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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would quickly interrupt Jessica sorrow with a kiss, her gentle touch firmly holding her lover by the cheeks, before letting go and pulling back "Jess, this may be a dream, but I'm real here. Don't run, at least listen alright?" judging by Jessicas mood and words she didn't seem quite fully here. Or atleast didn't quite grasp what was happening... but Rikke needed her guidance on her next actions.

"Jess..." she make sure to keep eye contact with her "I've met Yenna and beat her in combat. She's going to deliver a message to the sisters that I want a show of good faith from them." Rikke would pause to make sure Jessica was hearing her "If they do so, I'll need to meet them. I can't defeat them and the Master at once, so I'll try to make an alliance. Can I trust them not to turn on me... at least for a while?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess seemed to perk up from the kiss. "I-I don't know... they want me and you are the key to that......" A much louder clash of steel echoed nearby as well as another flash causing Jess to stand up. "He's here!" Suddenly without warning Jess resumed her bubble and zipped away. Meanwhile a familar cry echoed out as angelic Janet came crashing threw the trees her sword broken, its silvery shards scattered around. "Come out come out where ever you are!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jess! Don't give up! I'll be there I promise!" Rikke cried out as she felt the time was up. Unfortunately her lover besides providing comfort of her presence, did little else this time. The rogue quickly dashed to Janet and looked her over if she was conscious "Okay, time to wake up. Come on. Follow me."

Rikke knew the voice, she really didn't need to see to know of his arrival. Still, how did he follow her here? More importantly why did the Master have such a immense presence in ,what Rikke could only guess, were her dreams... or subconscious.

If Janets is conscious help her up and run.
If Janet is unconscious, run to the side and taunt the Master via a shout("Looking for me? Over here!") to lure him away from her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading over to Janet Rikke tried to help her up. Pulling on her slightly Janet let out a cry of pain. "S-Sorry Rikke I- I need to rest...." With that Janet went limp though Rikke could see that she was breathing. Dashing out of cover Rikke began her taunt only to see the Master standing above a vortex. He stood tall and true with the swirling mass of water below him. Eyes like smoldering fire scanned the area till they locked on her. "There you are... you left something unattened when you left... and Im not very happy about that." He turned slightly revealing his massive tool. "Forget this nonsense and come home. We can revel in the dark delights for as long as you want."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well there goes the plan to hide and wait it out till the end. Rikke sharpened her eyes as the Master saw her and walked out with a lovely sway, though kept herself a very generous distance "Oh? Whats that?" of course the light turn would soon enough reveal his meaning, the sight almost making her gasp.

"Oh that." her eyes looked the tool in question from base to tip, before shaking it off "You want me to forfeit my soul, who I am. For what? One wild fuck and a lifetime of being your whore?" Rikke crossed her eyes "Sorry Master, even your cock isn't worth that much." rogue smirked teasingly looking him directly in the eyes with clear defiance.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"This is why I like you Rikke. You never mince words. You are one of the few mortals to have defeied me and lived. So I will make you an offer. Be my queen. You will keep your soul and most of your freedom. Think about it anything you could desire would be yours. Weath, fame, men, and woman. Even your sweet Jess would be yours. All you have to do is swear abosolute obediance. And really is that so bad. Come take your place by myside. All you have to do is suck my cock and take my essence into you."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Color me a sceptic Master, but your reputation precedes you." Rikke wasn't buying it "Between the fact that I have no reason to believe a word you say and how vague your offer is, there's a lot of kinks we'd need to work out before we get that cock nice and wet." though just his presence and communication with him seemed to ever so slowly work on her.

"Tell me, what happened to your last queen? Got bored?" still as defiant as ever she'd continue.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The master raised an eyebrow and looked at Rikke. "You freeded her remember? Or have you forgotten the Peslies already." The master grinned knowing full well that in the end if this kept up Rikke would be his. "I will admit she wasn't fully commited to the idea. I may have gone about the wrong way but still while she was my queen none of her desires went unfullfilled."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum~ Unfortunately she did not really bragged about it. Besides the fact that her soul was corrupted, her body changed and she had turned so vile, that the whole mansion and all the servants were converted or murdered on the spot." Rikke paused "Or raped. By you." reminding her of the mansion seemed to not have the effect sought, Rikkes eyes narrowed as her stance switched from casual to far more aggressive and battle ready "Once free from her influence she was once more a nice girl. Freedom and keeping ones soul huh?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't be so prideful your offer is the first of its kind. A willing partnership instead of a forced one. To be queen of your own choosing is where the power lies. You would not be a conduit for my power you would be a power in your own right. Not a slave but a ruler. I will give you time to think about it and as a gesture of good will I won't kill your little angel friend here." The master looked over as a shadowy tendril pulled the anglic Janet from the trees holding her by a leg. Setting her down the master retreated down the vortext around him returning to normal till he was gone.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With him finally gone Rikke would sigh in relief. Unfortunately for the Master, the offer or 'Show of good will' did not win the rogue over. Though she would most certainly remember it... Either way, Rikke would quickly dash to Janet and smile kindly "It's alright he's gone" she look to where the Master previously was with some dread, before continueing "For now atleast."

