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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I think My pops have that kidney stone too like 13-14 years a go
Too many drinking soda...... too less drinking water
But he's fine now , so I'm sure You will too
Get well soon m8:)


Okay... so now 3 days straight with no Rosalie
ASAP the stamp is change to Nov-Dec
I will spend SC , truly this is a troll :V
Hope for one unit , You will be given another unit

I didn't really fond of Lynn , but now I have her 14-16
This is not really a much number , considering his -CR and +SU is quite hard
While Rosalie the one I want , I only have 2 untill this day:eek:
And Mortimer...... I have 5 of him now
My base will be wrecked by Bandits!!!!!!:eek:

This is making me Thinking
I've been trolled by the game:(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I probably have the wierdest luck, since when I spent $100 I managed to get 3 blacks, which means I have more blacks from gacha than plats from gacha (I just figured I could get a spotlight unit, didn't even get Sophie. Also the only princess I'm missing now is Lillia.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Everything is forgiven. 10 premium spins, 2 black 1 platinum 2 gold. Oh mercyful Demoness, praise be.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I probably have the wierdest luck, since when I spent $100 I managed to get 3 blacks, which means I have more blacks from gacha than plats from gacha (I just figured I could get a spotlight unit, didn't even get Sophie. Also the only princess I'm missing now is Lillia.

That would bother me so much considering how much I rolled for Lilia, only to get multiple plats I already had (Dahlia, Adele, fucking Cypria, etc.) and at least one of every black except Nanaly, back in the day.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So , the stamp is giving out 17 green crystal
What I want to ask is , does this green crystal too will dissapear in 180 days like SC?
Coz I'm not planning to do the summoning in near time
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sophie and Olivie from summons. Used 200 crystals but worth it :D (as long as I don't check bank balance)

My Lynn is also at 50CC52 with 13 UP and 7/10 skill. Can't remember what UP she starts at but think I'm almost at the limit.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Aigis sama has been whispering to me, trying to tempt me to blow all my free sc on premium summons for that angel. My will is growing weak, the sight of oppai tempts me even if I know I'll waste all my sc and get nothing.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Whelp, just spent 150 SCs and here's the results.

3x Alissa, Harissa, 2x Mortimer, 2x Giovanni, Daniela, Elaine, Sanosuke, Soma, Dorca, Calliope, and Leeanne

3x Mehlis, Vincent, Robert, Conrad, Stray, Themis, 3x Iris, Kojuro, and Cuterie

Victoria and Bashira

What annoys me is a friend of mine had only 50 SC and we rolled together, and she walked away with...

Elaine, Lauren, Cecily, Dorca, and Leeanne

Stray and Bernice

Thetis, Sakuya, and Liddy

I'm also now up to 340 Sacred Crystals spent on Premium Units and haven't rolled a single Black. That statistic that says you get a black every 67.5 SC? Complete. Bullshit.

The only upside is that I now have two potentials to CC next; Iris or Mehlis.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The only upside is that I now have two potentials to CC next; Iris or Mehlis.

Go with Iris, a cheap gold healer is miles more useful than a cheap gold mage.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The only upside is that I now have two potentials to CC next; Iris or Mehlis.

67 SC for a black is ridiculously lucky, I just got 2 for 100 each which I think is very lucky too. 1 in 200 would probably be a good bet in my opinion, so hopefully you will get yours soon.

And definitely get Iris first. You will be surprised the difference a good healer makes.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

2 Blacks in only 100 SC spent? Heh if only I were that lucky, I end up spending 150 and manage 1, though I'm not about to call bs on "67.5SC per 1 Black on average" as that's only 1 person's "luck"...on that note though, I now have 2 Berna.....1 from last month and one for this month.... not sure to feed and -1CR and 2/5 SU the main one or not, but if I DO go with that it'll definitely be after I cc20~ the feeder with 3 fairies cuz free expz and 100% SU/CR all in 1 go. Given my previous luck in other gacha type games, definitely wasn't expecting to get a duplicate Black, let alone pull more than 1 from gacha to begin with.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Aigis sama has been whispering to me, trying to tempt me to blow all my free sc on premium summons for that angel. My will is growing weak, the sight of oppai tempts me even if I know I'll waste all my sc and get nothing.

Yeah , those oppai is awesome:p

That's why I've been investing all My SC to Lv instead
Since I already have a hunch , I will get no Black out of it
160 Here I come:D 16 Stamina , meaning cheaper SC to spend in the event

Spend 100$?
Whelp...... I've already Pre Ordered Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Fortune [Collector's Edition] on Play-Asia
All DOA's Girl Oppai's are even moar AMAZING IMO:p

Still got few SC's , I dunno......
From the looks of it , DEC Stamp will be only Special:rolleyes:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah , those oppai is awesome:p

That's why I've been investing all My SC to Lv instead
Since I already have a hunch , I will get no Black out of it
160 Here I come:D 16 Stamina , meaning cheaper SC to spend in the event

Spend 100$?
Whelp...... I've already Pre Ordered Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Fortune [Collector's Edition] on Play-Asia
All DOA's Girl Oppai's are even moar AMAZING IMO:p

Still got few SC's , I dunno......
From the looks of it , DEC Stamp will be only Special:rolleyes:

I've been playing since launch, so I didn't even need to spend sc on leveling since I'm already 180. :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Fuck every single one of you that wants to be all ego because you're a high fucking level or you have every black in the fucking game.

This is one of two reasons why I want events to be spaced out. Number 1, so I can attempt to level up and get passed mother fucking Castle Retake. And number 2, to spite you guys. Not all of us are level 150+, jerks.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's been nine fucking months since the game came out, what do you want us to be?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Number 1, so I can attempt to level up and get passed mother fucking Castle Retake.

You can get past it, you just choose not to since you won't accept below 3*.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's been nine fucking months since the game came out, what do you want us to be?

Freshly lv15 and struggling with Pastoral Gate? But joking aside, I'm not really sure why people get mad about others posting their units, I rarely speak about mine because people get butthurt WAY too easily and I don't care to add to it. Though if we're going to talk about our Black Units, I have like...3? Not including Saki since she's from Trading Post and anyone whose spent some time farming Thursday's Crystal Keeper can get her. Sybilla was my first Black from gacha, and then I got Berna twice. In fact I have less Platinums from gacha, and I'd rather have some of the Plats instead, unfortunately the only Black unit I can think of that I really would want is Altair, but she's not even on the English version and probably won't be for a good year or two by the rate we're going.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Fuck every single one of you that wants to be all ego because you're a high fucking level or you have every black in the fucking game.

This is one of two reasons why I want events to be spaced out. Number 1, so I can attempt to level up and get passed mother fucking Castle Retake. And number 2, to spite you guys. Not all of us are level 150+, jerks.

If you are in such a hurry to get to a higher level, spend your crystals on charisma refills and spam levels which give a lot of prince exp. You can't expect to get far in the game super fast without having to push out some serious cash. Heck, I'm level 153 and I haven't rolled a single black yet but I'm doing fine in all the events because I started playing relatively early. Most of the higher level players leveling was done before the auto-complete button so catching up would be pretty easy.

In other news, some 20 runs and 9/10 skill monk girl later I finally get the soldier drop on the last level!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just to throw this out there, you will average 1 black every 113.8 crystals as opposed to the 67.5 number thrown out there.