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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes, she was to be the spoon of sugar in the cup of salt I expected, but now she's the cherry on top.

Is she better than Chydis? Who do I prioritize for leveling and AW as my main healer?

I'd say the one that looks better to you is the one to prioritize. Long length average strength skill vs average length strong skill. Camilla is better long term with SAW but not enough that you'd need her leveled right now over Chydis.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Camilla is stronger than Chydis. Not too much though. Camilla is A tier and Chydis B tier. It's definitely worth leveling her. The priority she has depends on how comfortable you are with your healers at the moment. I got mine on DMM two months ago and didn't level her yet, since I'm doing fine with Saria and Marle.

It all depends on your timing. But yes, gateway unit is okay as well. Being a gateway unit is one way of being a ganker after all.

Also, I was kinda interested in the numbers. Therefore I had a look at my own roster to see how many of each role I have.

Core units (the first role always being the role I use the unit for the most, after that other roles in decreasing order; do note that the units may have other roles I just don't use them for):

Silvia: Duelist, Tank, Ganker, Token Fighter
Cornelia: Tank, Duelist
Prince: Tank, Buffer
Siena: Ranged Melee
Kasumi: Ranged Melee
White Emperor: Ranged Melee, Ganker
Sherry: Ranged Melee, Anti-Rush, Duelist
Nanaly: Physical Ranged
Dolce: Physical Ranged
Livre: AoE Ranged, Token Fighter
Thetis: (Waifu) Anti-Rush, Ramp, Duelist, Ganker
Uzume: Ramp, Buffer, Anti-Rush
Amy: Ramp, Token Fighter
Lieselotte: Ramp, Anti-Rush
Saria: Burst Healer
Marle: Multi-Healer
Moltena: Token Fighter, Magical Ranged
Vivian: Buffer

Additional units kinda regularly used (sorted after decreasing useage):

Nadia: Sweeper, Duelist
Rakshasa: Ganker, Staller
Spica: Physical Ranged
Cypria: Anti-Rush, Ganker, Duelist
Chloe: Gateway, Sweeper
Aria: Ramp, Anti-Rush
Leona: Ramp, Physical Ranged
Eterna: AoE Ranged, Damage Healer
Kanon: AoE Ranged
Belinda: Magical Ranged, Staller
Mehlis: AoE Ranged
Miruno: Melee Ranged

Role: Core units with main role , Core Units with secondary role | Additional units with main role , Additional Units with secondary role
Duelist: 1 , 3 | 0 , 2
Ganker: 0 , 3 | 1 , 1
Gateway: 0 , 0 | 1 , 0
Staller: 0 , 0 | 0 , 2
Tanks: 2 , 1 | 0 , 0

Ranged Melee: 4 , 0 | 0 , 0

Physical Rear: 2 , 0 | 1 , 1
Magical Rear: 0 , 1 | 1 , 0
AoE Rear: 1 , 0 | 3 , 2

Anti-Rush: 1 , 2 | 1 , 1
Sweeper: 0 , 0 | 1 , 1

Burst Healer: 1 , 0 | 0 , 0
Multi-Healer: 1 , 0 | 0 , 0
Damage Healer: 0 , 0 | 0 , 1

Ramp: 3 , 0 | 2 , 0

Token Fighter: 1 , 3 | 0 , 0

Buffers: 1 , 2 | 0 , 0
Debuffers: 0 , 0 | 0 , 0
Armor Breakers: 0 , 0 | 0 , 0
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I usually just run Marr and Chydis and thats all i ever need in most cases, with a priestess warrior. The gold one. Soon to be replaced with my recently received min cost 10/10 plat one, when it comes affection day.

Also as much as i link that new black bandits ability, i honestly can't get over her looks. I don't mind me some dark skinned girls, they can be just as good as white skinned, but damn. Black with blonde hair? Wot. Not even going to roll for her, if i get her randomly ima use her but nah, i got my cards done this month. by the time its new card, its new gatcha too.

That said wouldn't mind camilia for some variety. Oh also both Camilia and Chyhdis are better then Liana - literally the only black i am going to discharge if i ever get. Better use in RC due to the sheer amount you get, for a platinum - statted unit.

Also damn, looked at 2AW for Marr and apparently she gets even more range and a 4th heal. 255 range ain't half bad, for a feng-shui user. 5 off from a healers CE BASE.
With all these unit arts, it would be nice to be able to swap them, like in many other games where you upgrade a unit and their art changes, you usually get a thingo to select your favorite art.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

After an initial onslaught of golds and silvers... I FUCKING GOT HER IN 14 DRAWS.
We did it mates... we fucking did it...

Congratz Camilla is a power focus healer, while Chydis gains extra range with her normal skill (and a bit more time and range with s.aw) Camilla is better to heal units that have higher amounts of hp since her numbers can easely scaled over the 2k. So Camilla is for duelist what Marne is for burst type units.

Regarding Amanda, you have a solid duelist in her, but there is a certain amount of irony with her.... You see she is sister with Dina, Dine and Pupuru xD Yep she is the daugther of the flat master Cyocyo..... Enjoy!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Arguably, chydis could be better then camilia for mass healing because you can utilize the additional range to add another healer to the fray. Realistically, why not both? If you got Camilla, you can get chydis easy.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Don't worry Commander, the Paladin trio is here! We'll keep your sword out of the Dork's hands! :V

And with that, I'm done. Though, the Alt account messed up on one map so it's behind, but it'll be done soon as well. But the Main is off to do dailies and level up stuff. Maybe next week we'll get Len and if we do I'll be preoccupied with that as I wanna get the Len I have AW'd on the Main account down to at least 10 cost if I can.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

With all these unit arts, it would be nice to be able to swap them, like in many other games where you upgrade a unit and their art changes, you usually get a thingo to select your favorite art.