With that Rikke would hopefully open her eyes, to once more return to the physical world.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet placed a hand on Rikke's face before fading away as Rikke awoke to a bird thrashing a snail on a rock. Looking about it seemed she had driffted off in her previous spot. Further inspection showed Sam filling her canteen from the stream while Janet fried something in a pan. "Morning sleepy head." Janet streched and brought the still sizzling skillet over to Rikke. "Caught some rabbit down the hill thought you might like some acutal food instead of all the berries and fuit we've been eating."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

How strange. Sam was still female? Well either way today was going to be quite a busy day... Rikke sat up and yawned lightly, before lazily stretching "I need to stop oversleeping so much." the heroine snickered playfully and pulled the dropped sheet over herself, covering her generous bust lightly "Do you even sleep? Down and back up here by the time I wake up."

Still soon enough Rikke would stand up and get back into armor, though trying to avoid giving too much of a show to Sam "I have the strangest dreams here. You can't even imagine... Must be the air or altitude." she smiled kindly to her friend, the memories of her dream all too clear.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Really? I slep like a babe though I did wake up kinda sore this morning. Must have been the rocks." Setting some of the cooked rabbit on a plate for Rikke Janet walked over and goosed Sam who gasped. "Come on now if you keep doing that I'll never turn back!" This brought a giggle from Janet as she went about packing up her gear. In short order the camp sight was cleaned up leaving the trio to head up to the ruins to await the sisters envoy. Choosing the same house as before the girls watched and waited. "Do you think they will be honest with us Rikke?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would join in on the post-goose mischievious glee, a huge smile on her face at the action. Honestly, if she didn't know about Sams issue she'd have too much fun messing with the stranger er... person. Though as things were now, she already felt guilty for keeping Sam as he was for as long as he was "Hurry till theres still some left~'' with that they could atleast enjoy a decent meal, the holy spring providing ample water for their trip.

As they neared the ruins Rikke would motion them to wait "Honestly Jan, I wouldn't be surprised if this was an ambush...'' she looked to the knight firmly ''Let me go first, I'll scout it out if it's safe. You two stay safe at all cost, alright?''

Rikke insists to scout out the ruins. If nothing is found the trio would pick a spot outside of the ruins, watching for any movement around it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke did a quick sweep of the town before returning to the group. Everything seemed to be in order the desolate town remaining empty. Out side however stood Yenna alone. She was dressed once more in armor with her blade at her hip. The fallen angel simply waited for Rikke to approach a small package next to her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet, if she makes any sudden moves or even if anything moves around her. Be there. Alright?" Rikke looked to her knight firmly and after receiving an acknowledgement would proceed from their spot and towards the fallen angel. Making sure to keep her eyes just as much on Yenna as she did on the surroundings.

"I see you found your way back." the rogue smirked teasingly at the angel from a safe distance ''Put it down and step back.'' still keeping out of lunging distance and making sure Janet had time to move up as well Rikke would approach the small box.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna stepped back before winking to Sam and making a kissy face. Approaching the package Yenna looked at Rikke and waited her eyes cold. It was fairly light and upon opening Rikke found a shinning silver mirror. It was worth a pretty penny for sure but not nearly enough to prove good will. After all Rikke did the bribing not the other way around. Looking up to address Yenna Rikke suddenly caught her reflection though it wasn't hers it was Jessica's.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She didn't trust this. Not one bit. Of all the creatures in this tower Yenna was most certainly one of the more dangerous ones. If only for her unpredictable and crazy nature. Still catching the relection in the mirror the rogue couldn't help, but very briefly drop her guard.

"Wha'?'' Rikke blinked and looked to the mirror once more "Jess?" the rogue blinked at the reflection looking to it in disbelief "Jessica, is that you?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The mirror panned out as Jess stepped away revealing a room full of pillows very similar to the dream she had with Jess a few nights earlier. "Its a live view of Jessica. Its to show you she is safe and unharmed. If your timming is right one of the sisters should be explaining it to her right now." Looking back to the mirror it took a moment for Rikke to see a Golden haired succubus move to the mirror and wink at Rikke before chanting a few words. After a moment the golden haired succubus got up revaling Jess waiting behind her. Running to the mirror a hand touched it and carressed a spot where Rikke's reflection would have been on Jess's side. "Satisfied? The Mistriss wanted to let you know the spell can be strengthened to speak with each other but... there will be terms."