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Low event SED players obviously can't kill other people's SEGs before someone stronger does. :p

Nah, they can, but they've gotta devote a substantial amount of time to refreshing the support window, or get lucky. Also, low event SED is kinda subgective... Sza has 900k+ base, so assuming he/she has both the normals maxed, that's +1.44% without spending anything on or using earned event gatcha tickets (which sza has bad luck with). That can't 1-shot many SEG's, but lower SED friends can still send help requests for regular EG's, and really anything under 1.5m Hp that other friends send requests out for can be picked off without pudding. Does it suck? Absolutely. Is it salvageable? Depends how quick they fix it. Some EP can still be gained, as can a fairl number or rewards, although it will result in a loss of rank.

I can -only- assist. Problem is the sharing has slowed down -a lot-. I wonder if a few others have gotten zombified as well.

..actually, looking back through the list, they're being shared, I'm just missing all of them.

I'll see what I can do about sending more share requests. I'm good as long as I place in the top whatever that's needed for the limited, guessing SEG sharing will happen more as the week progresses though, I'm assuming people are trying to solo the lower level ones for SEG kill counts (and I have no problem admitting to being one of those). Once a few people get the limited, the shares rates will go up on them.

Edit: Currently on my 4th refresh for a weak attack kill-shot on a SEG I'm supporting against. Very annoying.
2nd Edit: I'll try tossing you a few non-batch support requests to keep you going. Difficult to say how much HP they'll end up at though, so you might not end up with much in the way of EP from them.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

well another issue (and why I'm missing so many) is I'm doing something in another tab, and thus I can't keep PPS running because of the website bug (the js clock/banner thing crashes the chrome tab if I switch to another tab.. this was happening to Angelic Saga too [when I still played that] whenever it ran an event clock, too), so I'm fresh launching PPS every 10-20 minutes just to check on it.

I really wish Nutaku's website team gave us the option to turn the clock off.

..and yes, my SEG progress has -completely- stopped. I was pretty much relying on getting credit from the ones I spawn myself. I've given up on trying to get last hits because that's a guaranteed hang/crash. Basically the only chance you have at those is to have high enough event SED to get a giant last hit in (before everyone else swarms in trying to get last hits.. I have a suspicion THAT's what's causing the hangs), which I DON'T have because I don't have -any- event SRs (yanno, DESPITE having spent $20 -on this event alone-)..

I'm.. just gonna stop posting for a bit, because thinking about all this is just making me more and more upset.

I'll see if things improve tomorrow.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Man those new slayers are doing work. You know 2.5x is a lot when you see a 500k player doing 15m.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

well another issue (and why I'm missing so many) is I'm doing something in another tab, and thus I can't keep PPS running because of the website bug (the js clock/banner thing crashes the chrome tab if I switch to another tab.. this was happening to Angelic Saga too [when I still played that] whenever it ran an event clock, too), so I'm fresh launching PPS every 10-20 minutes just to check on it.

I really wish Nutaku's website team gave us the option to turn the clock off.

Didn't even know there was a clock issue. I use firefox and generally have about 10 tabs up, although I do try to limit the number that have video ads, flash, streaming, etc (not uncommon for me to have PPS and 1-2 other Nutaku/dmm games up though). Personally, while I like google as a company, I think Chrome is incredibly overrated (and honestly kinda lousy. Hell, I'd choose Firefox, Cometbird, IE, or even Opera over it, but that's just my opinion, and people are free to disagree).

..and yes, my SEG progress has -completely- stopped. I was pretty much relying on getting credit from the ones I spawn myself. I've given up on trying to get last hits because that's a guaranteed hang/crash. Basically the only chance you have at those is to have high enough event SED to get a giant last hit in (before everyone else swarms in trying to get last hits.. I have a suspicion THAT's what's causing the hangs), which I DON'T have because I don't have -any- event SRs (yanno, DESPITE having spent $20 -on this event alone-)..

The swarm theory is incorrect, the crashes happen even if you try to finish one off solo.

Man those new slayers are doing work. You know 2.5x is a lot when you see a 500k player doing 15m.

I'm a 400k player doing almost 13m, and I've still got one R and SR in the 90's, and the beta R is still at level 1 (rare wilds are in fact kinda rare...). They're brokenly powerful, plain and simple.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Honestly, my enthusiasm is all but gone, and PPS is the last Nutaku game I currently still play. They said to wait til tomorrow on twitter, so I'll wait til then, but this is pretty much my final shred of patience.

Yeah I'm in the same boat here. Pero is the last game from Nutaku I have the patience to play but if they keep shitting on all the events...I just don't have the desire to keep going.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Nutaku Facebook
"Stay focused and build up your EP to get awesome rewards and items to help you along in your journey.
Remember, Support EP is received with a delay."

So now they just start to lie. Just awesome.
By the way, yeah, still missing rewards from phase 1, break on Totalling Event Zero, Crashes, Other stuffs.... Oh boy.