Since you are talking about 2AW I assume you are talking about DMM? DMM has the option to chosse whichever art of a unit you like and swap between them at any time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Since you are talking about 2AW I assume you are talking about DMM? DMM has the option to chosse whichever art of a unit you like and swap between them at any time.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

the only limitation is if you went sorc despia but like holy witch art you cant pick the holy witch art only sorc and her previous arts
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Also as much as i link that new black bandits ability, i honestly can't get over her looks. I don't mind me some dark skinned girls, they can be just as good as white skinned, but damn. Black with blonde hair?

I would call you and your taste names, but I don't wanna get -100 rep from Toxic for "insulting" people again.

This is the age of the gyaru.
It is a good age.
Gyaru is olev.

Now if only she didn't get that retarded Garfield cat on her AW art and also didn't LOSE HER TANLINES :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:, she would be perfection.

You see she is sister with Dina, Dine and Pupuru xD Yep she is the daugther of the flat master Cyocyo..... Enjoy!

What do you mean? That they're all by the same artist? I mean, Amanda and Deine are hardly flat, aren't they?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I would call you and your taste names, but I don't wanna get -100 rep from Toxic for "insulting" people again.

This is the age of the gyaru.
It is a good age.
Gyaru is olev.

Now if only she didn't get that retarded Garfield cat on her AW art and also didn't LOSE HER TANLINES :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:, she would be perfection.

What do you mean? That they're all by the same artist? I mean, Amanda and Deine are hardly flat, aren't they?

Certainly, the black and blonde i may have been willing to overlook if not for the pink and black leopard-like pattern clothes and big ass cat combo, like holy fuck

hes staring into my soul

"You wanna fuck my amanda, ima fuck you first sonny boy"

Since you are talking about 2AW I assume you are talking about DMM? DMM has the option to chosse whichever art of a unit you like and swap between them at any time.

Well, i figured 2aw would come in the future, Do you think art swapping will come in the future too?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, i figured 2aw would come in the future, Do you think art swapping will come in the future too?

dmm is just the future version of us so everything they have now we will get eventually
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I'm trying to get into Aegis as something I look at regularly rather than once every few days. I don't mind the grind, but it takes a hell of a lot o grinding to get anyone to a manageable level. Most of the team I use is between levels 20-25 with a couple I managed to roll at level 30.

There's no real way to play this casually, is there?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you are fine with skipping perfecting event units for some time, you can be as casual as you want. Scoring a collection-purpose copy doesn't actually need that much of an advanced team anyway :p
You actually expected to skip your first few events that way anyway, to build up your core team.

But yes, if you want to top most difficult missions needed to perfect events, you'll have to work for it :cool:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

or you can be me and get enough SC to make 10 premium rolls and score nanaly, sibilla and mikoto and was able to do all the events not skipping any. I did, however when i started - i think if i recall, pagan altar was my second event - i max skilled and min-costed, but failed the 50 level start thingo. My first, was a gold rush - was pretty easy.

But yeah, my advice - Figure out a core team. I have a set of units that do 95% of the missions, usually blind, sometimes a second shot for the 3rd star, fringe cases, i need to swap some out for others.

When you are only focused on a few units, its a lot easier to manage. I'd pick either a tank/duelist, an archer and a healer for starts, perhaps. then again, relatively new here still.

This event is the best to skip, were it not a star rush (free SC) everyone would skip her probably.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I'm trying to get into Aegis as something I look at regularly rather than once every few days. I don't mind the grind, but it takes a hell of a lot o grinding to get anyone to a manageable level. Most of the team I use is between levels 20-25 with a couple I managed to roll at level 30.

There's no real way to play this casually, is there?

The beginning is the most grindy by far. Once you get past a certain point, it's actually one of the least time-consuming waifu collectors out there.
Spamming premium gacha just makes it a bit more grindy since you have more (and weaker) units to spread out your exp on, and more units you have to keep track of and swap in/out.
Just focus on leveling up your prince, leveling up a handful of strong units, and doing the occasional daily or challenge quest.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Don't be too afraid of the dailies, they kick the crap out of challenges. Grab katie and level her if you are lost, shes good in like, 75% of maps. You probably want a good healer / archer too.

And yup, trash the hell out of that charisma pool, get to the point you can atleast sleep and not overflow.

Oh, and apparently its a good idea to save up to expand the barracks, then buy the second and third one before you do any gatcha, advice i did not follow, but ended up with them anyway, managed to scrounge some SC up. Yes, they are really that good, i don't even know what i'd do without them, it'd be a literal mess.

Also, Neil has a dick (It's a herm) - Could be your thing, might not and leeanne is packing some muscles. If they are your thing pretend i didn't say anything, otherwise silently thank me later. Ha.
And no, Lets not continue the discussion on Neil, i am very happy that ended. If you like neil, you like neil. If not, hes not hurting you by existing.

If anyone asks, it was just my master plan all along of getting you know who banned. kek.

Anyone think its worth farming a little for emilia? hardly ever use her, got her from gold rush, didn't CR or SU her at all though, got her to 3/5 -2 from the 2 copies i got from this event tho.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Why does the game give us so many bloody Emilias? I swear, we've gotten more of her than any other event Platinum.
She's also one of the event units I most easily Max-skilled/mini-costed, so all these duplicates have had little use.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Feed them her dupes to your other valk. Balanced and delicious 2xEmilia+2xSpirit diet will make them grow big and healthy :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

emilias are anything but healthy