Bullshit, just woke up stuill didnt get any support for SEGs i punched :/

And by some miracle rawr is 1/3 of way to getting his card :p

[edit] and i just hoped there is no more lag now... but it's back... great
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Bullshit, just woke up stuill didnt get any support for SEGs i punched :/

And by some miracle rawr is 1/3 of way to getting his card :p

[edit] and i just hoped there is no more lag now... but it's back... great

It was 100 already when the phase 2 started.
And yes, still problematic, but I don't know why it is suprising. They just said, "Come back tomorrow". We have a whole 24 hour to come back -.-
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

"Come back tomorrow". We have a whole 24 hour to come back -.-

Quite frankly they would need to do 3 things to get back good will they just lost now:
-fix fucking servers
-fix SEG support
-add 1 extra day of event because let's be frank it's unplayable now
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Quite frankly they would need to do 3 things to get back good will they just lost now:
-fix fucking servers
-fix SEG support
-add 1 extra day of event because let's be frank it's unplayable now

You missed one:
-fix the missing items

- Servers: Nothing to fix on the servers. The servers can't handle the player base and the traffic which is funny because we talk about a company who host games. I guess the only thing they try to do is stop the fire whit this:


- SEG support: That whould be nice but I'm a little skeptical.
- Bonus Day: When that happened? Only if the problems occured in the beginning, not in mid term.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

@up my point exactly, IMO they will do fuck all.

If only thing they do is post info on FB that 2nd phase of event started, well knowing that it's all fucked and not trying to adress it in any way, banning justin from their twitter for asking if SEG will be fixed etc... basically what i'm saying at this point i don't believe they care.
They don't have their own bloody forums and on forums where game is discussed Nordland comes once every 2 months answer 1-2 less important questions ignoring 95% of others and that is all they do as far as contact with their playerbase... hell they even stopped answering support tickets.

Someone compared them to EA... i call bullshit, EA might do shit games (also they do good ones) but their support is EXCELLENT.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm not inclined to think they'll do much if anything either. They seem to have a 'milk them for cash until they get pissed enough to quit' mentality. Not particularly unusual for game importers, but always annoying.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You guys are still trying? I closed the tab 1-2 hours into event yesterday after it kicked me with an error, and still have no desire whatsoever to load the game.
That's saying something: I was waiting for localized PPS the most, stayed loyal to it even after newer and less buggy games came out, and tried to justify their actions all the way. But everything has its limits.

What saddens me most is how Nutaku said that they have much more leverage and in turn responsibility over PPS development than any other game before. Instead of making it better, their involvement managed to make it worse: PPS employed the most obviously money-grabbing changes, some of which we were able to fight off (like slayers changing mid-event), some stay despite nearly breaking the game.
They took PPS, which is practically a synonym of gatcha-themed CCG made right, and managed to cripple it so hard even hardcore fans are turning away. Sure, they got a quick buck out of it, but in doing so they nearly ruined chances of this game taking its rightful place in popularity. Worse, their reputation in hardcore audience took a blow.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Ehh to think i was waiting impatiently for english KanColle... now i'm waiting with fear.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I just tried to check if Anything has happened. It was 1.5 minute to click twice and see my SEG elimination doesn't changed, so close.

Grab the money and run. That's a common sickness these days. The problem is, it's the worst business policy. The Marketing, SEO, UX... everything start to realize that, because with the right words, right design and right managment it's possible to create not a user base, but a fan base. And that gives more money in long term. Nutaku.... they are really far from that.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

aaaaand it's 7th (yes i'm counting) SEG i could and would kill but game decided to hang when i clicked attack button and someone else got the kill when i refreshed the game... thanks Nutaku, not only you mess up with mechanics but your servers are screwing me out off my chance to get this card doing it YOUR WAY

[edit] btw nordland was online 9h ago, guess she does not care to adress issues we are having in any way :/
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

aaaaand it's 7th (yes i'm counting) SEG i could and would kill but game decided to hang when i clicked attack button and someone else got the kill when i refreshed the game... thanks Nutaku, not only you mess up with mechanics but your servers are screwing me out off my chance to get this card doing it YOUR WAY

I really respect your endurance.


[edit] btw nordland was online 9h ago, guess she does not care to adress issues we are having in any way :/

He/She write rarely in the Osawari topic and that's all.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

So i guess strategy is concentrate on newest game and screw all alse.

That sounds like pretty solid logic with their grab a quick buck off the game mentality. Sucks, but makes sense from a very short-term business point of view. Kinda glad I've been taking the surcharge for paypal when I've tossed them a few bucks, wouldn't surprise me if people's data ultimately ends up getting 'stolen'. And to be very clear, by stolen I mean sold under the table.

3 Slots open if anyone wants them, just toss me an invite. ID: 984510
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

aaaaand it's 7th (yes i'm counting) SEG i could and would kill but game decided to hang when i clicked attack button and someone else got the kill when i refreshed the game... thanks Nutaku, not only you mess up with mechanics but your servers are screwing me out off my chance to get this card doing it YOUR WAY

[edit] btw nordland was online 9h ago, guess she does not care to adress issues we are having in any way :/

That's been happening to me too, but after refresh my focus is gone and I've gotten kill credit (if I hit it in time)

EDIT: Just happened again, on yours in fact. Still allowed me to get credit. Weird.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

That's been happening to me too, but after refresh my focus is gone and I've gotten kill credit (if I hit it in time)

EDIT: Just happened again, on yours in fact. Still allowed me to get credit. Weird.

In my case even if i try to kill my own normall boss that i have not shared with anyone and i hit attack, game freeze i reload it and 80% of cases i still have 6 focus and need to attack again, sometimes it does attack and its dead when i refresh.